P0C FTC-TT' c-" n. C, i vy, r'-"M7.r'i IS' ' r t i, ' THE Perquimans Weekly published every Friday t Hrfr fori, North Carolina. : MAX CAMPBELL.- Editor Entered as second class matter November 15, 1934, at Post Office st Hertford, North Carolina, un der the Act of March, 1879. 'miss associatkS; SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Perquimans, Gates, Chowan and Pasquotank Counties, per year, S1.50. Outside Perquimans, Gates, Chewan and Pasquotank Counties, per year, $2.00. Advertising rates furnished by request. FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1950 Use Good Seed The Janmers of Perquimans Coun ty are about to begin their new year. They will soon inaugurate the crops upon which they will depend for a living. Into the uncertain lap of the weather and the marked they consign their fortunes, and even the lives of the families for which they labor. It is not a very inviting prospect for fanners. What the future holds is hard to determine. What the farmer may expect is uncertain, in yield as well as in prices. The uncertain, un wrmm f tam are risks that are great enouirh. No unnecessary liability should be carelessly or wantonly ad- Too often a farmer plants his crop without considering the importance oi the seed. Heavy losses result every from poor selec tion of seed. Good seed is impoxfcaht. It is the good beginning that enables femur ta outdo his neighbor. Good seed (Will mean good stands, healthy plants and ability to live ana grow, and to withstand temporary set backs. Let every farmer who reads this article determine to plant only gooa seed this spring. This w one expenai iture that will pay. Depends Upon People iWnrM meace. we are told, cannot be based upon the sovereign equality of nations but must rest upon a woria wide leiral order, standing above na tions, and possessing the power to create law and enlorce ti upon m dividual. We think this would be an ideal set up, provided the super-government would leam what has not been appre ciated in the United States, that the rights of individuals must be snuffed out in an effort to produce a uniform pattern of conduct. At the present time, however, we see no prospect that the nations, in cluding the United States, are ready to abrogate their sovereignty. The trend of noDular opinion, it seems, is the other way. There is danger of a new outburst of nationalism, witn tne 'people of each country judging: every I . ..t. ...AM. proposal oy wnas wiey gei om oi n. . We do not know when the ideal, bu-per-staite will arrive- Some day it will come into being bat it will not bo possible untij the majority of the people of the world grow wisely tolerant of dissidents. The peace of the world depends ?nore Upon the will ingness of peoples to live and let live than upon the type of governments that exist. Appreciate Men Who Are Successful The people who live in Hertford should not have to be tausrht the valu able lesson of co-operation. It plays a vital part in the successful growth of any city, although, under present economic organization, its power is not as plain as in the olden flays when every citizen turned out to put his shoulder to some mublic enterprise. One of the most vaiuaoie assets that a town can have is successful (let. that, and remember it. It is high time that the worth of success ful business men be appreciated, xrom them if anywhere, will come the im pulses that lead Hertford to bigger and better achievements. Advertising Builds Success Advertising is .nerhaps the most wonderful development of the modern commercial age. It is maker and breaker of business, big or little. It is the one factor of successful sales that is most apt to fie overlooked by the merchants of small towns and cities. Advertisine is not the exclusive weapon of big business; it is the pow er that will make little concerns grow into larger success. It is a science that requires study ana, De saia, character. It cannot succeed if it is untrue. It must build upon faith and honest. The Perquimans Weekly is prepared to assist local business men in their advertising problems. Ut may say, with due modesty, that its staff knows something about advertising, and tnat their experience as available to an who wish to use it. MANY 1EUER SUSPECT CAUSE OF DACIIACIIES Am we get older, scree) and strain, onr esertjoa, u(n imoUnr nr exposure to MM nmmtimm slows ion tiitur fue ttom. Thi nuqr led many folk to eom plaJa of utfiof bsefcsrho, lose of pep and Barer, sssdsrtoa and Antinm. Gettinf op aifhU or fraqeeat passages mar remit' from minor bladder irritations dua to cold, dampnom or dietary indieerettons. If roar discomforts are due to them erases, don't wait, try Doan'i Pills, a mild diuretic. Uaad eneeamfoUy by million for orer 60 yean. While these symptoms may often otherwise occur, it's amazing how many times Doan's (ire happy relief help the 15 miles of kidney tubes and filters flush out waste. Get Doan's Pills today! Bonn's Pills COMPLETE PORK PROCESSING Lockers For. Rent CHILLING CUTTING OUT SUGAR CURING STORAGE SALT CURING SMOKING LARD RENDERING SAUSAGE GRINDING AND SEASONING , '4 WRAPPING AND FREEZING OF FRESHES YOU DO NOT HAVE TO OWN A LOCKER TO HAVE MEAT CURED . , Hertford Locker & Packing Company Phone 2786 HERTFORD, N. C. t tis- m We Sen SINCLAIR PRODUCTS GOODYEAR and U. S. ROYAL TIRES and TUBES "Let Us Service Your Car Today." AT YOUR SERVICE For the Best In . . . O GAS-OIL O GREASE ' O TIRES . ." T: Q BATTERIES . O WASHING JOE & DILL'S SERVICE STATION RAY WHITE, Prop., A1 PHONE 8601 t TTTv 1111 OfflVI Wl: i SPRING and EASTEK EDENTQN I MERCHANDISE YOU WANT AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAX ' NEW SHIPMMtr- ' 1 LOVELY lEW SPRINQ SUITS Lovely rayon gabardines, rayon sharkskins and other smart suits, all tailored to per fection for Juniors, Misses and Women! o SIZES FROM io TO 44! ALL THE NEW SPRING HIGH SHADES AND DARKER COLORS! ALL FULLY LINED! $12,95 $16.50 : Belk-Tyler SPECIAL! 51 Gauge IIYLOIIS All newest spring shades. Sheer loveljs. S1.00 1 'fj'"' NEW SHIPMENT! GORGEOUS W SPRING HATS Cunning straws and spring felts in dainty fashions for Juniors, Misses and Mat rons! All delightfully de tailed! All the spring's smartest new colors! SEE THESE NEW ARRIV ALS FOR TOMORROW'S SELLING IN THE MDLLIN ERY SHOP, 2nd FLOOR, $1,98 $2,93 $3.98 Special Purchase! Beautiful New SPRING BAGS Plastic patents, iplastic calfBj failles ana nov elty bags! These come in all the new spring Shades, including navy,, red, green and others ! 1 V V -Saw -It 11 .;.f.T" m' 1 W $1.00 $1 .98 Beautiful-New SPRING PIQUE Full 36 inches wide, the tiny narrow wale type!- This comes in navy, black, wine white and soft pas tels! Fast color and sanforized shrunk! 59 Cunning. .New SPRING BLOUSES Dainty cotton 'batistes and rayon crepes in all the best 'new spring shades! Several smart new styles! Loner and short sleeves!1 jm SPORT SHOP SECOND FLOOR $1.93 $2.98 $3.93 Beautiful... New SPRING FROCKS ; Lovely little Printed French .Crepe Models, Rayon Gabar dines and Novelty Crepes! Fash- f ioned for Juniors, Misses' and .. Wompn ! ' o THESE LOOK LIKE $10.00 FROCKS! BOUGHT SPE CIALLY FOR TOMORROW! Embroidered EYELETS Full 36 inches wide! Soft pastels, navy, brown, black and white. Regular $2.00 values! $1.00 l' Just In A For, Tomorrow! All the jaioet popularf styles!, in ; smart cas- uate for Juni ors and" iMiflsea. These com e ta all tlie n AillYTttf " -v; ; 5IZES 4 TO ft. ,SHOE SALON! ; ' ; '$1.98 THE GREATEST V ALU ESI MEN'S 100 W09A , SRRIIJD SUITS All, wool Gabardines, all wool Sharkskins, all wool Cver-Plaids in 'einolp anA Hmihtr rirast' stvlpe. for ; Men and,-T?oung Mem Tailqred to perfection, ' - O Regulars, Shorts' and Xongs! ( Some ... .. ..1. . '':V.tf . .1. iW' 1 ieaiureme new paicn pockws. ah colors! ' I ' , $32,50, tjoQ 1. ft 1 r a -Au.f'UX, .....?! 4, :'..,4 i:'- ::i fet?' MEN'S SHOP - STREET FLOOR Ladies' New RAYON Gabardine SKIRT? Gored and straight styles in black, high shades and pastelsl These are , well' tail- oredi;, All sizes from 24, to 38! Sports Shop, second floor. - 4 ; SL9C: ilesWVr ,'. :.V-' Newhipmerif SMART NEW , SPRING "tV.- r f r.; a VI N J'- TflPPFIK VV PWM rt1i1fl on1 TiAvw J r . elty patterns! , These are wool Crepes, Flan. I nels and Rayon Gabar- . dines! All theaprli JS Srlorious new colors! Q V I (, I V T ! i r- ' oiyies ior jumui3fi j Misses and vvomeni . W: FuMy im Sale, HOY- f Chese ff, A Flan.- I 'V abar- I ' ' ' a 0.C5 I