PAG3 FOUB TES PERQUIMANS-WXLI , AIT f" i 1 Vi- f Sit TT -rv a r-r Tvi-i 7 ... A. I . - J . iV.VL Week-end Guests Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Collins from Mackey, N. C, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Satchwell. At Morehead CHy Dr. C. A. Davenport, Carlton- Dav enport, Jr., R. S. Montis, Jr., and J. E. Winslow left Sunday on Dr. Davenport's cruiser for Morehead City where they will spend a week. From Newport-News Mr. and Mrs. Claude Brinn of Newport-News spent the week-end with Mrs. Rodser Brinn. Sunday Guests Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Broughton Week-end Guests Mr. and Mrs. Dozier Sutton and children of Newport-News spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Raper. From Durham Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Williams and .?on of Durham, N. C, are the guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Rutenburg. Visiting Relatives' ' Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hefren are spending their vacation with relatives at Marienville, Pa, , V Improved - Mrs.; Thad Chappel who was' oper ated upon at the Norfolk General Hospital, Norfolk, is improving. Week-end at Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. Joe Towe, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kanoy, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly White, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. White and son Welly spent the week-end at the Towe Cottage, Nags Head. Sunday Guests Miss Betsy Moore, Cecil Morgan of Gulf, N. C, Mrs. Ona Cale and children from Washington, D. C, spent Sunday with Mrs. John Moore and Mb and Mrs. Joe Caravello. From High Point Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hart, Mr. and Mrs. George Small of High Point visited Mr. and Mrs. Jake White at their home on Grubb Street last week en route to Nags Head and children of Newport-Newa spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Nathan Relfe.y.;. j.jtJv ;.'3;,':i5f;: vj, At Nags Head -:'v . The Y. ' W. A. of the Baptist church chaperoned by Miss Eva Har ris their leader, are spending this week at the Harris Cottage, Nags Head. They are, Misses Katharine Ann Holmes, Betty Jean Wfaslow, Pat Morris, Martha Lee Tilley, Maude Holmes, Ruth Haskett and1 Gale Lane. At Nags Head ' ' Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hendley and children, Mrs. Roy Reed and daughter ar spending this week at Nags Head. Returned Home Mrs. W. H. Pitt and Howard Pitt, Mrs. G. E. Newby, Mrs. T. S. White, Sr., have returned from Nags Head where they spent the month of July. Returned from Hospital Arthur Woods, 3rd, returned home from the Albemarle Hospital Satur day and is getting along nicely. At Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Sumner, Mrs. J. R. Fntrell," Mrs. J. H. Newbold, Tommy Sumner left Monday for Nags Head and will stay at the New- bold cottage. Returned home - ' Mr. arid .Mrs. Bill Jessup and daughter. Susan, returned to .their home at Roxboro Sunday after spend ing sometime with Mr. and Mrs. i. B. Sumner. FINAL CLEARANCE OF ALL SUMMER STOCK Priced 2 LADIES DRESSES . . . Bemberg Crepe and Cottons from $8.o to Si2.0v Now -j y - 1 v . A One Rack of Dresses and Skirts ibd."o r r U f Tvimctac nrA Qlrirc ?k U! KJllC ivaCK VI WiCMta auu tytfsvw A Children's Dresses on sale at 50c and $1.00 Training Pants 3 Pairs M.00 Ladies ramies . it i - tox.vv Men's Sox 4 Pairs $1.00 . ft (rr (1 AA 9 1 Shirts L " A.vv rhilHW Polo Shirts, lone or short sleeves 2 fftr $1.00 One Table of Iterate such as Ladies' and Children's Slips, Pa- : n.:u..n') Cim rtroccoc TirsnpnVs anH Materials . . . 2 jaiUttS, IsllllULCU D UUU UlkKU! .u.-...- going at only $1.00 BARGAINS IN YARD MATERIALS ' Gineham. Chambrav, Powder Puff Muslin, Butcher's Linen, ; two yards, only $i.oo t ; Eyelet, per yard $1.00 1 ', Pique Eyelet, white and colors, yard $1.50 ; Men's White Shirts. Were $3.98. Now $2.50 I ; Men's White Shirts. Were $2.98. Now $1.75 : Drive Out and Look Around . . . Everything i Must Go at Savings to You i WOODLAND DRESS SHOPPE Returned Home ' . - . ' ' N .Mrs. John Lewis Perry and daught ers returned to their home in Wind sor Sunday after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Riddick. , V' W. S. C S. TO MEET ." ; The Womans Society of Christian Service ef the Methodist church will meet Muday- night, August ,8th, At 8 p. m., at .the churcVyMra. lSdgar Lane wiU" be in .charge of the" pro gram, ...l ;v !" v-S ;A,f ; BA1TIST ORCLES MEET The , following . Baptist " circle's meet next week: ":t :, Y ' The Rtfta?owellCircle wilt meetJ Tuesday,- August 9, t '8 p. m., at the home of Mrs. 'Milton Dail, Jr. Circle No. 1 will meet . Monday,' August'8, at 8:30 p. m., at the church. Circle No.' Z will meet Monday, August 8 at the home of" Mrs. B. W. Pennington. Circle No. 3 will beet Monday,' August 8, at 8 t. m, with Mrs. J. W. Zachery. ; Circle No. 4 will meet Monday, Auguit 8, at 8 p. m., with Mrs. Tom Perry. . Circle No. 5 will meet Tuesday, August 9, -at 8 p. m., at the home of Mrs. Fred Mathews. Circle No. 6 will meet Monday, August 8, at 8 p. m.p at the church. All members 'of the various circles are urged to be present Week-end at Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. Silas Whedbee and children, Mr. and, Mrs.' Bob Apple white spent the week-end at the Whedbee cottage, Nags Head. At Nags Head Mr., and Mrs. J. B. Perry a spending this week at Nags Head. In Washington Miss Carolyn Mathews is the guest this week of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mathews in Washington, D. C. From Louisville " C. E. Howard of Louisville, Ky., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Darden and Miss Nancy JJarden. PHONE 2381 ELLIE GOODWIN, Owner WOODLAND CIRCLE Today: Friday Matinee 3 P. M. Night 7-9 WANDA HENDRIX JOHN LUND "Miss Tadlock's , Millions" Saturday: Show Opens 1 P. M. MONTE HALE "Prince of the Plains" "Son of Zorro" No. C Sunday: Shows 2:15, 4:15 and 9:15 P. M JOHN WEISMULLER and VHtGINIA GRET "junglTjih" Moaday and Tuesday: Matinee S P.M. Night 7-9 P. M GLENN FORD and WILLIAM HOLDEN 1.1AN FRlf lLORADO' Wednesday: Matinee 3 P.M. Night 7-9 P. DOUBLE FEATURE Pint Feature '' PENNY SDXGLETON ARTHUR LAKE "Blondie's Secret" Seeoad Feature ALAN BAXTER LENORE ALBERT 'fThe Prairie" Thursday - Friday: Matinee 3 P. M. , Night 7-9 P. M. GREGORY PECK ari AVA GARDNER "THE GRlAf SltUlEiT At Vireiria Beach Mr. and Mrs. Moody Mathews, Sr., spent Sunday at Virginia Beach Moodv Mathews, Jr., remained to spend this week. At St. Pauls "' . Miss Harriet Clay Stokes left Wed nesday to spend a week .'with her grandmother and aunt, Mrs. W. O. Felton and Miss Gladys Fleton at St Pauls, N. C. Returned Home Charles Whedbee has returned home after spending several days at Virginia Beach with relatives. Sunday in Raleigh Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Morns spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Duke Morgan in Raleigh. They were ac companied home by E. M. NeWby, who spent several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Morgan following an eye opera tion at Duke Hospital. ROOK CLUB MEETS Mrs. Archie Lane was hostess to her rook club Friday evening at her home. Those playing were Mesdames Earl Perry, T. T. Harrell, Crafton Mathews, C. T. Skinner, Charles Whedebb, R. M. Fowler, D. F. Reed, J. E. Morris, Carlton Cannon, Julian White, Frank McGoogan, John Big. erers. Harrv Hellowell, Mi3S Mary Sumner, Miss Ruby White and Miss Mildred Reed. The high score prize went to Miss White low to Mrs, Morris, the floating prize was award ed Mrs. Skinner. A sweet course was served. LAST CALL FOR SPRING ; ; AND SUMMER HAT Final Clearance of Every Hat In the Store $1,00 EACH SIMON ' S At Niagara Falls Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bolvanizer, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Divers are spend ing this week at Nigra Falls, N. Y. From Norfolk Miss Winnie Whitley of Norfolk arrived Sunday to visit her brother and siiiter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Whitley and other relatives in the county. TO ATTEND REUNION Major W. H. Oakey, Jr., USMOR, will leave today for New York to at tend the reunion of the First Marine Division, being held in that city Au gust 6 through" 8. The reunion will commemorate the. seventh anniver sary of the Marine invasion of Guad- akaneli Sgt. Keary Lane, of Hertford, is serving as publicity officer for the Marine division- during the reunion. Visiting Mother Mrs. Lessie Hollands of Rocky Mount and Mrs. Ann Pabalovski and son are the guests of their mother, Mrs. Hugh Barclift. From Hampton Mrs. T. E. Langston of Hampton, Va., is the guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Everett. Improved J. E. Everett, who has been very ill for the past month, is greatly improved. Monday in Norfolk Mrs. D. F. Reed, Mrs. J. 0. Fel ton, Mrs. C. H. Howard and Miss Peggy Felton spent Monday in Nor folk. , Week-end Here Bennett Stephenson of Weldon, N. C, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Felton and Miss Peggy Felton. Returned Home Mr .and Mrs. J. E. Newby and daughter, Mary Lee returned home Monday from Post 1 'Falls, Idaho, where they , have apent a vacation with relatives. : Fren-Naga Head ,':,.. Mi Charles E. Johnson 'and children .have returned home after spending week at the Johnson Cot tage, N ags Head. - ; From Ohie ' ' ' v' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barrett of Hamilton, Ohio, arrived tlue week to spend their vacatKit wita Mrs. R. U Knowlee. ' ' HONORED AT DINNER A surprise birthday dinner was given in honor of Mrs. Herbert Evre, at the home of her daughter, Mm. Luther Umphlett of Moyock, N. C, Sunday, July 10th, celebrating her 65th birthday. The tables were spread on the lawn, and a delicious dinner was served. ( Those attending and bringing gifts were: Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Si'tterson of Cradock, Va., Mr. and Mrs. George Sutton, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J. VB. Evre, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Umphett of Mayyock, Herbert Evre, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Evre, Sr., all of Hert ford, N. C, Mrs. Bob Stallings, Miss J Audrey Umphlett, Joyce Evre, Fran cis' Ann Sulton Carlton Sutton. The afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis of Norfolk, Va., Mr. and Mrs. James William, Evre and little daughter of Norfolk, Va., Miss Carol Ball an ce of Mayock. The hostess served ice cream, cake, drinks and popcyekles in the' after- long-Weor Davis DeLuxe BALLOON EiXE TIKI 26"Size $1.95 2-ply auto cord construe tion; thick safety tread. Easy-riding. ms Pike Tube rssu -. 98c Furnished TROT IO 60 Ft. Fine quality cotton. 77. lb. test. 20 hooks, drops. Flashy "Hubba Hubba" ELECTRIC HUB LIGHTS $1.29 For All Bikes! Pair Red and green "p wheels" of light as ,h ub turns! Safe at night! Sclf- enntained batteries ' (extra). MASXIHG TAPE. lO-yd.,10 I roll. For painting window sash, striping, etc-Easy-oB. V' ?000-Hf."A-B" RADIO PACK $5.65 Complete power pack! 1!! volt "A"; EO-volt "B" ?9c mi Exrro Heavy T0WKITCH w$2.62 For imple ments, trail ers, machines. Cor Owner' SOCKET 1ST $2.15 Jl-pc. 8 sock ets.. Adaptor. 2 handles. Tool steel. Hydraulic RAKE FLUID 49c Good quality . . . for cars St light trucks. Qt. SizelJ84c f Is 5 : Hem Owittd w4 0rahd br B. J. HULLKMAIN, JK. PHONE 4431 EDWARD DUNSTAN OWNER Wishes to Announce the Change In Name of His Firm From DUNSTAN SUPPLY fcOMPANY TO c-ir .-it.- u Dunstan Brick Company There will be no change in our 'policy of high quality and low prices. If you cannot get what you need in Hertford, we will be glad to serve you on builders materials such as Bricks, Roofing, Terra Cotta Pipe, Plaster Board, Nails, Sherwin-Wiiliams. Paint. We. wish to thank the resients of Perquimans County for their good patronage, as about 10 per cerit $ our' sales kte to you good , ' fv.V-.V v. -' ' ';-' .',1 u,.:C: ''t .1'- ; ' : ' ' folks. i , , - v 1 : . - Dumtan'Mrick Go- NEXT DOOR TO COTTON MILLS j ELIZABETH CITY, N. C t