I-v., j THE .PERQUIMANS WEEKLY,. :,Iir;"T"''RD, N. C, mAY, JAXUAI.Y ic.,mi8' OcpCmmkI Ends Of Pasquel Annunziata The marriage of Hiss Marion Cope , hod, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . Cfarle . Crackus Copeland of , Tyner, and Pasquel Anthony Annunziata, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Annunxiata of , Norfolk, took place October 29, at 10 Church. The double ring ceremony was performed by the ' Revi. F. J. , JUemmer and the Rev. Joseph Bren nan on, the altar, , s,'.: -i i ..." 1 v The church was ' decorated with palms; white gladioli and 1 cathedral , candles. Mrs. C. R. Davies played the wedding music with Miss Ann Marie Sullivan singing "Mother at Your Feet I Am Kneeling," 'Ave Maria," "O Lord I Am Not Worthy" and "Panis Angelicus," -V Given in marriage by her .father, the bride wore a powder blue repe dress fashioned with a self looped neckline and around the Upline, flared skirt and mut sleeves. Her matching powder blue hat was trimmed with blue veiling . ; and natural feathers. She carried a white prayer book show ered with brown orchids. Miss Ida Margaret Copeland, sister of ; the bride of Edenton was maid of honor and only attendant, She wore a pink crepe drees trimmed with matching lace, black accessories and carried i colonial nosegay of pastel flowers. Samuel Annunziata was his broth er's best man. The ushers were Al De Casi and John Boyland. The bride's mother wore , a dark violet crepe dress with black acces sories and a corsage of lavender or- hBER-Amtrkis Bavrsf Modtrtthm ds Do Good Friends- SELF-REGULATION WEARS WELL! Eight years should provide a good test and' the North Carolina brewing industry's Self Regulation program is now that old. Today, it stands stronger than ever. Good friends always "wear well" and Self Regulation has proved itself a good friend to the public, the law-enforcement agencies, and those in the beer business. Briefly, Self-Regulation is the system where by the brewing industry makes sustained effort to see mat places selling eer are clean, wholesome and law-abiding. Your patronage of beer retailers living up to these high operating standards is our strongest support. , . : NORTH CAROLINA CCSEUTTEE UNTIED STATES ESEWEXS FOUNDATION SAM M. BLOUNT. Shit Dinttt mim m (07 hMfMCT WaiMrt. tttmjk. Not Cuolin ?fw?-- fWrry rmrr -x NOTICE Beginning January first, all Tax Listers of Perquimans County, North Carolina, will sit at the following places and on the dates men tioned below for the purpose of listing your PROPERTY TAXES for the year 1948. List In January and Save the Penalty Belvidere Township CARROLL V. WARD, List Taker January 10, 17, 24, 31 1 The late E. L. Chappell's Store January 15 R. M. Baker's Store, Nicanor January 22 R. R. White's Store, Nicanor January 28 Willie Winslow's Store, Belvidere Hours from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. . All Other Days During January at Home Bethel Township ROY S. CHAPPELL, List Taker January 3, 10, 17, 24, 30, 31. January 7, 14, 21, 2 January i All Other Days In January at Home Hertford Township . J. C. Hobbs' Store C. Hobbs' Store at Night .Court House in Hertford JOHN O. WHITE, list Taker ' January 3, 10, 17. January January -At Court Hense in Hertford 10, 17 . -At Court House in Hertford 17 through 31 .,, At Court House in Hertford All Other Days In January at Home New Hope Township SETH LONG, List Taker M 1 January January January I January 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 14 .. 28. Jackson's Store, New Hope . -Kart Knsseil s store 21.. Perry's Store at Woodville J. B. Webb's Store, Durants Neck All Other Days During January at Home Parkville Township ' RAYMOND STANTON, LUt. Taker January 10; 17. January z4 January 3, 10, 17, 24 through 31- At Chapanoke Jackson's Store -At Winfall All Other Days In January 'at Home Each farmer, owner or his" agent, must come forward to report the acreage of each crop' to be harvested, or has been harvested, on his own, or his tenant's farm of the year 1947, also the number of acres to be cultivated, lying out, number of bearing fruit trees, and tons of fertilizer used for all crops. . ' prepare "your lists now, and save time in listing, also avoid PEN ALTY for being delinquent after January 81st, 1948. This is required by the State Law. See Chapter 310, H..B. 45, Public Laws of ..North Carolina, Session J939. , ' , f-J. W. WARD, Tax Supervisor , ? , . perquimans counts', n. cA ' ' ; ' ehids. The bridegroom's mother wore a black crepe dress with matching ac cessories and a corsage of lavender orchids. .'V'-f:''-' -Hv'" A reception at the home of the bridegroom's parents, 236 Ainsworth Street,' Norfolk, - followed . the cere mony. Upon their - return from a northern wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Annunziata aire making their home in Norfolk. " ;. The bride traveled in a green suit with brown accessories mink furs and a corsage of brown orchids. , The bride is a graduate of Chowan High School, She also ifra registered nurse of the DePaul Hospital, Nor folk. Mr. Annunziata served in the Navy and at present is a machinist specialist i The out-of-town guests numbered twenty-five. BELVIDERE NEWS Miss Olive La yd en spent several days recently with her brother, E. J. Layden and family of Elisabeth City. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Ferrell and son Nelson of Newport News left Friday after a week's visit with Mrs. Hettie Lamb. .' Charles Brown of Philadelphia vis ited Miss Margaret S. White a few days last week. Mrs. A. D. Weston returned home' Thursday after two weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Weston of Portsmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie G. Chappell and family spent the Christmas holi days at Miami, Florida, and with relatives at Wilmington, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Winslow, Miss Cassie Winslow, Miss Carolyn Hurdle and Miss Willie Mae Chappell attend ed the closing session of the Friends Regional Conference at . Somerton Church near Holland, Va., Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Young and children, Harmon, Jr., and Bobby and Mrs. Martha Young' of -Hertford, Mrs. Joanna Richardson of Orlando, Florida, and Miss Olive Layden were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Copeland New Year's day. ..: D. Virgil Pike of High Point? and Isaac Harris of Greensboro were re cent' visitors among friends in the community. ,.i Mr. and Mrs. Estes Copeland and family of Sunbury were visitors in the noma or Jars. a. r. white Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs, John Lipscomb of Richmond visited Mrs. Hettie Lamb during the Christmas , holidays. : J. M. Elliott of' Edenton was a visi tor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L J. Winslow New Year's day. , " CHAPANOKE NEW Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pierce spent Sunday at Winfall with Mr. and Mrs Arthur Pierge.' ' " Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Stalling and son Ronnie and Miss Lena Symons were goests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Branche of Portsmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Thompson of Elizabeth City spent the New Year's holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Yeates. - V ? i Harold Nixon of Elizabeth City spnt Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Nixon. Mrs. J. C. Wilson vas in Elizabeth City Monday afternoon. Mrs. J. H. Symons has been' sick for the past week, but is somewhat improved. Calvin, and Curtis Wilson left Sun day for Greenville to resume their studies at ECTC after spending the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Quincy visited friends in Elizabeth City Sunday evening. Mrs. George Jackson has been on CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness shown and words of sym pathy spoken during the death of Alonza Overton. .Especially are we grateful for the floral tokens and for automobiles loaned for the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Overton and Family. . the sick list this week. . v Mr. andMrs. Cary Quincy of Nor folk and Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Brewer of Elizabeth City spent New Year's noiusays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. U V. Quincy. , TURKEY DINNER - -; The members of Belvidere Home Demonstration Club entertained their husbands and a few other jrueste at a turkey dinner Wednesday evening, December 17, at. the Community HouseV1' The house, ' which was beautifully decorated with evergreens and : a lighted Christmas tree, rave the at. 'biosphere of holiday event Miss Frances Maness had charjre of the recreation. Interesting games and contests were enjoyed, with I. C. Ya- gel, Mrs. Fernando Chappell and B. W. Copeland winning prizes. Forty-eight members .and guests enjoyed the evening. : l--'--r-r'- ENTERTAIN AT DINNER PARTY Mr. arid Mrs. Tom Ccx were hosts' at a dinner party Sunday evening at their home. The heme was decorated with holly and pine and lighted candles throughout the dink ; Those present were Mr. and 1L. j. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Gregory, . and Mrs. Jim Bss, Mr. and I'n. i T. Lane, Jhiur. and Mrs. C": Eley and Charles FJey, Mr, ani Willie Ainsley, Mr. and Mrs. J. lett and sons, Mt. and Mrs. T. W. ley, Mrs. H. C. Hoskins, Mrs. Nel, Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Vanty NEW HOPE NEWf Mr. and Mrs. Dee Banks hadv dinner guests on ' Sunday Mr. M Mrs.tLonn,ie Boyce of Edenton an Faye, Mr. and Mr Roy Pritchard Weeksvill and three children, Kau, erine, Vida Roy and Linda, Mr. an) Mrs. W. W. Spencer, Mr. and Mri Elmer Banks, Mrs. Sue Banks an Mrsl Arnold Barclift has returned to Elizabeth City after visiting relet tives and friends at New Hope th past week. .':::'.? Aa BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reed of Coving ton, Va., announce the birth of i daughter, Elizabeth . Lindsay, bod December 24th. Mrs. Reed before hei marriage was Miss Prue Newby. Mtfrtt 1 1t t tit tftit ft 11 tit 9 ' - .. .. - .,.r,. . i . HOG KILLING SUPPLIES i. It's hog killing time again, and we are well supplied with items you will need to preserve your meats. We suggest you check these items for your needs .... jt. PIG SCRAPERS - BUTCHER KNIVES f TUBS PAILS MEAT PUMPS I SAUSAGE SEASONING TENDER QUICK LIQUID SMOKE ANTI-SKIPPER COMPOUND Use care in butchering to prevent loss of your meats. Seejus for the best supplies., and be ready to prepare your meat for safe keeping. HERTFORD HARDWARE! SUPPLY CO. I "TRADE HERE AND BANK THE DIFFERENCE". HERTFORD, N. C. ' v ' STATEMENT OF CONDITION Hertford Building &nd Loan Association Of Hertford, N. C,as of December 31st, 1947. , (Copy of Sworn Statement Submitted to the Commissioner of Insurance '(''" as Required by Law) , " ASSETS " The Association Owns: "" Cash on hand and in banks .- '. . 4,481.93 State of North Carolina and U. S. Government Bonds 29,000.00, Stock in Federal Home Loan Bank . '. '. None s I Mortgage Loans -- : . JL 43,188.32 Money loaned to shareholders for the purpose of enabling them to own their homes. Each loan secured by first mortgage on " . . local improved real estate. Share Loans : , 4,818.55 Advances made to 'our shareholders against their shares. No - . loan exceeds 90 of amount actually paid in. . Advances for Insurance, Taxes, etc. '. ', None Office Furniture and Fixtures None Office Building - : None Real Estate Sold Under Contract . - None Other Assets . - ; 625.80 TOTAL LIABILITIES The Association Owes: To Shareholders Funds entrusted to our care in the form of paymenta on snares as loiiows: .$82,114.60 Installment Shares Full-Paid Shares .357,892.50 . 6,600.00 Notes Payable, Federal Home Loan Bank . Motes Payable, Uther 464,492.6,0 9,000.00 SEE tJS FOR New and Used Cars WE HAVE ALL MAKES AND MODELS Fords Clievrolets Plymouths - Duicks Our stock of used cars are all late models . . , with low V , mileage . no junkets. Drive one mile out and save - money. , . "ta WJU1 VMTOI t- 1 r Tl r ., t Money borrowed for use in making loans to members, or retiring' matured shares. Each note approved by at least two-thirds of entire Board of Directors as required by law. Loans in Process . ; . ' 94.51 Undivided Profite ... 5,810.94 Earnings held in trust for distribution to share-holders at -maturity of their shares. Reserve for Contingencies . . ; 2,700.00 ro be used lor the payment of any losses, if sustained. ' This reserve increases the safety and strength of the Association. . ,,r Other Liabilities , ., i. . IB.6r .: $82,114.60 88 : , TOTAL State of North Carolina, County of Perquimans Max R. Campbell, Secretary-Treasurer of the above named Association, personally appeared before me this day, and being duly sworn, says that the foregoing statement is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. , , MAX R. CAMPBELL, Secretary-Treasurer. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 13th day of January, 1948. f&wnnr,-u SUPer0r CdUlt. REPORT OF CONDITION OF HERTFORD BANKING COMPANY - ' - Of Hertford, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business on December 31, 1947. - , !: .": ASSETS r r ::Smf" 2. 3. 4. 6. A 8. 11. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balances, ? and cash items in process of collection -.$ 736,91 7.r u. b. Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 1,024,800.1 Obligations of Stater and political subdivisions. Uther bonds, notes and debentures Loans and discounts Bank premises owned, $6,899.02; furniture and fixtures, ?o,iou.8b ; !. Real estate owned other than bank premises . , Other assets z... 354,967.1 '"-69,000.00 414,923.74 J2,059.88 5,959.1. 12. TOTAL ASSETS $2,613,729.' r." UABIUTIES . --' -v. 13. Demand deposits of individuals, - partnerships and cor- - v ; porations . .- , , , J.--i-J$l,596,6r 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnership and corporations . 777,8V 15. Deposits of United States Government (including .postal ; ' , savings) ; 15,7' 16. Deposits of States and political subdivisions '. , 43,7'. 18. Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc) . ; 6,4". 19. TOTAL DEPOSITS LL- $2,440,646.28 . 23. Qther liabilities i.J 4,7 24. TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated bliga- woiib snown Dtuowj -.,.-,,,,- 8)MD CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 25. Capital 26. Surplus $ -48.0C : s- , 75,C .,.,,;, -. , : - - ' 13 28. Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital)..: , '8 27. Undivided profits 2d. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS- -$ it: HERTFORD IIOTOR C0:.:?ilIIY CIIAIILES TJMPHLETT, Manager PHONfiaW y'"''.. i-;,''V',-i:. ;u r--'" ,,' hi--' -'!'f:-: rTT' ' ; , ' .- One Mile South pf Hertford on Route 17 80. ' TOTAL JJABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS- l.$2,613,7::.' This bank's capital consists of: First preferred stock with total par ' of $23,000.00, total retirable value, $23,000.00; common stock with totU 1 value of $25,000.00, 1' MEMORANDA ;, 'i 81. Assets pledged or assigned to ocur, liabilities and for ; U 4 other purposes J.$ 80,r 32. Obligations subordinated to claims of depositors and other creditors, not included in liabilities ' Nor 3 ' I, R. M. Riddick, Jr., President of the above-named bank, do So? swear that the above statement is true, and that it fully and correct! ' resents the true state of the Beveral matters herein contained and-set to the best of my knowledge and belief. : - , ' Correct Attest: ' . J. V7. WARD,.' ' - .., ; " CIIAS. E. JOHNSON, ' . , ' 1 TP TtRtNN 1 ' R. M, RIDDICK, JF. - ( r r - T. P. BRINN, .''. -'r'-i -i-'i '.'! :''"r:v?4''M?ii;Ul-h';'- VAi-i'.!, -v'ifVv.' Sute of North Carolina, r ' , - County of Perquimans. ,,('' . Sworn to rJ subscribed T)t -9 me th's day J" hereby certify t..at I am-?ot an c ;r or c.ector of t.. a . (Seal) v , L. C. WINSLOT., ! ' Ky cc-'- ' 'ir' j C." - 11, !" IT ir.JUZ.VKC . t Directors. 'ry, r !k. ry I'ublic.

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