Ssare Winb Coronation Service At Dtist Church onenrr rreDanns r rt: I sf"n r n nO VfYAC - DM aOMi day (light Wr ROOD enes .1 , - - , . THE STANDINGS !i ! ' eii&I! 5 ! ? I vHff :;:W.; MIL, ; U Pet .::iannton'L- ' 0 '1000 . jrtford :. 5,. 4" .655 Cmtuck - 5 4 .855 Hizabeth City 5 , 4 . .555 Colerain - 8 .883 Chowan 0 9 .000 Big auMatthewg. pitched-the Perquimans Indians to a ,9-1 victory over the Colerain entrjr'in the Al bemarle League here Tuesday night to give the local outfit a two to one record for the past week. The In- dians defeated Colerafn in an dPeto! .p"ated JJ h' en inning contest at Colerain T1 "hte 8nd thmt5B Friday fright by a score oi 10 tP V f dal?erT 8ltuation-! ohZJL'J w TimaaiT i ? (e cooperation of parents in v:::? IZS "Z: 7 seven" .hi8, and; walked .three. .Colerain' started Perry aa pitcher : iut he was relieved in the fourth by Dawson who finished the game. John . Morris led the Perquimans batting attack with a double and two singles. , Chappell and Carver . hit triples and singles. .'Pierce had i double and single and Tow and Matthews each' connected for a ingle. The Indians scored 9' runs on 12 hitsand three walks. ' , Colerain tallied its, lone score in - th fourth ft which the Indium took, command , and scored eight runs .after Chappell started the bat ting with a long triple, ' Perquimans scored its ninth run in theseventh to earn the victory over me Tappers. A booming home run in the 11th f inning by John Morris gave the In ' dians a 10-9 edge over Colerain in a contest played there last Friday night. The Indians used four pitch t erg;; starting with Chappell who . was relle yed" by Chrfstgau, then fi Bill Winslow.and fihapy Paul Mat ' ' thews. " Colai(iiviied.i:threi hhrl Wi : Each. tei&&sM'4iiit nine Vita and'tWgame was a see saw affair from th opehlngr frame. j The loss suffered by the Indians during. the week was. to the Eliza beth City Tars who defeated Per quintans Thursday night, pf, last -weejs by a score; pi, u 50 mj.y"? ; Thursday nighjk f tjiis week rt Indians will play 0ijiwair'"ii Hert ford. A return game1 will be play-, ed at Chowan Friday nigbj and the Indians will play Camtuck ijr Hert ford next Tuesday night. ;'i;Lrr''":8v 1 1 1 1 I II A huge. .federal highway , con . structlon program appeared a, sure thins- Tuesday when the Senate passed a bill calling for an outlay . of 33 billion dollars to build a 14, 000 . mile : network of interstate roads, connecting all state .capitals and most cities . with populations over 50,000.' The measure haa been sent to the President for his aigna- ture. ...... ,'' ; , t -. r n - Politics is a of conversation at the conference of Governors be ing held thia week at Atlantic City, 'IT. J, Adlai Stevenson appears to Is a favorite among the Democratic governors, with Harriman a proba lie second choice. GOP governors attending the conference signed a petition favorirj e . ort of Pres iJont; Eisenhower for reelection. ; A Washing need Fr: id a co t irt Monday an rlower will 1 r Ar - .'ran 1 ; - ; 'J ' 1 c i to ' -cs to ' " 1 ; - ihe r. " 1 .a T.'a " ' , ''i 1" r part cf t- '3 - furm.ii .r 1 a.Uick 01 Ileitis v or i.lont1 f t. . ' -r l."s ML -e of V V cer " r 'rt of :c 1 1 ! 1 I'prf; jWarniit Issued 1 To Bicyclists ' ; : Hertford police today issued ' a warning to all bicyclists on the I mihipet of rMinir at ntirht without lights. Pointing out the danger not only to cyclists but to motor ists, the police urge all users of bicycles to have lights on the front and rear of the,, bike if used at night - j-" , ' . , I Police Officer M. G.fOwens re ported he had 'seen a number of un. used by aan -Wt, are equipped with light It Progrsm Lib Notices of 1956 Farm Soil Sank Base Acreage For Corn are being mailed this week to corn , growers in Perquimans County, Helene W. Nixon, Perquimans , County ASC Office Manager, announced. . . . Miss Nixon said that in accord ance With regulations issued with respect to the Soil Bank Program, the 1966 farm allotments have been increased approximately 17 per cent for the purpose, of participation in tne ..acreage reserve part , 01. tne Soil Bank Program and .for price support purpose.f A-vA'. To qualify for maximum price 1 support fte lfoHowjrik requirements Ltc v1.. 'tfynK f.' V.v " : : $V if yoinmj iwit ioa vbq com acreage allotment Previously estab lished tor 'Hie. farm, or ' (2) Set aside in the Acreage Reserve for -Corn '.or; im the Conservation Re serve Program or in a combination of the two, an acreage' equal to at least 15 per cent of the Soil Bank corn base.. To -the extent that a producer electa to qualify for the maximum price, support by, setting aside acreage in the acreage re serve, for corn, lie must reduce his acreage of , corn belbw the Soil Bank corn base by the number of acres so set aside. To the extent that a producer qualifies under the Con servation Reserve Program, it is not necessary to reduce his corn acreage below his Soil Bank corn base, but, he must comply with his corn basei . To be eligible for either the maximum support rate on com or to participate in the Soil Bank Program, the corn acreage must be measured.', Miss Nixon said that if a producer was interested in par ticipating in either of these pro grams, abd the corn "acreage on the farm, had not been measured, he should contact the county ASC of fice' immediately. . . . - " Y'rPr !--..;,JLJL.3itilu L.L.7CjLl3At- - J ;w Construction of a new bridge across the "Perquimans River, qi Highway 87 near Eelvidere, was started last Monday, it was repcrt ?d by J. Emmett Winslow,, High-way- Commissioner for this , Dis- '.e '-new fixed structure, Mr. Wi; ;;;'ow said, will have a horizon- I ! "' smij-aof 13 feet, fiiit inches, v ' a veri'cal clearance of - five i incles'or normit 'water ; rt . J 1 t" s new bridje were ' ,t-d by t.e T' U Highway ' ' ' ' , 1 vre au ' r ' .ineers, U. L. C t:.e f ; .1 c: 1 1 e c 1 : action of j; 1 OtBflv by . .'."c on '- LEST WE FORGET--The shore or, on a, tennis court or golf course, a day with family and friends at a picnic, or a day Just swinging lazily In a hammock with a glass of lemonade kt hand. But the men who, 180 l years ago, adopted our declaration of Independence, worked long and hard for something we now take for granted. That was our independence obr freedom which, among other things, lets us enjoy our leisure time in any manner -we wish. This Independence Day, remember that our freedom must be nurtured, protected, exercised. Sometimes, it's a long, hard job. Always, - it's everybody'i job. .. : ') :: .r-' . ,;.''.. uuaarw iTnjTjru-injftruxrixruTJUTJvvvi mi iin rifyinnrir iinrLnrMviri Miiti" fa " iMAwwwywwwAiw Soil Bank Regulations To Be Expl Iii 1 Ag SuildingiOh Monday Growers of allotted crops can learn how to earn payment under the "Acreage Reserve'" provisions of. the Soil Bank at a meeting to bis held in Perquimans County next .week. ' Jvv - "Helene W. Nixon, Perquimans County ASC Office Manager, An nounced $idY2;; thstt f-s? :ynting woiild, lie "helj'tat the 'Agricultutal fiulldtafn' Hertford on Monday night, July 2, at tt o'clock. - Miss Nixon urged farmers to at tend the meeting and decide wheth er or not -to enter, into, an agree--ment with Agricultural "Stabiliza tion and Cbrisemtio'n.'" Immediate ly following tha meeting, the 'ASC Office! will begin' signing"agree- ments with farmers ' who wish 'to participate'. ? The 'provisions' of the Acreage Reserve dictate, speedy ac tion on the part' of farmers and ASC r workers,' Miss ' Nixon sa'idi - Essentially, Acreage Reserve will permit growers of cotton, tobacco, wheat and corn to plant less than their allotment of these 'surplus" crops and receive payments for un derplanting. ' Where the crops are already planted, farmers who fol low certain' rules may plow up por tions of their acreage and receive payments. The meetings will ex plain the detaflSjOf complying with the rules. . No payments wilr'be made for peanuts this year, since there is no Coni3COtAt QSmCfcrch Commencement exercises Sunday night, June 24, climaxed a very successful Vacation Bible School held at Mt, Sinai Church. Chowan Association, as parents and friends filled : the church to witness the ...... - program. Mrs. Effie Miller servr ed as principal and. Mrs.' Preston Morgan, pianisU " f1". t During the' week, children, in each of tho fonr. riptiflrtmcntji narticinat- . ... ( .. study, mission study and handwork Rev. Carl C. Chandler1,' pastor, gave the, charae)er story, placing ; much emphasis -on the spiritual part' of life; An offering was taken daily for the Cooperative Program. ' ' Attendance sc t s hew record for the churchy with an enrollment of 54 , and an avo- e attendance oi 53. '"Througho' t i'te week a spirit of unity of purpose, cooperation and Chriutian 1 ":.4ship.wa8 mani fested fcy the fourteen members' of t!."p faculty ftnl ci..lren'as well. ' . f Hefshn"" v ve provided each t'-iy ' y T " and b frank f rt .it i , -yed by all on. Fourth of July "means a day off from ained At surplus of the type produced in this state. - f ; The meeting wiU be conducted by the County ASC. " J. L. Kelton, ASC Fieldman. wilF appear 'on the program o explain the 'details of the Soil Bank Acreage Reserve.- Miss Nixon urged farmers, bank- ith amt . become -acquainted with ' the new program which,'' she said, could add thousands of dollars Jo the county's ' income 'and help reduce surpluses:' ? - "' At a meeting 'held last week in Williamstoh, and which was attend ed by County AgriculturalVorkers, Miss Nixon said State ASC offi cials pointed out growers of cotton, wheat, and tobacco who reduce their acreage bejow their farm's established allotments (or base in 1 the -case of corn) may earn pay ments for doing so. ', There will 'be no 'payments for Virginia-type peanuts, since there is no surplus this year. : The, provisions of the acreage re serve program which will affect lo cal growers follows r : " 1. Put land in the reserve that is representative of the land used for the crop. . i 2. Harvest less than, the farm al lotment of the particular crop (in the . case of corn, less than the base),' County FFA Members' At State Convention j Njne members of the Perquimans FFA chapter are in Raleigh this : week attending the State Conven-j ; tionof the Future Farmers of America. Representing the' local chapter as delegates to the meet- ing are Parker Chesson, Donald Baker and Joseph Proctor. I The dairy cattle "judginsr team . .' ' ; a ' ' ; . "". ' ; ! l ers, businesamentli and' others ,w i ifke ' n" PerquihianV1 Coujrj$y Aifrhnfltureto attend the' fneetinff composed of Ed Lee Madre, C. B.Ure" 29, beginning at 8 o'clock. Chappell, Mac Elliott and Jesse 'ceremonies. , Boyce will compete for state hon-rTh puolic is invited to attend the orS during the convention.' Two members, Thomas ' Chappell and Mac. Elliott are candidates to re ceive Carolina Farmer ' degrees. :' Wallace Baker, who on Thursday was presented a 1.000 scholarship to N. C. State College, and outt standing member of the Perqtiinu ans FFA is a candidate fof one of the State FFA offices. , ' l' . The group was. accompanied to the convention by ;the advisor, Joe L. TUnnell. T . 1 f . ( 1. 1 . , . ii 1 1 1 i';n Wizs Danton Resigns , Lc.; . I Teacher Post ' Miss Dillwyn Denton, eighth graJe teacher at Perquimans High School. for the past three years, has tendered her resignation of the po-j sition. . eective June 25, it was an nouhec r Wednesday 6y J. T, Big- C get upcrintendent of 1. work, and a day spent at the Meeting 3. Not permit the land to be grazed, cut for hay, or cropped for the entire 1966 calendar year. Any farmer who complies with these provisions, may become eli gible for payments if: 1. He has underplanted his Soil Bank corn base, or his allotment for cotton,' tobacco, or wheat, and ha certifies that hie! UnHerBlanted in atnicawni complying kkr Tne 058 'ac'reaM reserve program, or because of Adverse weather condi tions. i-'V' 2. An acreage of the allotment crop wiH not be harvested because of destruction by natural causes. 3. He plows up the crop prior to June 80, or. the final disposition date, whichever is later. Miss Nixon warned farmers not to take any action toward comply ing with provisions, of the Soil Bank until they have signed an agreement with the local ASC of fice. ; -: . She pointed out that the acre age reserve phase of the Soil Bank is the only part that will affect lo cal farmers until next fall or la ter.-' ;-:.;.'-' : The other part is the "conserva' tion reserve" which will permit farmers to put land into certain conservation crops, but not harvest them, and thereby receive pay ments to help establish the crops and rental for the land in the re- 4-11 lleclth Pageant Set For Friday Kite , , ' For the first time in several years Perquimans County 4-H Clubs will conduct a 4-H health pageant at the Agriculture. Build- tag a in Hertford, Friday night. ' A' special feature of the program will be a performance by. the 4-H talent winners, honoring the new J health royalty. MiBS Rachael Spi- vey will act as mistress of cere monies, and - Miss Audrey Umph lett,, County Health Nurse, will erown the kings and queens of health. A. T, Lane will - give an address of welcome. . Crowning, of the junior and senior king; and - queen of 'health will climax 4-H Health Week being observed this week under the spon sorship of the Highway Club. -'ii'- M- J) 1 j 1 iir .1... 1 i 11 'i -L , ". CIRCLE TO MEET The Delia Shamburger Circle of the Hertford Methodist Church will meet Monday nisrht." July 2, at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. John Cop on with Mrs. Edgar Lane , as county co-Kostess., All memters are nrg ed to ftttenj.,: ' The Baptist Church will be the scene of a Coronation' Service for the GiflsV Auxiliary and the Royal Ambassadors tms bunday evening As befitting of its name, the ser vice is to pay special recognition to several young people who have earned for themselves outstanding achievements in the Baptist youth organizations. ; Three girls, who have( achieved the coveted honor, will be crowned queens. They are Beckie Gregory, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Gregory; Patricia Keel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Keel, and Bec kie Cox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cox. , These girls will be recognized as princesses: Anita Goodman, Linda Bass, Lis Byrum, Shirley Byrum. Jo Ann White, Elvira White, 'Cirri ia Stallings, Sandra Keel, Vickie Johnson, Shirley Tarkington and Dianne Divers. j; Mary Frances Baker, Jo Davis Towe, Ruby Rand, Carolyn .Stall ings, Sarah Dail and Judy Wins low will be recognized as Ladies- in-Waiting. These girls have earned the ti- ties of Maidens: Rachel Bass, Eu- genia Long, Ann White, Carolyn County, was released from custody Willis, Dorothy Dozier, Letitia 0f local authorities on a $1,000 McGoogan, Diane Hurdle and Gail bond late Tuesday evening follow Johnson. I ing a shooting at the Mallory home Among the boys who will be paid earlier in the afternoon, special recognition will be Carlyle Sheriff J. K. White reported Woodard, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mallory was charged with assault Woodard, who has achieved the ti- with a deadly weapon after he had tie of Knight in the order of the surrendered himself to the sheriff Royal Ambassadors. j anc admitted he had shot Elijah Donald Madre and Charli Fowl-' Thomas White, Negro, twice with er will be recognized as Squires a .32 calibre pistol. r : , and the following boys will be rec-' Mallory, it is reported, went to ognized for their achievement of his home near New Hope at about the rank of Page: Frank Ainsley, 5 o'clock P. M., and .. discovered Charles Eley, Buddy Goodman, white barricaded in a room in the Tommy Cox,. Price Mpnds, Perry house. Securing the pistol, Mal Mohds, Charles Woodard, Verne iory attempted to-oMer.tlw room Hardison. Billy Williams and John oi,h .hiujnm A mh.tvfwn in ine program is unaer me gen- eral direction of Mrs. D. M. Jack- ; (Continued on Page Eight) Metliodist Men's Club holds Ladies' 11 "Christ Of Every Crisis" was the topic of a message brought by Rob ert Louis Stevenson at a meeting! of the Methodist Men of Perquim- J ans Charge on Tuesday, June 19. Mr. Stevenson, introduced by J. L. Delaney, pointed out how Christ met the challenge through healing and teaching; how He asswered His critics and is able to solve prob lems today. The meeting was observance of the annual Ladies' Night dinner and installation services for new' officers. Walter Symons presided. while the devotional was given by Marvin White, ; Following a short business session new officers were installed by the Rev. E. R. Meekirs. New president of the club is Mar vin Robbins; vice president,' John Elmer Wood, Jr.j secretary-treasurer, George W. Jackson. Attending the meeting were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Delaney, Mr', and Mrs. Marvin White, the Rev. and Mrs. E. R. Meekins, D. L. Barber, Sr., Claude D. White, Mr. and Mrs. George Roach, Elmer Miller. Mar vin Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Symons, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Har- rell, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Benton, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wood, Jr.; and R. L. Stevenson. :' Insurance Agencv Changes Ownership ? Announcement was made here this week of the " purchase' by Claude Bfinn of the Nachman In surance Agency's -auto, fire and casualty insurance business, This portion of the Nachman Agency will be consolidated with the Brinn Mutual Agency, at 80 Church street in Hertford. The announcement stated Mr. Viola D. Nachman. owner of the Nachman Agency, will continue representing several com panies handling life and Loxpitali sation fnsuraiue'r ' .".i' - flight Dinner Meet BllSineSS HoUSCSi To (J0g( Qr Jllly 4th Hertford stores and business houses, as has been the custom in the past, are expected to be closed all day next Wednesday in observ ance of the Fourth of July. W. W. White, Postmaster, said that mail will be received and dispatched on a holiday schedule but there will be no mail delivery during the day. In connection with the holiday, State Highway Patrolman officers, urge all motorists to remember the '"Slow Down and Live" campaign now in progress and to drive care fully on the highway. NewHopeShooting Henry Mallory, Negro of the New Hope section of Perquimans the' room Malloty, it i alleged, .hot White aeain. th bullet enter ing near the shoulder.. White was taken to the Albemarle Hospital, where his condition was reported as fair on Wednesday. ; ' A hearing for Mallory on the charges has been set for Perquim ans Recorder's Court on July 10. 4 OnVa.ShortCourse Miss Rachael Spivey, North Ca rolina delegate to Virginia 4-H Club Short Course at VPI, Blacks burg, Va., returned home last Sat urday after a week of wonderful' 4-H activities. Following introduction to the va rious officials connected with the Short Course at VPI, Rachael was interviewed on an assembly pro gram which gave other 4-H'ers at tending the course an opportunity to hear about activities in North Carolina. Each morning the 4-H'ers at tended groups. The group ' which Rachael attended and to which she gave North Carolina's contribu tions or bits of information were: Joyfully we sing, club plans and programs, 4-H leadership, world neighbors, to make the best better, folk game leadership and social courtesies. Rachael answered many questions in these groups and was proud that she could give many helpful ideas which were based from her work at home. Every afternoon the 4-H'ers at tended some type of activities. Such ' as demonstrations, tour of VPI, public speaking contest, share the fun rehearsal, 4-H chorus, (Continued on Page Feur) Commissioners To Meet Next Monday Final, action on the county bud get for the new fiscal year, be ginning July 1, is anticipated at the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, which, will be held in the Court House next Monday, beginning at 10 A. M. V , Some minor .changes are expect ed to be made to the proposed bud get, which was published on June 8. ,' However, these changes are not expected to affect the proposed tax rate for the coming year. , - BondFoHoving H Girl Reports , After several weeks of intensive investigation, Sheriff J. K. Whitei reported Tuesday a solution has1 been reached in connection with a series of robberies which have oc curred in recent months at widely scattered points in Perquimans County. The sheriff stated war rants charging breaking and enter ing and larceny will be drawn and arrests made within the next sev eral days. . i) One man, Darrell Ritchey, a Ma rine stationed at Edenton, has ad mitted participation in most of the robberkj and identified other par ticipants to die sheriff. v . A break in the case came last luesaay wnen rour Marines, Kitcn ey, Robert King, Arncld RouscJ) and Charles Chambers were tak en into custody by Sheriff White on a charge of stealing a 15 hp outboard motor owned by Walton Lane of Route one, Hertford. This quartet was brought into recorder's court for a hearing Tuesday but the case was continued for one week at the request of the State. . Sheriff White reports Ritchey has given him, and officials at the Marine Base in Edenton, a full and complete statement concerning' robberies which occurred at the Winfall Service Station, Baker's store at Whiteston. Curtis' store at Bethel, Glenn's Place, the REA office, E. A. Spivey store and the Harrell Gas & Coal Company. ' Merchandise and small amounts of cash were reported stolen from these places at the time the break ins were discovered. .v.'.:v At least three Perquimans Coun ty youths are implicated in the robberies, according to the state ment given Bbenff White by Ritch- - ey and othei $ "ormatibn the sher- iff has unc0rt .1 in his inVestiga- ! lli.1'Wuii'Jj:,!bJ' u il. 1 involved in ' lit least j, two of the DreaK-ins. warrants are expected to be issued againBt each of these individuals. ; NameForehanitAs New President T. P. Forehand of South Mills Monday night was elected, presi dent of the Albemarle League, suc ceeding A. W., Hefren who wda forced to resign due to illness. - Hefren was stricken several day ago and announced that he would be unable to continue as head of the semi-pro circuit. Edgar Mor ris of Hertford, vice-president,- will continue in that post. Managers for the league's all star game which will be played in Hertford on the night of July 4 uni der sponsorship of the Hertford Jaycees were chosen by drawing names from a hat Jim Curtis of ' Elizabeth City will manage a team composed - of Camtuck, Elizabeth City and Hertford players whilo Dedrick White of Colerain will manage the team made up of WiU liamston, Colerain and Chowan per formers, v , Tickets for the contest are be ing placed on sale in each park in the league and a big crowd ia exr pected to be on hand for the scrap.: Elizabeth City's protest against Williamston for use of an ineligible pitcher was denied. It "-as shown that the player in question, orig inally on the Colerain roster, had been released by that club before signing with Williamstori. Board Of Education Meets Monday Night ' The Perquimans Board of EduV cation will hold its July quarterly meeting in the office of the super intendent of schools Monday night, , July 2, it was announced today1 b J. T. Biggers; secretary, .y.t- ' I . In addition to other matters' f be considered, the Board is expe ed to pass approval on plans f construction of additions to t King Street Elementary School s a new Hertford Grammar Schob' order to expedite work on f new new projects, i - , 't LeagueDirectors

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