THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY,.. HERTFORD, N, C, FRIDAY, JULT 23, 1948. Currency Problems , N Hurt World Trade " x "v Recently, representatives of the United States and Great Britain con ferred in London about "vexing cur , rency problems" involved irTthe pro , motion of European trade. Jllr. f, W. Averill y Harriman, the American Ambassador-at-Large for the Economic Cooperation Adminie- tration, is understood to believe the - lack of exchangeability of currencies in Europe constitutes a grave handi cap to jntra-European trade. It is very doubtful if any intelligent per- r son can take- an opposite view. While on the question of currencies; it might as well be admitted that the difficulties of securing international " exchange constitute the greatest bar rier to a worldwide development of trade. " Officials of nations who desire to promote the welfare of all peoples : in the world would, therefore, do well to consider the possibilities of estab lishing some international currency to be used in the promotion of com merce between the various nations of the world. . In the United States, for example, we have forty-eight states, with a vast population, covering a consid erable land area. There is no difficul- ty whatever when a citizen of one state attempts to purchase an article ,-in another state. This is not the case in connection with an attempt by a citizen of one country to purchase : goods from a citizen in another. There must be a delicate estimate of the . relative value of the national curren- cies of the two countries, or the na tionals involved must agree' upon val- ues. expressed in terms of dollars or . pounds. ' While there are considerable diffi . culties connected with any attempt . to establish an international . curren cy, they are not insuperabl'e and, in .s fact, no more than those that have been raised in connection with the solution of 'other problems. A start - in the right direction might be made, it seems to us, if the United States , and Great Britain could get together and fix the rate of exchange of their currencies or else inaugurate some form of -currency that could be used internationally. Another solution to the commercial difficulty, connected with the problem . of exchange, lies in the establishment of a union of the democratic peoples of the world. Naturally, in such a union, there would be a common cur rency, which cpuld be used to pur chase goods in any of the nations in cluded in the union. This would be a great etep forward and might pro duce an expansion of commerce comp arable to that which has been wit nessed in the United States in the past one hundred years. . No Special Session Likely To Be Called One of President Truman's indict- ' aient against the Eightieth Congress is that it failed to do anything about the "high cost of living" or to pass -satisfactory legislation about the , housing situation. ThePresident, in his trip to the ' West Coast delivered some vigorous attacks upon the Congress, assailing it for inaction and terming it prob ably the worst in the nation's his tory. This naturally aroused the ire of Republican leaders and caused prominent Republicans to speak out in defense of the record of their Party. , ' 'Since adoption of -the Republican .. platform, there have been suggestions that the President ' should call Con gress into a special session in order to pat the Republicans on the spot, f In brief, the idea is tp give the -Republicans an opportunity to pass the "legislation that they say, in their platform, they want adopted.. Some observers do not believe that ' thgjresult8 would warrant a special ; session and some of the Republicans point out that nothing would be ac complished because ; the President would veto any bills passed, by the , majority. This is probably a correct appraisal of the situation because, it may be assumed, the bills passed by the Republican majority ' would ' contain provisions not to the liking of Mr. Truman. . 1 Unless We Get Goods ' - In Return We Lose It is necessary for us, if we hope to understand the operation of the Marshall Plan in Europe, to realize that the voting of a money appro priation by the Congress of the United States does not automatically solve the problem. For example, the Economic Coop erative Administration, from April through June,., allocated 1762,747,140 to the Marshall Plan countries, and Trieste and China. Obviously, it will do these countries no good to ship to ase ki buying the products of other countries. Consequently, the essence of the Marshall Plan is not the lending of money but the shipment of goods and products'. Therefore, we ' find officials authorizing credits for the purchase of foods, commodities and raw mater ials, with the bulk of the buying to be done in the United States. Other countries will provide some of the stuff that Europe needs but much of it will come from this country. We emphasize the shipment of goods to other nations because of the fact thatevery boatload of commod ities or products of any kind, which leave the United States, depletes our natural resources by that much. Ob viously, if we do not want to weaken our economic position, we should be willing to accept from the other coun tries similar shipment of goods, raw materials or products that we can use. If the United States undertakes to ship an endless stream of its natural products to other countries without getting anything material in return, except an I. 0. U., the United States wilf gradually give away its re sources for the pleasure of saying that othe countries owe us some money. Obviously, we do not need money because at Fort Knox, Ken tucky, we have most of the world's May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action Modern life with Its hurry and worry, irregular habits, improper eating and drinking its risk of exposure and infec tibn throws heavy strain on the work of the kidneys. They are apt to become over-taxed and fail to filter excess acid and other Impurities from the life-giving blood. You may suffer nagging backache, headache, disziness, getting up nights, leg pains, -swelling feel constantly tired, nervous, all worn out. Other signs of kidney or bladder disorder are some times burning, scanty or too frequent urination. Try Doan't Pills. Doon'l belp the kidneys to pass off harmful excess body waste. They have bad morethan half a century of public approval. Are recom mended by grateful users everywhere. Aik your ntigkborl Trust Your Watch ... to us for expert repairs. No make baffles us ... no job is too big or too small. Low prices. ESTIMATES GIVEN FREE ON REPAIR WORK WRIGHT'S JEWELRY STORE " Church and Market Streets HERTFORD, N. C lis KEEP YOUR CAR 0PEI1ATIIIG AIID LQQiO SMOOTH "BRING IT TO US F0& SERVICE' , In our bands, your car is in good hands. We will -. service it, wash it; polish it, change the oil and fill the tank. You will like the way we keep your ' ., ' car looking top' shape.- - , We Sell Sinclair Products, Goodyear and U. S. Royal Tires and Tubes M & DilL'S SETmjE STATION RAY WHITE, Prop, PHONE 86oi gold. ' . v .f '. . ". , The smart thing for the neonle of the United States to understand at the present tin is that we must re ceive goods in return for the goods we send abroad. When high tariff walls stand between us 'and the re ceipt of the goods offered to us in swap for goods shipped abroad then the high tariff wall must come down. The welfare of the great mass of the people of this country requires that there be no gradual depletion of our, material resources. Pay Boosts Increase Cost Of Government The cost of operating the Federal Government goes up about a half billion dollars a year, due to the re cent measure of Congress, granting increases in pay to Federal employees throughout the country. An increase of $330 a year is giv en to 840,000 Federal employees in Civil Service classifications and an increase of $450 a year goes to 478, 000 postal employees. While it is easy to understand the necessity for increasing the pay of Federal employees, it is somewhat surprising to note that Congress did not likewise increase the nay of muni' cipal employees and teachers in the District of Columbia, which, the cynics note have no vote. It is also interesting; in connection with the pay increase, to note that the fostomce Department, which op erated at a deficit last year, will have its expenses increased by more harf $200,000,000. Obviously, no private enterprise, operating at a loss, could grant a pay increase until it was op- athletes foot germ . how to "Kill it. in one hour. IF NOT PLEASED, your 35c back. Ask any druggist for this STRONG fungicide, TE-OL. Made with 90 per cent Alcohol, it PENETRATES. Reaches and kills MORE germs fast er. Today at ROBERSON'S FOOD LOCKERS KEEP FOOD Our Food Lockers make it possible to purchase the most perishable foods today eat them with all their succulent goodness months from , now. Rent your locker today. Ask About Our Services Today! PHONE 2786 Hertford Locker & Packing Company OyWWARD BOUND to nit w;nu.-twt"t. t Back from your vacation with a load of soiled clothes? There will be many weeks in which towear them yet so better put in an S.O.S. for our driver to pick them up and get them back to you as soon as possible! eratdng on a satisfactory budget. U. S. Should Use Surplus To Reduce Its Budget The Federal Government operated PAGE THREE the fiscal year 1948, which closed June 30, with a surplus fit $8,419, 469,843, which is described by the (Continued on Page Twoj There's Nothing Like Milk ; AS A FOOD OR DRINK-ORDER IT TODAY We have plenty of fresh, wholesome milk and make delivery in Hertford and this area daily. Call us for prompt service.. Phone 3571 SUMNER and HURDLE MILK DISTRIBUTORS HERTFORD, N. ir 3 'm. mrj. 1 OhsGrannu You Can Really wear Again 'YES, MARY, DON'T SHOUT. NOW I CAN HEAR YOU EASILY WITH MY MAGIC LITTLE EAR." A new elwtmmle muni, r opening thrilling world to folk, long wsllwl In by hoarta Ion. Powerful, oloar yot so tin; It will Bt In a nun's watch pocket. That's BKLTONEI NOT "Just another hearing Id." Th. BELTONK has tho MAGIC SILVER CIRCUIT, ft has tho world's amallcst n osItot. It's prMhnon-lrallt by BELTONE, l.ador In tho Bearing Aid Field. at Don't let delay bring regrets! If hearing loss la creeping no . 35-y'"iK on yon, get Important faets ISg.) on now development, to to. Uere deafness. In thla nlafase FOREMOST ' wranaadnoatnaMlminCIIoah. ONI-VNIT HIAR1MO AID Send Coopon nowl Beltone Hearing Aid Service, BELTONE Dept. PW, 707 Royster Bldg., I HEARING AID SERVICE Norfolk 10, Virginia. Please send me, without cost or' vnL nrnf ..wir,tin wow - NORI-OLK, VIRGINIA I of facts 'about DEAFNESS and 1 Largest BELTONE distri- How to Overcome It. butor in Virginia and North- 1 Name eastern North Carolina. 1 Address Batteries for all makes of town Mate . hea,.ing aids always avail- ---- - .-S able. Phone Norfolk 10, Va. mmmi ; WLt-JI ' " mnihbl, at win coil. VVsl L' I . I l V The '49 Ford has a wonder- X&Th '49 Ford has the "Mid V1- Vsnip Mae. iou Travel in 1 the roomy, level center section ... V n 'AO c I U. ... I . mo f r iviuiiuiu nuiiuei" ful new "Lifeguard" Body . . . 59 more rigid, for extra safety. It has a tower center of gravity, too, for solid security on the road. And there's "Pic ture Window ' Visibility all around. The '49 Ford has the "Mid Ship" Ride. You travel in . level center section . . . where the going's smoothest. You ride smoothly with the "Hydra-Coil" Front Springs and "Para-Flex" Rear Springs. Outside a "dream car" silhouette. The whole car is lower, yet there's plenty of road clearance and head room. Inside new uphol stery, new imtrvment panel, new fittings, for a new look all through. Only Ford in any field gives you a choice of .V-8 or Six. Both engines are new . . . both are engineered for smooth, sparkling performance whether you drive In traffic or really travel. New "Equa-Flo" Cooling, new lubri cation system, "Deep Breath" Manifolding for up to 10 greater gas econ omy. New Overdrive, op tional at extra cost, gives up to 25 more gas mileage! YOU ISILPZD DESIGN IT... NOW COME IN AND SEE IT! Pkts YcJr Order How With Your Friendly ford Dealer Ws'isMTw . ami lew BrTy-ssarasB