.rra rrrtcurTAKs rrmx,. rmRi), c, Friday, march i7i95o. i k,.....J Li x ItUtL prunken driving condition) were re . sponsible for more than two-thirds of the revocations of driver's license jn February, the North Carolina Depart- ment or Motor Vehicles nas reported. :' fit 713 mniliA il . jovur iwu uim Ai- censes revoked, 496 hadconvictione of ormucen dnvingv m addition to re , vocations, "235 persons had their lir , cengea to drive suspended. Fifty-seven of the persona who lost '.their, licenses for drunken driving , were , convicted on second offense. Forty'-fouf were ' driving drunk "out-of-state. ' .. ': - - Driving after license revoked brought convictions to 42 persons and 15 were found guilty of driving after licenses suspended.. Two persons were convicted of hit and run, resulting in personal injury. 1 Other convictions were as follows: Two offenses of reckless driving, .; 26; speeding over 75 miles per hour, 88; two offenses of speeding over 55 miles, per hour, 19; larceny of auto mobile, 12; involuntary majlaughter, liquor, 88; unsatisfied judgment, 14; Habitual violator, 13; failure to main tain proof of financial responsibili ties, 66. A lotal of 642 were convicted of their first offense of reckless driving, which does not call for revocation or suspension. The following convic tions of moving violations, which also do not require revocations or sua-! pension on first offense, were listed: X Speeding, 3,266; failure to have driver's license, 1,785; faulty equip ment,' Including brakes and steering, 628; improper lights, 282; running through, red light, 403. PACE tHRtei "y. w.A's MEET -The Y. W. ' A. Circle of tfce 'Bethel Baptist Church - met Tuesday I night, March 7, at the home of Mary! Louise Mansfield. : The meeting was presided over by the president, after which tt roll was called and minutes read and approved. An interesting program was given with several taking part. Following the meeting, Mr. and Mrs.'Yates Parrish were honored with' a surprise miscellaneous shower and cake-cuttingv The white lace table cloth displayed a two "tiered wedding cake topped with; a bride and groom. Hefreshmerita of bridal cake, open faced ... sandwiches, mints and punch were 'served to the following: Misses Jeanette Chappell, Christine 'Thach, Louise .Mansfield, Madeira -' Phillies. Martha Thach and Enunett Long, Wade Jordan,, jr., R. S. Chappell, Mr, and Mrs. Yate Parriah Mr and Mm. iCharles HarreU, Mr. and Mrs. Hurley Ward, Mr. and Mrs. X C. Long and Mrs. Bernard )P. Proctor.. . r ; , . NEED Farm Equipment? See Us For Your Needs I - . WE HAVE DISC BLADES i8-in. and 20-in. Scallop or plain. Fits all types of Disc. PLOW SWEEPS ALL SIZES 2-FarmalliB Tractors and Equipment l-F-12 Tractor We are agents for the Rod- rick-Lane Disc Harrow. Come out and look over our complete stock. Hertford Motor Co. Your Case J)ealer HERTFORD, N. C. CASH SPECIALS AT Z. A. HA RR IS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY J Western Round Steak, lb. . . 69c i Western T-Bone Steak, lb 69c Western Boneless Chuck, lb 59c Western Chuck Hamburger, lb. 59c Sliced Breakf astJJacoMb,--. -4 u 1 i$c Franks, 1-lb. Cello ' . . r. ...49c Chipped Beef , 14 lb. . . . 39c Wisconsin Cheese, lb. 55c Birtcherd's Milk, quart 26c ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH VEGETABLES AND STAPLE GROCERIES 65 r .15" Among our best citizens Your citlxenship-your standing aa a matt of worth and respect in your community is not determined by your income, the size jof your home, or whether or not you hold Idown a "white collar" job. You. aa a oood citizen, support yourself (end your dependents. You meet yourob- ligations. You ke'ep your self respect. You are able-ai the saying goes-to look any ) man in the face. '''.'. .These are the standards by which society -(judges your value to your community. , . lit is to lust such a sense of dsty and respon- IsibiUty-of respect for the rights of others . -of community dtlzenship-that tha beer Industry tt dedicated itf North CanftneJ Deer-tie beverage of lemperance arid ;iinoderetinias plc in your comma-! jThe industry Is working diligently to 'cte-' Lerve- that placo in your community. It feels that its vital sense of citizenship and responsibility Is evidentln its policy of wil.j ling cooperation with the Malt Beverage Division of the North Carolina ABC Board and in its thorough and periodic check- Lup of all individuals licensed to tell TonsL Z2 fTATSS SSmSS FOVNDATIOlir WSSlJ TAYLOR -THEATRE EDENTON, N C. Week Day Shows Continuous Frbm 1:80 t Saturday Continuous From 1:30 Sunday, 2:15, 4:15 and 9:15 Thursday and Friday, March 16-17 Kirk Douglas, Lauren Becall and Doris Day in "YOUNG MAN WITH A HORN" Saturday, March 18- Johnny Mack Brown and Max Terhune in "WESTERN RENEGAD'ES" Sunday, March 19 Alan Ladd and Donna Reed in "CHICAGO DEADLINE" Mondaynd Tuesday, March 20-21 Shelley Winters and MacDonald Carey in "SOUTH SEA SINNER" Wednesday, March 22 Double Feature John Garfield and Jennifer Jones din "WE WERE STRANGERS" eeeaeeeee SDCSIP! y RE DELICIOUS, DOUBLE DIPPED Chocolate Covered Peanuts Regular 50c lb. You Save 15c! 35c lb. BARR-GLO, 5-INCH SIZE, INFLATED RUBBER BALLS In 2-Tone Colors. Regular 59c. SHOP NOW SAVE 24c! 35c KITCHEN TOWELS Stitched, sizes 17x33 in. Pastel blue, yel low, green and white. O O Ef Reg. 6 for $1.00. Special ej for OoC PLASTIC APRONS Bib or half apron style in vinyl film all- around ruffle. Regular 69c. Special 35c Eden Theatre EDENTON, N. C. Week Day Shows 7 and 9 P. M. Saturday Continuous From 1:30 Sunday 2:15, 4:15 and 9:15 Thursday, March 16 Buster Crabbe and Fuzzy St. John in "BILLY THE KIDS SMOKING GUNS" Friday and Saturday, March 17-18 Burt Lancaster and Joan Fontaine in "KISS THE BLOOD OFF MY HANDS" Sunday and Monday, March 19-20 Cary Grant and Jean Arthur in "THE TALK OF THE TOWN" Tuesday and Wednesday, v March 21-22 Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert in "IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT," FLORAL PLASTIC DRAPES Resemble chintz in gray, white and yellow background. 90 inches long, 28 inches wide W2 7-inch valance. A O j Regular $1.98. Shop now. Save 63c vDXeOO DECORATED WASTEBASKETS Fiberboard Wmetal top and bottom, tapered oval shape, rich ly decorated in sparkling new designs. OP Reg. 25c each. Now get for sjOC COIL SPRING GRIP CLOTHES PINS 60 pins to cellophane package (of selected hardwood). Regular 50c value. Now 35c SPRING SELECTION MISSES' ANKLETS With ribbed tops. White, pink, blue, yellow. Sizes 7 to 10 2. Reg. 25c each. Sale special at t for OTHER VALUES Pearl Buttons C Card Jt Soap cq 10-cake bag yL MEN'S SPORT ANKLETS 4 pair 79c Panned Marshmallow 9Q Eggs, lb TODDLERS DRESSES $1.19 to $1.98 HMDS 5l: o or- DC 3 9 ' I H 130 STORES SERVING FIVE SOUTHERN STATES Here's the best and most beautiful car at lowest cost ZZZ nm jZ&Y f )U I mmii r Ml' -FV- : kU The Styklin D Lux 4-Door Sedan FIRST.ahd Finest. . . at Lowest Cost! Chevrolet is Jhe enfv car that brings you these outstanding features at jowesf prices . . . NEW STYLE-STAR BODIES BY FISHER NEW TWO-TONE FISHEX INTERIORS CENTER-POINT STEERING CURVED I WINDSHIELD with PANORAMIC VISIBILITY LONGEST, HEAVIEST LOW. PRICED CAR CEXTI-SAFE HYDRAULIC BRAKES with Dubl-Life rivet lets linings . EXTRA-ECONOMICAL TO OWN OPERATE MAINTAIN. POVJEn AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Combination of Powtrtlidi Transmission and 105-h.p. engdu optional on Dt Luxt models at extra cost. This car alone provides the trim and tailored beauty of Body by Fisher, at lowest cost! This car alone offers a choice of the 'finest in automatic or standard drives, at lowest cost! This car alone gives all the advantages of Varve-in-Head Engine performance including the most powerful engine in its field at lowest cost! And so it goes through every phase of motor car value; for only Chevrolet offers so many features of highest-priced auto mobiles at the lowest prices! Come in and see the Chevrolet for '50 first and finest at lowest cost! I-Joiloxvell (Chevrolet Company Phohe 2151 Hertford, N.G