united in marriage by tl.a r.ev. I .., bert Jamison. -. i t The orae is ute aau:.or oi ir, .,0 L f 3 In a candlelight ceremony, August 22, in the Epworth Methodist Church in Winfall, Miss Norma Jean Godwin and Joseph Glenwood Jenkins were TAY1E THEATRE EDENTON, H. C r WWk Day Shows Continuous Fram 3:30 Saturday Continuous Front 1:30 Sunday 2:15, 4:15 and 8:45 Tnursday and Friday, . , September 9-10 Van Johnson and ' Walter Pidgeon in MEN OF THE FIGHTING LADY" Saturday, September 11 t Phil Carey and . Robert Haynes in "THE NEBRASKAN" Sunday and Monday, -September 12-13 ' :-.' Victor Mature and Susan Hayward in "DEMETRIUS AND THE ' GLADIATORS" Tuesday and Wednesday, September 14-15 -( Double Feature - Van Johnson in 1 "THE SEIGE AT RED RIVER Paulette Goddard in "PARIS MODEL" EDEN TIKE EDENTON, N. C Friday and Saturday. " September 10-11 TUB THINu FKOM ' ANOTHER WORLD" -WAY DRiVE-IN THEATRE EDENTON, N. C Admission 40c Per Person Children Under 12 Free Friday and Saturday, September 10-11 Robert Mitchum in "BLOOD ON THE MOON" Sunday, September 12 , Dan Dailey in KID FROM LEFT FIELD" O ; Monday and Tuesday, September 13.14 Susan Hayward in "WHITE WITCH DOCTOR" . i ' O i i v.- Wednesday and Thursday, September 15-16 Rita Hayworth in r "SALOME" and Mrs. Archie M. Godwin of Hert ford, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Edna C. Jenkins of Pirn hurst and Walter H. Jenkins of Jacksonville, A program oi wedding music was presented by Mrs. Durwood Earber, organist, and Airs, wax urutin, so loist . - The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a wedding gown ot Chantilly lace and tulle over satin, fashioned with an escalloped oval neckline. .; Long lace sleeves ended in wedding points over .the bands. The basque bodice - buttoned ? down back with self covered buttons, extended into an apron effect of lace that en hanced the bouffant skirt of tulle. Her fingertip veil of illusion was ar ranged from a seed pearl tiara. She carried a white prayer book topped with a white orchid. Miss Sue Cooke of, Hertford was maid of honor. She wore a ballerina length gown of dusty rose organdy over taffeta and carried a bouquet of mixed flowers. Bridesmaids were Miss Betty Gwyn Watson of New Bern Miss Rebecca Plemmons of Raleigh, Miss Marceline Aycock of Black Creek and Miss Cath erine Goodwin of Hertford. They MISS ADA MARLS NIXON Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nixon of Eden- ton announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Ada Mane Nixon, to Colon Philip Butler, son of Mrs. G, W. Butler of Hertford. The wedding will take place Sunday afternoon, Sep tember 26, at 3:30 o'clock in the Rocky Hock Baptist Church. The public is invited to attend. q I'm a disabled ve--n fl-irj Public Law 16 trainmgr. I received a serious injury during iry tr&inl.. Could I receive adcLvionu compensa tion for my training injury? . A Yes, it is (possible for you ' to receive additional compensation for HEAVY SLAUGHTER IN STATE Commercial ' slaughter of cattle, i -i i i i i i ctuveH, Bfieeji wm ibuius, aim nogs VI I Tkf LI. m 1 - J ! Y 1 i 1 1 1 20,846,000 pounds liveweight . the highest of record for any July since records began in 1947, according to the N, C. Crop Reporting Service. Slaughter during the month, however, Cr ii - . V e -C u ' v ing tie i..:.cj t .Im pounds which v-.i fi:oiit 5 r?r ""' t above July, 1C-3, and alao tlie 1." -est of record ' for the month. Mean while calf slaUoter reached 1,107,CCC pounds,: the heaviest July kill since For. hogs, the total slaughter during July amounted to 10,060,000 pounds liveweight about 2 per cent less than that of July, 1953, and the lowest for the month since 1951. , What is merciful censure? To make thy faults appear smaller? Maybe to veil them? No, No! Oer them were dressed in ballerina lenirth pownn to raise thee on high. Goethe SKIN ITCH HOW TO RELI3VE IT. ' IN 15 KINUTL3, If not pleased; your 40e back from any druggist. ITCH-ME-NOT dead ens itch and burning in minutes: kills l nr, was only slightly above the 20,791,000 ierful for ma, ringworm, foot itch pounds liveweight killed ' durinsr the .A nw .,irf.r. nhem. TnA mt previous month but was 2 per cent S AND M. - - - adv. , ur 1 V f I ir ) and o f -t iMiwa diwnuionl iq fa, Ntunf yoa . a Oo U Knr t Or OOBI1I to : ou to elij e t f cauM getting ' i vwt ft if IV . t I 1. k , Qmonni or vrruvf ct . . vp ButuL or irwuwut i . Don't et yonr tf vn eonl. tlona bt you. lr i'nvuc t cbunf e. oaod .luy r r (una Itir , ever 60 ymra. rVmie o-u otr - cumkI, If ma" how many f wa Ixian i. v happy twA from tin o coauon q ta IS mum of kian-v - and f -jv fiuah out wait. Got lsoau tuia toinyl " Conn PlLLG of turquoise organdy over taffeta with matching headdresses.., They carried bouquets of mixed flowers. ,' Best man for the bridegroom was his cousin, Capt Cecil Daniels,- USA, of Miami, Fla. Ushers were Ensign Ed Daniels, USCG, also of Miami and Clinton Winslow of Belvidere. The bride's mother wore a dress of navy blue net over taffeta, with white accessories and an orchid cor sage. - ..... r The bridegroom's mother wore dress oi dusty rose nylon lace over taffeta with black accessories and an orchid corsage. Following the ceremony the couple left for a wedding trip to the West ern part of the state. - , . For traveling the bride wore s blue linen suit with white accessories and the orchid lifted from her prayerbook. The bride is a senior at East Caro lina College and the bridegroom was graduated from there in 1952 with a major in business edccation. At pres ent he is on the teaching staff of Pinehurst High School. The couple are making their home in Pinehurst ' , ' v . a i - ' HOOVER . SYMONS , E. S. Symons announces the engage ment of his daughter, Miss Sylvia Jean Symons, to Richard N. Hoover, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hoover of Elizabeth City. The wedding will take place September 26 at the St Paul Free Will Baptist Church. A wise man will hear, and will in crease learning; and a man of under standing shall attain unto wise coun sels. Proverbs. ROBERT BROWNING "Perfect I call Thy plan: thanks that I was a man. Maker remake com plete trust what i Thou shalt do." INTELLIGENCE shows itself in a proper hu mility. A thoughtful regard i tor the feelings of others de notes a real civilization. t won pi '4! ATTENTION Seller cj Ouycr of Fc::r S!;o:ls c j Figs OPENING AUCTION SALE Carolina - Va. Fesder Shoat . '' -And Pig Auction WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15-1 P. M. (AND EVERY WEDNESDAY THEREAFTER) v 1 Miles Northwest of Windsor on Highway 308 Selling at auction FEEDER STIOATS and PIGS only, from weights 140 lbs. down; 'Hogs from 140 lbs. up, received at quoted price. - ' ' - ' ' This is the only Auction we know of specializing in the sale of FEEDERS only com '' pletely new Auction yard, clean and ef fidentiy operated. " ' .'TVhere Seller and Buyer of FEEDER SHOATS and PIGS get special and expert at tention." " i - :-, VhitCiiad Dros. - Ic3 Uncnstcr-J:mx:3l70Otrin ', . OPERATORS - feb UcDtcn, Woo "Licensed Veterinarian With 14 Years Vaccinating OExperience, -at Sale AU pay?' Join TWIPORD'S Mutual Burial ASSOCIATION How "BYRUM'S CJouscvjdraiho TTepp featuring Famous Duo-Thorn Homo Heaters r i Ford'i first in truck ulei g&ini . . . with mIm up 17.T over the warn months el loot year! Why? BecauM buyert know Ford Truoks bring them greater value feature for fectuza than any other make on the market today. And only Ford Truck give you Triple Economy ... Gae-Saving Power, ' ' Driver-Saving Ease, Trip-Saving Capacitiei! j t r ; J ' New e'A-ff. rerrf P-100 Pickup. Cboke U V-t or Six. Fordomatic Drive,. Overdrive, Powtt Brmkee avtilnble at worth-while extie, toe. 'Uui i;iM-r,', e : e LaxoriouMahoganrtlalsbl automatically! (Oponal) ( ' e Complete Home Heating e Exclusive DooThermDnal Comfort! Chamber Burner give , m.tic Power-Air Blower- dropefoiL saves up to 25 on reel e Waist High Heat Control , bills gives yon ttt more Dial lets yo dial heal "govern heat in every room easy as yon tone a radioa w vf bow for yvsn ef lowost fcecilrj cz-'cil r::c-2r:n ? i::rt:cr:,ir.c. Ford'g leadership in salei fm snakes It poerible for yWFordDealer to ghreyoitthedealof aliSay'' ' time on your old truck, if you trade , right now for a new Fori. If it's a v weed truck you're after, you eaa ' nick the model and ttz you y need, at the price you want, ', ( from your Ford Dealer1! eelee- V J X l " Vr r r-3 i'.ov ) I if i ( ! t i i ( t ' I , ' t'tl . i: t I ' 7y ; r x: