y J V Cwu ' Entered as second class matter November 15, 1934, at Post Office at Hertford, North Carolina, un der the Act of March, 1879. Published very Friday by the Perquimans Weekly, ft company of Hertford, N. C MAX CAMPBET.T. Kdltor jStonit Carolina OL . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year -4L50 Cardfl of thanks, obituaries, resolutions of respect, etc will be charged for at regular advertising rates.' v. Advertising rates furnished by request. 'u-.. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1949. Another Job Well Done Today we salute Perquimans Coun ty and the local Red Cross Committee for another job well done. Accord ing to reports made Tuesday more than 100 residents appeared at the Red Cross Bloodmobile to donate a pint of Mood, which may, someday in the near future, save a life. It was all a part of the Red Cross program to buUd up a blood bank in hospitals throughout the Tidewater area, for the purpose of supplying blood to patients, free of charge, in need of transfusions. Some of the individuals who appear ed to donate blood, though willing, did not do o for various reasons on the part of the doctors and nuraes, but these will have an opportunity to do so at a later date. A lot of hard work was necessary to make this first visit of the Blood mr.bile a success and this accomplish ment on the part .of the local Red Cross Committee, and those assisting this committee, deserve the praise of the entire community. Buy Seals To Help Fight Tuberculosis While the fight against tuberculosis has made great progress, medical experts expect that new drugs will make possible the abolition of the di sease, we should not overlook the fact that nearly 50,000 persons die every year from tuberculosis. , The disease is the seventh greatest cause of death in the United States. This should emphasize the import ance of the annual sale of Christmas seal 3 for the purpose of securing funds with which to accelerate the fight on the great White (Plague. The National Tuberculosis Association estimates the annual cost of tubercu losis at $350,000,000. They think that a disease, known to be curable and preventable, should be prevented by a nation as alert as the United States and, when it occurs, should be cured. When residents of Perquimans .County buy Christmas seals, they contribute their money to the great undertaking. It Executor ot Elbert S. White : BE INDEPENDENT SELL RAW- ieigh Products. Good aearfcy lo cality Open.: Write today. Raw leirii's. Dent NCK-S2WD, Rich mond, Va. , . . -at 6-VINE GRAPE ARBOR RED, white and blue, as follows: 8 Caco Red, midseaaon. 2 ChampagneWhite, late. : , ' a Fredonia New, early, blue. 6 Grapes two-year vines. Special Offer No. 2-9 $3.65, postpaid. Write for free copy 48-page Planting Guide, offered by Virginia's largest growers of fruit trees, nut trees, berry plants, grape vines and ornamental plant material. Salespeople wanted. Waynesboro Nurseries, Waynesboro, Virginia. tc NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION , Having qualified as Executor of the state of Willis Barnes, deceased, ate of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons laving claims against the estate of aid deceased to exhibit them to the lndersis-ned at 835 20th Street. New port News. Va.. on or before the 22nd day of October, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov- ry. All persons indebted to said es ato will please make immediate pay ment. This 22nd dav of October, 1949. FRED E. DRUMMOND, Executor of Willis Barnes. Oct28Nov4,ll,18,25Dec2 North Carolina, In The Perquimans County. Superior Court. Before the Clerk Thomas W. King, Administrator of William Riddick, Deceased, Pe titioner vs. Nonie - Smith and husband, Joseph Smith; Mattie Lou Young and hus band, A. G. Young; Eunice May Hopkins and husband, Tilton Hop kins; Willard King and wife, Lon nie King; Lionel King and wife, Ola King; Beulah King, by her Guard ian ad litem, Max Campbell; and all other persons who may claim to be heirs at law of William Riddick, deceased; Walter Monds, Respond ents. Under and by virtue of an order en tered by the said Court in the above entitled partition proceedings, dated 8 November 1949, the undersigned Com missioner will, on the 12th day of De cember, 1949, at 10 A. M. at the Court House door in Perquimans County, N. C, offer for sale at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the following described lands: Lying and being in Belvidere Town ship, Perquimans County, N. C, ad joining the lands of W. C. Chappell. Ben Butts estate and others and bounded on the east and south by the lands of W. C. Chappell; on the north by the lands of Lee Butts estate and Ben Butts; on the west by the public road from Belvidere to Perry's Bridge. Containing 18 acres more or less and beina- the home dace of William Rid dick and where he lived at the time of his death. A ten ner cent deposit will be re quired at the time of the sale. Dated and posted this 10th day of November, 1949. W. H. OAKEY, JR., novl5,25dec2,9 Commissioner. Education Widens Its Scope V , eaaaaaaaaaeBjaaam The process of education in Per quimans County has made tremend ous strides since the ancient days wnen the "three K's" were supposed1 to include the curriculum of a modern school. While it is true that the funda mental problem of our institutions of learning is to give the student a prc fktency in the use of so-called tools of the brain and, if pursued long enough, to acquaint the mind with the broad outlines of man s progress from savagery to civilization, the scope of the modern school has been widely expanded. Not only are our schools expected to perform the rudimentary task of educating the pupils, but in addition, train them for democratic processes, to teach them to get along with other human beings, instruct them in a trade for their economic livelihood and, in addition, take the task of the home and church in the development of morality and conscience. 1 When one considers the, vastly-extended ramifications of the process es of teaching, there k no occasion to wonder at the increased cost, of "education." Nevertheless, when we think of the expense involved, : we should also bear in mind ' that ig norance is the most expensive luxury ever enjoyed by careless people. ' The aims of education should be to convert the mind into a living foun tain, and not a reservoir. That which la filled by merely pumping in, will be emptied by pumping out John M. Mason.: CLASSIFIED AND LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY The undersigned will, on Wednes day. November; 80, 1949, at 10:00 A. M., at the home of the late Elbert S. White, in Belvidere, North Caro lina, offer for sale for cash at public May Warn of Disordered : ' Kidney Action ' If extern Ufa with ita hurry end voiry. irrecalar habit. Improper eatinf and, drinkinf ita riak of txponra ud In! ac tion throwi heavy etraln on thi work of tha ktdnaya. They an apt to beoome j orer-tued ud fail to alter exceaa acid : and other impoxiUaa from tha lUe-fivini Mood. . You may nffer naffing backache, headache, diaaineaa, getting tip nighta, leg aaine, aweUing-feel eonetantly tired, Barvona, all won oat. Other aigna of kidney or bladder diaorder are aome tinea burning, acanty or too frequent urination.- Try Dotal PilU. Don't help the Hdneye to paaa off harmful exceaa body mate. They have had more than half century of public approval. Are recom mended by grateful uaara everywhere). Aak four MffUer ' lamina : ; i r 1V tla to I c2 .-a. i Me ,iis ow, deceased, late of Perquimans ounty, North Carolina, this is to no ify all persons having claims against he estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Winfall, N. C, on or before the 22nd day of October, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All ersons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This 22nd day of October, 1949. A. R. WINSLOW, JR., - Administrators! Mrs. Mattie Winslow Jct28Nov4,11485Dec2 NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Adminstrator of the estate of Mrs. Annie B. Berry, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C. on or before the 21 "day of Octo ber 1050 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This 21st day of October, 1949. ; B. C. BERRY, Administrator of Mrs. Annie B. Berry. :--i:k't'!- ; . , Oct. 28, Nov. 4,11.18.25, Dec 2 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified s Executrix of he estate of Miss Belle P White, de eased, late of Perquimans County, Jorth Carolina' this is to notify all persons having claims against the es- ate of said deceased to exhibit them o the undersigned at - 2630 Mary Street, Raleigh, N. C, oh or before the 26th day of October, 1950, or this otice will be pleaded in bar of their ecovery. All persons indebted to aid estate will please make immedi te payment. . . -W 5-,, . This 26th day of October,4' 1949. MRS. GEORGE W. BRADSHAW, Executrix of Miss Belle P. White. v 4,ll,18,25Dec2,9 Ai. .L U.rr.if.i('ec strut, u. on of a voc&lo U p and physical education Ju24inar t r the Perquimans County Board of Lduca-tion,- Hertford, North Carolina. . Sealed proposals will be received b the Perquimans County Board of Education at the office of the Super intendent of Schools, J. T. Diggers, Hertford, IN. C, up to 11 A. M., De cember 6, 1949. Immediately there after the bids will be .publicly open and read for: :-i v A. ; The general construction of the - building. IB. Plumbing; fixturespiping, etc. C. Heating; boiler, piping, radia tors, etc . ' ,' D. Electrical; wiring, fixtures, etc. ' Each of the above classifications (A, B, C and D) will be let under separate contracts. ; . Plans and specifications are on file at the office of the architect, Ray mond iFuson, 409-410 Elks Temple, New Bern, N. C, and at the office of J. T. IBiggers, Perquimans County Superintendent of Schools, Hertford, N. C." Copies of the plans and speci fications may be obtained from the architect upon the deposit of $25.00. Deposits will be refunded to all bid ders submitting a bonafide bid upon return of the plans and specifications in good condition on or before the let ting date. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of thirty (30) days af ter the opening thereof. A bidder's certified check in an amount equal to 5 of the bid must accompany each bid.' (In lieu thereof a bidder may offer a certified check for 2 of the bid plus a bid bond for 3 of the-bid). As required by law, all certified checks submitted with proposals shall be drawn on a bank or trust Company, authorized to do business in North Carolina (Section I, Chapter 400, N. C. Public Laws of 1933 and Michie's N. C. Code 1938, Section 7334 (e) and 1513 (a). A performance bond is required in ah ' amount equal to 100 of the contract price conditioned upon the faithful perfomance of the contract and up on the payment of all persons sup plying labor and furnishing materials for the construction of .the project. ;." . . . i nihl Li Y...1 ie .vej. - ; All general contractors are notified that "An Act to Regulate the Prac tice of General Contracting" ratified by the General Assembly of North Carolina on March' 10; 1925, and as subsequently amended (P. U of 1937) fc. -j.ta czjirj. cc-:.L...t.. ; All plumtdng and heating eoittrsc- tors are notified that provisions of -Chapter 52 of Public Laws of 1931 and as amended by Chapter 57 of the Public Laws of 1933 will be ob served in receiving and awardirr 'plumbing and heating contracts. 6 Noted Throat Specialists Report on 30-Day Test of Camel Smokers ... ilosi.:siiEi CHIROATIRRITlinO; ife-J"aS " JuS01 Ves, these 4' . -aa.N lit laV .!. were the findings noted throat specta! ift after s total of 2,470 weekly exaimnatiOM of fnt throats of Buaoreds of am and women who smoked Camels, and only Camels, for 30 consecutive days. WW AT YOUR SERVICE For the Best In . . . O GAS - OIL t, O GREASE O TIRES " O BATTERIES , 0 WASHING WeSdl SINCLAIR PRODUCTS GOODYEAR and U. S. ROYAL TIRES and TUBES "Let Vs Service Your Car Today." JOE & BILL'S SERM STATION RAY WHITE, Prop. PHONE 86oi WHAT A PlfuPTH. IN "a$FI IV SPCEDT'S CA9 HAS COOPtA RJ v. nnxv WHAT KINO r USES? rur uia I KINO. WH6R6 HAVE 00 BEEN TfOUCS, If YOU WANT YttUf CAR AUKW LfE, BEAUTIFUL-- fl TO HAVE PtENTY OF HCK OR ? 40B6EOUS SPEED. AMD t AUCl.tSO- EYES YOU HAVgj, HOMCrt HAVt IT SukVICED AT a, 1 tuciTiiwiwiM..-) X' 1. . iHl A CLEAtl BOY. too fs bum A CLEAN MOTOR sinciua KEEP YOUR f.lOTOll CLEAtl AS A WHISTLE mti new pitmwa v - " tH.u.s.rei.C4 : ; 076 OIL JiH. TOWE, Agent HERTFORD, N. C. I 2rft GET HEADY FOR WINTER! - SPECIAL , . hmm npsngln iclentlflcalty v. Lubricate chauto - ' ' v Hush differential and transmlMlon and refill 'v with winter grade lubricants .. O Chang enclne o!l to winter grade Install Genuine Ford Antl-Freexe jfj Inspect muffler and exhaust lines tighten bolts Aust brakes and pedal free play - ; Inspect wheel ailgnment and steering gear f O Inspect shock cbiorbers and replenish fluid en '' models prior to 1948 O Check hee::;9tts and adjust If needed " Check winsW.leli wipers .0 Check heater and connections , ' aOfiiKdiy $7.95 y n "r fit rich? - . nT"10H6iRj XZ'P C.7 CO!LT.D f.!0TC!l:GD. , ' HERTFORD, N. C.

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