THE . ' Perquimans Weekly Published every Friday at Hert ford, North Carolina. MAX CAMPBELL. j-Editor "Entered as second class matter November 15 1934, at Post Office at Hertford, North Carolina, un der the Act of March, 1879. "Hon Carolina l 'WW AMOC1AIM Honk Carolina v& SUBSCRIPTION RATES In ' Perquimans, Gates, Chowan and Pasquotank Counties, per year, 1.50. Outside Perquimans, Gates, Chowan and Pasquotank Counties, per year, $2.00. ; Advertising rates f urnwhed by request. ' . ' . FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1950. Two More Days . Perquimans County residents! who as yet have not had a free chest X ray made by the Health Department stiU , have two days to obtain one. The ' big mobile X-ray units, being used in the survey will operate in this county through January 14. The unit which has been stationed in Hertford for the past two weeks has, been busy and hundreds of people have'applied for an X-ray. We urged all those who have not had an X-ray taken to do so before 'the program closet toworrow. Our District Health Department has gone to considerable trouble and expense to carry on this huge health Burvey and it deserves the coopera tion Of every resident If you have not had your chest X-raed ... do it today. How's Your Health? Just as a great business (lakes an inventory to ascertain its condition, every-individual at least once a year should seek, to find out the true status of his or her physical condition. -' We hear much talk about regular examinations to discover the exist ence of dread diseases in order that proper treatment may safeguard the body and restore it to health. Cer tainly, this is sound advice for all readers of The Weekly to follow. If you haven't had a physical check up lately, go to your family doctoH and persuade him to look you over. See if your heart and other vital or gans have been impaired. If there is anything wrong, follow the advice that you get and see if you can't re pair the damage that has already been done. . Parents of Perquimans County might well start the habit in their childern. Take them to the doctor and have . them carefully examined. Not only should they be tested for bodily ills but eyes, noses, throats and teeth should receive critical ex amination. . Tests for sound hearing often reveal unsuspected defects. Drivers Should Respect Rights Of Pedestrians Every driver of a motor vehicle has a tender regard for the rights of the pedestrian when he happens to be the pedestrian. On such occasions, they are in a position to understand that approximately 65 per cent of all per sons injured or killed in automobile accidents are pedestrians. Alter a narrow escape from some driver, they are - then willing to be lieve that a pedestrian is entitled to safety and that whether he is in the right or wrong, the driver should pro tect him. We hope that every automobile driver in Perquimans County who reads this, will make up his or her mind to drive carefully, paving regard for the presence of children in the streets, the location of schools and playgrounds and the natural tendency of children to ignore danger of which they are not fully aware. Let's all give a thought to the chil dren particularly. They furnish one- third of the fatalities that result from automobi aocidehts. They are en titled to saf ty And if Jrfv !-' st give it'"" ' State to step in tv-, -y Ws strict ly enforced, to see that the children of North Carolina have a nearly ab solute protection as can be obtainable. home, read newspaper advertising daily, "whereas many a circular is tossed into the waste basket without a glance. "(3) Do you : want, fast action? Then use the newspaper. The ad that you run today, if it contains real mer chandise news, will bring immediate results " tomorrow. You can receive and sell out a consignment . of mer chandise with newspaper ; adverising in less time than; it takes to prepare a circular, vv'1-'-".;f "(4) Do you want to be recogniz ed as a factor of importance in your community a real hometown store? If you do, use the newspaper it un doubtedly is a strong factor " in the building of good will and acceptance by the whole town of your store as a good place to trade." Health End Beauty "''". By Dr. Sophia Branson k Use The Newspaper Not so. long ' ago, a circular was sent out to'store managers by a large chain which operates retail stores all over the United States. We were In. terested, naturally, in the subject mat ter discusssd.with the'store managers and believe our readers will be, too, and so we print it, in part, below: f& . "(1) Do you want, to be certain of reader interest T Then use the news papers. Many a circular receives only glance, while the local news paper, with hundreds of general news items, is read thoroughly from first to last page. f - - "(2) Do yon want representation in the same 'shopping window' the other merchants of your town use? Then use. the local newspaper.; Wo men, the purchasing - agents of the LISTEN YOUTH You are standing upon the threshold of life. Only two roads lie before you. One of them seems very pleasant and easy to travel but it will not always be so.. There are swamps and morass es along the way in which hidden dan gers lurk. Many groups of young people have started down this road that seemed so fair to them. But alas, they have been overcome by enemies who came to them in the guise of fair friends. They promised them pleasure if they would but yield to their seductions. 'Some of these young people who started upon the wrong road have turned back and have gotten onto the right road. But those who heedlessly remain on the wrong road will find out, when it is too late, that they are hopelessly entangled in the moijasses of bad habits, shattered health, and weakened will. Listen youth! It is fashionable to drink cocktails today. There are many parties and social gatherings where alcohol is served. You'd better let it alone. It is one of the chief enemies that you will encounter upon the wrong road. Alcohol seems to be such a jolly good fellow. He's wearing a mask. If you cultivate him, that pleasing face will change and some day you will know him for the fiend that he is. If you listen to his siren song and fol low him, he'll lead you down to dis grace, despair, perhaps a mad house or an early death. Let us look at some of the facts about alcohol: It is a narcotic poison. At first, it "seems to exhilarate, to stimulate. When you take one drink it calls for another, w For a . little while care seams to slip away and you feel rich and happy. Bye and bye the narcotic properties assert themselves and the drinker falls into stuporous slumber. Next morning the head aches and nausea and depression takes the place of exhilaration. What does this mean? It means that alcohol is poi son and is unfit for human consump tion. . . Listen youth! You are now looking into the real face of enemy, ajcohol.. Last night with the jolly crowd, the gay laughter, the bright lights, be presented himself to you as a charm ing and desirable companion. You gave heed to his wiles and fol lowed where he beckoned, down the wrong road. ' This morning, in the revealing light of day, you see him as he is, a deadly enemy that is seeking your destruct ion. Don't risk him. again. Every time that you do. your will is weaken ed and your powers of resistance are lessened. If, you continue to indulge the habit of drink, you are lost. The liquor habit is increasing, sad to relate. In one city where records are kept, women contribute oven, nine per cent of the total orunk arrests. Formerly drunken women were almost negligible in this country. Now they are fairly common. Many people are so susceptible to alcohol that they almost invariably become addicts, if they once begin the habit of indulging in it at all, they cannot drink in moderation," This is because alcohol injuries their brains and their nervous systems. It mas tore them and they become its slaves. They started on the wrong road and they haven't the strength to turn back and get onto the right road. ;' ly grown from lU..e to Florida. Three 2 to 8 ft. trees-special Of fer 'No. 6-9 ?6.95 postpaid Write for free Copy 48-page Planting Guide in full color. Salespeople wanted. ; Waynesboro Nurseries, Waynesboro, Virginia., ". Jan.13. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Haying qualifed as Administrator of the estate of Mrs.' Mae Morgan Fleet wood, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this ir to notify all persons having claims against .the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 7th day dJwfaufZpUjfr'. notice will be pleaded in, bar of their recov ery. ' All " persons indebted to said estate will .please make immediate payment. f This 7th day of January, 1950." C. R. HOLMES , Administrator of Mrs. Mae Morgan . Fleetwood. -.. ' - Janl307Feb34047 If a man has acted right, he has done well,' thought alone; if wrong, the Sanction of all mankind will not justify him. '. ' 1 ''Fielding. ... sm7c? THANKS . .1 1 to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my friends! and neighbors for the many cards, gifts, flowers and visits while I wag a pat ient in the Albemarle Hospital. , MRS. SHELTON CHAP .- .Mrs. Shelton Chappell Classified and Legals -nnfinr- - - - : a- at once men to supply consumers with everyday household necessities under our factory to home:, plan. .FuH time earnings based-on sales. Write Rawleigh's Dept. NCA 320 728r Richmond. Va. ' - Jan.13. - - AGAIN YOU MAY ENJOY DELICI . our sweet chestnuts by planting ,early4earing, blight-reststant Chi nese ChestmitSr -Being successful-, NOTICE! SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY By virtue of an Order entered by Hot. E. W, Spires, Clerk Superior Court of Chowan County, in that Spe cial Proceeding ; pending before Mm entitled: Annie F. Holley, Widow of Edward Holler, deceased, et als. Pe titioners, against ' Jesse Holley and wife, Mary HcMey, et als, Defend ants, I shall offer for sale at the Court House door ? in Perquimans County, at 12 -o'clock M., Tuesday, January 31, 1950, the following real estate: 1. That certain tract or parcel of land located In Belvidere Township, Perquimans County, North Carolina, known as the Brinn land, containing 36 acres, more or less, and lying on the Poplar Neck road and adjoining the lands of Martin Hunter, the Jack son lands and others and described as follows: Beginning at the Poplar Bridge and North 78 deg. W. 16 chains to a corner; thence due North 16 chains to the. Poplar Neck road; thence along the road S. 52 deg. E. 4 chains; thence South 31 deg. E. 11 chains; thence Soith 45 deg. E. 7, chains; thence South 13 deg. E. 3 chains to first station, containing by measure ment 16 acres' and being a part of the Thomas Jackson lands, and being the same tract of land purchased by Edward Holley from R. A. Brinn and wife, February 10, 1898. ' 2. That certain tract or parcel of land located in Belvidere Township, Perquimans County, NorthCarofina, bounded on the East by Poplar Neck read; North by a branch that sepa rates said lands :from the Jackson lands; West by, the lands of Edward Holley; South by a lane separating said lands from the lands owned by Martin Hunter, it being the land that Joseph E. Brinn purchased from Jo siah Perry, containing 20 acres, more or less. Tracts Nos. 1 and 2 above describ ed will be sold as one tract Terms of Sale: Cash. This 30th day of December, 1949. HERBERT LEARY, Commissioner of the Court. Jan6A3j207 North Carolina, ,:: In The Perquimans- County. Superior Court . Before the Clerk , Gaither Humphries, Executor of the Estate of James B. ; Humphries, t et als, Petitioner. ' Garland F. Humphries, et als, Re- -COMPLETE PORK PR0ESSIIIG "Lockers For Rent .0 ( 1 ,. .. , -are , . CHILLING TTINQ.QUT, -' . STORAGE , , , TT ISALT :CURING , SMOKING, . . J-ARD RENDERING f,' SAUSAGE GRINDING AND N " SEASONING WRAPPING AND FREEZING OF FRESHES YOU DO NOT HAVE TO OWN" - A LOCKEIt TO HAVE - . - MEAT CURED . " Hertford Locker Packinsr Ccrr.pany . Phore 27S5 v . . HZT, C?.D, N. C. spondents. ' - . NOTICE OF RErSALE- - By virtue of orders of the Superior Court of Perquimans County, made in the above entitled proceedings, the undersigned Commissioner will, on the 18th "day of January, 1950 at 12:00 noon, at the Court House door at Hertford, N. C offer for sale to the highest bidd r for cash that cer tain tract of land situate in New Hone TownsMo. Perouimana Countv. N. C., more particularly described as follows: ,4 j ' , X Tract No. 2. Bounded by J. B, Humphries' land, East 4y the land of Augustus Potter, South by New Hope t'ow Sfco SIicps , "Gash and Carry" Without Palnfu Backache 1 - Am w tt oldtr, Jtrawud ctnla, ort. xertloB, exefeuiv uookint or asponn to , cold wmctiinw tlow down kidney fune -tion. Thta may lead many lolki to eom plaln ol nagging backache, loaa el pep and . energy, headache and dliTlni Getting up aighta or frequent paaaaca may remit . from minor bladder Irritation duo to sold, dampnan or dietary indiscretion. : If your discomlort are duo to the' cause, doa't wait, try Doan'a Pin, a mild diuretic Uaed mieeeantuUy by 'million (or ' over SO year. theee symptom may often otherwise occur, if a amasing how . many time Doan'i give happy relief . help the IS milee of kidney tube and Si ten fluah out waata. Get Ooan' PUla todayl Doaii's Pills Koaj"J tj t'e im'-i ro ' leading to Ebeta' City,' eontJnin one-ninth of an acre, being the same land conveyed to the said J. B. Humphries by deed from Augustus Potter,, et al, recorded in Deed Bonk V page 93, Perquimans Register's office., The present high bid on aaid tract j At. rut i h:i 1 VA v.IU le req ' of stile. - AU taxes due . " 5 prior to December 81, 12 . , v paid from the, proceeds of t '-This 2nd day of January, 1 , . ' j. 11. u:.:i, ': Commissioner of the Court Jan 6,13 , We Sell : "SINCLAIR PRODUCTS I GOODYEAR and . ' U.S. ROYAL - w TIRES and TUBES v ' "Let Us Service Your Car Today J AT YOUR . SERVICE For the Best In. . - . 1 ' O GAS -OIL, . GREASE O TIRES ; . 9 BATTERIES .. " O WASHING ' JOE & BILL'S SERVICE STATIOII RAY WHITE, Prop. PHONE 86ox . t-"- i (?AReVOU f ONLY L f L6MME f OON'T BE N CM wy - CRACKED, V ' FOOP A SEE YOUR II RIDICULOUS ! 1 V' 6CO0N6SS' I ; ' Us LADV-THATSl OFFICE!?- 1 DRIVERS I WHO'D ISSUE J A6WSJ f 1 THE FIFTH I ONE OF I UCENSB! ME A J i. Ari.. Vi?4. CBVOOVED THEM V5iVLICEM5E? tl lg MWI IT UNFORTUNATE THAT THESS ARB SO MANV DIZZY DRIVERS, BUT IT IS FORTUNATE OUR TOWN CAM BOAST OF T0WE-WEBB MOTOR. CO. AND THBR COMPLETE REPAIR AND SEWICE OEBARTMENT. THEIR WORK IS TUP occt Akin THEIR PRICES ARB RBASONABLE :i-i.- K afala(rilJ1Wfllfa mm Mir 11 ;t'IW FOR IIEAVYJ)UTY freight rata or de-luxe passenger tervke. -great railroads like Uoioa Pidfic o4 Sebor.d Air Line, vie Sinclair lubricantt la uewftpamtt ful Diesel locomothts. Sinclair Dealen offer lubricant of the amejproreflqaslityforyoiircar. r lubricau. iioila and txrri ? t a tfi . qtyity J U. & ATLAC7" I! ' D, I j V ! r ' c! Jr c 1 tree!: service ji: - "A;lr3A!::, Chicci Air LLj; czt ccerdj air carricrj, C3 T" 1 u t"'-rt r-xszstizrri aaj er-2 matw 1" ' r -s f - J ca L"! 'x JLxrJt CX bnr Siadslr T 1 1 J nrtrr c3 cf C tzt tptlky m jsEir ... - J t 'T" .Ti'.O'vr'?-. A 'r.

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