The Perquhnans Weekly PuMiafced Every Friday At "Hertford, "North Carolina MAX CAMPBELL--- Editor Entered as second class mat ter November 15, 1934, at Post Office at Hertford, North Caro lina under Act of March, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES v $2.00 TER YEAR Advertising Rates Furnished By Request : FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 19fi5. information and instructions -will which would refute those rho cling i Prepare For The H-Bomb f t The Civil Defense Administration hfts 'released a million copies of a new booklet, giving Americans gen eral instructions for adequate prep aration against an H-bomb explos ion. ; The new booklet, which the head of'evrry family should acquire un less he has something simitar to it, jurtlines the "four '. circular, belts around the 'detonation center of an H-bomb explosion and tells what should ho Oone if you happen to bo id any of these' belts when' an ex plosion occurs. t The- Hones are- called rings, and if you are unfortunate enough to be in -the -A-ring, a central area around the bulls-eye of the explos ion, you will have very little chance of survival.' However, if you are in the B, C, or D rings, your chanc esof survival, will depend upon the . protective steps you have taken. -v . The B-ring is three times as large -as the A-ring, and injury is likely to be severe unless complete protectiee' measures have been tak n. The D-ring is an area larger, than any of the other rings, in which m primary Hunger wuuiii ne from a radioactive fall-out. .' These are the steps you should take now, if you are to be prepared in case of a sudden, emergency. 1.. Learn official Civil Defense action signals. 2. Prepare your home by getting a Civil Defense disaster first-aid kit, and prepare yourself to combat home fires ;if you are near a likey target $Iauitain a three-day emergency supply of food and water in your home at all times. In addition; you should pre- pare some sort of air-raid shelter, and learn how to practice emer gency sanitation procedures which might be necessary. , ; ; 3. If possible, join your local Civ il Defense organization, and also .be prepared to move promptly from your home if this becomes neces sary. 4. Memorize the frequencies 640 and 1240 on your standard ,A.M. radio. This is where official come from in an 'emergency. April Fools'-Day t- There is no general agreement on the i origin of April Fools' Day, al though it is a day which is observ ed in most -areas of the world, and not just in this country and West ern Europe. " In India, the day is called the Feast of ;Hulj,' -hich;,' occurs on March 31st. -' On tha Hay, people are sent on foolish'errands.lThe day was observed jn France short ly after the adoption of a new cal endar in 1564, which made the year begin j on January, 1st. Previous ly, people had given New Year's Kifts and made visits on April 1st under the old calendar In England the custom of observ ing April Fools' Day did not origi nate until the Eighteenth Century and tariy settlers in the colonies brought the custom with them. . It is customary in various coun tries of the Western world to at tempt to catch friends with foolish pranks or jokes on April 1st. Any one fooled by such pranks in France is called a Poisson d' Avril. In French that means an April fish. There are some who believe that this is based on the fact that fish are caught easily in April, when the sun is leaving the zodia cal sign of Pisces. In Scotland, those caught by April Fool pranks are called April gowks. The gowk is a cuckoo. In the United States, there is no par ticular term for anyone fooled on April 1st, but the custom has, in the past, become so annoying that telephones would be disconnected on April Fools' Day. Fortunately, April Fools' Day in the United States has developed in to a more sane observation in re cent years than it was formerly. As is the case with Halloween, the country's intellect seems to be showing definite improvement in its form of observance of this day, to the notion that the -younger gen. eratioB is 'the worst yet, rapidly 'going to the dogs, and so on into, the night . ,, . CLASS MEETS , The Young Ladies' Sunday School Class of Bethel Baptist Church had: its quarterly meeting Friday night, March 25, lit the home of Bettie and Ruby Davis. ' T J -; The meeting was 'sing ing Make Me A Channel of Bless ingV'' followed by prayer. , Miss Bet tip .Davis -read the minutes and ealled the roll Jwith Seven members present and three visiters: . y, A short program was given. The closing 'hymn'.', was "Give of Your Best to the Master." The hostesses served canftjF, pea nuts,, cookies and soft drinks. . BETROTHAL ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Archie' E Layden of Hobbsville announce the engage ment of their daughter, "Miss Bea trice Marlene Layden, ; to Jesse Richard Bass, son of Mr. and-Mrs. Lohnie R. Bass also -of Hobbsville. A summer wedding is planned. TRY A WEEKLY CLASSIFIED Heaseivorlc Nagging Backache "' mn Mdwiy faartWdowi 4ora,'uy folia coapiain at nagcinr backache, lose of Hp and energy, headache and diasinea. Don't suffer longer with theet discomforts If reduced kidney fanctiM 4a letting you down due to atteheommofl- eaana an atreaa and at rain, over-exertion or exposure to cold. Minor bladder irriutioar-du. to cold, dampneas or wrong diet nay can getting Bp nighta or frequent passage. Don't negiect your kidney if the tunUy Hons bother you. Try fioan'a Pill a mild diuretic Uaed auccauiuUy by millions for over 60 yean. While often otherwiae earned. It' aanatat how many time Doan' give happy relief from thaw wiaeomfort help the U an of kidney tuba and Altera flush out want. Get Ueaa'a iill todajrl Ddnirs Pills SEE US FOR YOUR SEED BEANS Good Seed Beans will be short this Spring. It will pay you to place your -order with, us now to be sure of delivery by planting time We Are in the Market For CORN And HOGS WE PA Y TOP PRICES! PHONE 2841 " ; . ;.-' WINFALL, N. C. J proper CULTIVATION 1 PLUS USE OF THAT GOOD ' SGO-CO FERTILIZER '". ' CAN MEAN GREATER YIELDS I; FROM YOUR ; FIELDS. Order SCO - CO FERTILISER Today Fhe Southern Cotton Company n 1 lSS0;i ' THE CROSS AND CHRISTIAN ISCIPLESHIP International Sumbjr 8ooI Lesson for AprH 8, 1955. Memory Selection : ; "'But. God forbid that I should glory, ,a-ve in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified tin to me, and I unto the wirld." Galatians'6:14. Lesson Text: John 12:20-16; II Corinthians 5:14-19. T " eTV1 The lessons for this and next week will bring to a climaxing con clusion our series of studies on Christian teachings. It has been a wonderfully inspiring and informa tive series and will be brought to a fitting elimax with the -lesson for next week. In order to fully understand the scriptural background for this les son, we must trace the activities of Jesus just prior to it. After raising Lazarus from the dead, Je sus left Jerusalem and went-north-ward to the borderline between Ju dea and Samaria, and thence over the Jordan into Perea. There he stayed a shoit time. .Intending. to attend the Passover Feast in Jeru salem, he again crossed the Jordan and returned to Bethany, to j the home of Mary, Martha and 'Laza rus, a few miles out of Jerusalem. It was during this visit that Mary anointed the feet of Jesus with the very costly ointment. " While many were wondering if Jesus would attend the Passover Feast in Jerusalem, being aware of the intense hatred of the Phari sees, Jesus rode into the city on a donkey, receiving the tumultous ac claim of the multitude. This was in fulfillment of prophecy mid wasS the beginning of the end for Jesus. He was fully aware of this fact. Among the multitude in the City i of Jerusalem at that time were cer tain Gveeks, who not satisfied with their own religion, had accepted the Hebrew faith, flearing of Jesus and1" his wonderful works, they wanted to see him for themselves. Whether they had the desired in? tcrview with him or not is not known, but what Jesus, says In John 12:23 seems to be a reply to them. Dr. Erdman interprets his words thus: "You would see me, then .you have arrived at exactly the right time, for the hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified." Not glorified in the sense we usual ly think of pomp, fame, splendor but honored byGod. It was not through the working of miracles nor through his wonderful teaching that he was to be so honored, but through his death and resurrection through which he was revealed to the world and by the cross was -Via wnrlrt rlrnwn tn him. . Jesus goes on, comparing himself to a grain of wheat which, in order to prove of 'greatest blessing, must lie planted, lose its corporate iden tity as a grain, -in order to sen,d forth new life and bear fruit. The self-8ar?rifice of the grain was to him a parable of his own death and resurrection. "And the self-same law of , sacrifice which reigns pn the throne of heaven governs the dullest andMarkest soul on earth. To be self-centered means, spirit ually, to abide alone and, there fore, to perish." Then Jesus uttered his great law of life through -death: "He that loveth his life shall lose it; tnid he that hateth his life In this world shall keep it. unto .life eternal." George Reith says: "Self-lore leads to destruction and death . . . The present and temporal must be sacrificed for the 'future and eter nal a truth peculiarly in place for Greeks whose essential conception of life In its fulness, beauty, vigor was assertion of self." . Jesus also reminded his hearers that he who would serve-him, must foe witling to follow him. Where T Anywhere, evert to death.- What is the reward offered for such ser vice, . Jesus says that he would thus serve hhrf shall be '"wheTe njn and him will -my Father honor.'' . What (noreuM we ask or desire t tn the portion f the letter of .Paul to the Christians at Corinth which we are .giveh fo study, we find these wor4s: "therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; behold; old things are .passed. .away; .all things have Jbe- come new."; In these few words is concentrate., the greatest thing that can happen to you tit this life. When a man is ih Christ" (United to Christ in such 'A way that Christ becomes the dominating drive and 0' ft t. 12 A MlKftCtEj Spring -a 5V P a.".-! M ing is (0 mucn mort win juh Season. It la I mir,acie, lunca ngainai tackdrop of ptrfect days. It is the tim 'f rebirth..,,., oj reaftraation. ' ' " fiorirKr Ohriit'i story. btSUtifullr illustrated' by -niturcr It is all the teschf ings of the Church, brought to reality kpresd' out 'gloriously for you to see. Nature,- in htr wt, new loveliness. . touches tti world, tount you witn tne , Christ-Jike spirit.- If your visioh has been dulled,' she. gives, you the chance to see' again more brightly than ever, -s , v ; .-'- i;. : : ' r ' '" Palm Sunday is here again. Never before have the-doors - of . the church ' seemed to 'Stand )uite so 'opto . . ;ro eady to receive you. Never 'has .the lesson of everlasting life .. Christ's ' lesson . . . been so poignant. There will be new Tichnen in your life if you wilt - trust in -the Church. In your toal there can be eternal spring, and all the bleak ness, questioning and doubt can be - erased from your heart forever. ' 4 ' THE CHURCH i FOR All . . AU FOR THE CHURCH !-' The Church it Hi greoteat lac tor on earth Jor 1h building of character and good citinshlp. It la a itorehout ol iplrilual ralui. Without a (trong Church, neither democracy nor civilitattort can urviv. There or lour uund reason why erery person ahould attend rvics rgularly and aup port Ih Church. They ore: (1) For hi own aak. (2) For his children' sake. (3) For the take of hi community ana nation. (4) For Ih sake ol the Church .itself, which need hi moral and ma terial support. Plan o go to church regularly and read your Bibl daily. look Chapter Vtrts Sunday.,. Lua II Monday... Luke . SO 19-26 Tuesday. . Luke 31 1. e Wtdnesd'yLuk . 22 14-2? Thursday. Luke 22 1M6 Fridsy ...Luke 2 13-26 Saturday. Luk U J2-4 i Cerrltlit Itlt. Ait. Smtn ItrMkur. V.i THIS PAGE. MADE POSSIBLEBY THE FOLLOWING FIRMS: V r t- - i. -.- i in ' k ; jij I iiyn! l 1 V.W,'T - . Hertford Furniture Co., . , . Lynch Funeral Jiome. . - f i "Moved In Town, It's True ... But Still V PHONE 2811 HERTFORD, N. C. letaln Low Prices. T-I" - ; : " ' Dozier's Florist The Southern Cotton Oil Co. Flowers For All Occasions ... PHONE 4M HERTFORD, K. C. W.M. Morgan Furniture Co. Cannon Cleaners Home Furnishings . . . Hot Point Appliances PHONE 2511 . . . Dependable Service .:,-t.f- ; Winslow-BIanchard Motor Co. ' Reed OH Company VOUR FORD DEALER , 1 ' ESSO PRODUCTS J- ' , ' ' - , ' ' ' ' lA'ey; -v; ,-'. 4'f;!'' V3': :K-i.;'' ; -'"'; .'-' ".:'::' ; i frifkp - -'' 'y : ' ' -' '"V '".- ' Towe-Webb Motor Company' . Robertson's Cleaners ' CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH . . . Sales & Service : PHONE P781 . . . ' HERTFORD, N. C. J.C.Blanchard&Co.,Inc Towe Oil Company "BLANCHARD'S" Since 1832 Stadair Pndnet tl. 8. Tin ?i !.', -',-';-: .'"p:;...i;.,v-.-;V::. V',-'A;'j ";:!-jv'Svv; ' "-'' j-' l r ' ' " ' ' Hertford Livestock & jfordan's Barber Shop ,;; Supply Cornpany mlluS.1" , PnONE.2501 ' ' ' HERTFORD, N. C. - . ' i ' " ' " ' s i ii iiii'f jsaiiiiijiiiiiS'iiiiit i f i f f V.. ... .-,,..,:,, !,. . : - ! ..,.':,. ;. i-imJiHiiwi w '"I'yA- 'v';-!r' -v.. ivj! j.V.V; r':-':':'-;:'' y':i ;''V".1' '?'.;' ":.;,,.' .'.''',. ':-. ' ' V;''v:-;v ':', I . Hertjford Building Loa f Hertford mt&wkt '& ' Association v ' Supply Company . "Own Your Own Home Paints . Ilardwace . BuBdmg Meterials Through Building and Loan" ... .. 1.,.., ... Hertford Banking Company Member FJ)XC. ,' . Twlf ord Funeral Home PHONE Sill . '. . HERTFORD, N. C. , U lMi.laMl5 . , CliSircli Services .V " MM I HERTFORD BAPTIST CHURCJt James O. Mattox, Pastor r Sunday School, 96 A. M. 1 ; Morning Worship, 11:00 o'clock. Evening Worship, 8 o'clock. ! 'Mid-week ' Services, .'Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. , ,. ; , r .! - 1 1 o ' i "'':' BETHLEHEM CHURCH OP "";. v - .';; CHRIST , , : Joe Brickhouse, Pastor . First Sunday ' "'':''rt.A..MJ;Biid8P.M. BURGESS BAPTIST CHURCH . S ' 'Phil H. -Quidley, Pastor ' - Church services second Sunday at 11 A. M., fourth Sunday at 8 P. M. . Sunday School at J0;00 A. M. ! PERQUIMANS CHARGE CHURCHES . , H. M. Jatnieson, Pastor First Sundays New Hope Church, 11:00 A. M. Oak Grove Church, 7:00 F. M. "' Second. Sunday: . Winfall Church, 11:00 A. M. ' Cedar Grove Church, 10 A. M. ': Woodland Church, 9:00 P. M. , .Third Sunday: i Oak Grove Church, 11:00 A. M. : New Hope Church, 7:0011., , , :- Fourth SundaV : , r Cedar Grove Church, ll':0ft Ai!M. . Woodland Church, 10 A .'91. t Winfall Church, 7:00 P. M. ; ' Fifth Sunday: Woodland Church, 11:00 A. M. , Prayer Meeting each Wednesday ot Winfall Church, 7:00 P. a ANDERSON'S METHODIST , CHURCH P. M. Sorter, DV.r ' ' : Church School, 10:0b h. M Morning Worship, .11 lOO1 A. M., second and fourth Sundays. WOODVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH Hugh Ross Williams, Pastor Church Services on second and fourth Sundays at 11 A. M. ' ' ' First and Third Sundays at 7:4Ji Pi M. . Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. UP'RIVER FRIENDS CHURCH James Rahenkamp, Pastor Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. Church Services 11 A. M., and 7:30 P.M. Christian Endeavor, 6:30 P.,M.. ; Prayer Service,' Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. BETHEl. BAPTIST! CHUjicH. RevJ. D.;Stoaer,'Pastaf ! Sunday'School 10 A. M. PINE Y WOODS FRIENDS it (v . , ChURCH ,.. t t ' W. TirgH Pike Pastor ; Ui i Church School 10 A,'M.' ' Mortiing worship 11 A. M. Young People's meeting 7 P. M. WHITEVILLE GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH Sundav School 10:30 A. M.. ev ery Sunday except third Sunday. junurrn services cvtsty wuru ouii day at S P. M. ; ' HERTFORD METHODIST it-.-.. CHURCH I. S. Richmond, Paster ' Church School 9:45 A.M. , Morning Worship 11:00 o'clock. Youth Fellowship, 6:45 P. M. Evening worship, 7:30 P. M. Mid-week Fellowship, Wednesday at 7:30 P.M. BAGLEY SWAMP PILGRIM .Gey S. Saunders. Pastor -Sunday School; 10:00 A. Hi. IMornng Worship 11 o'clock. Vouiik PeorJle's meeting at 6:3(1; Evening wotsWp,7r:3 tf'eiocK. Mid-week Services Thursday at 7:30 P.M.. v ,' HOLY .TRINITY . EPISCOPAL CHURCH :4fi -A. "M., 'Chore School, eretT1 Sunday." ' . 9:00 A. ., Holy uommunion, ist Suaday. i, ; " '8:30 A. M.. Holv Communion. 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays. 11:00 A.- M.,- Holy Communion, 3rd Sunday.- 11:00 A. M, Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays. : 10:00 A. M., xtoiy communion, Fridays ana Saints' Days. i o ' " - ! BERFA 'CHURCH OF CHRIST 1 Walker Perry, J-astor 2nd and 4th Sunday at 10:30 A.M. . Morning worship on -first and fhitd Sundays, at 11 A. M. Evening worship first and third Sundays at 7:30 r. M. ActMtiUU HILL -BAPTIST ' J VlaS.LKVt . '' 'tf.'.. Rev. Vivian Evans, Pastor Sunday School every 1st and 3rd Sunday at 10:80 A. M. Preaching service at 11:15 K. M. Sunday School -every-second and fourth Sunday at 11:00 A. M. v. ' .. -. r " d ' 'i A 5- - .X' ' , ASSEMBLY .OP GOD G. B. Lawrence, Pastor - ' Sunday School 0:46 A. M.: Wor ship at 11 A. M.; CA, 7:30 P. M.; Evangelistic Serviee 8 P. M. BE A COGD GOToTsblllE . ":unai . HERTFORD, N. C. influence in his life) then he is a completely new man. Under the 1; .'-TwF .'. sr

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