srtfokvn. c rrjDAY, at TAG2 f Imava-mUiJ V t r; '' ' t"TT 1 ' From Chapel HiU ,'l Joe Towa. Jr.' and Julian White, Jr, students at the University of North Carolina, arrived home Wednesday to spend their spring vacation with their parents. - ' , , Sunday At Pendleton ' Dr. and Mrs. L A. Ward visited Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Stephenson at Pen dleton Sunday. From St Brides Mr. and Mrs. Luther Harris and sons of St Brides, Vs.,. spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. J.VE. Jones. From Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. Percy Byrum of Nor folk, Va., visited Mrs. . A. Byrum Sunday. , ' Thursday In Norfolk -' Mr. and Mrs. R. "G. Fitch, Mrs. Thomas Lane and daughters and Mrs. P. Eiddick spent Thursday at Norfolk, Va., as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Powell and family. In Greensboro t ;' Mrs. Isa Tucker is visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Bryant, at Greensboro. From Washington 1 J. H. Cole and daughter Diane of I Washington, D. C spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bigger. Returned' Home -t-.'s- - Mr; and Mrs. J. R. Jarvis have re turned home after visiting relatives at Lynchburg, Va. . AH yi'l'y Returned Home Mrs. T. S. White and Mrs. G. K. Newby have returned home after vis iting relatives in Rocky Mount and Norfolk, Va. To Florida . Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Darden will leave Sunday for a short vacation in Florida. They will be accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Burleson and son of Williamsburg, Va. From Richmond ' Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Wainwright of Richmond, Va., spent several days this week in Hertford. Moved To Hertford ?. Mrs. John Bail and Miss Mary Frances Dail moved from the county to an apartment on Market Street this week. Returned Home Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paley of Wood mere, Long Island, returned to their home Sunday, after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Al Kenton. Sundsy In Suffolk'' s" Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Eley and chil dren spent ' Sunday at Suffolk, Va, with relatives. From Norfolk George, Beck of Norfolk, Va,, spent the week-end with his wife and fam ily, v.y::-; ; . Sunday At Kitty Hawk Mr. and, Mrs. Kelly White, Mr. and Mrs. Bilk White,- Welly White and Billy Yagel spent Sunday at Kitty Hawk. Sunday Guests : Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hayes of Gates ville, MrsJC.N.: Griffin, Mrs. John Harrell and Miss Sarah Margaret Harrell of Edenton visited Mrs. Chas. Johnson and Mrs. Olivia Hobbs Sun day. . 'y'y'-:-:.-:;,.. . Sunday At Elizabethtown v Miss Marjorie Winslow and some out-of-town friends spent Sunday at Elizabethtown. In Hospital . , c , , ;, Leigh Winslow, sr wa mdmittea to the Albemarle Hospital Saturday and is getting along nicely. ' Sunday Guests. Mir , Mrs. Julia Parker of Norfolk, Va, and Mr. and, Mrs. Jack Edwards of Greenville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Edwards. '. , W, M.S. TO MEET ' The Woman's Missionary Society of the Baptist Church will meet Monday night, April 19, at 8 o'clock at the church. All members are' urged to attend. - v. y ':; - i GUILD MEETING ' The Wesleyan Service Guild held its regular monthly meetings Tuesday night April 13, at the home of Mrs. John Decker with 18 members and one guest present ' - Mrs. Jarvis Henry, president pre sided over the -meetins. XIrs. Jack Gurkin was in charge of the program, "Who Are the Guilty," with Mrs. Ray White and Mrs. Talmadge Rose tak ing part pinna mm made for several mem- ben to attend the .Guild Conference in Wilmington on April 24 and 25. The hostess served a aeucious sweet course. Xne meeting wiu meet wku Mrt. Marian Swindell in May. . SUNRISE SERVICES , , Sunrise services will be conducted at the Bethel Baptist Church Sunday, Anril 18. beginning at 5:80 o'clock, it was reported this week. The public is invited to attend. tJt BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT '- Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Copeland of Route 2 announce the birth of a daughter, born Tuesday, April 6, at the Albemarle Hospital. I ' ' lArnvrn j a i & -l v -: t i. -v. i Off (M) S:2Vr-"3L:::-:r : , Edenton Phcns 7C5-J-2 w v , LEGION HUT LOCATE) ON r. v" . , . - EDENTON.WINDSOR HIGHWAY STAR ROUTE . Sunday In Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Madre and son spent Sunday in Norfolk, Va., with relatives. Visiting Here ' " Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sitterson and children of Norfolk, Va., are visiting Mrs. B. W. Pennington. From Chapel Hill Carroll Berry, Jr., arrived home WnHnAxdav from the Universitv of North Carolina to spend the spring holidays with nis parents, air. ana Mrs. B. C. Berry. Saturday At Fentress ' 1 Mr. and Mrs. Noah Gregory and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. Tim' Greg ory at Fentress, Va., Saturday. Returned Home Mrs. W. B. Pickhardt and children returned to their home at Virginia Beach, Va., Sunday after visiting Mrs. J. H. Bagley. Sunday Guests Mr. and Mrs. George Spruill of Edenton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones. Visiting Here Mrs. Bertie Owens of Columbia is visiting her sister," -Mrs: B. F. Bray. From Chapel Hill Mrs. Paul - Baumgartner and chil dren of Chapel Hill are the guests of J. E. Winslow and Mrs. Clyde McCal-lum. STILL BEAUTIFUL r LATE AZALEAS IN FULL BLOOM ... MANY MID-SEASON AZALEAS AND OTHER SPRING FLOWERS COMBINE TO MAKE A VISIT TO ORTON WELL WORTHWHILE! Visit ORTON During EASTER Timk V Blooming Azalea Plants Are Available At the Nursery ' fragrance thst lasts 49 Alicia WXC-ym The sensational new form V1JV V'r C ofbaovedCOTY ' U tragrance. U lasts and lasts, because die warmth of yoor body Knew the fragrance s jo wear it, FOR A LOOTED TIME! In tens fsjustee Coty frsgranecB t .-.y. V033GtH L'ABiANT. EME3AUDE TASCT S AND W THE CORNER" - ' r From Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jehkins of Norfolk, Va., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Darden. From Weldon ' Bennett Stephenson of Weldon spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Felton. He was accompanied home Sunday by Mrs. Stephenson, who had spent a week with her parents. Today t Friday Matinee 8:15 Night 7-9 - ROBERT TAYLOR DEBORAH KERR uoVadis" Saturday: Show SUrts l&O P. M. WILD BILL ELLIOTT "Topeka" Captain America No. 8 SUNDAY( SHOWS 2:15, 4:15 AND 9:15 P. M. , Steve Cochran and Carole Matthews IIARIt RIVEir . 'i - Monday and Tuesday: Matinee 8:15 Night 7-9 P. M. William Holden and Eleanor Parker ;y'y:-- k ': ' ''V-'.. ; IN .-';"'V"'--.T:'V-.. 1SCAPE RIO FORT ORAVO" . M- 'hrMY IS h r l;.B-. :W Sis t . , . -xs Nl j nil n i AUr ' H-M - " - fits wflj Wednesday? Matinee 8:15 P. M-Nlght 7-9 P. M. : : ; ' DOUBLE FEATURE , - V -"Y . ........ in First Feature BUSTER CRABBE 0Ii3Brctner'sGhostw Second Feature JOHNNY WEISSMULLER "VaUeyofthe '; Head Hunters" Thursday ind Friday) Matimw 805 Night 7-9 P. M. . Robert Ryan and Jan Sterling . f i i' 3'."n.i LET ! US DEIESS YOUR' FAMILY And the look is a reflection of your beauty. These fashion-designed out- ; make every day a holiday . . and a holiday glorious. UP; FOR-EASTER MORNMG FOR 'UHI AflO DOYS SUITSSPORT COATS , hIlts snoEsi shirtssox FOO VlOLlEf! AdD WIZM m m v n. W W ' -i I BLOUSESBAGS; ' HATS HOSE1 ;r h j v a-4 . m ) 'I ':