S&3 Fa Ofiuug' $25,C:3 In Premiums Approximately $25,000 will be of fered in agricultural premiums at the 1948 North Carolina State fair which will be presented at the spacious fair grounds near Raleigh October 19-23, Dr. J. S. Dorton, manager of the an nual exposition, has announced. The amount of prize money sets a record for the fair, and it is expected to result in a large array of- the fin est products of North Carolina farms. Premium books are 'being distributed now. In addition to the usual awards for farm and home ribbon-winners, ' the State Fair is offering this year for the first time a $1,000 cash prize to the first North Carolina farmer pro ducing 200 bushels or more of corn to the acre, with the prize going to the farmer producing the greatest amount over 200 bushels in the event that more than one grower surpasses that mark. Nearly 400 farmers have en tered the contest. R. W. Shoffner of State College again will aid Dr. Dorton as assistant manager of the entertaining and edu- M A REAL ASSET A There's no getting away from it appearances DO count in the busi ness world. You needn't have an extensive or an expensive ward robe ... but you must keep it im maculate and well-pressed always. Try our service this week. wmm (!llev cational : exposition. . General' direc tors of exhibits will be J. Warren Smith, Dr. I. Q. Schaub, Dr. J. H. Hilton and Cecil D; Thomas, promi nent leaders in North Carolina agri culture. ' ' - Anticipating a record attendance of a half-million people if good weather prevails throughout the fivd-day fair program, Dr. Dorton said "reports from all over the State indicate there is more interest in this year's fair than in any of the previous. State fairs." Early applications for exhibit space indicate the huge exhibition halls and outside exhibit areas will be cram med with the best North Carolina has to offer in agriculture, arts and in dustry. Warm Up Hostess "This is Captain Banks, who has just returned from the Arctic regions." Pretty Guest "Oh, do come nearer the fire you must be cold!" No Compliment To The Horse Farmer "Let me tell you, my friend, that horse knows as much as I do." Friend "Well, don't -tell anybody else. You might want to sell him some day." is not idle here Talk is our basineti sod never before have we carried such a tremendous volume of it Ws have talked a lot about one ex pansion program, too, and this talk hat not been idle. Much progress hat been made, and we an working rapidly toward our goal of telephone service tot all who want it THE NORFOLK ft CAROLINA TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY , By Dr. Sophia Branson KEEP YOUR CAR OPERATING AND LOOKING SMOOTH "BRING IT TO US FOR SERVICE' In our hands, your car is in good hands. We will service it, wash it, polish it, change the oil and fill the tank. You will like the way we keep your car looking top shape. We Sell Sinclair Products, Goodyear and U. S. Royal Tires and Tubes JOE & BILL'S SERVICE STATION RAY WHITE, Prop. PHONE 86oi tHKTHOfvY PRESENT? MO. JUST ft C.CTTL.C TAKcv HOME.' GIFT pROm K W WIFE m . :J; 9 Being able to supply you with gift items for any occasion is one of our aims. We make a special effort to stock gift merchandise for men, women and children. Stop in today and we will be glad to show you any number of items suitable as gifts for birthdays, wed dings or just a sur prise for the wife. THE NERVOUS MODERN CHILD If this restless' jazz age does not soon come to an end, the world will be crowded with physical and mental wrecks. :;: '-v.- '-;.; Children were formerly kept com paratively quiet during infancy and childhood. They were also put to bed early at night During the day they played with" a few simple toys or romped in the gardens or under the trees. ; , Today their nurseries are fitted up with every kind of contraption in tended to amuse and interest them. Ambitious mothers try to teach them to fit maps and puzzles together at a very tender age. As soon as they be gin to toddle they play in the streets where life is a constant source of danger. Poor little things dart back and forth on treacherous skates and scooters, escaping automobiles, look ing and listening at every turn for the juggernauts of death that strike so swiftly, maiming or killing. They are tense and on the quivive every moment, for they cannot romp, skate and play where deadly machines dart back and forth without realizing that at any moment they may be crushed under a truck, automobile or motor cycle. When they go to school, the work is of necessity under our public school system, so arranged that a certain amount must be covered in a given time. They are still further stimu lated by the offering of various re wards or distinction if they attain certain standards. The result is that some children easily reach the coveted goal while others who may have tried equally as hard and failed, feel bitter and keen disappointment which is further aggravated into resentment against the teacher who was in no way to blame. If you enter a moving picture theater where there is a show of a character which is most exciting, filled with fighting and dangerous hair-breadth escapes, you will find the place packed with children of all ages, squealing, yelling and other wise giving vent to their excited pent-up emotions. Do you wonder that nervousness is increasing among children? It is disease that is growing by leaps and bounds. The nervous child, unless placed in the proper environment and treated as he should be, will grow up into a neurathenic, delinquent or psy choneurotic. He may ultimately land in an insane asylum. The latter in stitutions are becoming so over crowded that at the present rate of increase in their population in a few years the sane, normal people that are left will be unable to bear the bur den of the unfit. 1M V ( Ca rf a "if" 7 Drycleaning Hints Offered By Agent Pointing out that drycleaning mis haps increase during fall and winter months when the activities of the housewife are more confined to the house, Miss Nina Braswell, home demonstration agent for the State College Extension Service, urges homemakers to exercise care in using drycleaning materials. Home drycleaning with flammable cleaning fluid she said, has disfigured or fatally injured many persons and has burned houses to the ground or demolished them by explosion. She added that the National Safety Coun cil recommends commercial dryclean ing as less expensive, more effective, and much safer. For persons who find it necessary to do their own drycleaning at home Miss Braswell warned that it is im- perative to Use only a nonflammable cleaning fluid. She added that a fluid may be marked "non-explosive" and still be flammable. "Never, under any circumstances, use gasoline, naptha or kerosene for garment-cleaning purposes," she said. ine home agent said the following: ruies, suggested by the National Safety Council, should be observed at all times: ' Do. the drycleaning outside the home, where toxic or other vapors will be quickly dissipated. Store cleaning fluids outside of house in a marked container. . Keep hands out of the solvent use a suction washer. Avoid getting cleaning fluid on clothing or exposed part of the body. Dry garments or articles thoroughly outside before taking them into the house. Keep, children away from dryclean ing operations. , Observe these simple precautions even in removing small spots from garments. , Farm Land Prices Abnormally High - Farm .land values In 3K afflaa in cluding1 North Carolina, now equal or AXftftAH t1A tlOATTI TAVAl ftf 1Q9A . - - -- ctwui u- ing to Moyle S. Williams, Extension iarm management specialist at State uonege. , ri-, .-. Mr. William. nnintMi ant. flia V onlv larsre area where lanA vWo am still below their 1920 peak is the corn belt and the Northern' Plain states. This is one of the areas where land prices boomed i the , highest after World War I and where values drop ped the most during the 1930's. The present inflation seems to have reach ed its highest level in the southeast ern states, especially in North Caro lina, Kentucky, Tennessee and Ala bama, he said..- ? vvtV 1 The average value per acre of farm real estate in North Carolina during July, 1948, was 167 per cent higher than the 1935-39 average. Only six states have had a larger increase, the specialist said. . The rise and continued strength in farm real estate prices and in demand for farm land has resulted largely from the strong demand for agricul tural commodities and increases in farm incomes. The full price and in come situation for the crop year 1948 is not yet definite. However, record wheat and corn crops, in prospect for the nation as a whole point to some what lower prices. If this prospect develops, land values may not rise as much as the present high rate of land returns would indicate. The relatively rapid increase in many farm cost items during recent months may be another curb influenc ing land values. Buyers in the pres ent market must be prepared for a situation where rising Costs may re duce their net income even though gross income continues, Mr. Williams said. , WHO KNOWS 1. When did World War II start? 2. What outstanding event in World War II occurred on September 8, 1943? 3. According to the Constitution, how old does a Senator have to be? 4. Name the chiefs of the three branches of the U. S. armed services. 5. In what crops do Iowa, Ne braska and Kansas lead the nation? 6. Who owned these famous horses: Rosinante, Marengo, Trav eller, Tony? 7. Who is Premier of Eirie? 8. Who is the "Red Dean"? 9. What is a, "hectare" of land? 10. Name the capitals of Australia and New Zealand. THE ANSWERS ' 1. September 1, 1939, when Ger many invaded Poland. 2. Italy surrendered to the Allies. 3. Thirty. " . 4. Army: General Omar N. Brad ley; Navy, Admiral Louis E. Den field; Air Forces, General Hoyt E. Vandenberg. 5. Corn, rye and wheat, respec tively. & Don Quixote, Napoleon, Robert E. Lee, Tom Mix. 7. John Costello. 8. Dean of Canterbury Cathedral, so-called because of his pro-Soviet views. 9. 2.471 acres. 10. Canberra and Wellington, respectively. . food lockers Make Menu Planning Easy... Make meal" time enjoyable for yourself and family. Rent a Food Locker today and store seasonable foods for winter time use. See us about our 'year-'round custom slaughtering, service. PHONE 2786 Hertford Locker & ' Packing Company HERTFORD, N. C. 3UIIDAY SCHOOL LECSON . (Continued from Page Seven)' parliamentary assembly governed by rules of order. The people tat back in their seats and listened to the cool and sobering (words of their leader, with the result that reason and com mon sense began to reassert them selves. , When the leader- saw that sanity ' had been -restored, he dis missed the assembly and the people went home. He displayed the qualities of real leadership. He showed his independ ence! of the popular clamor when that clamor was born of unreasoning pre judice which grew into mere hysteria and his clear thinking and love for his city and its people saved them from committing acts which would have brought disgrace and put ment on the city he was respoiu. 1 The" appeal of Demetrius to ' crowd which resulted in an unth' ing, irresponsible mob, is the at appeal often used today that of s interest backed by religious prt dice The Teal application of Ch tian principles in the world to would be almost as disturbing a was in the days of Paul, when he i his companions were accused of. tu ing "the world upside down.' Chi tianity is honored and revered I many so-called leaders of business a industry so long as it does not terfere with the conduct of busin' or with the profits :': received fr some l businesses. Then its "friTnf demand that it cease meddling w business and confine i Itself to ' i circle of individual morality. And watch the whole at mosphere grow, brighter; and more lively. The int fluence of color and generalj attractiveness on your hap piness is too important to let a dull, unpleasant back ground depress you. Atheys; Interior Gloss will wake up your walls, and make them glow with beauty. Choosej from 8 glorious shades your dealer will gladly) show you a color card.1: Manufactured by C. M. ATHEY PAINT CO. BALTIMORE, O. M fmmm mm You can't hurt an Atfiey surface HERTFOaD HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. . ."Trade Here and Bank the Difference" ' , Phone 3461 . ftcrtfdrd, N. C ' .1 '""W"'l'VTrtrM1arriTilmnw m.. iSBMBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBl I. rNOWOONT POP OFF. DEAR llf1 WHO DO YOU J40.UA97,AT4lNT 1 In not wit f-HULi sj suHrost iook THEM r I " -rug KIND OP LA-T6 TT1Na HOME - : THAT SOUNDS Jk ' X Dn S om wW cap . '" J ra the p a 1 y-F-i J lr Y TAKE YOUR CAR TO . Moioa co. THEVU REfOVtR VOOR CAR'S LOST P6P. AND SAVE VOO MOfOEVON OAS CONSUMPTION V I