. . it1..; ',,7,-. , o rrr r ,v : Moved To Dofeb Street ' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tilley and family moved from Harvey's Point last Tuesday Into an apartment on Dobb Street Week-end Here ' Miss Elizabeth Wood of Plymouth ' spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Baker Wood. - Week-end at Tarboro Miss Hulda Wood spent the week- end at tarboro, N. C, as the guest of Miss Mitzie Green. ... At Medical Center Mrs. Monroe Hoffler is a patient at the Medical Center in Elizabeth City and getting along fairly well. Week-end Guest Miss Arlean Porter of Elizabeth City, N. C, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.V. N. Darden. Recent Guest Miss Betty Ruth Chappell was the guest of her mother, Mrs. Ruth B. Chappell and her sister, Mrs. Norman Chappell for the holidays. - From Durham Alfred Williams of Durham, N. C, :! spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. , Simon Rutenburg. Returned Home Mrs. C H. Howard returned homo Thursday after visiting her daughter, Mrs. B. E. Wyre'at Winston-Salem, N. C . Week-end Guests : , l x Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Howard of Nor folk spent . the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Felton and Mrs. C. H. Howard. .v : . " :: , Sunday Guests ' Mr. and Mrs. Gebe Weincoff of Cherry Poinf spent Sunday with Mrs. John Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Caravello. " Moved to Woodland Circle Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Topping moved to Woodland Circle last week. , I From St. Paul's Mrs. W. A. Felton, and Miss Gladys Felton of St Paul's N. C, spent the At r.:r::J R. D. Elliott, Sr., is at DuLa JIo pital in Durham, N. C for treatment He la, expected homo the latter part of this week. . From New Jersey Mrs. T. R. Preston and N. M., Car ter of PlainfialdV N. J., are the guests of Mrs, T. S. White at her homo on Market Street ,. J Returned Homo - ' Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Pitt and son returned to their home in Jones boro, Axle," after visiting - Mrs. Goorge Fields and family. Returned to Portsmouth' v ; 1 " ', Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Bill and daughters have returned to their home in Portsmouth, Va., after spending the holidays with Mrs. George Fields. -Jf '"' . " 1 1 1 1 '. iv.? MINNIE WILSON CIRCLE ) .( TO MEET The Minnie Wilson Missionary Cir cle of the Methodist Church will meet Monday night, January 16 at 8 P. M., with Mrs. B. L. Knowles. AU mem bers are urged to attend. '. ' BRIDGE CLUB MEETS Mrs. C. M. Williford was hostess to her bridge club Tuehday evening at her home on Dobb Street Those play- Stokes at their home on Front Street. From Newport-News Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brinn and daughter, Katherine Elliott Brinn of Newport-News spent the week-end with Mrs. Rosser Brinn. At Charlotte Mrs. J. R. Futrell.left Sunday for Charlotte, N. C, where she will spend Week-end Here two weeks on business. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Keidanz who ( suent two weeks at Jacksonville. Fla., Norfolk Visitor visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller and Mrs. G. E. Newby will leave Satur- week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. ing were Mesdames C. E. Johnson, G, children returned here Saturday and spent the week-end with J. S. Vick before returning to New. York Mon day. Mrs. J. S. Vick who accompanied them wild Fla., will remain for several weeks due to the illness of her daugh ter who has been quite sick but is im proved. ' Attend Supper Mr. and Mrs. John Biggers, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Woodard, and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Snipes attended the School Mas ters Club at Swan Quarter Monday evening. From Wake Forest J. M. Peters of Wake Forest was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Huggins. Sunday Guests Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bateman of Co lumbia, N. C, Mr. and Mrs. Riddick of Gates County spent Sunday with Mrs. Baker Wood and Miss Elizabeth Wood. Week-end Guest Mrs. J. A. Buchanan of Durham, N. C, spent the week-end with Mrs. T. S. White, Sr., at her home on Market Street; .Tuesday in Norfolk Mrs. E. A. Byrum spent Tuesday in Norfolk visiting her sister, Mrs. W. T. HoilowslL day for Norfolk where she will visit Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Harrell. On Sick List V. N. Dardsn was confined to his home several days this week because of sickness. From New York. Mrs. G. M. Parker of Jamica, New York is- the guest of Mrs. J. L. Dozier and Mrs. W. C. Cherry. Returned Home Mr. and Mrs. John Schels returned home Saturday after visiting relatives at Cleveland, Ohio and Westwood, N.J. Sunday in Portsmouth Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Towe visit ed Mr. and Mrs. J. ,M Saunders and Miss Eugenia Davis in Portsmouth, Sunday. -r 'jfe $ From Norfolk Mrs. Ralph Wallace and children of Norfolk, Va., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Koonce. DELLA SHAMBURGERS TO MEET The Delia Shamburger Missionary Circle of the Methodist 'Church will meet Monday night, January 17, at 8 P. M., with Mrs. L. C. WinsloW. Mrs. J. H. Towe will have charge of the program. AH members are urged to attend. '" V '.' W. Barbee, H. C. Stakes, T. L. Jes sup, John Bigers, M.' R. -Campbell, Miss Helen Morgan and Miss Mary Sumner. The high score prize went to Mrs. Johnson. A sweet course was served. . , HOSTESS TO. BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. V. N. Darden was hostess to her bridge club Tuesday evening at her home. ' Those enjoying the evea ing were Mesdames T. B. Sumner, Ro- lac McMullan W. G. Wright, B. U. Koonce. Charles Henc. J. -0. Felton, Charles Whedbee and Miss - Kate Blanchard. The high score prise went to Miss Blanchard and low to Mrs. Wright A sweet course was served. ENTERTAINS BROWNIES . Jo Davis Towe was hostess to her troop of Brownie Scouts at her home on Church Street Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Willis Jessup their leader presiding. ' ' J As an entertainment feature, Mrs. W. E. White told some -very inter esting stories, after which Mrs. Towe served dainty refreshments, Todsyt Friday Mttinea 8 P. M. Night 7-9 SPENCER TRACY KATHERINE HEPBURN "Adam's Ribw Saturday! Show Opens 1 P. E- ALLAN LANE " , 'TDeathVaUey Gunfightes,, "Congo BiB". No. 1 Sunday: Snows IslS, 415 and 9:15 P. ' RANDOLPH SCOTT and JANE NIGH , ? " "FIGHTING MAN FniE PUL'F Monday and Tuesday Matinee S P. M. Night T-9 P. M. ' ' J - HUMPHREY BOGART and JOHN DEREK - mra oii'M-Dflor; WsdMsdayt Matinee $ P. M. Night 7-9 P. M v - v ( z- , " DOUBLE FEATURE "Y! 'l "',-,. ;-' : First Feature - I ' Second Feat are STEPHEN DUNNE . f ROY ROBERTS LOIS MAXWELL ln- ,tkazan,, GEORGE COOPER aminfiury', Thursday" and Frldsy-Matinee P. M. Night 7 and 9 P, M. ' . LINDA DARNELL- and CHARLES COBURrf m "EVERYBODY D'ISIITj Suit Perfections For Pre-Spring ' Wearing! . . r . . . receiving jouri- we are receiving our: new Spring Toppers and Suits v in reason's new (bright shades and sharkskin materials. Suits -$12.75 up Toppers .... $10.75 up Come In and ( pick' your Spring or Easter outfit. - ' f If you wish, we will be glad for you to use our lay-away plan. I . I lilVliVi. ' The' Y W. A.'s of Eethol E:I-t church jnet Tuesday night, January 3 at the some of Jeanette Chappell. Mary Ines Chappell, president, pre sided over the meeting. New and old business was didouAned toWoweA bv m interesting program with several tak ing part , ; 1 " ' - Dismissal by Mrs. Bernard Proctor, ! after, which delicious refreshments j were served to the following guests: Misses Mary Buncju Mary Julia' HarreU, Eliabeth Proctor, Mary hies Chappell, Madelyn Phillips, eJanette Chappell, and Wade Jordan, Robert Evans, E. J. Proctor, R, S. Chappell and Mrs. Bernard Proctor. " TO PREACH AT WHITEVILLE The Rev. Carl Bjork will' preach at Whiteville Grove Baptist Church Sun day, January 15, at 3 P. M., ithwas an-. here today. The public is cordially in vited to attend the services..; :. . n 1 For dependability, long life, . and good, uniform plowing, chooiaa John Deer Disk Plow. Its design is imple adjust ment . aro few and easy to make. It's sturdily built 'to' givo you the greatest plowing satisfaction ... for the longest time'. . . at the lowest possible cost. See us for details'. ; - J. C. Blanchard t & Co Inc. - ; "Blanchard's" Since 1833 Ce Te. . j i . I. . I V . ..v Counjy Ai.t, 1 h'A ill .U Xonc- J h-.l Ta his home in f Va., Wlowir-U-rnoon rt lQn'rlwr j Automobile owners, .residing , withm - tYA) Town of Hertford, must purchase and display Town licenses oh their cars by; February 1, 1950. Car owners failing to comply, with the law will be subject to' a penalty, - t . Buy your 1950 auto tag today and avoid the r Sale oflObDiES' Togs : Take advantage of these low prices oa Children's Wear ,..'.' : all new merchandise reduced for clearance. - - Boys' 3-piece Leg SuitsV All wool, sizes 1-3. Were $15.95 : . Now $11.00 v JODPUUR SUITS, sizes 2-3. $7.50 Values - ' M Now $6.00 " Girls' Toddlers, 3-piece Leg Suits. Sizes 2-3 , All wool. Were. Now, $12.95 ; I.'; Girls' and Boys' Snow Suits, one and two pieces, 1-4 sizes. Were ; $6.95, $9.95 and $12.95. Now priced at $5.00 $8.00 $10.00 One'lot of Girls' Dresses $1.00 $2.00 $3.00 One lot of Girls' Dresses. , Size 4-14 . $1.00 off ; f Boys' and Girls' Robes, cord and quilted. Were $6.95 to $8.93 : $3.95, $4.95 and $6.95 ; ; - Corduroy Overalls, $2.98 values - Now $2.00 - Girls' Coats,' aH wool. Sizes 4, 5, 6 . J 7 ",$8.95 ' - ' $11.95 and $12.95 values reduced to r , ; $9.95 Wool and Nylon Gloves. $1.29 and $1.49 values Now $1.00 , . , ; ; i r Outing Gowns and Pa jamas.; $2.98 values -'1 1 i ioy.'J. .cNoW $2.00 il-C i "v 3 ' L , . ' JOJIES i(idd:e;siioppe . SECOND FLOOR GREGORY'S HERTFORD, jj. C A 2L See FORD TRtlCICS For '5 . . DOICJG A DGT7GC2 3Bl , ... ijJJv, fife : 1 ",;r,., , ,---l.. , ..... , WAYS NEW s New Mcdels i New Pcvrcr ; Features - COME IN AND SEE NEW FO?J) TRUCKS ON DISPLAY ; AT OUR SHOWROOM JANUARY 13 Fcrd lid3 Lc:s :r:: 7::J Ttg!;s Lest Lcr : i W inclov- ?clnrd Lector Company N.C.