r 1950 Chevrolet Offers Automatic Trcncniiccic: $L& . , , -i ,M ,i I- frfflfl " . t As in 1949, Chevrolet's newest Hue often two Individually dedgiied sedans. Thi to the Fleet- line, so described Decsuae w" "TT ouarters follows body roof toes. Fresh beauty in exterior and Interior treatment la risible to the eye wKh increased Swer and comfort Ughspotting chassis taproTemenU. addition, the company offers an automatic shift in the optional Powergiwe transmission. auarters iouowb douj nmi . " " . , I Th w bn nm. flnestioa as to thetic appliance may be established i ng scnctiiuea On Flood Control Of Chovan River Basin , Congressman Herbert C. Bonner and Congressman Porter Hardy of Virginiayplan to request that a public hearing concerning the proposed flood control of the Chowan River be held - at the Winton Court House in the near UBoth Congressmen plan to attend the hearing which wu investigate cvu ditions brought to light earlier by the Albemarle Soil Conservation District The proposed flood control of the Chowan would; cover the entire, water shed of the river and its tributaries in North Carolina and Virginia, Con gressman Bonner has been advised by Co. G. T. Derby of the Corps of En gineera, Norfolk. ' ' ll HOG KILLING SUPPLIES We have a complete stock of -articles you need for Hog Kffling. SEE US FOR YOUR NEEDS O Salt GJl. Pine Coarse O, Lard Tins O Sausage Seasoning O Skipper Compound O Liquid Smoke O Tender Cure O Meat Pumps We are equipped to grind meat. Bring us your order . prices are reasonable. There had been some Question as to whether .the proposed survey would cover the entire river or only Hi up per reaches. Th arolect k of particular interest to farmers along the Chowan, many of whom ha.v solicited the assistance of tha Athemarle Soil Conservation stood in planning improvements on some of the smaller streams. ..The farmers are planning to "undertake improve ments at their own expense, according to Lloyd C. Bunch of the Conserva tion Department. - r : . ; .' '- The Conservation , Department has opined that information from the pro posed survey may be of great help In carrying out the Conservation pro gram in the Albemarle section. No definite date has oeen set lor the hearing, but Congressman Bon ner assured that it would be tied, as soon as possible. The First District Representative explained that efforts would be made to have the hearing at wiwson since it is centrally located and would prob ably be the most convenient place for those who plan to attend from both ends of the Chowan. Annuel Meoting Of Tidewater Council lnI!orfo!!(J:n.15lli Fnmwt V. Ross, resident of She Tidewater Council, Boy Scout' "of America, has announced that the an nual meeting of the. Tidewater CounV cil, of which. Edenton is a part, will be held Thursday, January is, . at 8:45 P. M. at the Navy Y. M. C. A- Brooke Avenue, in Norfolk. The meet ing will be a dinner meeting for bcout- ers and their, ladies. Dress will be informal, with uniform in order, but attendance will be limited to adults. The principal speaker for the oc casion will be E. Urner Goodman, di rector of the Division of Program, Boy Scouts of America. Mr. Goodman .nlnna an ATMntinillllir finfl TttlllltjL- f inn u m. anMiVer. B.tMi thoitftvwho heard him at the Regional meeting were very much impressed. : . The dinner accommodations wiu De limited to 800 and tickets for the meeting are on sale for $1.60. A ca tnr has been secured for the meal and the number of plates must ; be guaranteed by next Monday, January 9 thetic annlionce mav be established if he has service-connected or service aggravated disability requiring an ap nliATuA. or if an &Dnllance is determ ined necessary while he is receiving treatment from va. O. Mav I sret a GI loan to mir- ehase a farm and have 30 Tears to nay orf the loan? . A. A farm realty loan mav be made repayable up to 40 years, but the term of the loan is discretionary with the lender. Other realty loans must be paid m up to 26 years and nonrealtv loans in 10 years or less. terms at the discretion of the lender. O. Mv uncle is a disabled peace time veteran and unable to work be cause he is ill. Is he entitled to hos pitalization in a VA hospital 7 A- Your iincle mav be entitled if he was discharged under other than dishonorable conditions, for a disabil ity incurred in line of duty or is re ceiving compensation for a service- connected or service-aggravated dis ability. -...,v I Jt'l HERTFORD, N C, FACTS REVEALED ABOUT COLD "CURES" v What are the - facts i behind athe amazinsr new anti-histamine drugs? Learn the scoped of.their curative nowen and also tha side effects they might induce in the revealing article in "The Common Cold" appearing in January IS issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY Nation's Favorite Magazine With . v THE BALTIMORE - SUNDAYAiMERICAN--.Vs Order Fm Yonr Local Newsdealer 'Vets' Question Box Q. Is vf son, who was disabled in World War II, eligible to receive a nmirt.hetic aDMiance? A. Your son's eligibility xor pros- ASK US ABOUT OUR New Protection Plan FOR HOMES - AUTOS - APPLIANCES It Pays Of f Your Loan In Case Of Death - For a small monthly premium we are now in position to insure any lean you make to purchase the above items , , . in case of death your loan is paid in full. See us today for complete de-, . MRS. VIOLA IjTNACHMAN. v : , '. 1 j ' General Insurance ,. ' , , PHONE J34i t "I HERTFORD, N. C. TAYLOR THEATRE EDENTON, C Week Day Shows Continuous From 3:30 Saturday Continuous From 1:30 Sunday, 2:15, 4:15 and9:li Thursday and Friday, r January IZcla j ' : Olivia DeHavilland and , Montgomery Clift in HEIRESS" f ". TJ. . ..." Show Starts 3:30 : ... Features 4:00, 6:40 and 9:20 Saturday, January 14 ' j Don Red Barry and . James Millican in THE DALTON GANG" Sunday, January 15 . ' : George Marphy and v Ricard6 Montalban in . ; "BORDER INCIDENT" Monday and Tuesday, January 16-17 A,', v Yvonne DeCarle- and -Howard Duff in "CALAMITY JANE AND, ' SAM BASS" . , 't- t Wednesday, January 18 . , Double Feature Barbara Hale fa , . "THE WINDOW . , William Tracy in -.-TANKS A MILUON" . Ellen Tlioatrc EDENTON, N. C '''' " - Week Day Shows 7 and P, M. - Saturday Continuous From 1:80 ; Sunday 2:15, 4:15 and 9:15 Thursday, January 12' . ;. Ken .Curtis fn ' "STALLION CANYON" Friday and Saturday, January 13-14 - ' John Wayne in ' , "I COVER, THE WAR" Sunday and Monday, ' ' January 15-16 : t . , Jean Arthur and John Lund In 7 "A FOREIGN AFFAIR" Tuesday and We'-.e-'ay, January 17-18 Edwarl G. nu':.Jton and - Lc-ttta Yo -t in Tirr: katch-t man" A NEW : SHnlTENT BEAUTIFUL Spri ; .a .i ADVANCE pnng -j AH sizes, blended Gabardines, Wool Crepes. Beautifully tailored with slight swing backs. Advance spring color tonesl 50 Lovely New RAYON GABARDINE New low price! They look like $20.00! ; Lovely Spring pastel colors. Tailored to . perfection for Juniors, Misses and Women SLIGHTLY IRREGULARS NMIIIOSE O Spring shades Yam, Wild Rice, Oven and Brown. t . . O All sizes from Y to O Regular $1.15 values. ;.ii'vi' Chinese All Hand Made Pure Linen IDERCIiiEFS - Beautiful Hand Workl J Hand Rolled Hemsl 2S)c Fine Cotton Lovely Rayon SI It. ' Fine lace .trim Rayon, wide Bamberg trim cotton batiste expertly styled in all sizes 32 to 46. Second floor. A Special, Purchase! very Slighjtly Irregulars O FINE CHENILLE O :"..;: Bed Spread $8.95Vafile s jaa ' .. umia mikv uuuuic itvt oiovt , 1,'' thick, heavy Chenille, plain and fringe . , trim. White and pastels I - 1 , SALE . . IMPORTED HANDMADE : , Drawn work hot roll coversj chair back ' . ' ' -'j'-V' VV;. tk - m . arm . m . , sr-rmiy..- cets, scarfs, vanity sets, white hem- C? 1 1 nT Til 'stitched scarfs, mosaic pillow (es, , h bridge sets, table squares! ' M LL ' i V 9xl2MANITEX : Florals and kitchen squares with heavy felt bases! Many colors. S'j.oa values! v