Mr. and Mrs. David Sawyer and chil dren of Norfolk, Va-, were dinner guests of Mrs. Sawyer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hunter on Sunday, Miss Celia blanche Dail returned to her home in Washington, D. C, Fri day after spending the spring holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dail. . ; ;?-,.::-, . D. C. Umphlett of Goldsboro, N. C, rLIied Lis and Mrs. W. . Dail during the week end. . . '' Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Barclift and children, Patsy and Kermit spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dail while enroute to their home in Washington. D. G, from Miami, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Bay Perry and chil dren of Hertford, Route 3, were guests of Mr. Perry's grandmother. Mrs. Min nie Perry on Sunday. NOTICE To Bicycle Owners and lite ' A Town of Hertford Ordinance forbids the riding of a bicycle, within the town limits, at night without a light. Notice is hereby given this ordinance, effec tive at once, will be enforced, and any person caught riding a bicycle, within the town limits, after dark, without a light, will be subjected to a fine of $1.00. Your cooperation in observance of this ordi nance, which is a safety measure, will be ap preciated. - THE TOWN OF HERTFORD SENSATIONALLY PRICED! 95 GENUINE CROSLEY SIIELVADOIT "Ry Ill &Si 1 V SMi W IW. fww fx ' " '-IIP tMmmmm' -miMi ; 3 Ne other refrigerator eaa effer yoa al this space I this ceswelosce at this low price! HANDY DOOt SHEIVB ADAFTAHI INTERIM . TWO POP-OUT ICE TRAYS IAKEB-ON ENAMEL EXTERIOR . . . adif-ruM- TradekiyoaroM refrigerator MOW whllt dill hai rath value. If II daps running, It's werihltt. modil ir.r Capacity 7 cu. ft. Wlathi 14 Inch. ACT NOW . tan't beat Mb boy . . . the grtaf nw Cretlty TODAY I LOW DOWN PAYMENT! FREE! FREE! A "CROSLEY CHIEF" Radio, value $29.95, with the pur chase of an eight foot or larger Crosley Refrigerator. Harrell Gas & Coal Co, Next To Perquimans High School PHONE 388 1 HERTFORD, N. C. t PREPARE NOW For Storage of FRUITS and VEGETABLES ENJOY FRESH FOOD ALL THE YEAR! We Are Dealers For The Famous "DEEP FREEZE" HOME FREEZERS Sizes and Prices To I Suit Your Needs TERMS If DESIRED WE ALSO HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF Freezer Pspar Contoers Bags end Seeing Tepa ; CAN WITH EASE SELECT A National "Presto" Canner or Cooker . From Our Store! . WE STOCK A COMPLETE LINE OF PARTS FOR . , THESE FAMOUS CANNERS. IIERTFQI1D IL1RDVARE & SUPPLY CO. I "TRADE HERE AND BANK THE DIFFERENCE PHONE 3461 . -:- , HERTFORD, N. C. Miss Barbara. Jean Jennings of Elis abeth City spent the week-end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Ward. Mrs. T. H. White spent Sunday at Nags Head. Mrs. Stanley Spruill has been sick for several days. , Miss Hattie Pearl Novell of Nor folk, Va., is recuperating at the home of her pajnts, Mr. and Mrs. J W. Novell, Sr., after having' an opera tion in a Norfolk hospital. , The condition of W. F. Morgan is about the same. v r Miss Frankie Barber of Elizabeth City has returned home after spend ing several days with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. E. 'B. Hollowell and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Long and daugh ter, Judy, visited the Bailey Temple family in Newland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Matthews of Elizabeth City, Mr. and Mrs. E. B Hollowell and son, John Earl, and Mrs. W. G. Hollowell were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hollowell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Long and . daughter, Judy were afternoon guests of the Hollowell family. Mrs. J. F. Hollowell spent Monday in Elizabeth City. Set and Mrs. E. J. Roberson have returned home at Fort Bragg after spending Easter with Mrs. Roberson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lane. Mrs. R. M. Milton has returned from Norfolk, Va., after treatments from a specialist there. i Little Soy Milton has returned home after spending several days in Moyock with his uncle, Wesley Pike. Mrs. M. C. Chalk spent Easter week with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Chalk in Moyock. Ensign Jimmie Earnhardt, Jr., of USS Moole, Norfolk, Va., visited his aunt, Mrs. W. G. Hollowell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. White of Nor folk, Va., spent the week-end with his son, Benton White. r i Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hobbs of Nor folk, Va., visited Mrs. Lula Lane and Mrs. Rex Jones Saturday. Skipper Morgan, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Morgan, underwent a ton sillectomy operation at Chowan Hoa pital Tuesday morning. WHrfESTON NFIWs' Kay Winslow is doing nicely after an appendectomy operation at the Al bemarle Hospital last Friday. Mrs. Lyndon White returned to the Albemarle Hospital Friday for treat ment."' ' ' ?: Messrs. Alvin and Jasper Winslow motored to Washington, D. C, Friday to get their sister, Miss Sibyl Winslow who is convalescing after a major op eration. : !':: ;.. Johnnie Winslow entered Norfolk General Hospital Sunday where he will undergo an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riddick and chil dren of Sunbury visited Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Stallings Sunday, v - ' Carl Winslow and family of Suffolk, Va., spent the week-end with relatives here...',; :. v Mr. and Mrs. Glenwood Stallings and daughter, Glenda Fay of Eliza beth City visited relatives and friends here Sunday. ' v Mr. - and Mrs. . Dempsey Winslow and son, Doland, visited Mr. and Mrs. Addie Winslow of Elizabeth City, Rt 3, Sunday P. M. Lloyd Winslow and family of Eliza beth City, Rt 3, and Mrs. Fred Upton and children of Camden visited Miss Sibyl Winslow and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Winslow, Sunday.) : - Pfc. and Mrs. Clyde Ellis Stallings are spending sometime with their par ents. He has to leave for Germany next week.' , Floyd Winslow of Norfolk, Va., with one of his friends, were Sunday din ner guests of his mother, Mrs. Mer cer Winslow. ;;Vv.' Mrs; Clifford Winslow left Thurs day to join her husband in San An tonio, Texas. He is in service there. Winifred Winslow and family have recently moved into their netf brick bungalow here. ' ' . ' . Mr. and Mrs. Powell Martin of Den ton, Md., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Winslow. ; The ' Rev. James Rahenkamp's fa ther of Greensboro spent the week-end with him. BELVEDERE NEWS Belvidere village is being greatly improved in appearance since the Cen ter Service Station and T. C. Perry's Store building have been moved back from the highway and grading and topping finishes put on the streets. , After spending the past ' three months in Tampa, and St Petersburg, Fla Mr. and Mrs. L. Jay Winslow 1 returned home Monday, Their daugh ter, Mrs. R. M. White and her son, Jay and daughter, Sara Lynn of Nor folk, Va., spent last week with them and together they , visited friends in Miami, Fort Myers, Selving and tour ed many interesting places of the state before returning home. Sundav visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Hurdle were the Jay Stallings family of Hobbsville Mr. and Mrs. Dan Grimes of Min neapolis, were the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and family last week. ;ur -' Mrs. Bertha S. White visited Mrs. Julia Lane at the Albemarle Hospital Monday. W. Thos. Chappett, Curtis Chappell, Ambrose Chapell, Mr. and Mrs. Car roll . Ward motored to Wilmington,' DeU last week and attended the fun-1) eral of Elias Chappell, who died suddenly. C . 1 J .lira. LI., j . 1. 1 three, children of Denver, Col., ere snendinsr some tune with Hr. and ITts. I J. M. Copeland and other relatives in tne county. Sunday aruests of the N. W. Chan. pell family included Mr. and Mm. Jnrlr Symons, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton White ana aaugnter Diane, of Hertford, Mr. and Mrs. Mae White and thro rlifl. dren of Star Route. Wfnfn A mn .vnappeu of Kalelgh. USED CARS 1952 Chrysler, 4-door 1951 Ford, 4-door 1951 Plymouth, 4-door 1950 Ford, 2-door 1950 Chrysler, Sedan 1950 Plymouth, 4-door 1949 Chrysler (CLUB COUPE) 1949 Ford, Sedan 1949 Plymouth, 4-door 1949 Mercury, 2-door 1948 Chrysler Coupe (WINDSOR CONVERTIBLE) 1948 Chrysler, 4-door 1947 Chevrolet, 2-door 1947 Ford, 2-door '47 Oldsmobile, 4-door 1947 Chevrolet, 2-door 1946 Dodge, Pickup SEE US FOR BETTER . BUYS IN USED CARS MS G Spring COATS and SUITS Looking for bargains ... We are offering our Entire Stock of . SPRING... v " COATS AND SUITS at of origind price! They must go! Be here early to get your choice. No returns . . . no refunds! ' rx- V if GET IN ON THE GRAB TABLE OF Ladies Shoes . . . odd sizes and styles. GOOD VALUES at regu lar prices, but we have to move them. Come in and see these values! . SPECIAL ON MEN'S SLACKS We have one lot of Men's Spring and Summer Slacks we are now selling at Vi price Now is the time to get several pair at these low prices .. . ALL SIZES AND COLORS J.C.eLAt!CHMD&CO:MNY,K "BLANCHAFD'S" SINCE 1832 " 11 . , I -1 ja...A',7r .J j& III j ...... -nrr,"(B4 Jjjry H Eveiythieg ; For FISHING M Sale On Fishing Tackle Continued Another Week .. . Here are the rods and the lures that are getting thjp big ones this year! Everything to make fishing lots of fun with more, fish at the day's end .... ' ' , ' WE HAVE YOUR NEEDS! RODS RE ELS-B AlTS LINES HOOKS CORKS-SINKERS POLES TACKLE BOXES MINNOW BUCKETS LANDING NETS MINNOW SEINES BOAT SEATS AND CUSHIONS LIFE PRESERVERS SPORT CAPS, OARS-PADDLES-THERMOS BOTTLES : THERMOS JUGS AND ICEBOXES 'We Also Sell Fishing Licenses and Permits 'z AND 16 H.P, MERCURY ADD CORSAIR OUTOOARD WOTORS Hcriford IHlarckTaro l Eupply Company V Hertford, N.CN PhcneSlSl