DCS CHOWAN HERALD EDSNTON. N. C THURSDAY, MAY 25, I960 PAGE SEVER East Yoeir t . .... Vote Tomorrow For 1 L7"D A VETERAN OF WORLD WAR II WITH THREE YEARS OF SERVICE IN THE EUROPEAN THEATER ; 'I V v 8f HE PLEDGES: HONEST AND FEARLESS ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAWS OF OUR NATION, STATE AND COUNTY WITHOUT PARTIALITY Here's The Reasons We Urge You To Vote For J. Kelly White For Sheriff of Perquimans Kelly White, as he is known to us and the wide circle of his friends throughout Perquimans County, was born and reared in the county. He is a man who is-worthy of the high trust that goes with the office of Sheriff. He has all the qualities necessary to make us proud that he is a high officer of Perquimans County and you can be assured that he will never betray your trust in him. L Kelly White was born in Parkville Township, 44 years ago, the son of J. N. and Mary Overman White. He stayed on the farm until he had completed his schooling. He then began what has been his life's work, the auto mobile business, which was interrupted in January, 1943, when he entered the U. S. Armed Forces. He served as a Staff Sergeant with the Third Army, under the famous late General Patton, in five major campaigns in the Eu ropean Theater of Operations. These campaigns, in which he served as a foreman of a tank repair unit, were Normandy, Northern France, Rhineland, Ardennes and Central Europe. He was awarded the EAMET cam paign medal with five bronze service stars, good conduct medal and bronze star medal. y,-. -.- .-. -t Following his separation from the Armed Forces, he returned to Hertford and resumed his work here in the y ' - . . automotive business, ' - , , ( In all "of his years, J. Kelly White has proven himself efficient and capable with the job at hand. He is a friend- : . ly, courteous man, unselfish in spirit and genuinely interested in his home county and his fellowman. Your Vote For Kelly White Will Be Appreciated 7 THIS AO PAID IFOR BY FRIENDS OF J. KELLY WHITE