PAG3 EIGUT THK Peraiiimans Weekly Entered as second class matter November 15, 1934, at. Post Office at Hertford, North Carolina, un der the Act of March, 18T9. Published every Friday by the Perquimans Weekly, a company of. Hertford, N. C. MAX CAMPBKT.T., Editor ; jS'Hanh Carolina vl HISS AMOCIAIM) . l : SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year JUO Cards of thanks, obituaries, resolutions of 'respect, etc wiU be charged for at regular advertising rates. Advertising rates furnished by request. FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1849. Statistical Here are some economic statistics that you can interpret for yourself: There, were 3,200,000 .unemployed ' vs.. Daisy Gregory and Husband, Ed Gre . gory; Ollie King and Husband, Si mon King; Lee Stallings and . Leah Gregory and Husband, Jordan Gre gory, Respondents. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of an Order entered in the above cause by Hon. W. H. Pitt, Clerk Superior Court, Perquimans County, North Carolina, the under signed Commissioner will, at twelve o'clock noon, on the 12th day of April, 1949, at the Court 'House door in Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash, those certain lands situated in Belvidere Township, Perquimans County, North Carolina, and described as follows: First Tract: Beginning at a pine on the North side of what is known as the Sandy Cross Road, and run ning thence Northwardly to a beech; thence Westwardly to an oak on the Long Swamp Road; thence South wardly along the Long Swamp Road, to the Sandy Cross Road; thence Eastwardly along the Sandy Cross Road, to the place of beginning, con taining ten acres, more or less, and known as the James E. Stallings home place. Second Tract: Situated in Belvi dere Township, adjoining the lands of Goodman Stallings and others, known as part of the Jessie Stallings tract of C. C Butt and L. B. Perry, on the East by Little River, on the South by the lands of Willie Taylor and on the West by the lands of Willie Taylor and ! Charles Newby, and being the identical land conveyed, to James A. Blanchard by deed from the Virginia- Carolina Joint Stock Landbank by deed recorded in Deed Book 19, page 484, Perquimans County Registry, and by will of James A. Blanchard, re corded in Will BookJ" page 877, de vised to Susan Jacocks and James Skinner, containing 106.8 acres, more Or leSS. .v. -'S?;. '-v. ViV'. A deposit of ten" per cent of the purchase price will be required of the successful bidder immediately after the sale. Dated and posted this March 7th, 1949. C. R. HOLMES, Commissioner. Marl8,25Aprill,8 in Februaryf which was the highest of 'and and bounded as follows: number of people out of work since the war. During the same month, there were 57,168,000 persons at work, which was the .highest total employment for the month of February on record, The explanation seems to be in the greatly increased number of people at work and seeking work. Inel dentally, of those out of work, 1,803, 916 were getting jobless benefits at the end of February. Overlooks Half Of It Because tne purchasing power represented by agriculture" is of "vi tal and fundamental importance to the whole economic structure of the nation," Louis Bromfield, novelist and agricultural writer, says that any modification of the farm 'subsidy pro gram "will have to be brought about gradually." Mr. Bromfield admits that there is no worse enemy of parities, support Beginning at Jessie Stallings' and Goodman Stallings' corner on the road to Sandy Cross, and thence South to the road that leads to the old Jessie Stallings residence; thence West to the Sandy Cross Road; thence up the road to the first station, so as to make seven acres of land, and being the same tract of land which was conveyed to James E. Stallings by deed of William F. Stallings and wife, dated 10 December, 1891, and re corded 12 March, 1892, in Book YY, page 450, Public Registry of Per quimans County and from which deed the above description is taken. Third Tract: Situated in Belvidere Township adjoining the lands of N. J. Riddick, Goodman Stallings, James Stallings, containing about one-half acre and bounded as follows: On the North by the lands of N. J. Kiddick and iiooaman stallings; on the East by the lands of James Stal- lgfcs; on the South and West by the Sandy Cross Road, and being the same tract of land which was con NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having sualified as Administrator of the estate of George Price, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Route 3, Box 274, Hertford, N. 0, on Or be fore the 2nd day of March, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make . im mediate payment This 2 day Of March, 1949. WILLIE PRICE, Administrator of George Price, deceased. mll,18,25apr8,15 of J S. McNider and described as fol lows: Four tracts of land conveyed to Eddie Mallory on August 19, 1946, by the heirs of J. R. Sawyer and is 162 acres, more or less, and being all of the lands owned by J. R. Sawyer except the two lots and houses in the village of New Hope, N. C. And the relief demanded consists in selling said real estate for taxes due the plaintiff and in excluding all per sons from any liens or interest la said property. 1 . ; The defendants will t further take notice that tney are required to ap pear before the Clerk of the Superior Court at the Court House in Hertford, N. G, within 20 days after the 4th day of April, .1949, and answer or de mur to the complaint filed in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. " ' This the 9th day of March, 1949. W. H. PITT, Clerk Superior Court. Walter G. Edwards, Attorney. marn,18,25ApriJi prices ana agricuixurai suosiaies tnan. to James stalli b Qf himself and alleges that the Amencat0,'. . F ... farmer, although potentially able to produce food or cotton more cheaply , than anywhere else in the world, has the world s highest production cost, This, he adds, means Jiigher prices and taxes for city dwellers. We do not have a full account of the speech recently delivered inf Cin cinnati by Mr. Bromfield, alleging xi x 11 in i it i . it tax money "of the city taxpayer," which pays for the Government's program. Mr. Bromfield suggests that the final answer to the problem "Hes in a better agriculture." While a better agriculture would be for the general benefit of farm ers and the nation alike, we are some what surprised that Mr. Bromfield, in his strictures against the assistance being extended to agriculture, does Mot denounce the subsidies given manufacturers under the protective tariff laws, which operate for the benelt of industry. Certainly, if the farmers of the nation are compelled to buy what they need from a "protected" industry, they should not be expected to sell what they produce on a "free" mar ket. 1 850 Miles Per Hour It is officially admitted that the Air Force's tiny "faster-than-sound" test plane has flown faster than 850 miles an hour and reached an altitude above 40,000 feet. . This is indicative of what may be ahead in the way of rocket-powered planes. Better performance is ex pected of 'another man-piloted plane which officials expect to reach 1,700-miles-an-hour and 80,000 feet in al titude. wmie aeiaiis are scarce, one should not presume that the rocket ship is already perfected or that its test flights, with the unusual speed", have lasted for any considerable length of time. Classified and Legals SALESMAN WANTED MAN wanted for 1,500 family Rawleigh business. Permanent if you are a , Hustler. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. JVCC-320-123, Richmond, Va. It ENJOY EVERBLOOMING ROSES THIS SUMMER by nlantinsr our Spe cial Collection No: 79-8, consisting of one eacn ttnic Bnarcliff, McGredy's Scarlet, White Viktoria, Pink Radi ance,. Red Radiance and Golden Sun , burst a total of six hardy 2-year Everblooming Roses for .15.25. ex press collect. Two each--a total of 12 f 10.00, express collect. Write for Tee 48-page Planting Guide illustrat ing these and many other Roses, as well as Fruits, Shrubs, Shade Trees, .evergreens, etc. saiespeonle wanted, Waynesboro Nurseries, Waynesboro, Virginia. - ltc North Carolina, In The Perquimans County. Superior Court Pauline Stallings, Lillian " Twiddy, Charlie A. Stallings, Samuel Stal : lings and Claranda Stallings and husband, Lon Stallings, Petitioners Quinton E. Hurdle and wife, dated 6 June, 1896, registered 17 Julv, 1897. in Book 2 at page 371, Public Registry of Perquimans County, and from which deed the abeve description is taken. Fourth Tract: Situated in Belvi dere township and described as fol lows Beginning at a stake in the Docton line, thence running said Riddick line (o James E. Stallings line; thence running said Stallings line to Mrs. Lear Stallings line; thence running said Stallings line to said Goodman Stallings line, thence said Stallings line to the first station, containing five acres, and being the same lands which were conveyed to James E. Stallings by deed of Goodman Stal lings and wife, dated 9 December. 1893, and registered 17 July, 1897, in Book 2, page 372, Public Registry of Perquimans County, from which deed the above description is taken, and a plat of said lands will be found in Plat Book 2, at page 164, Perquimans County, and to which reference is particularly made for more specific description. Fifth Tract: Situated in Belvidere Tdwnship and bounded as follows: Beginning at a pine tree on the Long Swamp Road, running John D. Parker's line to the corner, thence to Goodman Stallings and the lands of James E. Stallings to the road, for courses and distance refer to the plat, being eighteen acres, more or less, and being the same lands which were conveyed to James E. Stallings by deed of William S. Stanton and wife, dated 25 January, 1897, and register ed 17 July, 1897, in Book 2 at page 374, Public Registry of Perquimans Coutny, from which deed the above description is taken and to which, and the plat thereto attached and made a part thereof, reference is hereby made for specific description. Said tracts of land will first be of fered separately and then as a whole. A deposit of 5 will be required of the highest bidder at the time of sale. This notice dated and posted this 12th day of March, 1949. JOHN T. BIGGERS, marl8,25Aprl;8 Commissioner. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Clarence W. Phillips, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Route 1, Hert ford, N. C, on or before the 3rd day of February, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This 3rd day of February, 1941 C. T. PHILLIPS, Administrator of Clarence W. Phillips. Febll,18,25Mar4,ll,18 10TIDFDMINisTAlTOir Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of J. H. Newbold, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 12th day of February, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment . This 12th day of February, 1949. MRS. NITA W. NEWBOLD, Administratrix of J. H. Newbold. febl8,25Mar4,ll,18.25 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of J. C. Jordan, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 8th day of February, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment -. This 8th day of February, 1949. CLEMENT T. JORDAN, . - Administrator of J. C. Jordan, ebl8,25Mar4,ll,18.25 WWMWWWWWAjJAA It is . about time .somebody put the awe back in law. Virginian Pilot North Carolina, Perquimans County. , NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the; Superior Court of . Perqujmans County, made in the special proceed tag entitled G. Wilson Felton,- Ad ministrator of Lloyd Felton, against Thelma E. Felton and Thelma E. Fel ton, Guardian ad litem of Lloyd Fel ton, Jr., ,. the - undersigned commis sioner will, on the 26th day of March, 1949, at 11:30 o'clock A. M., at the Court House door in Perquimans County, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being in the Town of Hertford, Hertford Township, Perquimans County, North Carolina, bounded and described as follows: One store and lot located on the northwestern corner of Edenton Road and Dobb Streets, as set out and de scribed in Will Book "I," page 53, paragraph 4, Clerk Superior Court's office. A cash deposit of 10 will be re quired of the successful bidder. Dated and posted this 23rd day of February, 1949. CHAS. E. JOHNSON, . feb25mar4,ll,18 . Commissioner. Best Service. . . Oils and Greases When it comes to service whether it be just plain courtesy or a grease or oil job you can bank on our service to be tops. Make our service station a regu lar stop. ' LET US SERVICE YOUR CAR NOW FOR WINTER DRIVING. We Sell Sinclair Products, Goodyear and U. S. Royal Tires and Tubes JOE & BILL'S SERVICE STATION RAY WHITE, Prop. PHONE 8601 1 Lucli or Fknning? The 'man who leaves his future to luck, instead of planning in an intelligent manner, often finds himself on the outside lookingvin. Not a good spot That's why it pays to- plan a really worthwhile career in the new U. S. Army or U. S. Air Force, two great or ganizations chock-full of wonderful chances for you to get ahead. You feel a sense of security in know ing you are assured steady 'em ployment, arid steady income, in interesting, active work. Free clothing- and equipment.' Free medical and dental care. Free re tirement plan. Plus scores of other benefits not matched any where. Get the full story today at your U. S. Army and U. S. Air Force Recruiting Station. It's at Room 202 Kramer Building ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. . '' Timitirv W liar If 1 SMM I (() I) J You'll be thankful, indeed, the day you discover the fine service you get here. Each cleaning prob lem is handled individually, care fully. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Mrs. Maude J. Chap pell, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify Tall persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Trotville, N. C, on or before the 16th day of February, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovr ery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate pay ment. This 16th day of February, 1949. MRS. THELMA C. RIDDICK, Administratrix of Mrs. Maude J. Chappell. Feb24Mar4,ll,18,25 Aprl NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator, CTA, of the estate of John T. Lane, deceased, late of Perquimans County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of , said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Belvi dere, N. C, on or before the 8th day of March, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 8th day of March, 1949. WM. ELSBERRY LANE, Administrator, CTA, of "John T. Lane , marll,18,25Aprl,8,15 1 "iiwv o(Baaoe mam ft North Carolina, - In The Perquimans County. Superior Court. v Before the Clerk James E. Skinner, Sr., Petitioner, vs. Susan Jacocks and her husband, Al bert Jacocks, Respondents. ,. .. NOTICE OF SALE Under, by virtue of end. in execu tion of the authority conferred upon the undersigned commissioner by that certahv order of sale entered in.the above entitled proceeding by the Hon W. H. Pitt Clerk of the Superior uourt on March 7th. 1949. I will on Saturday," April 9th, 1949, at 11 :30 o'clock in the f orenoon,v at the Court House door in Hertford, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described tract or parcel of land, lying and being in New , Hope Township, Perquimans County, N. C, via: Bounded on the North by the lands North Carolina, Perquimans County. Perquimans County vs. Eddie Mallory and wifei'Kuth Lee . wanory; j. j. tsiancnara it jo. Inc., G. A. White, Trustee, J. H. , Lamb, Creditors and Lien Holders of Eddie and Ruth Lee Mallory. "':-; -'NOTICE. The defendant, J. H. Lamb, and all creditors and lien, holders of Eddie Mallory and his wife, Ruth Mallory, regardless of how, or through whom they claim, will take notice that an action entitled ' as above has . been commenced in the Superior Court of Perquimans County, North Carolina, to foreclose the lien of taxes due the plaintiff, which taxes wpre listed by Perquimans County, and which con stitute a first lien upon real estate lying in New Hope Township, Per quimans . County, ; and described as follows: " ! "" ' f ' Being Lot No. 5 in the division of the lands of Lewis and Rose Lee, con taining 32 acres, as shown by plat made by David Cox, K. E., December 14, 4923; and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Perquim ans County, North Carolina, in Book Iff. nscn 170. jt -w 1 -w,.,.i 1: . ' f Sawyer Tract: Adjoining the lands rr... - 1 J j t, ' J ; iMf"iiriimiilii Minn mirffln 11.m1.11 1 - in 1 r mmmmmimMtmmmmmamaammtmmimmlmm ' $4,000,000 Sinclair Research Laboratory, , Harvey, Illinois, the latest and most moderm In petroleum indwtry.Expm research ncaar seeing to it that products you buy at Sinclair Dealers' are tops in quality and ptsfaraaactj- SPECIAL TESTING machines at Sinclair Laboratories check constantly on quality of Opaline Motor OUand Gear Lubricants to as nre you of mtximuin protection for your car. Here technician lubricant strength, YOUX PJCIAR CEALCt ofieai ymlomotfl by modem Sinclair wssasah keep year feasor dean as a kfada, Sat year Xiaskk Dtzlx.lx tested saf e lobrlcadoaw J. H.-TOWE, SINCLAIR REFINING CO. Hertford, North Carcla

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