TTHE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1955. PAGE THREE t ::rt m . ..'cslilngtonj i Windfall? m , . I'riceA . , . .. at, Kept Secret . T ,-Tour Parley? . r Vashington Buainess officials continue. to brighten their forecasts for the year 1955, and there is gen erally an ifpsurga of optimally in tho business WorlJ tgday, fvefc (tar p.ming that of November and De cember, 'The,, most accepted.,, ver sion of prospetfe ,i that they -are good for ft period lasting well 'into is: - r .' . Although every earlier estimate for J 955 'cautioned the public that this year would not be a boom year, or even a Spectacular one forecasts rurrently being made agree that pales records should set an all-time high and that profits also be at a high. . Construction is expected to'ton- ? tinue at a fast clip While consumer i buying expands. . By raises coming ( for the mlhtary services, for. gov- ernment civil . service Workers and for postal workers will all have an effecton buying power. In addi tion, labor is expected to win pay raises., in a number of fields. ; -. With unemployment not expected .to rise above. 1954 levels, and with inventories, in; many fields lower tb,an" last year this 'time, the ex pectation is or a larger volume of mah.ufachirers''orders. So far this jrearthis'Tias been tnie in the auto motive trade.' ,. . This rosy business picture is one reason- the stock market has stead ily advanced indecent months'. The advance hasj continued until it sur prised evdnjeeasoned experts. It has advanced until some stocks are Costing quite a lot in, proportion to ,-. ie dividends they pay. ;., Yet the market continues to rise. -An long as business is Rood, and it will probably be good for a cou plo of years or eighteen months, at least, these stocks may stay up at th&htgh levels', but sooner or later some of them will probably settle down tp tnwe. .normal prices, j ' : tf tjhereadjustment comes sud "donly,,t!lire' ceW be a- rapid level- off in market prices and much pro- l!4'-AMM.:.lf- -11 tl. 1 J - 1. 1 1 , 1. vrrU'll'.'JivKtV , tJ'v.f'ngnT .misi, ,1 ;?f4jMtt;,.IhJs!;bne':woi-d.of aSioji Seems to be lacking. Just ways-mean it is the time to,btjy Stocks v , , ::, . , ; The present, a time when stocks have-been rising for years", and whenbuying has forced some is sues to surprising levels, could or could not be a good time to invest in stocks, despite the prospect of a very good business year and . the improbability of any serious de pression. v The worst-kept secret in Wash ington at about this time is usual- lv some executive committee testl monjte with tap$ol lpfcatudiiK' up agaiii "But the worn-kept se cret right now is the little budget balahcing.txlMimife, iifyhTys fcurgftig' back andforfh 'between- several high Administration officials. The idea of at leasp&Kpuip was to paint a blacVpic&tve to the 84th Congress .''in he 'f feU'" of bal anced' budgets,1 i' Thdn, after the Democrats had raised a sizeable crop' of cane, the . Administration would up and produce a balanced budget. ,. , i And the year would be of course AD 1956 the year, by chance, of the presential election. That would put the voters in the right frame of mind for voting the right way, according to this theory, which ii getting a pretty good play in Washington at present. . , The only trouble with this plan is the mere existence of a Dembr cratin Congress. . The . Democrats might just spend enough money in the next two years to keep the butt- get unbalanced. Of course, Presi dent Eisenhower could use his veto. but. on many Bills he would think twice , before sending them back, lor ne coum get something worse and he could also receive credit for killing them if they did not return to the White House. While the French are more eager than ever to arrange a Big Four meeting in Paris, the British and American government have grown rather cool to tne idea in the last six weeks. . : Premier Mendes-France ' would So!tl:rs' Favorite Drinlt Is Reveled SEOUL The soldier's , favorite drink, Hollywood notwithstanding, is water. ' .' Statistics show that the U. S. Army's 24th Infantry Division men use more than 3,000,000 (M) gal Ions of purified water each month. There is Plenty of water in the area where Hhe Tare Leaf division is located, but the troops won't touch a drop of it until the Third Engineer Combat Battalion fa purified it Battalion water points supply more than 100 tank trucks daily from 7 A. M., until 8 P. M. Water usually is taken from deep wells rather than from running streams which are likely to be pol luted. It is pumped through sets it filters consisting of metal tubes :oated with silicon powder which eliminates up to 90 per cent of the bacteria, '- -.' . . ." Next, the water enters a tank to which six to ten parts of chlorine per 1,000,000 (M) gallons of water is added. Thirty minutes later, the water, safe for drinking, may be dispensed. Civil Service Jobs Available v Big Vha!s Shoot Gives U. S. Soldiers Chance To Brush Up On Marksmanship KEFLAVIK, IeelanoV-The Unit-i government, 60 armed soldiers ed States Army has come to the boarded small . fishing vessels to aid of the North Atlantic herring. Sharpshooting Army ,. infantry men are being called upon to level their deadly M-j. rifles in defense of these watery inhabitants off the western coast of Iceland. ' At the invitation of the Icelandic shoot killer whales that had been playing havoc with the herring catch of local fishermen. Iceland ers claim the whales destroy them selves by attacking each other af ter the bullets wound them. The killer whales average from one to four tons in weight, and 15 to 30 feet in length. Recently large schools of these whales tore through fishing nets to get at the herring catch. Needless to say, this wast not appreciated by the fishermen. - . , ., . According to Icelandic fishermen, the 1954 season has seen the great est onslaught by the kilter whales in a score of years. Many of the fishermen are hopeful that the menace of the whales will drop off with the , cold weather. They say the "killers" do liot operate on the surface of the water in extreme . .A Civil Service Examination for the 'positions of Helper, - Aircraft Electrician; Helper, Aircraft Me chanic General; Helper, Metalsmith Aviation; Helper, Radio Mechanic; $9.28 to $10.08 per diem; Electri cian (Aircraft); $14.24 to $15.36 per' diem; Aircraft Instrument Me chanic; $14.24 to $15.36 per diem; Auto Mechanic (Body and Fender); $13.44 to $14.56 per diem; Paint-i er (To fill positions of "Painter (Brush)" and "Painter (Spray)"; $13.04 to $14.16 per diem; Radio Mechanic; $14.24 to $15.36 per di em; (Males Only), for indefinite appointment at the U. S. Naval Air like to have, the Big Four meeting Facility, Weeksville, Elizabeth City, bfiMise busine'stf appears- headed tt P good cycle Hhafdoey not al in Paris in May. But Mr. Eisen howe,r has his doubts whether the French are really a big fourth, and also whether they can deal realisti cally with the Reds. " The British are likewise concerned about the possibility that the French will fa vor a deal with Russia, . ; i . ' The question is asked what the. Allies have to gain from the Reds, now that West Germany is appar ently headed for rearmament. Public Siale I will offer for sale'at public auction, for fiash, at the' home of the late C. F. Reed, stwo mneswest oi tiemora, on January zz, 1955, at 10 o'clock A. M., all my household ' and kitchen furniture and numerous other chattels , , ' ; 1 '-': Mrs. C. F. Reed " ..u I.-... ii-;rf. ,..,''.. ,. "v-' v.1 . . N. C, and Aircraft Repair Supply Base, U. S. Coast Guard, Eliza beth City, N. C, is now open, it was stated today by Edgar Fields, Civil Service Information Renre- sentative at the local post office. The examination is being held by the Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, ;Fif th Naval District, and applications wijl be accepted by thq Executive Secretary, Board of U. - S.': Civil Service Examiners FiflhNaval District, U. S. Naval Base?-Norfolk ll, Virginia, until the needs of the service have been met. ; No 'written test is required for this examination. Applicants will be rated on the basis of their ex perience and training as described in their applications. Complete information and appli cation forms may be obtained fron Mr. FieldSj Civil Service Informs' tion Representative at the local post office. Music is well Miid to be the speech of angels. Thos. Carlyle. ... True delicacy, as true generosity, is more wounded by ap act of of fence from itself, than to itself. , Lord Greville. if ' 5 t Clea ranee Sale of Appliances New And Old ;' .; i-; JFor Limited Time Only ,,. ,"' - includino the following brands: Z1' MAGIC CHEF AND CALORIC GAS GANGES CROSLEY ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS BUY ANT WATER HEATERS ) MAYTAG WASHERS r " ' HERE ARE A FEW OF THE MANY SPECIALS OFFERED: NEW MAGIC CHEF GAS RANGE 6l Q7 CH Was $179.50. TOWJ - D 1 O 9 tUV I CALORIC! AUTOMATIC GAS RANGE H ft Q Q V. i $2 19.95. NOW... fj) 1 U U V D CROSBY URIGERATQfck; g j yggg ,a3 $199 I ( "D. ELECTJ1IC RAlGE J4tsJ , coau;tion. NOW.': ... .U : I JI V, . UZZD TtNIVFnSAL GAS RANGjE, ...... ,; .' '; ' I , r condL.:n. N -., T r uiJ r WY-.r)- SPIN-DRIER WASHER S29 95 ". CASH OR TERMS AS DESIRED " ' . . $47.50 S49.00 -n in Ji er Gcal Company, . ,N;:TTb PEiQUIMANS HIGH SQIOOL, cold weather. In any event, local fishermen claim straight shooting infant,- -men accounted for more than 100 whales in a single mission'. TRY A WEEKLY CLASSIFIED 'The pig that is being slaughter ed as I write this line Will leflve the world better than it found it. s 7 George Moore. The march of the human mind Is slow. hdmund Rurke.' Pod- tiSi PLANNING TO PAINT YOUR WAGON OR TRACTOR, Why not protect "and renew them with ATHEY'S durable, high quality finish first ABI-Hew Tractor in its Class since the Wo See CHARLIE UMPHLETT At Hertford Motor Company BE SURE TO USE thec.m.atkl,: ..i;ca. " " - ' BALTIMORE 30, M0. lama, HERTFORD, N. C. WAGON & IMPLEMENT HERTFORD HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. "TRADE HERE AND BANK THE DIFFERENCE" PHONE 3461 -:- HFRTFORD, N. C. Only in All These 11 Qrin Udul 's First-Choice Truck- -Choice Features For You I ISU MM Xfef&i sat x . - M&sJ kA No other trucks offer you all these hour-saving, dollar-saving features. And Chevrolet's the lowest-priced line. So, naturally, it's the best seller I nnnnnncirfo nsnnr DOLLAR-SAVING ENGINE FEATURES .'. . .... i . - - ..- You get exactly the right power for your Job, All three engines have aluminum alloy pistons, all-weather - ignitioa system, full-pressure lubrication for long low-cost life! WORK-SAVING CONTROL FEATURES Less effort needed with exclu sive Recirculating Ball Steer ing Gear; Torque-Action and Twin-Action brake design helps you stop more surely and easily every time! LONG-LIFE CHASSIS FEATURES Sturdy single-unit tubular steel rear axle housings! Strong and rigid framesl Durable, Diaphragm-Spring Clutches" with high torque capacities and long-life construction. Holloweli, Chevrolet Company Hertford, N. C. Hertfolrd,N.C Phone 2151 '-''''fVrfl.'iii"