PAGE SDC' THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, ESSlfOSD, N. ft, FRIDAY. APRIL 1 I THE Perquimans Weekly Entered as second class matter November 15, 1934, at Post Office at Hertford, North Carolina un der the Act of March, 187fc ? v .. Pabliahed every Friday bv the Perquimans Weekly, a company of Hertford, N. C ., MAX CAMPBELL, .Editor sHanti Carolina vs j XJaXSS ASMCIATKMSV 'SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year- LS0 Cards of thanks, obituaries, resolutions of respect, etc, will be charged for at regular advertising rates. . ::-:Wf,-'--- Advertising rates furnished by request . ' ; ; ..V - FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1948, County Stu&nts AtAnnudlLS. Day Students of Perquimans Training School at Winfall were guests at the annual High School Day held at Eliza beth City State Teachers College on April 8. The morning session began with tests in subject matter with stu dents from all over Eastern North Carolina competing against each other. Among those participating in this division the following students from Perquimans Training School were winners of individual awards : James Turner, first place, Agricul ture; Shirley Wiggins, tied, for. second place, General Science;. Sarah Wig gins, second place, Biology; Winnie Jones, third place, Current Events. The teams, consisting of three per sons each, captured these honors: General Science, first place; Agricul ture, second place; American History, third place; Biology, third place, and Current Events, third place. The second session was a musical one with solos, trios, quartets and choruses from several high schools. Perquimans Training School made three entries. A critic judge judged this event '"The highlight of the day was the revival of the art of oratory at the oratorical and declamation contest held at night. Mary Elizabeth White, speaking on "Civil Rights," won first place in the oratorical section. Sadie Ellis won third place in the declama tion section with her very accurate and interesting account of "When My 'Lias Went to War" by Paul Law rence Dunbar. Both of these stu dents are from Perquimans Training School. SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY A surprise birthday party was giv en to Doward N. Jones by his mother Monday evening at their home. Games and contests were en joyed by all present. Many useful and lovely gifts were opened and ad mired. A large three-tier birthday cake was cut and served with ice cream, nuts and Easter candies. Those present were Margaret Borenizor Doris Byrum, Ramona Divers, Sybil Skinner, Ruth Haskett, Betty Jean Winslow, Eva Harris, Marion Davis, Mary Jane Riddick Charlie Skinner, Sidney Layden, Bobby Elliott,, Red Overton, Bob Layden, Allen Boven izer, Colon Butler, Bill iPegram, Tom my Jones, Mrs. J. T. Lane, Jr., and Mrs. Addie N. Jones. Those sending gifts were Ruth Tucker, Martha Le4 Tilley. Jarvis Ward, Broughton Dail and Thomas Perry. ; , NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Sarah Hurdle, deceased, -late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 7th day of April. 1949, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This 7th day, of April, '1948. F. R. HURDLE, Administrator of Mrs. Sarah Hurdle. Apr9,16,23,30May7,14 ;' SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the author ity vested in me as mortgagor in b certain mortgage deed given by Rich ard H. Guild on February 5, 1946, and recorded in M.' D. Book 24, page ( 283, Perquimans County Registry, and default having been made under the terms thereof, I will,' on the 8th da' of May, 1948, at the Court House 1. door n Hertford, N. C. offer for sal' for cash the following described real property, U'wit:y':rl:y.yy' vv. Lying and being in Parkvllle Town ship, Perquimans County, N C, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a point on the south side of U. S. High way 17 Where it intersects; the . Aid road from Elizabeth City to-Hertford and running thence a southerly course along said old road to the northern edge of lead ditch known, as the Martin lead ditch; thence easterly along the northern edge of said, lead , "tch about 900 feet to the first cross ditch; thence along said cross ditch a northerly course to U...S. Highway 17; thence westerly along said high way to the dace of beginning. Con taining 17 acres more or less and be ing a part of the land known as the Martin's Fork woodland. Dated and posted this 6th day of April, 1948. JOHN A. ELLIOTT, 'v ' Mortgagor. By W. H. Oakey, Jr., Attorney. - Apr9,16,23,30 lata' Mrs. Mary Wood McMullan. and competent" and signed by his Honor, being the dwelling house and wharf W. H. Pitt Clerk Superior Court; and NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND , BY COMMISSIONER UNDER ORDER OF COURT North Carolina, . Perauimans County. Under and by virtue of an order of the SuDerior Court ' of Perquimans County, made in the special proceed ings entitled, Edwin ti, McMullan vs. J. Roulhac JMcMuuan, et ai., tne un HoTsioTiwi Commissioner will on Mon day, the 10th day of May, 1948. at 11:30 o'clock A. M., at the Court House door in Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder lor casn at puo- lic auction that certain real property located, lying and being in the Town of Hertford, Hertford Township, Per quimans County, North Carolina, de scribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on Church Street in the Town of Hertford at a fence, the corner of George T. Pow ell's lot and the corner of the Mary Wood McMullan lot; thence along aid fence N. 41 degree E (as of the date of about February, 1897) to the Perquimans River, the said fence and line being the northerly boundary of the lot of George T. Powell an4 the lot of J. W. Ward, the property formerly owned by the late P. H. Small; thence with the various courses f the Perquimans River to Church Street; thence along the property line of Church Street to the begin ning; the same being the home place of the late W. T. McMullan and the CATARRH SUFFERERS MNB Cm 0t MHMtY DUI TO NASAL BBWSWTWW. Vrr.. ------ - ----- MS I at last ta tartan of sinus. . JLTwUsh kaa tfc aowar to nduce sawkktt ami umlnr aslsery " lhTatlarariacH. KLORONOL ' mMa. tals is aat an-rtil i to pawn par ROBERSON'S STORE MAIL ORDERS FILLED And Your Strength and Energy Is Below Par It may be earned by disorder of kid may function that permit poUonoui waste to accumulate. For trulv manv people (eel tired, weak and miserable when the kidneys (ail to remove excess acids and other waste matter from the blood. Yon may suffer naggfof backache, rheumatic pains, headaches, dizziness, fpttinc up nights, leg pains, swelling, otnetimes frequent ana scanty urina tion with smarting and burning is so other sign that something is wrong with the kidneys or bladder. There should be no doubt that prompt treatment is wiser than neglect. Use Doan'i Pill. It is better to rely on a medicine that has won countrywide sp- Erovsl than on something lss favorably nown. Doan's have been tried and tent ed many years. Are at all drug mores. Oet.ItoasV'foday. ; ,. .. ... TAYLOR THEATRE EDENTON, N. C. ' SHOWS CONTINUOUS EVERY iMf EXCEPT SUNDAY o Today (Thursday) and Friday, April 15-16 Jeanette MacDonald and , , Jose Iturbi in ) ' "THREE DARING DAUGHTERS" Filmed In Technicolor Saturday, April 17 Tim Holt in "UNDER THE TONTO RIM' Sunday, April 18 , Susan Hayward and Lee Bowman in "SMASH-UP" Monday and Tuesday, April 19-20 ' , Clark Gable and r, Vivien Leigh in . ' "GONE WITH THE WIND" , Matinee 2 P. M. Admission 20c and 40c ,Night 8 P. M. Admission 25 and 50c Wednesday, April 21 Double Feature ' 1 William Boyd in "THE MAURADERS" yp if'$.rr: :7 ;.'if ; 'f Jean Porter in ' : T "SWEET GENEVIEVE Coming April 22-23 ' , Tyrone Power In ' 'CAPTAIN FROM CASTILE" property referred to in, the division agreement, made the 8th day of Feb ruary, 1897, between T. G. Skinner and wife and W..T. McMullan and wue oi record m book, z, at page Z69, In the office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, which record scription; the said property Being the is hereby made a part of this de- house and lot now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Koonce, Sr. ' . c This the 5th day of April, 1948. , f JACK EDWARDS. ... Apr9,16,23,80 1 Commissioner. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION' Having qualified -as Executrix of the estate of C. M. Harrell, Sr. de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all parsons having claims - against the estate of ' said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C on or before the 23 day ef March 1949 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of theia recovery. All persons Indebted to. said, estate will please make immediate payment This 23 day of March, 1948. , r , JOYCE B. HARRELL, Executrix of C M. Harrell. Sr, Mar26pr2,1630 1 w . - , NOTICE OF RE-SALE i . Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court ; of .Perquimans County, made in a special proceeding therein pending entitled "J. D, Cran- ford, Guardian of N. R. Elliott, In- under and by virtue of an ordor of re sale upon an advance bid made by his Honor, W. H. Pitt, Clerk Superior Court, the undersigned commissioner will on the 19th day of April, 1948, at 11:30 o'clock A. M at the door -of the Court House in Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash- upon an opening bid . of Nine Thousand Four Hundred ' Fifty Dollars . ($8,450.00) but subject to the confirmation of the court, certain tracts or parcels of land lying and being in parkvllle Town ship, Perquimans County, .North, Caro lina, and more particularly described as iouows: FIRST ; TRACT: Beginning ; on road leading from . Winfall to Bern dere, at a bridge near t. A. Leigh's residence, thence S W ! chains, S 18 W 1 chain, S 47 W 12 chains to pine stump, thence S 50 E 7H chains to path at .two, pines, thence along path S SO W lVa chains, S, 55 W 5t chains, S 45 W S ft chains to pine stump at, sagieys uap, tnence so W 6 chains to center of swamp, thence down swamp S 80 W 14 chains' to Perquimans River, thence along Per quimans River to J essup's landing, thence 60 15 15 chains, a 60 E 4 chains to lane, . thence N 55 E 18 chains to road, thence 8 ,44 E 11 chains to beginning, containing 85.1 acres more or less. w SECOND TRACT: A cirtain piece of land conveyed to Exuri Elliott by ROBERT E. BR1NN, HERTFORD, N. C. 1 6 WOODLAND CIRCLE PHONE 2559 Representative For the " j. wifif dn fttiiw MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS PHONE 1119 ELIZABETH CITY.N. C 405 S. ROAD ST. . (!aO irseggeE (Bettat JeMsra m Ban Ceelat Only 14 Ue. Alt Hertford (Jil Co. . t 1 w L. Knowlea fcy deed recorded in 'heired a ore-tatf irrterest'ln above des Deed Book Ifl. mn S7 pHnnimtti, a4l,.l in J. j i.,.v-.J - . O . - vwawcu IMiUS S11IU UlVJiBCU WUO" County Registry, ; which - see for a half interest in above described lands Elliott, by deed recorded in Deed Book from: his brother,' Thomas Elliott, ana wue, Annie JrJlliott, ny deed re corded in Deed Book No. 14, page 25, 5, page 671, with exception of about 8 acres conveved tnR.Ii KnnwWhv deed recorded in Deed Book 66, page 54L The said N. R, : Elliott having more Complete description.'. The first tract ApacrlhaA khm,. Via fn!, Upr9,16v Pertnlimnna Pnnnttr 1?a-iafnr . Dated an4 posted this 2nd ay of April, 1948. , Is CHAS. E. JOHNSON, ' , ' Commissioner. ' : iXHJ-ITdD LASS We cut and install glass in all makes and models of automobiles and trucks. Bring us your car for installation of new glass. l X .2.1.' '-.'1 ' r ,.( 1 .1 , 1 Outdoor Ktif riiture FOR YOUR PORCI OR , LAWN A large selection of Gliders, Chairs, Stands, Swing's and ctfrsr items that will dress up your pprch or lawn for summer comfort.; v' '- ? -. VS.' "3 dsm 3 - SPECIAL 1 v A complete porch or lawn set ih MM ' ' ' mull1! - i s 1 vS-" II Chairs and F'ower Stand. See our display of Sumner- ' f -e out-doo- Furniture now at our store.' J ' .-.s. ' II0LLO17ELL CHEVROLET CC:,'?AfJY ': .f. ' ... '. ';.:vr;-.:'ti;!-!;'.':-!i Bargains for Builders Concrete Bfocks, 8x8x16, each. 24c Flat Wali Paintper gallon. . ...... ... ..$3.00 Mortar Cement, per bag 85c Hydrated Lime, per bag i. .65c Wool Insulation, per M ... .$60.00 Crushed Stone, on yard $4.00 Poultry Wire, 2"x4w, per roll $5.00 RED CEDAR - ' West Coast Shingles, per square. . . $16.00 Nails, 8d Cut, per lb.. ..........lie Aell Pipe, 24w Diameter, per ft $3.00 Flue Lining, 8x8, per f t. . . .45c 18-INCH DIAMETER Concrete Pipe, per f t.r . $1.90 VARIOUS COLORS Tile Board, per sheet. . .$5.50 5-V Aluminum Roofing, per square. . . .$10.50 Copper, in rolls, 14" wide, lb.,- .40c Grade A Bricks, on yard, per Jil. .... . J$30.00 Barbed Wire, 4 ft, per roll. . I.$7.50 Dunstan Supply Co. NEXT DOOR TO COTTON MILLS , ELIZABETH CITY, . C i i; . iif" v -'- f.!.;w ill IN . . - . I M ok- ... . , . .... ... . A CLEfin DniUE , cimLicttfYAtmi i3 ,fH"-s-i.;,v...i' iff V, r"aa rIIBas? ; .lool II J: V. tyrjjMLiif;"':::!:: 3 .a J. 5