r Vchane XVIL Number 13. . - , ttertiora, rerquimana iimiyJNorv - r - - y U-' JJ l7 hA lr rO) w C:zU C:jd Of fi:ctfuns GmL-izca 0 .::3t2 i!:rc Last SafcrQ taming V. F. Ainsley Elected as Chairman; Precinct ., Of (icers Named . JVrniilmans County's Board of Election wis officially organised here last Saturday ; .morning with IW. F. keinsr elected as chairman and Jarvis Ward and R. A. Winslow, members. ; Ainsley and Ward are the Democratic members witole iWinslow .is a Eeoablican. i u Tim Board, following its organiza tion, named registrars' and judges to uwb in flu nrimarv election on May 27, and these appointments were the Jame as in 1948. Mrs. its. M. noonce u registrar for Hertford Township, J.' M. , Copeland, Belvidere; K. M. ! Baker, Nicanor Harry Barber, Park- ville; E. Y. Berry, Bethel, and Mrs. WVE. DaH, New Hope. -It was announced that registration Tbooks, forvthe primary election, wiB i, .Miot ni Anrfl 29 and will remain open until gunset May 22. (Registrars - will sit at tiie various precinct polling vium a. uh Saturday durinsr this -period for the purpose of registering .residents for tne election. iriwinfMiiaila already registered in the i in which thev live need not - register again in order to be eligible to vote in the coming primary. Mr. nnnnnofd. however, if a citi zen has changed residence, from one precinct to another ; since the last election, he, should register at the pre- rinet in which he is now residingr. Shortly after tiie meeting fit the . Board of EtectHmi .cawoaanes vegan - AmNtf fan aW cominff ori- ' mary, Sheriff M, G, 0wens was the , first candidate to fila.wlth & oard, " . rf,nrHv after H. Nl Nixon filed as a candidate for Sheriff. Mnt, T. P. - Brbm, candidat for th? Board of ta.. hA fil fDreviomfly with the Clerk of Court The chairman of the Board of Elections etated that tedlvid- . uals who desire to file for, offiea have am it.iAir a . rtU Anri 15. it "hj home HertfoM. ;, . 4 County Cancer Drive To Open Tomorrow .Piann Havw ,ben omiDleted to ones' th armnal (Cancer Fund drive on Sat urday, April 1, it iwas announced to day by J. H. Towe, who is serving as co-chairman of the Perquimans com mittee. ; '. Perquimans County's quota for this campaign has been announced as $400 anrl Mr. Town stated the local com mittee is hopeful this goal can be reached within a short period of time. TnwftHawl Who Will SOllClttr lUHOS for the campaign have been assigned territories and they are urged to com plete their canvass as rapidly, as pos- Isible. Board Of Health Dentist To Hold Clinics In Schools Tlirea Pcrqu:mLisPd Cross Campaip llesi&nts Uzm I Clone Heports As REA DIrectcrs $1.50 Per Year. L. Y BaIlentine Heads' Prosram Held Here Last Saturday Three Perauimans County residents, Archie T. Lane. Charles IE. (White and Flovd MatheWs were elected to Ithe board of directors of the Albemarle Electric Membership . Corporation, which held its annual meeting last Saturday afternoon m the auditorium at Perauimans High School. Ohter directors selected were J. Wilson Jones, and J. A. Whitehurst. Camden county, J. A. Wiggins and John Bunch, Chowan County, Tommy Temple ana Walter Lowery, Pasquotank County. At a meeting of the Board oi Di rectors, this group named Archie T. Lane as chairman, II. A. Wiggins as Mathews, County Goal Reached County Census Enumerators To Start Collections vTurne4t,In Total $i,4bu; wont is Commended 'Final fiarurea . in the annual Red Cross fund drive in Perauimans County have been released by Henry C. Stokes, county campaign cnairman, and the report shows that tnu county oversubscribed its quota for the 1950 Roll Call by ?65. The total collection amounted to $1,460.93. In releasing the amount collected by each unit Mr. Stokes expressed his appreciation for' the work done bv the sub-chairmen and solicitors 'and contributors. A break down of the collections showed the business district of Hertford contributed $579.- 03. Hertford residential, $302.56, County residential, $330.15, Colored division. $137.08, and the Hertford Easter Seal Sale To Open Monday Kale of Easter Seals, to raise funds for aid to crippled children will start tio-ra Tuvt Monday and continue for one week, it was announced today by C. Edgar White, superintendent oi Public Welfare. Mr. White reported that. Mm W. L. JeseuD will serve as chairman of the county drive this VflflF. A nnota of $300 has been assigned thia countv and .plans call for the oAftl sal to be conducted by the school vhiMwm of the countv. The public is urged to support this drive, which is conducted annually to raise funds to provide medical attention ana equipment for crippled children. vree-ciiainiuui, xyu "V"""" ' division, $137.08, ai retary and Charles E. White, secre- Rota, C1 b 112.n tary for the corporation. Mr. lne. Solicitors for the residential area nas oeen active n wie huc-a buw i Hertford were Mrs. J. T. Baggers, beginning here and served as manager Mm Hufeon Mr8. Louise Wood, 'during the early stages of the orgam- w Rniv Mra g. Mor- VEEK'S HEADLINES v.. ;v Amiim 'nntinuAd its economy- , . r wtl&w .. - trend this week when the House voted to cut Marshal Aid funds for Europe "by a quarter of MllioB dollars next year. Republican members had de manded a half-billion cut but this amount was increased before the vote -was taken. ; Some advocates of the Marshal Plan had requested an in crease in these funds and pointed out -many of the countries receiving aid are still far from'economic recovery. a ffr-4a HBcurft loyalty records . f rwammni. oirmilovees for use of a Congressional mveBttgating commit tee was halted, this week when Presi ; j i. rr..A-. wifnoiul itm mrrender.itiie gun liuumi uv- . records. 1 1t was reported that w committee , has issued suppoeftas for thesa records in conection with, an ingation of the State Department of IWmu Loum John- . v. ominArtul a statement issued br -DwBl8tenKwer, who re cently stated that V. 8. Cefenss i forces - i. t ft drnuer Doint US 111 4 ., '; 4 - Johnson, in hi statement, . said Hhat .'.national defense is sufacient f or any , needs at the. present time, f r rtnl wim f At, State's two U. S i ma.m wUl hm at stake in he Miivir mm the result of Mar- shal Kurfree's witfdrawal from the race ' against Senator Clyds Hoey. ' Kurfrea had filed for the nomination ti mrftm anat hut -withdrew from the contest on Tuesday and tiros Senator Hoey will be eertifded as the Democratic nominee lor re-eiecnon. - North Carolina State's jtesketbal'l tAaA third in the "national tollcga itournamerA hold In New York via:v : stain deieaiea 'oaytor xor ' tiw third place position,' after winning ' stai Crooa and lotoiwr to OCNY. . TJurinr the tournament State made a number of new records and tied Potitvo. -State's hot forward, . hroke the individual scoring record wnd tied the free throw record. OCNY ' 'Mr A A and thus became the ' first team ever to capture this title and the NIT title to same yr. v IN BUSINESS 50 YEARS J. e Perry, well-known Hertford . .i" fkaamrlnr niS OWt -vereary in husiness in vack. Mr. Terry rrnted he th. w. T Koonce. Dentist with the State Board of Health, will begin on I April 8, a 15 week program of Dental 4i iuhAolR of the four coun- - ..... . . ties, comprising TO heatavjdistnct, was announced tooay oy w ri,iiM mut lueaitn uinoer. ur. Koonce will divide his time in some v ) Bftkonfta in all four coun- ties, , H was reported, until scnowa close, then hs will move to schools fa v- nMtiiVfttnd areas and will tJ ' mm on Jnlv 14th. 1 A" complete" usi oi swo w" avi- ajLmm k now hetiiff compiled It... u.. 1.o1 TLvanl or thfl Use of Dr. Koonce, who will mspeci ana mM corrections in as many cases as time -n v However. Dr. McGuire stated the Dentist will concentrate on those Mdreii whose parenw are iov .iji.. a nrflmtui rn&i care. anae-w i t. . jiiiv m. u Doanj of Health, for , jvaa. um ajvif - uaifl-ju - ;-; . to our district? fo Such, a penod of time," Dr. McGuire said. The recent Burvey conaucieu amuins -uvT' .ii?m of this' distract re- . ij nno,'nv .need for more dental -work, and it is believed that at least l - hmUsni can be solved i pan. vi w - -- I with the coming of Dr. Koonce, how- uoHth Timnrtment untes an ever, wic i- - - - ua Hat. their children re- eelve proper dental care in order that teeth now in a uaa swe wi not be lost permanently. zation. In taking over the chairman ship of the Board he urged the mem bers to continue to take .an active in terest in ithe REA inasmuch as it was 'their organization and the (Board de sired to carry out their wishes in all natters concerning the membership. L. Y. Ballentine. North Carolina Commissioner of Agriculture was the wiiuunal sneaker at the meetuur. n r i - I told the group that people are more interested in progressive farming to jday than ever before and the develop ment r,t rural tlectrlfjeation has prov en to ' be one of the most important means of attaining results Ha uro-P.? Hut farmers to utilize the resources at their command -in such wav ithat expenses .and operations will fatftifv achievement of soala. a Mr (Ballentine closed his address with congratulations to the people of fhn AlKmrle. who realizing the Ibene- . irnhW through rural electnlKa' iirtiKWorked to bring about its suc- Ui . - ' T WilMn Jones 6T Camden Coun ty, Chairman of the. local Albemarle f ionfrix - VomWuhiTi Gomoration OI thA "National Rural Electrification Ad ministration, presided over the megt- inir Awnia T. Lane of Perauimans, sec retary, read the report of the last fiil'hm-t Whitlev. manatrer of the lo cal RKA. introduced the force and staff to the consumers in the audience who might not have known them. Mrs. Hattie Spivey, Mrs. Roger Mor ris, Mrs. J. i. Lane, Mrs. w. n. , Mrs. Simon Chappeli, Mrs.H. C. Sulli van, Mrs. Martin Towe, Miss juamta Divers, Mrs. Jim Bass, Mrs. E. A Goodman, Mrs. Pete Howell, Miss Tionina Jordan. Mrs. Jimmie Stallinss, Mrs. E. C. Woodard, and Miss Fran ces Sutton. Contributions were collected in the rural areas by Mrs. E. J. Proctor, Hatha! r! Mrs. J. A. Webb, Hopewell; Mrs. Erwin Turner, New mope; Mrs. W j. Perrv. Beech BpnnKs; Mrs Winalow. Belvidere; Mrs. J. C. Wilson and Miss Aooie mac xcr- rell, Chapanoke; Mrs. Ed Lee Jen wimra and Mrs: EI S. FulKhum, Wood ville: Mrs. Winston Lane, uurgess; Mm VnvA Mathews. Old JSleclc; Mrs J.- W. Overton, Mrs. Wallie Knight and Mrs. George Eure, Snow Hill- WWte Hat: Mrs. Charles Dail, tfal lWV' Mm. John Cororew, Helen Gaither and Mrs. DeWitt Winslow, W. ! Stmnrl mnd Minme B. Tav lor had 3wree of the (CorlecUWOS in the (Colored division. A final report on the drive will he mate to the National Red Cross this week and of the amount collected here annroximatelv 50 .nercent will be for warded to the national office while flip remainder will be used by the Perquimans Chapter of the Red Cross during the coming year. County Federation Meeting Held Here Last Saturday P. M. Officers Installed By Eastern Star iM alncW officers of "the Hert- m i -v f nf ifjha order of Eastern Star were installed at a meeting of the group held Tuesday nagiri. in stalling grand officers were, Grand m 'RWnWhA Twiford: Krand marshal, Mrs. Arveaa yregwy, wr lain, Clarence iwuora, qr&u"" "f ' mcretarv. Mrs. - Lois Carlton; conductaess, MralLelaWins- low; -Warden, Mrs. wrenn merew. Sentinel, Mrs. Fannie (Leary. ' Other visitors presenx i n Mrs. Nellie Boyd. Mrs. Helen Harrison, Mrs. Annie (Fairer, Mrs. eadie Tayoor nd Miss Ethel r- jA-riiiurm iln Viminia. -"' ; After the meeting a , bw was enjoyed and refreshments were served. Charlie Umphlett Candidate For Board Patrolman Issues Warning On Tractors Recorder's Court In Short Session TT-l,l nMUMMM ftf the Hertford Motor Company and resident of Winfall, on Wednesaay aimouirecu Mmself as a candidate to the Demo- Icratks Priinary tortne oince o vvw ty Commissioner iot rvwu w i TTmtihtAht. a former Mayor for the Town of WinfaB, fa announcing his candidacy stated tnat ui seiwiu Township on the county board he will endeavor -to carry out the dudes of the office to the Beet p w . . Uyman's Day Service Speaker Announceu , (Niimeroua ocmnlaints, received dur- finf ithe nast two weeks, regarding the i11ral use of tractors on hard sur- taA hio'karava of this COUDty led w;rWni, Patrolman iB. R. Inscoe to 1S- ia warninir comcerniiur the use of tractors on the highway and the Pa trolman stated unless the law is 00- fiorvMl armalts Will follow. "The use of, some tractors on the hiirhwav in caushur serious damage to roads," Mr. inscoe saia, "ana uniew fhn nraetice is stoDned our raaos Will Lnnn ihA in ned of maior renairs." . In remiesHnir the observance 01 tne law Patrolman Inscoe pointed out that section three .of the State Highway Ordinances says: "It shall be unlawful to move unon or across any highway, any tractor, engine or vehicle of any kind, .which has a flange, rib, clamp or ohor nhfect attached to its wneeie, or madia mart thereof, in such maonfrr iae to bruise, mupiate or injure t surface of tihe road, orxtga ., VmillArs thoreof. without thetW-.v-dn permission of the State Highway ,. W'; . Piiklifl Worln f!nmmiasion." " '"'?5i Eleven cases, all involving violation f traffic laws, were disposed of in 'erquimans Recorder's Court here TuAoaw Tn nt the defendants en tered pleas of guilty, which enabled ha mirf in clear the flOCKCt m a vaar s v - verv short time. Ms of court were taxed against Frank Moore, Robert Belief Wallace Skinner, Geraldine Gleis, Everett t. T V rVuiv all nf whom cuiu v -.-n-. , - 1 4 f . !TJ 4a 1 n wvW. rf enterea pieas 01 guuvy w uei speeding. . . A tine, nf SS and COSTCS OI court was paid by Thomas Chang', on a charge of speeding. . ' Prayer for judgment was cominuea In the case of Marvin Lockett and Willie Winslow, Negroes, charged with driving, trucks with loads over 1118.1" limit. Verdicts of guilty were wded in the cases. JLells amoved a plea of guilty to a charge of kit and run. He was ordered to pay the costs of court and the sum of, $22.62 for the use ou. u. Ferbohj whose car was aamageu oy Tin. Hoiineil of Perauimans County Federation of Home Demonstration yi.,io iiiM ita rpcrnlar meetinsr on .w -O Saturday afternoon, March Zoth at tne Agricultural Building. The meexmg opened by singing "He Leadeth Me," after which Kev. Ben u. merrm gave a short devotional. Miss Mollie 1u Yeates sang "One of God's Days, ac companied by her mother, Mrs. j. Yeates of the- Snow Hill-iWhdte Hat Cub. The minutes were then reaa nd iHie roll called by Uf lC - clubs with eleven clubs represented and 34 present , Dunns' M10 business sessiun, v"t"6 ...v. , . TW. Mathews. Couritv Vouncu lllli). - ' - - TwiTv nreftidincr. club presidents iwere urged to attend a meeting con cerning the Ked mross mooa rrin and a report was given on funds col lected for the Red Cross Drive. Re- oorts were given by the ciud music appreciation leaaers on war iinri and Mrs. J. DYeates W Mrs. Fred Mathews appointed di- for the Music Appreciation Program. "It was decided to have the winners of the essay contest ' f A A xi Ti.mctra.infi Member, an nounced after all clubs haev selected The county council presi dent will appoint judges to select the t. three It was voted to pay fifteen cents per member on expenses for the AaTrrnn to Denmark. uv.e, - Also tentative plans were mace i Home Demonstration UuD W.O.L- wTiiVh will be Aonl rfUtn- Tf vvn, ii i-iw.- Mav th. oiveod with the re peating of the collect of the club women of America. Local Workers Com plete Training Thurs day; Public Coopera tion Asked The 12 enumerators who will can vass Perquimans County during the 17th Decennial Census have heen se lected and will complete their train ing today, Crew Leader W. Ii. in wards, of Hertford, reported yester day. The training school for the enumerators opened last Monday with the rural enumerators receiving infor mation and advice regarding the tak-. ing of farm census. Urban enumera tors started their training Wednesday. Work of taking the census will start tomorrow, April 1, and accord ing to Mr. Edwards, will be completed within three or four weeks. Urban enumerators are exDected to complete the canvass of Hertford within two weeks. The enumerators selected for Per quimans County from applicants tak ing examination earlier this year are Mrs. Blanche B. Dillon, Mrs. ler- trude Winslow, of Belvidere; Mrs. Minnie P. White, Mrs. Pearl Swain, Route three; Mrs. Kathenne 'Uiggers, Mrs. Lorene Baker, Belvidere; Mrs. Selma Proctor, Route One; Mrs. iFran ces Proctor, Route Two, Edenton; Mrs. Elizabeth Jessup, Mrs. Blanche Camnen. Mrs. Alta Anderson, Win- fall, and Mrs. Sadie White. Mrs. Dillon, Mrs. Jessup and Mrs. will serve as enumerators for Ithe Town of Hertford while the re mainder will canvass the rural areas of Perquimans. In order1 to provide accurate rec ords for the use of determining Con gressional representation, business in formation, and many other advices secured through the census operation, the public is urged to give iuu co operation to the census enumerators. It is reported that several monws will elapse before records taken dur ing "the census can be compiled and information released concerning xne some 3,000 counties in the United States. r.ont.rarv to some reports, Mr. !d- warda stated, all information furnish ed census "enumerators is held in strict confidence and will be used on ly by the Bureau of Census and Com merce Departments of the uovern-ment. v,v DTiiltv was returned swv. iOosenh Murden. charg- wifc AnMtfilnar and recaiess gnviuK V'He. was ordered to pay a fine of $50, " HWWWW,Vt ' , tv... unlt 'tui nluterved at Jbaymans - the Hertford Methodist Church next Sunday, April 2 it was announced to i v .v- pr Ren Oi Merritt. ipas- tor, who reportea mm " vs-i' i -:4t , xtnn ha the Lavman Day speaker at the 31 A. M., semeee at the uiertiora uuf. vs--is invited to attend. , ' , . MASON3 V T TL "3AY Nr:rrr . i:t, a. f. MAYOffPnOClAMATIOM nm'io m i7k IWennial Census of the United State will winJ?&M AliltrTrit. f HTtford are to be ''WIIJiuMiiJUS Ml WO OUMI1Imui--v-- v- ; : enumerated m , .... . c.u. .eryes many . IWH&1UVA3, Uie liuuruiuiuu - - . i-ii l aseful urposes; among which re apportionment VWSi!a3 yIVi'Z rTnKBc utilities and services, and aeiermmauun w. - -t.- ,-. ..j other useful purposes too numerou- w -v- Mnan. tor th. WHEREAS, the accuracy ana wbpww J .mn h. other City of Hertford will determine Rs population rank among the other communities of the country; J ' ' . rtfmi to rfye his or ' ' t L1 tlCitvlutti can ipwi " " ... ... - , ', our homes in April, 1950. . M.rato when they call at her fullest cooperaoon T"L ViT-V f March, 1950, in the Done under my nana auu "," - qty of Hertford.,. . sgntd Atiestt W. G. NEWBY, City dork. Legion Auxiliary To Meet April bth The Hertford Unit of the American jegion Auxiliary will hold its regular motincr nert Thursday night, April G, at the Agriculture Building in Hert ford, it was announced today oy -mm. Blanche Berry, president, who urges all members to be present Mr Perrv also reminded Auxiliary members of the District meeting -,,1 ha heM in Elizabeth City next Monday, at 10 A. M and urged n munviw-a who can to attend. .ct. that, tne Auxiliary ..oUmMn drive is beinir continued and issued an invitation to an eiigi ble ladies to join the local unit. KriAltnn Channell Announces For Board iShelton G. Chappeli, a resident of d.i:.u. tymmnnin. has announced . I I himself as a candidate for the office of County Commissioner for JJemoere .Mn n the cominff Democratic Channetl k seeking the of- Ki. mw mekr -iDV 1. OT. iwiiie uv announced that he will not be a candi date for the .post thss year. Chappeli is widely Known uiruugn- .i,inr atul hm. talcen an active gun vvuu.j tM mtfaivm for a number of I years and has heen an active reaoer In the American Lenon. . Powell Candidate For County Board Junior Red Cross Closes Box Drive Members of the Perquimans County Junior Red Cross successfully closed their drive for boxes for shipment to overseas children, it was reported this week by Mrs. Charles Jonn son, who served as chairman of -the drive. Approximately 80 boxes were filled and prepared for shipment to Red Cross headquarters in Washington, and each box contained a card with the name of the local organization as the donor. Highly pleased with the success oi their drive, members of the Junior Red Cross expressed their thanks to county residents who helped make the campaign so successiui. The boxes, on arrival overseas, will he distributed amone the school chil dren of various nations and thank-you notes are expected to oe received in turn. In connection with these notes, Mrs. Johnson said, the Red Cross dis courages correspondence with those receiving the boxes, as past expen IUU TwhVate that reauests for ad ditional aid usually comes through in cases where the thank-you notes are answered. V. N. DARDEN, Mayor. fiaorW PowelL Hertford business- Iman tins announced ihimself as a can- I . a;a. a h ftffVw f County Com- miuavg w " " missioner for Hertford Township, suo- Mect to the decision of the voters m ltn rATvirwrnt.l nrimarv. I ' Mi Powell is the first candidate from Hertford township to announce for this post. - Services Announced For Holy Trinity Services at Holy Trinity Episcopal Avr th rlnninir davs of the VI1IWVU w . CJ . V " Lenten season were announced today by the Rev. E. T. Jilson, as follows: Palm Sunday, Holy Communion at 11 A. M., on Tuesday and Wednesday or Holy Week, Holy Communion , 10 A. M, Maundy Thursday, Memorial Celebration of the Lord's Supper, 8 P. M., UOOd moay, cervices . -o r. M., Evening prayer at 8 P. M. v BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT tut. v Mart White, of Bel-" videre announce the birth of a daugh ter, horn, March 26, at Chowan Hos pital. . - -i , ' BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT c nJ "Mr. fl. A. "Baily of near v Hertford, announce the birth of a son, ' James Gilbert, horn Wednesday, .y March 15, at Chowan Hospital. Mrs, Baily, before her .marriage was miss r 1 "I Ruth Hendricks,

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