jCji 10 Fiiu , u J.U u i-cL iS 5ul..jlJ ULM, Germany Amerioan music, country style, is captivating German audiences who tap their toes to the tunes ef the TJ. S. Army's Roadside Ramblers. : Eight fighting men of the Army' Ninth Infantry Division drop their rifles after work and turn t guitar picks and fiddle hows to entertain their buddies and fascinated Euro peans. v'''-- '' ' A. prise-winning hOlbffly band wlf ch plays benefits for German orphanages and hospitals as well as U. S. Servioe men's Clubs, the group is receiving , vivh nniu In the German Dress. The bandleader, private First Class Harry L. Reckhart of (Route 1) San dy Lake, Pa., thinks he knows why listeners unacquainted with American folk music are afiiong its most avid , fans. ;;lfs'.' oUnnii li in international lantSU age," he says. , "Although most Ger mans don't understand the words, the imnA rtw! malodv of American folk songs are just as novel to them as German folk songs are to us in Amor- The Ramblers started playing to gether while on field training exer cises. During the twilight hours af ter the day's training, they would en tertain buddies. The informal sessions were con tinued when the troops returned to garrison. Once a week they played for the American-sponsored German youth Activities group in vim. - ; The youths, who are from is W zq years old, made the Ramblers so popu lar that the Regimental recreation of ficer, Captain James N. Daniels, en jtouraged them to enter a Service Club talent contest ana they won. , iney took first place in a regional contest, tool and had the honor of playing two half -hour shows on ' the American forces radio network. , ; : v I ; They now average eight perform ances a week in addition to their reg ular infantry training, Of the eight, two are irorn Ten nessee, one from Oklahoma and one f mm North Carolina, all traditional 'strongholds of country music. The others come from Pennsylvania, Ari mi lUTunsflRhnRettfl and Michigan. Reckhart once turned down three other engagements to appear at the Ulm Orphans' home for a show, Grand 'rtM Wv stvln. Ha and the band were rewarded only by a lengthy ac- vwitit. in s.n iiim iiKWMiiauvr. '.. - 1 , 1 VTU XI1VI11UCXB vj. wo Sjiwujj m. maw Arthur J. Loconto, bass violinist of 9 r.n KnsuH Want MAdfoM. Ma.Rn.. and Private First Class 0. V. Davis, wiraltat of ( Route 2) Newnorfc. nlan tn fiim nrofessional when thev return to civilian life. For the others, the JKoadsiae uamDiers wux oe a pleas ant memory of duty in Germany. where the people love a noe-aown. :.ty Infantry IUJnu. t r. 1 from plea by the commrriJins ofTicer of Jie historic unit. Colonel Chpxles E. Johnson wrote New Orleans Mayor de Lesseps S, Morrison about the plight of the "Cottonbaler" regiment without a cotton bale. The colonel pointed out that the reg imentone of the oldest and most dec orated units in the U. S. Army -got its start to fame as the only, regular outfit to fight with Andrew Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans. Be cause that brilliant victory was won largely through the use of cotton bales as breastworks, members of the regi ment have been known as ."Cotton balers" since that time. Part of the regimental insignia is a bale of cotton surmounted by crossed rifles. ' There is always a majority of fools. -Heraclitus. New Flower Guide Now , Available-For Growers I out of print, but undoubtedly they can i be located in public libraries. The (brief introduction is packed with lore about American flowers and facts For commercial flower gardens and about sfndard JM" amateur botanists interested in thejJect All efforts directedtoward flowers of their locality or region, the making JSJi! V. S. Department of Agriculture has 'botanist to find information about published a guide to publications on flowers. . popular flowers of the United States Bibliographical Bulletin 23 of the U. and Alaska. 'S. Department of Agriculture may be The new bulletin lists by author and teed SSSSSf describes briefly 25 general publica-,?"'?8. .J J tions, 62 on th Northeastern region, n 'flce' Washington 25, D. C, at 11 on the Paficie region, six on the, 26 cents a copy. Southeast, and 20 covering the States I--- TTnif - went of the Misaissinni to the three flamed AITOy UlUt (iets Bale Uf uotton To Symbolize Past Paficie coast States. It also lists and describes 212 pub lications covering the wild plants of individual States. There is at least Proceedings Of Commissioners September 7, 1954 ' At a regular meeting held at the Court House, September 7, 1954. Pres ent and presiding,' A. T. Lane, Chair man, with Commissioners William C, Chappell, E. B. Hollowell, R. L. Spi vey and Warner Hadre. Reports received from Agriculture Extension Service and Welfare De partments. Report received from J. C. Morgan, Superintendent County Home. i On motion duly made and passed the Board voted to take $10,000.00 of the Poor Fund and $20,000.00 of the Debt Z :co Fund B i I i k Lil ..'orl the amount of $10,00X3 i.i t Mh oflden the following Building & Loan Asso ciations: .. Wilson Buildin; & Loan As sociation, High Point Building & Loan Association and Raleigh Building & Loan Association. On motion duly made and passed, the Board voted to donate $35.00 to Negro 4-H Club District Dairy Show, to be held in Pasquotank County. On' motion duly made ana passed, the , Board approved the addition to State maintained Road System, the following: Rogerson & Moore Rotd, approximately 0.3 mile, in Hertford Township and Pig Lane, approximate ly 0.4 mile in New Hope Township. On motion duly made and passed. the Board approved the petition of Mrs. Wallace Bright et als, request ing the State Highway & Public sC. te ..ii 2 r- iCS, in 1 approxima Township. On motion du!y made and the Board accented the bid subr - ted by Eastern C'"c Equipment Co., for equipment to be used in Clerk Su perior Court and Register of Deeds vaults; jury chairs for court room and desk and chair for Negro . County Agent office. ' On motion duly made and passed, the Board approved the applications for Perquimans County Forest Ran ger, of George Edward Benton, John B. Eure and Thomas D. Nixon, and submitted applications to District For estry Office. -' . , , v The treasurer . was ordered to pay the following bills. W. H. Lane & Son, $335.14: Sam , r" .t a. v ::-, ( venvuental Guide, $3.CL; i ' "ol-: Je Co., Inc., $17X1; i . 1 it s:ui Equipment Co., $53.36; The ?".v.e r !y Store, $36.72; The Per i.r. 3 .eclJy, $5.00; Coastal OIce quirment Co., $3.00; Owen G. Dunn Co., $3.61; J. C; Elanchard & Co., Inc., $5.17; Darden Bros $9.12; Hertford Hardware & Supply Co., $17.40; Wins low Oil Co., $107.19; Dr. T. P. Brinn, $38.00; Simon's, $41.65; G. Edgar White, $8.79; Duke Hospital, $6.00; The Eastern North Carolina Sanator- j IUUI ,"u) WMVnnu UUOpiWI, flVllVV) rerry iectnc supply, t&zu; jumsey Perry, $2.26; J. C. Morgan, $258.03; Eastern Office Equipment Co., $25.82; Commercial Printing Co., $409. There being no further business the Board adjourned. ' ' ' ' A..T. LANE, Chairman. ; This season's first bale of Louisiana one of these nonular botanical nubiica-' cotton is on its way to Korea to serve tions for each of the 48 States except the U. S. Army's Seventh Infantry Rhode Island. Some cover only a "Cottonbaler" Regiment as a symbol county or other restricted area. There ' of its colorful tradition. are 17 listed for 0801 13 fori The New Orleans Cotton Exchange Florida, and 10 for Texas. : Illinois, has sent the bale of cotton to the New York, and Pennsylvania have 'famed military unit to symbolize the eight each. The number of publics-'group's fighting origin in the Battle tions for other States runs from one of New Orleans during the War ofi to seven. 11812. j Some of the publications listed afl Presentation of the bale to the Sev- For Safe 1 O.' Registered Duroc and Hampshire Boars $53T0$55 CHAMPION BLOODLINE Phone or See Clarence Chappell, Jr. PHONE 4978 v ' Belvidere, N. C. WE TRY VERY HARD ... to serve our customers promptly and efficiently and we have no desire to EM BARRASS ANY ONE regarding the payment of ac counts for KEROSENE, FUEL OILS and other petro leum products. However, there are still a limited num- -ber who do not realize that the close margin of profit on " these products does not justify long term credit, and in ' view of this it has again become necessary for the f ol lowing WHOLESALE OIL DEALERS of Hertford, N. C, to continue THEIR MUTUAL AGREEMENT TO RE PORT, EACH TO THE OTHER, ANY PERSON OR PERSQNS WHO BECOME DELINQUENT in their ac counts. Naturally any prearranged credit agreements are excepted WONT YOU PLEASE COOPERATE? We truly want to continue serving you pleasantly. viiislo7 oi co. nan oi co. tov:e 01 ci). PURE ESSO SINCLAIR WOT I Ira hv) -y-,"T l-viru 'fir ', i ; w :. lift '.1 I m . . With two ovens von cct greater capacity, of court. But even mot important Is the greater fltxHMty sod convtnitne! Bk in oat orta while .. ... your roan is in me ouwi wum. tv MOM1 4M ta tk a cake, pit, or roll the mow tinwl Mori fie time for rounelfl MS mm pijfjp L An Oil Bato Pcir.t ,.r . UnHkt to many painhyAthty' Flat Interior Paint f is mad with durable oils which gWo xtra wear 1 V and longer lift and beauty. y Goes on easily... with v;', out pull or drag 1 flows smoothly ' one) evenly under brush,'; ' i leaving no tap oj ; : i- brbfle mark. Work; J equally well' wl BiOCr;' r-r ". T n roller coaten. ( Drht Quizkfy Dries (o touch four hours and eTrlee i. hard overnight. It takes test effort, Ua work to apply tavef tlinl,"" "n. ;i 1 I ' J' LDDDCOj 2-ovcn AUTor.iATic fu::::'jttc:i RAt:cs PUSHBUTTON C00XIN9 with these NEW CI IUXI FtATURESt New Husopdrf : i.. Wide-Opening Muter ' Oven New2-Shelf FuIHIelght Conpanion Oven New 2-Spctd Warn f ... AsMBtik Ores Ikser New-Focottd-UesT " Broiltr . f . NtwHI-Sptcdlorfsce Pmhbutton Controls , Units, One Extx Kl- with Tl-A-Cock Lights Speed Unit Renovablt, Washable . Calrod Own Units . No Orea Colls. AU Cat- ' tod tletdnc Units art (usdoctd for festst : miitft for loofjrc L "1 t 1 " Convenient Terms After Lov; Dovn Payment See CHARLIE UMPHLETT At 1.' ' it " ' - - - : . v i i" j XM r jVfc:!:zbh, z:y to C!:zn No flnoer mark problemst AH fireose, dirf, flrim) ' ' washes off readily using regular poJ c'aanertj I cc4 wKhoijavy crvfcblnj, S v Odorhss Typo "rJo w6ttfnaf no long airing out Is 'V ttecessory when Arhey's Plat Interior JarM j wnvunHivr sews miwinrf ' j - w""' ' I rc:nt Is wseaV beeavse pt.ln::?.?-' W - ht lUilli ' I c!Urlnated. KaCnrtrl-jc 'ir I ' c a r.:zt pa:::? at i:i. :