THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. G, FRIDAY, APRIL 80, 1954. PAGE FIVE Motto Ako - Farmers will find it considerably to their advantage to plant within their i cotton acreage allotments this year, Leonidas L. Lane, chairman of the Perquimans County ASC Committee, reminded growers' today. ' j It is fairly , well understood, Mr. Lane explained, that under the cotton 1 marketing quota - acreage allotment program, each pound of excess cot. ton grown by. farmers who do sot comply with their cotton allotments will be subject to a penalty. What's, not always understood or remembered is the fact that a grower who does not' plant within his cotton allotment will lose any cost-sharing, assistance which might otherwise be available to him under the Agricul tural Conservation Program, and his cotton likewise will not be eligible for a government price support loan. ' So it'ar to the grower's financial ad vantage to grow only his share of the national cotton7 marketing quota which is the amount of cotton produc ed from his acreage allotment. Of lotment may be marketed free. ; Cotton marketing .quotas were ap-, proved by 94 per cent of the growers who Voted in a national referendum on the question last December. The quotas are made operative through acreage allotments, which are estab lished for states, counties and indivi dual farms. 1SS3 Worst Yezr For Auto Accents The, worst automobile accident toll in the nation's history more than two million casualties was recorded in 1953, according to figures released by The Travelers Insurance Companies. Traffic deaths totaled 38,500, an in crease of 900 over 1952. The injury count reached 2,140,000 compared to 2,090,000 for the previous year. The totals are .statistics from "The Passing Scene," twentieth in an an nual series of traffic accident data booklets published by The Travelers. Accident facts from every state in the country are collected and analyzed for the, publication by Travelers statis ticians. ; Excessive speed was the most dan gerous driving mistake in 1953. Speed killed 13,879 persons and injured more than 600,000. Drivers under 25 years (per cent of the year's fatal accidents although they constitute only about 16 1. -M 4.1 l.t1 . .11 JJ,r. . per rail vjl uw whu u. cu iuiic. Week-end crashes accounted lor lb, 800 killed and 800,000 Trart during 1953. Forty-one per cent of the deaths and 86 per cent of the injuries' occur- iul mi Catiiwtaw and Shindfiva last year. . .?: The pedestrian record reflected the third consecutive year of improve- ment Booklet figures show pedestrian ' u- i i i en onn casualties reuuceu uy uu w otuuv. Crossing between intersections, "jay walking", still is the chief cause of pedestrian, deaths and injuries. "The Passing Scene" also reports that three out of four 1953 auto acci dents happened to passenger cars driv ing in clear weather on dry roads. Eighty per cent of vehicles involved in fatal accidents were traveling straight ahead. Saturday was the most dangerous day of the week to drive. 1953 was the fourth consecutive year of increase in the death toll. course all cotton grown within the al- of age were involved in almost 25 m off mom? A PHILATELIST IS A TAMPCOU.ECTOR f rMEETMR.STICICEjCTThrEoPV" SAM- HE'S A J (THERE PAL. 1 I PHILATELIST, f I I'M A ELK J ' ItlS ' TKIJllaji FALSE! Attention coin collectors! We mean the housewife . , . the gal who has to make the bud get meet the family food bill. See about one of our FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS . . . with a Locker you'll save plenty of coins . . . dollars, tool. :::i:-::':r.' SEE US FOR CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MEATS NOTICE: Effective May 1st we will be open all day Wednesdays and close Saturdays at 12:30 P. M. v ThU new miracle paint Hows you to be your ; own decorator ! Exciting features: r it Ne primer coat needed ' ' it On coat covers meet surfaces, j such m plaster, wood, brick, wall t paper, concrete". : ft Velvet surface may be scrubbed repeatedly , ft Deep-tones, plus unlimited variety ef In-between Ctdee ami decorator tints ' f OHsje-Jast with ne ft ttay be used wMi kmSt ef re'Ser-CMter HI 1 Manufactured fcy. TKI C M. ATKET PAINT tOk ' Bettmore, Kd. State Is Unprepared To Withstand Any Major Enemy Attack In a clarion call to governing bod-' les of each political subdivision to remedy the situation. State Civil De fense Director Edward F. Griffin says that North Carolina is not prepared to withstand any kind of enemy at tack atomic, hydrogen or otherwise. Griffin called the situation criti-J cal. "Until every county and every town has a properly functioning Civil' De fense Corps, operating under a direc tor appointed by the governing body of that political subdivision, until each community has adequate warning sys tem, unti a Ground Observer Post is established at the eight-mile intervals prescribed by Air Defense Command, we will remain vulnerable," the direc tor stated. Referring to the hydrogen bomb, he called it a development of world shak- HOW TO RELIEVE SKIN ITCH. IN 15 MINUTES, If not pleased, your 40c back at any drug store. ITCH-ME-NOT has mild anesthetic to ease itch in minutes; has keratolytic, antiseptic action that sloughs off outer skin to KILL GERMS AND FUNGUS ON CON TACT. Fine for eczema, ringworm. Toot itch, other surface rashes. Today MS et Al. adv Join TWIFORD'S Mutual Burial ASSOCIATION ing significance. "In North Carolina there are no "critical target" cities, such as might be selected as likely targets for a weapon of the desructive power of a hydrogen bomb, but that does not mean that we will not be af- Quite A Change "There's a big difference between the kings of old times and the kings now." "How's that!" "In former times the kings used to keen fools: now the fools keen them." fected if one should be used on any one of several such strategic targets in adjoining states", he said. "We have plenty of target cities but no "critical targets." now at Hertford Motors NEW G-E WITH a .4 PUTS ALL FOOD AT YOUR FINGER TIPS! MODEL LH-12U 12.1 CUBIC FEET PLUS ALL THESE NEW FEATURES! fold away bottle racks Ice cream rack-juice can dispenser adjustable door shelves mini-cube Ice trays 2 separate appliances in I cab! net) A big automatic defrosting refrigerator and a trut texo degree freezer that holds up to 89 packages of frozen foods! REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER COMBINATION -W"ilUHtt.oittiMis flT0 SEE CHARLIE UMPHLETT AT Hertford Motor Go. EASY TERMS GENERAL ELECTRIC vVVVivvVVVrVVMrVWVVVVVVVrMArrWi TRY THIS NEW CHEVROLET AND YOU'LL TELL US IT pof IMS ! mm AND IT'S THE tooted GET THE BEST OF ALL 3 PEXFORMANCE ECONOMY, PRICE Onfy Chnvroaf gives you all fhnsn "Bnst Buy" values ' We're so sura of what you'll find that we welcome any test or ' any comparison you care to make! Come In for the facts and : figures. Take a demonstration drive. That's the easy way to prove for yourself that Chevrolet gives you the best of off 3 performance, economy, pricel ' Highest Compression fewer You get' finer performance and Important gas savings wMi the highest compression power of any . "boding low-priced carl ' r Fisher Body Qualify You get smarter styling greater comfort " safety quality with this only low-priced car win) Fisher Body. Safety Plate Glass No other low-priced car gives you the finer vbibBtty of safety pfcrfe gloss al around in sedans and couped Biggest Brakes Smoother, safer stops with less pedal pressure! ' Thafs what Chevrolet gives you with the largest brakes m Its field. Famed Knee-Action Ride Chevrolet gives you the only Unitized The new 1954 Two-Tan" 4 Door Sedan Knoo-AcHon on any low-priced car one big reason for that finer big-car ridel Full-length Box-Girder Frame Only Chevrolet m the low-price field gives you the extra strength and greater protection of a fuf-ftngm box-girder frame) Come in wow, and prove if for yourself! Hollowell Chevrolet Company '. pj:c::e vu ... iztzttcd, n. c. Phcn5 2151 Hertford, N.C