r i ... . WJ Volume XV. Number 13. Herttord, Perquimans County, N,orth Carolina, F riday, March 26, 1948. Eijlit Students Entered In Spacing Contest liaxtTues. Contest Being Sponsor J ed By State Bankers' Association . Eight students of Perquimans High . School will compete for honorsin a speaking contest being sponsored by the North Carolina Soil Conservation Service and State Bankers' Associa tion at the V local - high school riext : Tuesday night at eight o'clock, it was announced today by. E. C. Woodard, principal of the school,: The students ' entered . fit the contest are ; Horace Layden, Wade, Jordan,- Pat Phillips, - Clarkson White, Edward Lane, Dolan Winslow,. Betty Ruth Chappell and Marjorie Perry. . " i ' The local, contest will determine the - county winner, who in turn will com pete later with Other county winners toward winning' State prices to be awarded by the' Bankers' Association. - Four prizes, contributed by local Jbusiriess firms, will be awarded the , first four winners of the local con test. First prize of $25 is being of ' " . f ered by J. CBlanchard & Company, ' second prize of $20 is offered by Ma-jor-Loomis, third prize of $15 is of- fered by. Southern Cotton Oil Com pany and fourth' ?rize of $10 is offer d by Reed Oil 'Company.- ; , The State wiriner will receive $400 ''in savings bonds and an all-expense ' trip for' himself " or herself and the . coach to the 52nd annual convention 7 of - the Bankers' Association The State' second and third prize Winners will receive $100 anfl $50, respective ly, in saving bonds. According to the present schedule, group elimination contests will be staged the week of April 5-9 and the final contest frill be ; held in Raleigh April 16. j . The contest at the local school will be staged under the auspices of the Strengthens , Crippled Hands 9 .. To iron doll clothes is glorious fun for this youngster. She has learned to grasp the handle with "her crippled hand ' and push the iron back and forth. She doesn't . know she is gaining more control with every movement, but the therapist does. Her future skills depend on-special training n ade possible through the purchase of Easter Seals. Have you bought yours? $1.50 Per Year. Lack Of Facilities Hamper Lunch Room Program At Schools Spokesman Points Out Additional Needs For Better Rate Defendant (liven Road Sentence For Resisting Officer Recorder's Court Has Heavy Docket Here During Past Week Resisting officers in Perquimans County can prove to be a mighty serious situation as was discovered in Recorder's Court here this week by Percy Ray White, who was charged with being drunk on the highways and resisting on officer attempting to place the defendant in jail. Judge Charles E. Johnson sentenced White lunchrooms from meeting all of the to the roads for six months, after requirements of the Health Depart White has entered a plea of guilty ment for a 100 per cent 'rating, and to the charge. The sentence was or- added that under existing conditions dered suspended upon payment of a he deemed that the schools were doing fine of $100 and court costs. la good job in serving meals to the Traffic violators continued to make students. For the 'sake of keeping the reeord straight and in order that both sides of the situation could be explained, a A New Angle A new angle", has developed in sqawks. Residents in this part of the State have generally become acquainted with the fact that some motoring tourists using North Carolina high ways for race tracks and in many cases being caught by a -member of the Highway Patrol and duly fined, have been making complaints about law enforcement in' our State in re gard to the speed limit. ' The complaint to end all com plaints, we believe, however, was j i i (-i j 1 1- . -ti i. r flnAamon amj maae last -oaturaay in. me iei ui Schools replying to a sanitary rating report on local school lunchrooms pub lished last week pointed out that lack of certain facilities .prevented the guilty of speeding and want to settle the matter right now." As he was paying his fine, he remarked that he wanted the clerk, W. H. Pitt, to re duce the amount of the fine by the cost of 15 gallons of gasoline, which up a heavy docket for the court. This reporter was invited and visit- car the night before when it was Morgan Rudzinski, Max Rubenstein, ! ed one of the lunchrooms during a ?arked bv a hotel in Washington. Stefano Spinella, J. White, h. T. i lunch period this week. He noted as, wP ,mtP'nl0A tw th Stato nf North reported oy tne neaitn department Carolina should be responsible Saiutarian, that the personnel was sucn matters. Ho-hum! neat and doing a good job; however, i ! he was shown the lunohrooiii which had only a 42 seat capacity and was told that it would take between two and three hours to serve the student body if each student was served lunch Norfolk Baseball Team Opens Spring Training This Week 35 to 40 Players Expect ed to Report to Tars' Manager Baseball fever has hit Hertford. Some 35 to 4U recruits for the' Nor folk Tars Baseball Club began as sembling in Hertford early this week preparing to report for the first spring training workout under Man ager Earl Bolyard, which was held on court hearing, he replied," "No, I am memorial neid ihursday. About hve weens ui intensive practice is scnea- s orhce. A motorist naa just been cited to court for speeding at 70 miles per, hour, and when asked if he desired to post bond and return for a High School Honor Roll Released By Local Principal Grupton, Jack Stein and Frank Gros key each paid a fine of $10 and costs on charges of speeding. Eric, Ewoe, William Bedell, William Heiman, Nicholas Argento, Albert George Edwin Bailey, John Noel, A. Y. Watson, Ben 'Kregor, Eldon Cooke, Addie Rose, Anthony Verkos and Dons Tiger entered pleas of , within (the lunchroom, and to meet guilty to speeding and paid fines of , this impossible problem the first five dollars and costs each. grade children ate in the room while N. D. Newberg and Joseph 'Pecor-'the remaining students were served ino paid fines of. $15 and costs for meals on plates and then returned to speeding and Herbert Nettles, charged class rooms where the food, which by with speeding paid a fine of $25 and the way it looked was well prepared costs. Joseph Butts, Negro, failed to ap pear to answer charges of driving without a license. He was ordered held on a bond of $100. Prominent Baptists Scheduled For BTU Convention Program uled for the Tars at Memorial Field this year, according to H. P. Dawson, president of the Norfolk Club, prior to the opening of the Tars regular season in Norfolk. The Tars spring schedule calls for a number of exhibition games to be played while the. team is training here at Hertford and these games for I will include contests with Bingham ton, which will train at Edenton under the direction of Buddy Hassett, man ager of the Tars last season; Man chester, which will train at Windsor and Blackstone of the newly formed Virginia League. A game between Newark and the Tars will be played in Norfolk during the Spring Train ing period. In addition to the players signed for the Tars, Mr. Daw-sun has an nounced that recruits for the Black stone team will also work out here during the training . period. The A total of forty students of Per- nnimona Hio-h finhnur won scholastic rerquimans aoii conservation aervice honors during the fourth marking and the public is invited to attend. this ne 4 . Hurdle Rites Held .period and were listed on the school's honor roll at the close of the period . j,or,j ;.!,;,, . m;t last Friday, it waa announced today! Po . r , ,a oH 9s -l Tl II A 1 1 irnfA ; I hv E. C. I Woodard. nrincinal. The I "jV " " . " ' 11th erade led All other classes with fL .., ;ia ineuiui;r..uBMnxi.vv. place on tne roiiwote: Eighth Grade Pauline Burbage; Ann Mon-ill Amv Van Roach. Tommy America . will .. continue a milifcrv Sumner, Marguerite Butler, Marvina policy in occupied Germany, despite -White, Ben Miller,. Billie Skinner, an attempt made this week by Russia Ninth Grade Harold Colson Tracy to freeze out the United States, Bri- Kirby, Mary Sue Cook, Ethel Frances tain and FrencJi forces by' boycotting Elliott, Catherine Goodwin, Calyin Allied-coritrol meetings. President Butt m j il:. 1. il.i n l , TantV ClraAa Fava Rap Svmons. inimut (muni wis wen uwb uoucnu - j - - f . j i,4. w w,i j p jtj...... wr o ui. v Tnmin shirW Rutt. Ella her daughter, Mrs. Maryland Boyce SXkinWthr of being replaced by . ciViUan ..MFeny. n .fZltTl Hurdle, she rBr' ' - V ' Eleventh Grade Daly Rountree, was the claughter of the late Sudie . t L. , l Lj:-.- mfrmi White. Jovcb -Butt. Pearl i Mathews nd Richard Russell and a . nvpviwt xviii , aciiiug MiwMko v.w ' - ' - that th. TTaim. will iwm th SenntVa Hunter Marie Rountree, Thelma North Carolina Baptist Training ana .wnoiesome, was consumed in an union -oecreiary, Harvey r. umson, Blackstone club will have a working orderly and satisfactory manner. has announced that the State Training agreement with the Yankee system As the children in each room finish- Union Department will be represent- during the coming season. ed eating groups in each room, ap- ed by Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Newton, who Memorial Field was being given a nointed hefors the lunch DerioH. col-1 will also appear on the .program at fa,...Hfti Otis Jones-was taxed with the costs, lected the em,pty plateg and nlik the annual Regional Training Union :for the Tars training schedule. The of court for fishing without a license, bottles and returned them to the Convention in the Edenton Baptist Norfolk Club management sent two yv. n. vYinsiuw eniereu yn vi lunchroom for washing and disposal, nurcn on April y-w. nien here to oversee the work of pre- mit and paid a fine of $50 and costs of court. Robert'Holley, Negro, was fined $50 and costs, after pleading guilty to rub- ivir. mewton win aaaress tne con-, paring tne neid tor the practice ses jvention during the Saturday morning i sions. Large numbers of local diamond Monday Afternoon Mrs. Sarah Russell Hurdle, 61, na tiva and life long resident of Per quimans County, died at the home of W1V Wy X" -,. bill for tax reduction, and Congress White, Mary Lou Butt, Pat Morris, ' is expected to over-ride presidential Tim Perry, James Bobbins, Emily veto.. . Congress is considering the Skinner, Dolan Winslow, Lelia Lee . 'Knrniwin nvnvirv tilin mM)un. Winslow. nasxed bv th iSenate. and is exnected T Twelfth Grade LaurastincBrittoiyl ' to vot on the biltpon. Congres- Doris Butt, Peggy Cook, Leon Lane, ! sional , committees are considering. Reginald Tucker. wT . President' TrumanV recommendations1 i Pat Morris and Pearl Hunter, both for resioration of the draft law and members of the 11th grade, with aver untversal training-Reports state the . age grades of 98 for the period, which rnmmittAM am talcin -tand of de- was the highest of the entire student siring additional advicei on the serf-.body, were awarded ?rjzes, given, by ousness of world affairs before tak ... ing action, -' 'v'v . - x"r,, United isteirifain- and France proposed': a revision of the Italian peace. , treaty last week which would restore' Trieste to Italy. By the terms of the treaty, Trieste, is to become a free territory under UN Jurisdiction. y. The moya waa seen as an act by the Western Allies to stop Communistic , gaini within 'Italy,! s Yugoslavia, I church next Sunday .according to the ' which laid claims to the territory fol- wgy Dwight L. Fouls, .pastor, who lowing the collapse of Italy during gtated1 that a group o Children and . the, war, countered the Allied propo- youtjj he received into the mem r. sal thia week by announcing it would hrahin at the 11 o'clock worship and agree to the proposal providing Italy fw nMtal music by the choir is would grant Yugoslavia the city of, kpinir arransed for the morning ser- j Gorizia, , . ' " ' Ibices. The sermon will fee . on the .T.j.-x ' L" '. . ' thme. , Whv I Believe in Eternal rresiaeut xruinau uus weea in- ; ', v . :;l-, Easter Released By Pastor Special Easter services will be con-? Ann. - at the Hertford. Methodist member of Pleasant Grove Methodist Church. Besides Mrs. Boyce, she is survived by two other daughters, Mrs. Willie Pierce of Elizabeth City, Route 2, and Mrs. ; Irving fitallings -ef Eliza beth City; five sons, Willard Hurdle, Fenton Hurdle and Mather Hurdle of Hertford,, Route 2, Robert Hurdle of Elizabeth City, Route 2, and Rothie Hurdle of Elizabeth City; one broth er, Richard Russell of Elizabeth City, Route 2; one half-brother, Lee Umph- lett of Hickory, Va.: one sister, Mrs. T, J. Jackson of Edenton, 17 grand children and several nieces nephews' : Funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon from the residence of her V daughter, . Mrs. Maryland Boyce, Hertford, Route 2, with the Rev,' L. igsbee Miller, pastor of the Pearl Street Assembly Church, offici ating. Burial was in the family plot at Hurdletown. No trace of waste food or other bish was noted on the floors. Lack of sufficient space, the spokes- session on the subject "Training N. C. fans are expected to be seen almost man also pointed out, made it impos-' Baptists to Follow Christ." All those daily now out at Memorial Field sible for the school officials to comply , interested in the training program of i watching the Tars go through their with the Health Department rules in, the church will look forward to hear- paces. regards to storage of foodstuffs. This ing Mr. Newton During the stay in Hertford the reporter noted that food stuff was In representing the State Depart-: Tars players will make their head purchased in large quantities and that ; ment, Mr. and M.rs. Newton will pro-! quarters at the Hotel Hertford. scheduled for immediate usewas stor-! ject on the screen scenes in color in- I bMcescribiid .by . .thejtiis; . How- troducing to the public the two new ever, unpacked canned goods were Baptist - owned summer ' assembly stored in several parts of the building grounds Fruitland Institute, at Hen still in original packages and cartons dersonville in the west and Camp because of insufficient space within Davis at Wilmington in the east, the lunchroom itself. The varied program of inspiring ad Complete compliance with all dresses, informing conferences, help Health Department rules, the spokes- ful panel discussions, uplifting vocal man, who desired to remain unnamed, and instrumental music and interest- i ' j i 1 , 1 1 1 i ; j . i ; :J . 1 conunueu couio. not oe accompiisneu mg uemonstrauons is rap.uiy snaping died unexpectedly last Saturday morn- with the limited facilities and he add- up and promises to be both interest- imj at a Norfolk hospital after a ed that as the Health Department ing and helpful. ' 'short illness. He had been moved Sanitarian had recommended, new Each Training Union throughout from his home' to the hospital on Fri- lunchrooms were needed if funds were the Chowan and West Chowan Asso- day t0 undergo a general check-up aviuiaiuie lor mammf me prujecui ciations Will De represented DV dele- nnH naoopH awov Wnrinir tho niht gates and all other members, pastors, A son of the late Trim and Cor- directors, leaders, workers and all in- nelia Harrell. he was 71 vears of are terested in the training program of at the time of death. the church are urged to attend every i Survivors include the widow.' Mrs. session possible for instruction and Joyce Brittain. Harrell; one son, fellowship. Charles M. Harrell, Jr., of Newport The public is cordially invited to . News, Va.; one daughter, Mrs.'W. A. attend tne iour sessions oi mis con-,urey or Williamsburg. Va.: one vention Harrell Funeral Conducted Monday Charles M. Harrell, prominent resi dent and business man of Hertford, possible. Easter Seal Sales Extended One Week The annual sale of Easter Seals, conducted each year to raise funds for the ICrippled , Children's League, will be extended. by one week, ac cording to an "announcement made Wednesday by C. Edgar White, sup anj erintendent of the Perquimans Wel fare Department. The extension or the local drive, it was pointed out, was decided upon due to a late start of the local campaign. Easter Seals have been mailed out to the; business and professional men and women of Hertford and county school children have also received supplies of the seals and will solicit sales ' on a house-to-house canvass. There will be no canvass this year on the part of adult solicitors the local committee , announced. The business Contributions toward the Perquim-, eated to Bend in contributions ans County annual , Kea uross immi t.i,h t inoinno nnrf indivi- . a 4 4 rrn AT.: i wia.u wv.r,w w. Superior Court To Convene April 12 Red Cross Roll Call Fund Reaches $1,179 brother, Will Harrell, and one, sister, Mrs. E. E. Chapman of Norfolk. Funeral services were conducted at the Lynch Funeral Home Monday morning at 11 o'clock by the Rev. D. L. Fouts, pastor of the Hertford Methodist Church. Mrs. Ruth' Sum ner, Miss Peggy Felton and Miss Ruth Tucker, accompanied at the or- The April term of Perquimans!" Mj Kate BlanchanJ, sang Superior Court will convene here Monday April 12, according to Clerk of Court W. H. Pitt, who announced Wednesday that at the present time The Old Rugged Cross.' Pallbearers were Vivian Mathews, Ray White, Robert Brinn, Cecil Wins low, Charles Murray, Sr., Durwood total of 19 cases "are listed on the! 2T1' ?Pe rbee Yoked the Taft-Hartley law. to bring . about an end ox the ten-day soft coal " strike,- which was called by John L. Lewis as a step toward gaining pen sions for miners 60 years old or tnortr -. The President established a three-man fact finding board, which is the first step under the 'law to ward obtaining a .court injunction baiting ths strike... . - , VFV Club To field Dance Saturday Niht Members of the VFW Club will bold On Easter -Sunday evening ? a jaireant. The Way of the Cross, will be presented under the direction of Mrs. B. G. Jtoonce. tne evening ser vice will begin at eight o'clock. The public is cordially invited to attend. Triangle Debates At : Local School April 2 ; Perquimans .High School debaters will participate in the annual debat irnr contests with Edenton .and Eliza-. .beth City on Friday, April . 2, E. C, a publicdancer "at their club rooms Woodard, principal of the school, n- Caturdsy night beginning at nine nounced today, o'clodi, the comn tl.e -dnce ar.rou ' Xr.e r ::e in charge ox i toJ. r r ..jj tr tne vr w f rV il'jnJ-vr- M l t .1 r . .t The schedule for the "triangle de tat i calls for Perquimans teams to t""tt I Jenton at Elizabeth City and r - ' ih City at Edenton. Uenton i will 'meet Elisi'cth City The contest will t i"-d in i ol auditorium at 13 A. il. Call reached the total of $1,179 this week, according to Robert Hollowell,! chairman Of the locaV campaign. In reporting the total reached here, Mr. Hollowell' stated that the "drive was being continued through the entire month in order to give every repiaeni of the county an opportunity to join the Red Cross. " Information received by Herbert Nixort, chairman of the local chapter, requested that the drive be con tinued even though local goals have fvoon az-hrovwl San to the great need for funds by the American Red Crosse Reports show tnat nauonauy the campaign is lagging and the Red Cross hopes to attain its national goal through the generosity of Communi ties oversubscribing local quotas. Individuals who have not Joined tns through return envelopes duals are urged to support the drive by purchasing seals from the school children. , The local committee handling the drive this year is composed of Mrs. Robert Hollowell as chairman, Mrs. S. tP. Jeasup, treasurer, Mrs. W. L. Jessup and E. Edgar White. Rotary Club Changes . Time Oi Meetings t Members of the Hertford Rotary Club will meet at 12:3Q P. M. next Tuesday instead of the regular meet ing hour of 6:15.. The change-in the hour for the meeting was, voted to siist the Hotel Hertford, wmcn .will hi headquarters " for the 'Norfolk and Russell r, T L . 1 court calendar. Fourteen of these ","!enl was ln cases are slated as criminal hearings j emery' and five are civil actions The criminial docket lists two cases of breaking and entering; one man slaughter case, two drunken driving cases, two cases where defendants are charged with larceny, two hit and run. cases and one case of a defendant charged 'with issuing a worthless check. , Four of the flvecivil actions are complaints for divorce. ' Eastern Star To Install N,ew Officers vThe Hertford chapter of the Order of Eastern Star will meet at its lodge rooms'' next Monday night at 8 o'clock. New officers of the organiz ation for the coming year will be in stalled at this meeting and the offi cial, visit of the .District Deputy Grand Matron and Grand Patron will also be conducted. All members are urged to be present Red ?ross and who desire' to do so "Ull club for the nert mayee o send; their contributions he el S will meet at its regular to Mr. KollowelL iThe loci d-ive to " n Tuesday, April 6, but will T- 91 in told ft.JLn fry at tne jown piant m- beinar extended through order that all who desir Wet -'pe local f contri-i etead of the regular meeting at the .hotel. ; X u, r; -.. -.;.'-r-i i..v.-..f-, BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT . Mr. and Mrs $. E. Bush of Ports mouth announce the birth of a eon, born Friday, March 19th. Mrs. Bush before her marriage was Miss Vir ginia Fowler. ' - 1 Warden Gives Data On Fishing License Eldon Winslow, Perquimans Coun ty Game Warden, today announced that fishing licenses may be obtained from any of the following places in the county: Willie . Winslow, Belvi- dere; Fred's Place, Winfall; Hazel Jackson, New Hope; Phillips" store, Bethel, and W. T. Elliott, Hertford. He pointed out that license to fish are needed by any person desiring to fish with artificial baits and by all son- residents of the county for fishing of any type. ' . 1 Mr. Winslow announced that per mits are now available to fishermen seeking license to set out gill nets in inland water for the purpose of tak ing shad and herring. - These permits are obtainable only from Mr. Wins-: low. ; , ' BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. 'Reginald Jones of Winfall announce the birth of Son, born Saturday, March 2Q, '

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