; (m Trim 4" -A) OiJ c Volume XVNumber 21. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, May 21; 1948. $1.50 Per Year. TET.0IIER SIIOHTAGE DUE TO CONDITIONS ai:d nsEs, state survey reveals Better Conditions With v Work Is Wanted By : Prospective Teachers "A change in the present community ?! attitude toward teachers is necessary ! to attract more ybung people in to the ,v teaching profession, according to col- lege sophomores answering questions ?-.-, i f the State Education Commission. . About 20 . per cent of the current crop of 12,000 sophomores in all types , of. colleges In ; North Carolina took ( part In the state-wide poll. The" Community's attitude toward ' the teacher's social life, status in the community and living conditions should be improved, the young people :- ! feel , There is "too much community in- terest in private affair&i" one youngj f woman aaid. :s-. "Once a woman starts teaching, she seems to continue.it permanently' : frankly complained anothen "I want to get married." . ' , , Many students felt that the com , , munrty should provide adequate liv- ing quarters for.its school help. They also complained, of unsatisfactory sanitary facilities in the school build - : ings. .-: v- A majority of the white girl in terviewed said that a starting salary - of from $2,000 to $2,400 would be suf-. , fiefent to induce them to teach.1 Of this group, 456 said they would not , teach for the present $1,620 and 141 said they would. Those who would - start at this figure, however, would . feel that they deserved more money. As one girl put it, "I am interested in teaching because I believe the im- provement of the educational system - is largely, dependent on the individual teaching in the grammar grades. I am willing to teach at a sacrifice of money to help accomplish this.' Of the white men, 906 would refuse to teach for the present salary and , only 39 would enter the profession. Most of them say they can .make 1 more money in private business, and many want year-round work. - insecurity is one mans reason i for notHeaching. He says a teach. 9 ing position is "depencfent on the I, whims of the immediate 'superior."-- . A 17-year-old lady adds, "although vUhe Wii3limJ!f flng, Vf esh could be trift wair atT$i' In addition to better community, at titude and more pay, the sophomores want in this order: More adequate equipment and facilities, reduced , teacher load, and a more; adequate re tirement plan. . New School Supt. To Assume Duties June 10 J. T. Biggers, recently appointed to the position as superintendent of Perquimans County schools, wiH'as sume his new duties here, on June 10, he announced last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Biggers spent last Saturday in .Hertford, making in quiries - about rental of a house or apartment in which to live upon their arrival here, r The new superintendent will com plete his duties as principal of the Winterville school about June 4 or 6 and plans to move here shortly there after. W. E. Dail, chairman of the Board of Education, announced today that he had been advised by Clyde Erwin, State. Superintendent of Schools, that arrangements are being made for a temporary superintendent for the county schools pending the arrival of Mr. Biggers to assume his duties. Legion Auxiliary THIS WEEK'S , HEADLINES Full , scale .fighting was reported from Palestine this week after Jew ish leaders announced the establish rhent of a new nation, following the conclusion of the British mandate over the Holy Land. 'Arab troops attack-) ea Jewish positions and many cas- nalties were reported. Officials of Israel have called upon the United i Nations to take steps to force the Arabs to desist in 'fighting the Jews. Announces Plans For. Poppy Sales "A poppy" on every coat, remem brance in every heart" will be the goal of the American Legion Auxili ary - for the annual observance of Poppy Day here May 29, the Satur day before Memorial Day. ; Complete plans for the Poppy Day were announced today by Mrs. Thom as H, White, the Auxiliary Poppy chairman, .Poppies- will be offered throughout the county all day so that everyone will have ppportunity to honor the war dead by wearing the memorial flower. 1 Teams of volunteer workers from the Auxiliary and cooperating organi zations will be assigned to different parts,, of the county, each working undent . team captain. . , -AllPoppy D8y workers will give their 'time without pay, Mrs. White ertplaedf Contributions , made ' for lhe'lK)ppreimr rehabilita tion and child effare' funds of the Legion arid Auxiliary, to be used for the benefit of disabled war veterans and needy1 children of veterans during the1 coming years. ? These "-contribu tions form a large part of the money expended by the Legion and' Auxili ary in their vast rehabilitation and i welfare work, , The poppies which the Auxiliary wilt distribute have been made by disabled veterans at Fayetteville hos pital. They, are crepe paper replicas of the famous wild poppies of France and Belgium which bloomed on the battlefields and cemeteries of both World Wars, and which have been the symbol of remembrance for the dead e'ver since the first World War. Thousands of disabled men and wo men, unable to do other work, "have beeij Pven employment making pop pies for the Auxiliary this year. Bill Cox New Head I,:' v U. S. State Department has turned , down a proposal made by Premier Stalin of Russia that the U. S. and : Russia - hold a conference tp settle differences between the two nations. Stalin offered to join in such a meet- ' ing following an Open letter by Henry - Wallace that steps should be taken to .end the 1 cold war, Officials of our t State department say that too many jokers are included in the Stalin pro posal for "this country to make any private deal with Russia in regard to " world peace. ' v North Carolina Democrats met 4n , state uonventton m naleigh on ThurS' ' day of this week, Some 4,000 party members were expected to attend the Meeting. Attorney General 'Harry, McMullan was one of the keynote speakers.. Adoption of a party plat ; form :. and issuing Instructions far delegates to the national convention this summer were the main points on the convention agenda, i v Oyt v 4 Reports from Washington Wednes day announced that the House bill to : outlaw Communist activities in the . U. S; wiH probably pass the House1 this week, Opponents of . the mea sure look for it to be killed in the ( Senate, but President Truman has stated he will veto the bill if passed by both houses. Opponents of the ' bill contend that -Communism should not be driven V underground, by Nthe passage of such a measure but should be left to operate out in the where Communist activities can be watched. , . . k W. D. (Bill) Cox has been elected 1 w A m . . . v as president or tne neraoro uons Club for the club ; year beginning July 1, it was announced by the club ecr'etary. Other officers of the club elected for the new year include Sid ney Blanchard, vice president; -Clar ence Phillips, second vlqe president; James Bass, third vice president; Nor man Trueblood, secretary; Sam Hour- mouziB, tail twister,"' and , I. C. Yagel, Lion tamer. ' Directors elected were W: L. Sumner and L. M. Sitterson. , The Lions Club will hold its an nual Ladies' Night banquet at the Belvidere Community House on Fri day night, May 21. Visiting . Lions and ".. Lionesses from, Edenton and Elizabeth City, are- expected to at tend, according to R. R. White, 'who. is chairman of the. program commit 'tee. , ' Preston Layden'Dies ' i At Home Of Parents : Preston A Layden, 27, son of Her bert and Annie Asbell, Layden, died at the home of his parents in Hert ford Saturday , afternoon t 4 o'clock after a long illness. V i . t ! ' . Besides his parents', he is survived by rone brother, Jasper Layden, and one sister, Mrs. Thomas Morgan. - ' Funeral services were ;' conducted Monday, afternoon at 2 o'clock from th Lynch Funeral Home by the Rev. C' W. Duling, pastor of the Hertford La; "t Church. Burial- followed in the bell cemetery at Belvidere. Indians Trounce Yellow Jackets In Extra Inning Game Pitchers' Duel Ends In 12th With Local Team Ahead 5-4 Perquimans. High School Indians gained revenge' over the Elizabeth City Yellow Jackets in a return base ball game, played on Memorial Field Tuesday - night, when the Indians turned back the Jackets in a 12-in-ning affair which amounted to a pitch ers' duel between Rogerson and AVinsloW of Perquimans and Hodges and Davenport of Elizabeth City. Rogerson and Hodges started on the mound for their respective teams with Rogerson having the edge over his opponent. The Indians tallied three runs in the sond inning with two hits and two walks. Elizabeth City went scoreless until the sixth in ning, when a number of errors com mitted by the Indians allowed the Jackets to tie up the ball game at a 4-4 count. Rogerson was relieved by Bill Winslow in the first third of the sixth inning with the score standing 4-2 'for Perquimans. The Jackets nicked Rogerson for three hits while the Indians had collected four bingles up to this time. Winslow' controlled the Jacket batsmen until the 11th in ning when it appeared the Jackets would score after "'getting two hits. The side was retired and the Indians then failed to hit. Elizabeth City filled the bases in the 12th, but were unable to score. The Indians garn ered two hits in the 12th and Winslow scored after stealing second and go ing to third on a bad throw. Rogerson struck out 12 Jacket bat ters, while Winslow fanned four. For Elizabeth City, Hodges fanned 11 and Davenport struck otft five. The In dians collected seven hits off the Jacket pitchers while Elizabeth City hit safely eight times. Perquimans made seven errors while the Jacket team committed two. The outstanding play of the game was Edward Lane's one-handed grab of a line drive into left field which stopped a Jacket rally in the fifth. The Indians wound up their regular season with' games against Columbia on Wednesday night and Williamston on Thursday afternoon. Annual Award Day Observed At PCHS Students of Perquimans High School excelling in extra curriculum activities other than athletics were given recognition on the first annual Award Day held in the high school auditorium last Friday afternoon, and letters were awarded ten students who had achieved sufficient points to win letters. The school authorities have estab lished a point system under which students; may receive school letters upon the acquirement of 30 points. These points are awarded for parti cipation in band, srlee club, debating, dramatics! commencement marshals, club memberships assisting in lunch room, library and school office, work on the school paper and annual. A maximum of 16 points can be earned by a student during any one school year, and a total of 64 points can be earned during the student's four years in high school. Students ; . winning recognition vat the, school this year were Howard Broughton, Reginald Tucker, Lauras- kine Britton, Doris Butt, Peggy Cook, Leon Xane, Eugene Hurdle, Betty Ruth Chappell, Sidney Reed and Mary Lou Butt. v .The Award Day program is spon sored by the Student Council of the high school. - Central PTA Holds Last Meeting Of School Year Monday i Group Recognized on Membership; Talk on Safety Heard The PTA of Perquimans County Grammar School held its last meet ing for this school year Monday night in the school auditorium. The Old Neck community was in charge 6f the program, using as its subject "Safety." The devotional was con ducted by the Rev. C. W. Duling, pas tor of the Hertford Baptist Church. "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" was sung by the group, after which the minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Ashbv Jordan. The reports of the standing committees were given by their chair men, i J. P. Snipes, principal, made re marks concerning progress made in the school during the past year. It was voted that a donation be sent to CARE for overseas relief. Mrs. W. H. Bryan, district PTA director, made remarks concerning the association in the district. The association was one of the three hav ing 100 per cent membership, one of the seven standard associations, and it received a blue ribbon on their PTA scrap book, which was exhibited at the convention. They also qualified for the "Fifty or More Club" of the National Congress for subscriptions to . the National Parent - Teacher Magazine. They led the district with 62 subscriptions. I. JC. Yagel spoke interestingly on the subject of the evening, "Safety," after which Mrs. W. H. Bryan in stalled the officers for the coming year. VR7 Post Calling For Band Fund Pledges Perquimans County residents, mem bers of the civic clubs and Parent Teacher Association, who signed pledge cards to aid in the support of the bandmaster for the Perquimans Band, are being urged by the local post of Veterans of Foreign Wars to honor these pledges immediately in order that the fund can be closed up by the end of the current school year. The fund, it was reported this week by Eldon Winslow, VFW mem ber in charge of the project, is show ing a small deficit of approximately $150, which must be 'collected before June 1 in order to make the final sal ary payment to Bert Ainsworth, the bandmaster. According to Mr. Winslow, five lo cal civic groups, the VFW, Lions Club, 'Rotary Club, American Legion and PTA became responsible for col lections amounting to $180. Two of the organizations, VFW and Lions Club, have collected and paid into the fund the full amount; the Rotary Club has paid $165, leaving a balance due, of $15, the Legion has paid $132, leaving a balance to be collected of $48 and the PTA has collected and turned over $103, thus leaving a bal ance of $77 due from this organiza tion. ; The VFW' is urging all of the civic groups to make full collection and report the funds immediately. INTEREST IN POLITICAL RACES RISING AS PRIMARY ELECTION MAY 29 NEARS Local Merchant To Honor Senior Girls Following a custom established several years ago, the W. M. Mor gan Furniture Company will honor girl members of the graduating class of the Perquimans High School by presenting each girl graduate a min iature Lane cedar chest. Members of the senior class have already receiv ed notice that their gifts have arriv ed at the store and may be obtained any time between now and graduation day. Girl members of the Hertford Ne gro High School graduating class will also receive identical miniatures of the chests and have also received word that their gifts -await them at the local store. The total number of chests to be awarded by the local store is 30, .eighteen to members of the class at Perquimans High School and 12 at Hertford High School. House In Winf all Struck By Lightning v Lightning, struck a house owned by Annie Jones, Negro, near Winfall on Monday afternoon about 1 o'clock and caused a blase, which completely de stroyed 'the home and all household furniture. . The Hertford Fire De partment answered a call, for assist ance bttt discovered upon arrival at the scene that the fire had gained such headway little help could be ren dered by the booster tank and water carried on the truck. . ' Loss was Estimated at between two and three thousand dollars. , Local flremenreported that a wo man was in the nome at the time the lightning struck the house and it was necessary fori a - neighbor v to rescue her from the' burning Tiome. Mrs. Fouts Mother Dies In Hospital Mrs. Roxanna Lowe, 78, mother of Mrs. Dwight L. Fonts, died in the Albemarle Hospital Sunday night. She was the wife of the late Atlas A. Lowe and daughter of the late William and Mary Lassiter, a native Pof Northampton County. She had eert making her home in Hertford with her daughter and son- in-law, the ReV. and Mrs. Fouts. Surviving, besides Mrs. Fouts, is one -other daughter,. Mrs. w. A. Vaughan of Roxobel; three brothers, J.. E. Lassiter of Rich Square, Roger Lassiter'; of V Woodland and Lewter Lassiter of Keif ord; six grandchil dren and 141 great grandchildren. Funeral' services were conducted Tuesday afternoon at the Lynch Fun eral Home by the Rev. J. H. Miller, District Superintendent of Elizabeth City District, assisted by the Rev. E. T. Jilson, rector of Holy Trinity Epis copal Church, and the Rev. C. W. Dul- ing, pastor 01 uie .neraoro uapiisi Church,.., The Rev. J. F. Coble of Jackson had charge of the committal service conducted at Rehoboth. ' Stewards of the Hertford Metho dist Church served as pallbearers, . Hertford Indians Make Preparations For Diamond Opener Directors of the Perquimans Coun ty Baseball Club, sponsors of the Hertford entry in the ' Albemarle League, have about completed pre parations for the opening of the 1948 season, according to Joe H. Levinson, business manager of the club. Eleven of the 12 hired players allowed each team by league rules, have been signed for the Hertford team, Mr. Levinson stated. These players in clude infielders, Edward McCarthy, catcher and manager for the local club, who hails from Duke University; Leroy Sires, Duke; Dan Knight of Norfolk, former Wake Forest player; Bill Bergeron, Duke; outfielders, Jimmy Regis, a junior college star from Campbell College, and Henry Christgou from Pennsylvania. The pitching staff will be headed by Francis Dail, lefthander from Duke; Moe Bauer, Wake Forest; Charlie Lynch and Corbett from Campbell College and Frank Graham of Duke. McCotter of Atlantic Christian Col lege is expected to make the 12th player signed by the local directors. McCotter will pitch an exhibition game against the Hertford team on Saturday, May 29, when Jim John son's ECTC team plays on Memorial Field against the Hertford Indians. All of the signed players are expect ed to arrive in Hertford ready for the season opener on May 29 and 30. In addition to the hired players, the Hertford team will also be made up of a number of local players includ ing Jack Craig, pitcher; Bud Cayton and Red Kimbrell, infielders, and Joe NoWell and Harmon Young, out fielders. The Albemarle League season will open on Monday, May 31, with the Perquimans team playing in Eliza beth City and the first home game will be played here Tuesday, June l, with the Senators returning the open ing game. New bleacher seats along the first base line are being constructed at Memorial Field this week in order to enlarge the seating capacity of the local park. Heavy Wind Storm Causes Damage , f ' vara announcement Mr. and Mrs. John H. Decker of Lexington, Neb., announce the birth of a son, born Sunday, May 16., Mrs. Decker before her marriage was Miss Blanche Kaye Skinner. " OES!, TO' MEET MONDAY! The Hertford Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star will hold its meeting Monday night at 8 o'clock, au mem' bers are urged to be present A heavy wind storm, which struck Hertford and parts of Perquimans County at about 4:30 Monday after noon, caused slight- damage according to reports received on Tuesday. Numerous trees over the Town of Hertford were blown down and elec trical service ' was disrupted for a period of time when one of' the circuits was severed by a tree fall ing across the power lines. The home of Mrs. E. A. Byrum was damaged when an uprooted tree crashed on the porch of the home. Hail also was reported to have fall en during the short storm period but little damage to crops was reported. Bishop Wright At Holy Trinity Sunday The Rev. Thomas H. Wright, D J), Bishop of the Diocese of East Caro lina, will be at Holy Trinity Episco pal .Church in Hertford Sunday, May 23, at 11 A. M. to conduct the rite of Confirmation and to preach the ser mon for the morning service, it was announced today by the Rev. E. T. Jilson, rector of the church. County Registrars Re port Goodly Number Of New Voters With the Democratic primary elec tion set for next Saturday, May 29, reports from over Perquimans County reveal that interest in the political races on tap is rising and a near nor mal vote may be cast. This picture has changed somewhat during the past ten days, when reports indicated a complete lack of interest in politics. Registrars for the various polling precincts all report lively interest among a number of new voters who registered during the past three weeks. Nearly 100 new. voters were listed on the books, according to an unofficial count of the registration. Hertford precinct led in the new reg istration, nearly 75 new voters being added to the books by Registrar Mrs. B. G. Koonce. A quick glance at the political pic ture reveals that chief interest of the local residents centers on the race be tween Senator William Umstead and Melville Broughton, contesting for the office of U. S. Senator; Charles M. Johnson and Kerr Scott lead the six-man field in the race for 'Gover nor, with some supporters claiming substantial strength for Mayne Al bright. Other races drawing interest of local voters are the ones which find John Graham, Walter Cohoon and John White battling it out for the of fice as solicitor for the First District. The only local contest is that for the . office of Representative which finds E. Leigh Winslow opposed for re election by Clarence W. Phillips. - According to reports from over the district, Perquimans') candidate for the office as State Senator. J. Emmett Winslow, appears to be gaining suffi cient strength to indicate possible success in the primary. He is op posed by Joe N. Vann of Ahoskie and W. I. Halstead of Camden County. Voters select two of these candidates to fill the two offices for the district. As usual little interest has been shown in the races for minor offices of the State. Brandon Hodges, seek ing the office as State Treasurer, has visited the county in his behalf, and other candidates have written letters to local supporters as a means to in crease the interest, generally in the coming primary. Thad JSure, popu lar Secretary of State, has opposition in' seeking re-election to this office. He is opposed by John Armstrong. A. W. Hefren, chairman of the County Board of Elections, announc ed that the Board is prepared for the primary. Ballots are on hand and will be delivered shortly to election officials in each precinct in plenty of time for the opening of the polling places on primary day. With only one purely local race, the number of votes expected to be cast in the elec tion here is estimated to. run about normal as compared to the past four to six years. Recorder's Court Lists 15 Cases Tues. Fifteen cases, 14 of which involved traffic law violations, were disposed of in Perquimans Recorder's Court here Tuesday morning. Three cases were continued until the next term of court. Entering pleas of guilty to charges of speeding, Vincent Puma, Alan Ro berts, Vance Bass, Garrett Wilson, Emil Tomczyk and Fordyce Thomp son, each paid a fine of five dollars and costs of court. Fines of ten dollars and costs of court ' were assessed against' John Stewart, Al Goldsmith and Joseph Butts, Negro, who entered pleas of guilty to charges of speeding. E. W. Hobbs was fined ten dollars and costs of court after he entered a plea of guilty to driving with insuf ficient brakes. The State took a nol pros in the case charging John Odom with non support. James White was ordered1 to pay the costs of court after pleading guilty to a charge of failing to stop before entering a highway. Lonnie Lane, aharged with driving drunk and driving without W license, was fined $125 and ordered to pay the costs of court. Willie Johnikins and S. S. Overton, both Negroes, charged with driving with insufficient brakes, were fined $10 and costs of court BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs.- Melvin Eure an nounce the Wrth of a son, born May 12 at the Albemarle Hospital, Eliza- V beth City. Mrs. Eure before her ,. marriage was. Miss, Ethel' Margaret; uuiwngnx. , . J- V

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