"TUB Perquimans Entered m lecond class matter Npvember 16, 1934, at Post Office at Hartford, North Carolina, un der the Act of March, 18. - Published mry Friday by the Perqnimana Weekly, a company of Hertford, N. C. ,.. MAX CAMPBELL JEditor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One .Year :'v";'::i"w'-i';'" tlW Cards of thanks, obituaries, resolutions of respect, etc will be charged for at regular advertising rates. ;'-:V; ''J Advertising rates furnished by request FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1949 The Season's On Thanksgiving is over, and a quick check at the calendar reveals that there are only 19 shopping days be fore Christmas. This is definitely the Christmas shopping season and with that thought in mind we .urge our readers to do this year's Christmas shoping in Hertford. Pur merchants have large stocks of Christmas merchandise, practically the same 3tock you will find in stores everywhere ... so why not save time and effort by doing your shopping at home. Another thought we have along this line is for our readers to shop at home and thus support our local merchants. These same merchants are the ones that' support the many and varied projects sponsored by you. ... so let's make Hertford a better community by shopping at home. Farm Economy Bears Brunt The monthly report of the Presi dent's Council of Economic Advisors shows the first recovery in industrial production since October, 1948. Pre liminary estimates indicate that, in August, industrial production recover ed the four per cent dropped in July. There are some favorable and some unfavorable facts in the picture as presented to Congress and the Presi dent. The country's labor force in creased by 400,000 but this was be cause non-agricultural industries off set the decline in agricultural em ployment that totaled more than one million. Prices received by fanners, and the parity ratio, continued the de cline which began in April. Personal incomes dropped in July to three per cent below the high of December, 194f, with most of the decline show ing itself in farm income. . We have selected several items re lating to agriculture in this country because it seems to establish that farmers, as usual, bear the first brunt of a drop in prices. It is well to bear this in mind in connection with any legislation to bolster agriculture be cause 'of the undisputed fact that the economic welfare of the nation de pends upon the economic welfare of the farmers in this country. - ui a J I a, IZix C ..SI; t i tJ tier person who may claim to be heirs at tar of William Riddick, deceased; Walter Monds; Respond ents, , t ; ' ' . , Under and by virtue of an order en tered by the said Court in the above entitled partition proceedings; dated. 8 November 1949, the undersigned Com missioner wuL on the 12th day of De cember, 1949, at ,10 A M. at the Court House door in I Perquimans County, N. C, offer for sale at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the following described lands: Lying and being in Belvidere Town ship, Perquimans County, N. C, ad joining the lands of W. C. ChanpelL Ben Butts "estate and others and bounded on the east and south by the lands of W. C. Chappell; on the north by the lands of Lee Butts estate and Ben Butts; on the west by the public road from Belvidere to Perry? Bridge. Containing 18 acres more or less and being the home place of William Rid dick and where he lived at the time of his death. A ten per cent deposit will be re quired at the time of the sale.' Dated and posted this 10th day of November, 1949. W. H. OAKEY, JR., novl5,25dec2,9 Commissioner. " NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executor of the state of Willis Barnes, deceased, ate of Perquimans County, North arojina, this is to notify all persons laving claims against th'e estate of ak. deceased to exhibit them to the indersigned at 835 20th Street, New port News, Va., on or before the 22nd day of October, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov- ry. All persons indebted to said es atc will please make immediate pay ment. This 22nd dav of October, 1949. FRED E. DRUMMOND, Executor of Willis Barnes Oct28Nov4,ll,18,25Dec2 COMPLETES TRAINING Private First Class Calvin G. Col son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Co'.son of Hertford, North Carolina, was graduated this week from the Department of Armament Training here, it was announced today by Brig adier General Warren R. Carter, commanding general at Lowry. CLASSIFIED AND LEGAL NOTICE FOR SALE PUREBRED SPOTTED Poland China pigs, 7 months old Four sows, three boars. Pigs can bo V registered. Sows $35; boars, v$30 each. Lewis Chappell, Tyner, N. C. at edge of Ryland, N. C. '; It ::...: FEMALE HELP WANTED Ex perienced saleslady, prefer one with knowledge of buying. Write f. U. Box 372, Elizabeth City, N. C. to ar range for an interview. ; Give ex perience and references. Dec. 2,9 pd. " FOR SALE ONE MILLION FISH net stakes and one million peanut stakes, in lots of 500 each. See J. S. McNider, Hertford, N. C. ,ltp 6-TREE HARDY NUT COLLECTION consisting of 2 each Hardy English Walnut, Blight - resistant Chinese Chestnut and Filberts 12 to 18 in. size only $4.95. : Postpaid Special Offer " No. 3-9. Free copy 48-page Planting Guide in full color. ' Salesr people wanted. ; Waynesboro Nurs eries, Waynesboro, Virginia.'1 r ltc North Carolina, , . In The ' Perquimans County. Superior Court, j.-- Before the Clerk ':?. Thomas W. King, Administrator of William Riddick, Deceased, ; Pe titioner . f '7 V t-F' a. a;,, vs. Nonie Smith and husband, . Joseph Smith; Mattie Lou Young and hua- ' band, A. G. Young; Eunice May Hopkins and husband, Til ton Hop kins; Willard King and wife, Lon- nie King; Lionel King and wife,. Ola King; Beulah King, by her Guard- NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator f the estate of Mrs. Mattie Wins ow, deceased, late of Perquimans ounty, North Carolina, this is to no ify all persons having claims against he estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Winfall, N. C, on or before the 22nd day of October, 1950, or this notice 'will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All ersons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 22nd day of October, 1949. A. R. WINSLOW, JR., Administrator of Mrs. Mattie Winslow M28Nov4,ll,18,25Dec2 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Adminstrator of the estate of Mrs. Annie B. Berry, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C. on or before the 21 day of Octo ber 1050 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 21st day of October, 1949. B. C. BERRY, . Administrator of Mrs. Annie B. Berry. .... Oct. 28, Nov. 4,11.18.25, Dec 2 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executrix of he estate of Miss Belle P. White, de eased, late of Perquimans County, forth Carolina, this is to notify all tersons having claims against the es ate of said deceased, to exhibit them o the undersigned at 2630 Mary street. Raleieh. N. C on or Wore the 26th day of October, 1950, or this .otice will be pleaded in bar of their ecovery. All persons indebted to aid estate will please make immedi te payment. This 26th day of October, 1949. MRS. GEORGE W. BRADSHAW, Executrix of Miss B$le P. White. lov 4,ll,18,25Dec2,9 ; , ; NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Elmo XL Cannon, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this' is' to notify ail persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C. on or before the 25th day of November, 1950 or this notice will be pleaded in tar of their recovery. All persons , indebted, to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 25th day of November, 1949. V ,.t MRS. EDNA S. CANNON Administratrix of Elmo H. Cannon. Dec. 2,9,16,23,30, Jan. 6. . . - NOTICE OF. RESALE North Carolina ' , Perquimans County . .t . , In Superior Court ' , J? . Before The Clerk Gaithei Humphries, Executor, et als, vs. Gailand F. Humphries et als. . Under and by virtue of an order of the-'''; Superior Court, of . Perquimans County, ma 1c in the above tantitled proceeding, sti subsequent order of resale made therein, the undersigned Oommi3s?onr r will, on the 14th day of December, 1949, at 12:00 noon, at tlio courthouse jdoof -6 Hertford, N. C, offer for scie to -tha highest bidder for cash tint certain tract of land situate in New Hope Township, P-r-quinrans County, N. C, more particu larly described as follows, to wit: -Tract . No. 2 Bounded by J. B. Hump: .'V land, East by the land of, Aa. , x .... , . , . . Road and West by L a read lu. to Elizabeth City, containing 19 of an ecre, being the same land conveyed to the said J. B. Humphries by deed from Augustus Potter et al, recorded in deed book 7, page 93, Perquimans Kegjstrar's Offisa. , " ., ' ; ine present bid on said tract is $110.00. A deposit of 10 of the high bid wiQ be required at the tune oi sale. - All taxes due or accruing prior to -December 81,; 1949 will be paKi from the proceeds of sale. .. This 25th day of November, 1949. . V .1 J. HENRY LEROY - Commissioner of the Court Dec. 2,7. , J-.-Lfnnr . , j NOTICE . Advertisement for bids for the con struction of a vocational shop and physical education' building for the Perquimans County Board of Educa tion, Hertford, North Carolina. ?f Sealed proposals will be received m. the Perquimans County Board of Education at the office of the Super intendent of Schools, J. T. Biggers, Hertford, N. C nn to U A. M De cember 6, 1949. . Immediately there after the bids will be publicly open and read for: . - : A. The general construction of the . . : - building;; . B. Plumbing; fixtures, piping, etc. C. Heating; boiler, ninimr. radia tors, etc. D. Electrical; wiring, fixtures, etc. t xne aoove -classifications yA, a, j and D) will be let under separate contracts. . . Plans and speciflcations are on file at the office of the architect, Ray mond Fuson, ;409-410r Elks Temple,' New Bern, N. C, and at the office of J. T. Biggers, Perquimans County Superintendent of Schools, Hertford, N. C. Copies of the plans and speci fications may be obtained from the architect upon the deposit of $25.00. Deposits will be refunded to all bid ders submitting a bonafide bid upon return of the plans and specifications in good condition on or before the let ting date. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of thirty (30) days af ter the opening thereof. , , ? A bidder's certified check in an amount equal to 6 of .the bid must accompany each bid.' -(In lieu thereof a bidder may offer a certified check for 2 of the bid plus a bid bond for 3 of the bid). As required by law, all certified checks submitted with proposals shall be drawn on a bank or trust company authorised to do business in North Carolina Section I, Chapter 400, N. C. Public Laws' of 1933 and Michie's Nl JG. Code 1938, Section 7334 (e) and 1513 (a). vA performance bond is required in an amount equal to 100 of the contract price conditioned upon the faithful perf omance of the contract and. up on the payment of all persons sup plying labor and furnishing materials for the construction of the project. -The above mentioned bond must be acceptable to the owner. No infor mal bids will be received. All general contractors are hotified that "An Act to Regulate thi Prac tice of General Contractinsr" ratified by the General Assembly of North Carolina on March 10, 1925. and as subsequently amended (P. L. of 1937) win be observed in receiving and awarding the general contract. , ,. All plumbing and heating contrac tors are notified that provisions of Chapter 52 of Public Laws of 1931 and as amended by Chapiter ' 57 of the Public Laws of 1933 will be ob served in receiving and awarding piuniDing and neating contracts. , . All Electrical Contractors are not! if ied that provisions of Chapter 87 of Public Laws of 1937 (Ratified March 23, 1937) will be observed in receiv ing and awarding the Electrical Coii tract. 'J. The Owner reserves the right to re ject any or all bids, and to waive in formalities. PERQUIMANS COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION J. A. White, Chairman. J. T. Biggers, Secretary. Raymond Fuson, Architect, New Bern, N. C. It. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the superior court of Perquimans County, made in the special proceed ing entitled Rufus Lilly and wife, Lucie Lilly, Avis Lilly, and wife, Car-, rie Lilly, Eunice Sawver and Alvin Sawyer, against Cornelia Morel and husband, Morel, Laura Niklos and husband, Steve Niklos, Delia Vann and husband, Howard Vann, Mamie Lane, and hus band Alphonso Lane, Max Campbell, guardian of Gladys Appleman, Paul Appleman, husband of Gladys Apple man, and A. C. Lilly, Adrr. of Sallie L. Lane, the undersigned commission er will, on the 23rd day of December, 1949,. at 11:30 A. M., at the court house door in Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being in New Hope Township, Perquimans County, North Carolina, adjoining the landd of Graham1 Wood and others bounded and described as follows: . Adjoining the lands of E. E. Bate man oh the southeast; on the south west by the Trim Wilson land; on the northwest by Graham Wood and Annie Belle Wood house sight; on the northeast by ths state highway No. 342 leading from Hertford to Eliza beth City, N. C.,. containing 52 acres,: more or less, hem clufiing all and the two certain tracts as set out and tuliy described in those certain (desdS aa follows;. From G. W. Gregory andf wife, Nannie Gregory- to T.' S. White of ICader in D. Book 16, pag 593,. and de?d from Seth Jennings and wif.v Lillian and E. E. Bateman & wife Edna to T. S. White in- d:cd book ' 16, page ' 159. - - .... A .1 t:'-e s.3 1 to "i 1, i -e , Pub lic Re-jtry of Perquimans County. There is excepted from the above described property, those certain two tracts of land previously sold by Sal- lie L. Lane and husband, David Lane, to Oliver Winslow as shown and de scribed in deed book 29, page 289, conveying 96100th acre; and to Gra- ha.n E; Wood as shown and described in deed hook 24, page 683, conveying s. acres. , Vvv. V'-''V. ' A deposit of 5 -will be required May Warn of Disordered - J ' !i!;'i;.;;.: Kidney Action , . Modarn Ufa with lt hurry nd worry, Imcular hablta, impropar Mtint and drinking ita riak of axpoaura and Tnfee- ; tfon -throwa laary atraln on tha work ol tha kidnaya. They ara apt to becoma ovar-taxad and tail to filter exoaaa acid aad othar tmpnritiaa from tha llla-glvinf blood.' .. . You may nla untif backacha, headache, dtadnaaa, gattlng np nlgbw, " lag paina, awalUng eel oonatantly ; tired, narTona. all worn out. Other aifna of kidney or bladder diaordar are aome timea bomlng, aeanty or too frequent orinatloa. v' ' ' . Try Doon'a Pilll Ooan't help tha ' Udnaya to paaa off harmful axeaaa body waate. They have had more than half a : aentury of public approval. Are reeom- :( mended by grateful .near everywhere. Atk your aaffUorf , - ' i ' -2 t'.. e Su-.v. tA L .r on t. i u. , of 6le. - Dated and posted this 22nd day of November,-1949.' ; : ' ' " . CHAS. E. JOHNSON - , . , Commissioner Deo. 2,9,16,23. ' sWleaW. J 4 . WeSdl SINCLAIR PRODUCT'S GOODYEAR and U.SROYAL' TIRES and TUBES 1 "Let V.s Service Your Car Today." AT YOUR SERVICE For the Best In . . O GAS - OIL . -O GREASE Q TIRES ; , t , 0 BATTERIES -O WASHING JOE & BILL'S SERVICE STATION RAY WHITE, Prop. PHONE6oi l.,- ML . .- . V--; ; :.' . , X. . m... ' II l Never bother about TAK1NO ASPIRIN WHEN i HAVE A HE APACHE - If IIV-"" I mi X I -M ( " ... HOWOOWOU . - - ' woHiMMuiin. 1HB.l.aaaar t SEND WY CAR OVER TO T017E-17EBB WOT0R. CO, AND LET THEM FIX IT UP. TIFIX IT UP. j-Sj6 MM ft THINWV WA BETTEI?. I LET THEM OIVE MY CAR . RE6UURCHECKUM-THAT WAV 1 NEVER RUN INTO HEATMCHES. J MR I t - "t Va I 1 rC Xr Jfe-i"i- mmiiMR miMD rum (pi : ij If) 1 1 1 Uijifo If, I 5, f: a ID (c ' "' : - . M : -. y ' Z: -r.- . : i . i.i' v . r-.- ' : :::;:: ( . -J S - I ;1 i i I I i II pjfiSOJGtt fiaOtLlf Zzz2s& 1r'-Ti SFICIAt TISTImO cxdises at Siadal Ilarrey, miooit. dmhmtmamsstaois laboratocle chick cootaiufy on tiaaUtf ' ot aprttoleamlidastry.Im CJUotx CJifldCwIxiricana eeing to it that ffodaca joa bej t f?nf!7y . m job oi aondanim ptotecrioo for your cab Dealer arc tc; in jjzi frrmtnra. Uam &tz!d&tJMzttBOh. ti New Premi3 Czt Uotot C2 dx-'zsJ lj oodem Sinclair Kxadi to fcer? jrocr cctrr ' clxa w whisdA z9 year V-r-t TZzlzt Lx ( tcKfelsbrkadsa 1 Sinclair r:;:ie;g co.

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