rP PflUIMANS WESELT, HERTFORD, N. C. FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1960 LESSOIl HOSEA, ; .- THE MAN AND HIS MESSAGE International Sunday School Lesson . for May 7, 1950 - Memory Selection: "My people are ' destroyed for. lack of knowledge." Hosea 4: 6. ' , ' i Lesson Text: Hosea 4: 1-9; 6: 1-3; i 10:12-13. v x Not many' years after Amos appear ed as prophet at Betihel; a prophet j llWiaA in fllA MnrfVlOrw TffiTirtrlim Tlh'(i.;i "--was the prophet Hosea, about whom will study for two successive . weeks. ; While the actual location of Hosea's home is not known, local tra-1 dihon tells us that one of the most commanding heights of southern Gi lead bears the name of Jebel Osha, which is the Arabic for "Mountain of Hosea," Here, tradition declares, the prophet Hosea was buried and here the. Bedouin still sacrifice sheep in his tionor. It is significant that Hosea alone of alll the prophets makes fre quent mention of the land of Gilead, and reveals an intimate knowledge of its iiifitiory. All that is known of the life and cliaracter of Hosea is based on the statement to be found in the book which bears his name. He was the son of an unknown man ffieeid. We have no knowledge of his borne, bis education or Ms life &a a youth. We are told that he married a wo. man named Gomer and her betrayal of his love and devotion Are a princi pal factor in his mission and message us a prophet. . It is a love story a rather tragic one that lies beneath , Hosea's public ministry. We are told that it was through his marriage, with Gomer that Hosea first realized the truth that he was commissioned to "(reach. Hosea stands among the great religious leaders of the Hebrew people as one who speaks through a " -deep and real personal experience. (Looking in on tha ruin of his own home, Hosea looked out to the house of Israel and realized the similarity of the two. He saw. sin and dishonor and wrong and realized how the heart of God was pained, and how divine Love could brood over the wrong do ers. He seemed to identify himself with God's very thoughts, so that he .,counU epeak the message that -God wanted to say to the Israelites. -Co back, now, and read over the . references given us for our considera tion today. Are not the sins mention ed by Hosea prevalent in our own na tion today? Hosea declared that Je hovah had a "controversy with the in habitants of the land, because there is 1.1- -V J ' 1 .1- no crura, nor goooness, nor Knowieoge of God in the land. There is nought . but swearing and breaking faith, and killing and stealing, and committing adultery ;they break out and blood tougest blood." ... W. H. Thompson, m "Practical II '1iitmtions. savs: "Ha Hosea) found evfl doing i nthe ordinary walks of . life as well as in the falsity of re- - ligious practices. While it is not true that relLfious rites encourage immoral conduct, as in the prophet's day,, are - mere noi oiner ieawres oi mouern life which' have that tendency?; It .' has been charged that this is the ef fect of some of the amusements and fashions of our times. What would ' you say of easy divorce and its re- ; suits i Is the social evil promoted by - such factors in the so-caUed good so- . ciety? Are . there not, on the other band, notable xorce at wane lor the purification of ;. society and the strengthening of the home upon the " foundations of prity and love?" 1 :' ' Hosea called upon' Israel to repent tot her ains and Jehovah' will forgive ; them. But the repentantoe must be , real ' and sincere. Gypey Smith, the great evangelist, once explained the meaning of repentance. (He said, Ke nentance is turning from sin to God. .That is repentance from,' i It is putting your hand on Tcur heart been your curse, the enslaving pas . Sion, the captivity the -predomiaating force uvjrour existence, the-Uiackemng - thing i of your soul and dragging It out and saying,? There, Lore, mat la it again. I Jum from it now and or fver' " ' s t- ' ' r We should" seek to know the wilf of 'God, but knowledge of right is hot VMuuufli nnlna vr Bllt It into- DIKCftice in everyday 'Uvir'g.' "aha.prophet fld ; Inrael , to, "eowc nJteouneas'' ana "reap JrindLtae."- $rosa had learned to know tlbA he of God through five tad experience of his awri home, fie iptrti that lwe tov 'work-riBawed love "in bis own home. . j , T BE A BETTER GO TO SOME , CHURCH ; : NEXT SUNDAY " ' " ' " PAGE NINE v :,. , v.-.v, . .,-.,:) I Mr. and Mrs. Chirp art very very busy these Spring mornings. It takes most of their time to keep their children well supplied with worms and other dainty morsels on which fledglings thrive. And they must be careful to return shortly lest tome enemy disturb the nest Too often Mr. and Mrs. Chirp have had to defend their children from danger. But always . they have fought with all their might, and through their love have saved the babies from calamity. And so it is that every living thing dwells in danger. Man especially must guard against evils; for in him they threaten body, mind, and soul. He, like the fledg lings, must depend on some power greater and stronger than himself -a guardian of love. "GOD Is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." To Him we must look for love and protection. To His Church we must come for salvation. i THE CHURCH FOB AIL . . . roa THE CHURCH 0,Th0ci!h.i "" . without a itrona Ch,..-u rtaion. wk. -t - una ehilW. .-I.,!-. J2' Je l ?LhL"".lio. T Book naiy . . john Tttdijr .Eph..l, WtdMid'xlMUh Thurtdty Pi.lm, f"dijr ....lutthtw Saturday , Ptalma Covnldit 1950. a Klittt. Slrubiri. Va. 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I PHONE S8S1 : : rf ' " EE2TF0RD, N. C. The Southern Cotton Oil Company 'V HERTFORD, N. C. f " ' 1 'f, V Go To Church Your r Church Any Church But Go Perquimans Church Services HERTFORD BAPTIST CHURCH C W. Doling, Pastor Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. ' Morning Worship, 11:00 o'clock. Evening Worship, 8 o'clock. Mid-week KprviVoo WlnuJ.i mt 8 P.M. ' BETHLEHEM CHURCH OF CHRIST Harold C. Turner, Pastor Church services at 3:00 P. M. Christian Union, 7:30 P. M. BURGESS BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. R. Byerly, Pastor Church services first and third Sun days at 11 A. M. Sundav Schnnl nf in-nn 4 m 1 Church service 7:45 P. M. second jand fourth Sundays. PERQUIMANS CHARGE CHURCHES E. B. Edwards, Pastor First Sunday: New Hope Church, 11:00 A. M. Oak Grove Chuch, 7:30 P. M. Second Sunday Winfall Church, 11:00 A. M Cedar Grove Church, 10 A. M. Woodland Church, 7:30 P. M. Third Sunday Oak Grove Church, 11:00 A. M. New Hope Church, 7:30 P. M. , Fourth Sunday Cedar Grove Church, 11:00 A. M Woodland Church, 10 A. M. Winfall Church, 7:30 P. M. ' Fifth Sunday Woodland Church, 11:00 A. M. Pnvav Muh' . Txr - j i v7 u , 8 "a' "eanesaay ai Winfall Church at 7:30 P. M. ANDERSON'S METHODIST CHURCH E. R. Meekins, Pastor Church School, 11:00 O. M. Mominsr WorshJn. 1 1 -nn a m w r i " " .ia., dct;- ona and fourth Sundays. o WHITEVILLE GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Carl BJork, Pastor SunHnv fipflnnl 11 A M o j tm. every cud- day except third Sunday. onuren services every third Sunday at 3 P. M. UP RIVER FRIENDS CHURCH Elizabeth White, Pastor Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. Church Services, 11 A. M. Christian Endeavor. 6:30 P. M. BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. E. G. Willis, Pastor Sunday School, 10 A. M. Preachinar first and third at 11 A. M. Preachinsr second and fourth Run. day evening at 7:30. o . PINEY WOODS FRIENDS CHURCH Carl J. Tow, Pastor Sunday School, 10 A. M. Morning worship 11.00 A. M. Youth Fellowship. 6:30 P. M. WOODVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH G. M. Singletary, Pastor Sunday School, 10:30 A. M. on first and third Sundays and 2:00 P. M. on second and fourth Sundays. Church services, 8:00 P. M. on sec ond and fourth Sundays. o HERTFORD METHOPIST CHURCH Ben O. Merritt, Pastor Church School, 9:46 A. M. Morning Worship, 11:00 o'clock. Youth Fellowship, 6:45 P. M. Evening Worship, 7:30 P. M. Mid-week Fellowship Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. o BAGLEY SWAMP PILGRIM Coy S. Saunders, Pastor Sunday School, 10:00 A. M. Morning Worship, 11:00 o'clock. Young People's Meeting, 6:30 P. M. Evening Worship, 7:80 o'clock. Mid-week Services. Thursday at 7:30 P.M. o - HOLY TRINITY CHURCH E. T. Jilson, Sector Holy Communion, 9:00 A. M. Every Sunday exeent first Sundav at 9:00 A. M. Church School, 10:00 A. M. Morning Prayer and Sermon. 11:00 O'clock.? j;-' '.'..- .; L ;-. Holy Communion first Sunday at 11 A. M. BEREA CHURCH OF CHRIST Walker Perty, Pastor Bible School 10:30 A. M.. rent first Sunday, at 10 A. M. . Morninar worshin on flrat Rmutav at 11A.M. Evening worship first Sunday at P. M. CHAPPELL HILL BAPTIST CHURCH A. H. Outlaw, Pastor Sunday School, 2 P. M. every first Sunday. ., - Church Service 8 P. M. every first Sunday. . Sunday School at 11 A.' M. every second, third and fourth Sunday.