JTERTFOJ), N. C FRIDA?, JUNE 80, 1950 Balked in their efforts to initiate . a farm - program whereby peanut acreage would be allocated by types according - to oemand, congressmen representing Virginia-type peanut producing areas are' working on a compromise measure.' - The proposed compromise would give' the secretary of. Agriculture au- , thority to increase peanut acreage in states producing types of peanuts which, according to their historical averages, will be in short supply.' . - The original bill, backed by Con ' giessman Watt M. Abbitt and Porter Hardy, of Virginia, and Congressman ' Herbert C. Bonner of North Carolina, hit a snag in the House 'Agriculture Committee. . It would have set up a peanut pro- - grain similar to the tobacco program, basing acreage allotments on "types according to demand. It met with opposition from congressmen repre suiting the runner-type peanut areas which may have suffered acreage cuts under the proposal. Congressman .. Bonner has mailed copies of the compromise measure to various farm leaders in peanut pro ducing North Carolina. He said he wanted the opinions of the farm lead ers before action was taken on the compromise. When tiit eye is I the band Mrs. Edith White Mrs. Verii 'WiWa. low. Mrs. Kov Wihaln. Mm v.u. beth White. Mrs; Geletta Wlnalnw. Miss Pearl White, ' Mrs. Mary Wil- uams, jars. Ernest White, Mrs. Lin ford Winslow. Mrs. John T. Lane. Mrs. R. R. White, Mrs. Aleck Stal- unga, Airs. nosers w inslow and two visitors, Misses ; Esther Winslow, a graduate nurse of Duke HoSnital who lis spending ' her vacation with - her parents, jar. ana Mrs. Koy Winslow, and Norma Joyce Winslow. :' '"' - BETHEL W.M.& MEETS On Wednesday, June 7, at 3:00 P. M the Woman's Missionary Society of the Bethel Baptist Church met at the Church. The meeting was opened with the hymn, "Christ For the World We Sing", followed by an interesting devotion service given by Mrs. Selma Proctor. Prayer by Mrs. Beulah Wil liams. The president, Mrs. L. A. Proctor gave a few devotion thoughts from the Royal Service on "Arise, Lift Up the Land." Minutes of last meeting were read and approved, the roll was called with 14 'members present and 3 visitors. , "Standing On the Prom ises" was sung.1 The program "On the Rock, Or On the Rocks", was given by the program chairman, Mrs. Kra mer Williams, who rendered a very interesting program with several members taking part. The meeting' was dismissed with the song "Home Sweet Home" and prayer by Mrs. Kramer Williams. . WHITESTON NEWS The Woman's Missionary Society of Up-River Friends Church held its an nual meeting at the home of Mrs. Robert Winslow with Mrs. Robert Winslow and Mrs. Elisha Winslow as joint hostesses. j J Draw Me Nearer" was used as the opening song. Mrs. Verna Winslow conducted the devotional . The lesson from the Study Book was presented by Mrs. Aleck Stalling! Edith White gave the lesson from the "Blue Prints." Four hundred and twenty-eight chapters of the Bible were reported as read by members of the society dur ing; the past month and one hundred and ten visits to sick and shut-ins were made. A "thanks" offering was taken which amounted Jo seven dollars and sixty cents, in addition to ten dollars which was donated to help buy equip ment for the Friends Camp at Quaker Lake. The nominating committee's report was as follows: President, Mrs. Aleck Stallings; re elected vice-president, ' Mrs. Linford Winslow; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. Merrill Winslow; assistant secretary-treasurer, Mrs. R. R. White; nrosrram chairman, Miss Pearl White; membership, . Mrs. Elisha Winslow; Finance,1 Mrs. Dempsey Winslow; Literature, Mrs. Robert Winslow; Mis sionary Editor, Mrs. John T. Lane; Stewardship, Mrs. Linford -Winslow; 'Peace, Mrs. Roy Winslow; Christian Service, Mrs. Arba Winslow. Mrs. Elizabeth White closed tne meeting with prayer. - V At the social hour delicious -homemade cake and freezer ice cream was served to the following -members: Mrs, Arba Winslow, Mrs. D. A Wins low, Mrs. Charlie T. Winslow, aire. DeWitf Winslow, Mrs. J. C. Winslow, Mrs.. Elisha Winslow, Mrs. Luther Winslow, Mrs. Elmer -Ray Winslow, DEPENDABILITY i W' BATTOM-Ut. A BRILLIANT general end a wiss. farming, firm, but just, m. ,, prosidtnt, George Washing- i, ton wu orthy of the confi- " i dance tie ips pired m the hearts 4 of hit countrymen. He could 4 be depended on to do,' thar right thing. ' , ' 4 Our experienced staff it wor- . thy of the confidence it in-.' ?y spires In the hearts of "those ) whom it hat served. You cert v depend on us to conduct a . ;S ceremony, dignified and sin. ' cere, it Wf"" 5 . y m Ji timc or ' PAGE THREE t .1 ' - 1 Jj You actually take leu time to find a number in the telephone di rectory than to call "Informa tion" and wait while she looks for your number. "Information," of course, is : always at your service if you i find the number isn't listed. But check the directory first won't you, please? It meant speedier 'service for yon. THE NORFOLK At CAROLINA' TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH ! COMPANY I Elizabeth City - Edenton - Manteo j Hertford Sunbury f We Sell SINCLAIR PRODUCTS GOODYEAR and U. S. ROYAL TIRES and TUBES "Let Us Service Your Car AT YOUR SERVICE For the Best In . . O GAS - OIL O GREASE O TIRES O BATTERIES O WASHING Today." JOE BILL'S SERVICE STATION RAY WHITE, Prop. PHONE 86oi I, me-i blow out Ms fRMV BRAINS! -"US TOATU.BEAJOKEON DID yDU EVER TELL HIM I HAVE ALL MY THINK YOU HAVE rS CAR REPAIR WORK T07E-WEBB MOTOR CO. A f DOMT LET HIM6ET AWAY, L DAUGHTER- tnZQ lis y u u o In view of the fact that a limited number of purchasers of Kero sene, Fuel Oils and other Petroleum Products do not deem it ne cessary to pay for these products within a reasonable length of time" after delivery, the following WHOLESALE OIL DEALERS of Hertford, N. C, have made a mutual agreement to report, each to the other ANY PERSON or PERSONS who become delinquent in their accounts. Naturally, any prearranged credit agreements are excepted. Winslow Oil Co. Reed Oil Co. Hertford Oil Co. PURE OIL HERTFORD, N. C. ESSO HERTFORD, N. C. SINCLAIR HERTFORD, N. C. iy , 7 "Tim U PrtifoauKc fluid Drfve TranmltWoa contlifi of tfirt coapad unifi . . . gyrol fluid Orin, Hw SaMy Clvlcn and fntitmatk Trafuafuten. Each unit it dtilgntd with a minimum of MoWng porta, and aach mil It niggtdly built lo give traobJa-rrae wrvk for tht lihtim of lh car. ' Make no mistake! Although most cars use the Fluid Drive principle that Chrysler first introduced 1 2 years ago there's an all-important difference in automatic gear shifting today! Chrysler and only Chrysler gives you Mi control of your car. While others shift you up and 2 down even when you don't want to shift Chrysler's simple, cool- running Transmission ranes m uiueis mm yuu. stoh ui miles an hour, in slow moving traffic, you're in high while others shift down to lower gears. How much quieter your engine runs! How much more smoothly! What a difference in high-gear economy! Come see what Fluid Drive does for you! Examine Chrysler workmanship . . . compare the quality of materials ... discover the benefits of Chrysler engineering! You'll find built-in value all the way through that has no equal! Extra money's worth, we're sure, that will make you a Chrysler buyer for life! ' - ' ' INI NEW1 roWCE 4-OOOR SEOaW i ' ,:" .'. See h-drlv lt...t here's built-in ycluo all the way through! Advantaaet of Chrysler' Fluid Drive Advantages of Chrysler's . Klfih Compression Spltflr Enfilna! N i , Chrysler' Advantajer bt Comfort and ScUty, t- AaMMCrtfc Cmt StirWm wltfc fill eonfrol of yww earl tartar fracrloa -, N Mrtor om tlippwy road. CoawwriwMa of dufcfc for odor parking. , Stawor (agio IpaaJa racfacad noita, nw. Soyas gotelliMl Orlvt ta fctg . whlla othars drh ia tow In traffic. , " . ' - Wahrproof IgaMoo pravanh stalling In rate or high wotarl UhAoi 1 ' , CyliMlar WoJa-chlcoJ protocHoa for Incroatad Ufa. ffoatlaf fowor- . V,f ' , V halps altailiMrta vibraHon. SaparfMshad foita raduca frkHoh, lent lonoor. ImWasl Vmtn Soaf laoarts radws hoad fair varra grindlngl fhw M far kaopt oil claonl , i c i for yoor hood. Vgs, ihowtdar. Cosy to ansar and toaval Sofa Cwrrd Nrdroafk tnkit waoolliar stops, laat acW praawra. CycM)oadad llninaa for donbla or. flalifcaV Ouiuiaal WMtMaW Wir-eoiitlol spaad oil fha tii. Ct ffahjM taafo , no croachiag, yoo sit Mrtwraltyl fofafy Vtsst) woat throw ttras oftor Moaioats t aoril r--v ; , , j , ; ', I The Beoutiful with Fluid Drive TCV. - !nEBD L-DTC1 CO., INC. Hertford, N.C. Phone 3641