... C, JAY JANUARY 18. I960, i CJ. lx jwater Council Anniversary cf Honor of the" Tidewater t r.l be held at the Norfolk X Auditorium, Ninth and "; Streets "Sunday afternoon, ,ry 12, according to J . Vordon y, chairman. - . , - ' outs and seniors will parade at ) o'clock and Cuba will- form on lor Guard at the auditorium. Mr. idsay is urging a 100 per cent at' t .Jnce of Scouts. Scouters and par- -is." ..s.., ,- , ;' 9Dt Let Slip Put End To Trip Don't let 'a Blip put an end to your trv - 'That's, the warning given today by , County Agent I. r C. Yaget of the State College Extension Service. The Usual traffic hazards with wnicn mo torists must contend are about doubt ed at this time of year, he - points ..out.-, ; 1 '- 1 ' ; "When bad weather strikes, says the county agent, cite oest pouey to avoid going out on the highway at all. "But those who have to drive should take every precaution possible to make their cars and driving accident-woof. ,-:' .'V ... : . - .J J 1 AJL jtiere are six rates enuvroeu y w '.National Safety Council and recom- J j ., M.4.. . ; When starting out, get the "feel" of the road v by trying your brakes while driving slowly and when no other vehicles are near. . Adjust speed to conditions. Blow 'own 04 wet, snowy, or Icy roads go you can stop m time if you have to. Use tire , chains on ke and snow, They reduce braking distance as much as 60 to 70 per cent. Keep your windshield and windows clear of fog, frost snow and ke. Be sure your-ieadlights, windshield wip ers and defrosters are in good work ing condition. - ..'k- ', " When you have to stop, pump your brakes, i Jamming them on may . lock them and throw your vehicle out of control. , ' t Follow- other vehicles at a safe distance, It takes three to 12 times as long to stop on snow and ice as on dry concrete. ' ' HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB ' Mrs. J. K. Futrell - was hostess to her bridge chub last Thursday evening at her home on Front Street. Those playing were Mesdames C. A: Daven port, Trim Wifcoo, W. H, Hardcastle, S." P. Jessup, - JH. Newbold,' H. A. Whitley, Rolac McMullan and Miss Mae, Wood Winslow.;' The high score prize went to Mrs. Hardcastle. Re freshments were served by the host- N, O, P and Q Drivers Must Renew Licenses . Persons whose surnames begin with N O, P and Q now may apply for re newals of drivers' licenses. ; Persons jn this teategory may, seek renewals through June SO. At the suggestion of Jeff B. Wilson, Director of Department of Motor Vehicles, examiners throughout the State kept their stations open in the afternoon as long as the applicants were on hand. during the L and M rush. For the convenience of the pub PAG2 THSZ3 lie the practice remained in effect. through January 6 to take care of the L and M drivers' who had failed to make application before the December 81 deadline. The Highway Patrol co operated with examiners in ' giving road tests to applicants.' I Fre-Inventory ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OP LATE FALL DRESSES ; Values to $16.95 $M-95 Now Only $10.95 . " , Values to $12.95 $IO-95 Now Only $7.95 T-' S - Values to $8.95 and $7.95 " Now Only $5.95 Sale ALL COATS AND SKIRTS 1A nff O Ull 7 4 Coats, short style . . $5.00 Blouses, values up to $5.95 T Reduced to Only $2.95 WHITENS DRESS SHOP 'CIIURCH STREET HERTFORD, N. C. f mwm- .. 1. How long did Britain rule Pale stine 7 2. When did Finland become an in dependent nation? ,8. Who wrote: "I Hear America Singing? 4. What is the most plentiful ele ment in the earth's atmosphere and crust 1 6. What is the southernmost section of the U. S.7 9. What is the northernmHt tin of me u. b.i 7. Name the "Three MiiSVetra 8. What three former Natio?iHirt capitals are now in Chinese Com munist nands? 9. What is the salarv of th V1V0. President of the U. S. T 10. How far Is f1i .1or. T.,:. uvm ute eavcnT THE ANSWERS 1. From 1917-1948. 2. In 1917, when she declared her self free from Russian rule. 8. Walt Whitman. 4. Oxyaren. whieh half the weight of each. 6. .Key West, Fla. e. The Lake of Woods projection of Minnesota. 7. Athos, Porthos and Aramis. 8. Peiping, Nanking and Canton. 9. $50,000 a year, nlua Sin nnn tax-free allowance. 10. About 640,000,000 (miles, -"i m " 1 LL""111 - ' whjiij " SEE US FOR D Y N A MI T E FOR STUMPING OR DITCHING WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS WE ALSO HAVE : 1 5 Electric Caps Fuses Wire Blasting Caps Batteries r ! fa? Hertford Hardware & Supply Company PHONE 346 HERTFORD, N. C STATEMENT OF CONDITION HERTFORD BUILDING AND LOAN ; , ASSOCIATION " .' -' $ Ol Hertford, Nk O, as of December 81, 1949. COopy of iSworn Statement Submitted to the Commissioner of Insurance " A i.. As Required By Law) , v ... -' ASSETS "S Association Owner - - - K' i on hand and in Banks - . , 3,833.98 1 tf v of North Carolina and U. S. Government Bonds 2,500.00 " i in Federal Home Loan Bank.. . v None -70 Loans ,! : ' 68,572.73 7 loaned to shareholders for the- purpose of enabling them -' r 1 their homes.. Each loan secured by first mortgage on . i i proved teal estate. i Lroans ..inces made to our shareholders against their shares. . 1 Tn exceeds 90 of alnount actually paid in. v unces for Insurance, Taxes, etc, No 460.00 iNone e Furniture and Fixtures . Nonei A ruilding iNone 'jati Owned - , Nohe : 1 ' ;t Sold Under Contract ' iNone ? Assets ' ... . ' ' 1 107.40 7 1 f - 1 -'- 73,474.11 . -LIABILITIES . ' ' '.Vn Owes: ' , , "' ' l' v -era ' . rusted to our-care in the form of payments on shares. ': t8hares, i',--- I 8,943.75 ' : L ores -- , 24.700.00 r46S,43.75 ,:e . ;; - 3.000.00 rrowed for use in tuakinar loans to members: or retir- -ired shares. Each' note approved, by at least two--rf entire Board of Directors as required by law. ble -8 9 i intrust for distribution to share-holders at ma- t jr eihareau - - t n - ce Reserve (If, Insured) '1.' ,sj tr Contingencies - : ' ; led for the payment of any losses, if sustained. This increases the safety and strength of the Association, cities . None - !None' 8,624.62 None 8,200.00 6.84 i Carolina, . . t ' 1 n .j t , , imans. ss:- ' '-ell, Secretary-Treasurer of the above named Association, ad before me this day, and being duly sworn, sav-s that the at is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. MAX R. CATFTLLI., Seeretary-Treasarer. , , J subscribed before me, Cis 7vh iay of January. 1350. , 't ; ' V. H. PITT, ,','".. " Clerk Superior Co'rt Piwm IJM fob mm New...New...New all-new beauty inside and out ! CEBJ&LERS with . j,v 'J- r; i T 1 Y 'j 1 ' f -.-. Ty're) .Now On Display . Come, see them today! cars of surprising new beauty . . , with new longer, lorer, lovelier lines :. . . Btunning new interiors, new nylon fabrics-Yes. . .it's today's new style dassklkoA Chryslar's kind of beauty ; the beauty you really eppredato- because it reflects the sound engineering and the solid comfort inside. Again there is room to spare for your head, your hat, your legs, your shoulders. Chair-height seats. Againthe Chrysler is designed for eaedeat handling for sale vision for ease of getting in and out. See it, drive it and you'll sgree, it's the smartest, safest, sweetest performing car today. f OWE - WEBB MOTOR CO., INC. HERTFORD, N. C.