V - J Zicty Friday A !, North Carolina , I;LLu u-Editof 1 as second class mai . her 15, 1934, at Post ) t i Hertford, Nor Cto i ,r Act ! March, 1878. CCrSCIPTTON RATES1 ' o $2,00 PER YEAR; i iUvtftisW Rate Furnished ' " By1 Reffliwt I FRIDAY, -JUNE 29, 1956. Hay On . - -Air Force . General Curtis LeMay, who heads he "Strategic Air Command, 'lias framed Americans that the U. S. Air Force is falling behind the Ru liaiuAir Force in the category of trained or "professional airmen.-'.' LeMay made this grave . state- bsHHstics mile. . ForsosMTthfte Air Force leaders have been warn ing Washington officials that more and greater inducements most bfl offered hih-preficieiwy airmen M keep them from, fearing miMary service lo enter- more. Nrcratfve field. , Not 16ng" agto General Edward Timberlake, commanding "general of the Ninth Air Fores, pointed1 oat the i cost the tapyers $15,000 every time an enlisted! maff failed id reenlist ' fie noted that the great majority were ot' reenlist-. )fgj" ''' ''- :s "'' 'f " ' "' ' 1 ' The Ait Force" loser eteit more on many officers," an pilots',- wlW; leave the service after completing tlM.ir.wo or three year hitch These Me art highfy skilled, an their training periods' often run Ss long as tw yearsi It often hap pens" thai they leave, the service just as hey are" trained to carry out their technical duties efficient ly. ; Even if they leave the geryke.af ter three years," having servedjorie year -after being trained a, a higte ly-quah'fied specialist," the country sttH low a considerable amount ef money, and the efficiency of the XirForce is "impaired.. ' We believe (he case for better pay for specialists, for flying "duty, comes a fiel4 in wh(t-h there is ade-1 quate Inducement, adequate finan- claf rewards,and an adequate fu ture. Thn cost of such & program Will be iriore than saved by a high er rate Of enlistments. ' , 1 j , t t ,n-r , ; i CARD OF THANKS l.M.4.A Cnnn'fr.a An1iifmcr Aft 1TI. vestigation of this country's pro- -and for iependents.Js an unusually frees fn its-race with Russia rfor strong one. ,We hope" Cengresajwffi nf ' inWnntiimntil me to it that military service b- BVUIIVViWU V "... , We wish to express oar" sincere thanks and appreciation- to our, many friends, neighbors and rela-i tves" for the many .acta pf kind ness and expressions' of sympathy extended during the", reeferit Ulftws and decfth of our- father and-broth--er., ' Also for the beautiful flowers, cards food, visits "and other gif.fi, We" are deeply, grateful. ... . THE NIXOUT-' HOLLO WELL;' , ;f,HOL6WTL-:.,. , ',. Tis expectation makes ft blessing, ' dear; i Heaven were not heaven if we " knew what it Were. r . ' , Suckling'. I have- had many tronble my life, but the worst of - them never fame.- .. . Garfield. ' "lMtM.lllM- (uWmmmm WftfriNGS FCJJ L3TICE OF DELIIIIlliEIlT TAX SM. Town of vk;fall, n. c: ' Sale of Town property for delinquent taxes for. the year w 19SS. - Date of sale, Monday, July. 9, 19Sj5, af'Ro'ctoci , noon, at the Communify Building ifr Winfall, N. C .: J, F. HOLlOWELL ' CLERK TOWN OF WINFAIL .' , WHITE DELINQUENT. TAXES FOK 195 Claude Moom '- , -t 4-5? Mrs. Helen Winslow. T -; -- A. R. Winslow : Roy B. Ward, 3. W. Umphlett f- ,- Ilia Audrey Umphlett - j-. Clinton Trneblood, Jr. ii - - -- 2.74 6.84 17.62 2.22 2.34 3.89 COLORED DELINQUENT TAXES FOR- 19SS Caroline Overton .I James and Anna Washington v--. Jacob' H. Martin , - W. B. Elliot! , -. - -- Willie B. Moore -i - - Farriett Jones 1 Elsberry Hobbs . - Mary Kendall Hobbs . Alfred Skinner" - : r-,i.r.,t Maggie Perry -r- - Luther Perry and Isaac Lowe 1.35 1.53 . 1.68 1.13 4.82 .68 ;30 .1.13 dw1ght;morrow "Don't make me out a great man, and don't paint me without my warts." The conduct and the equipment of our service approaches perfection. To call on us is to know that' everything will be ably at tended to. ' l i i - .23 .11 naadflandadaaDPDaDDri D -E ALL AUTOMATIC n ji .n I'itcur choice or either range at this special price)! Ik, , A for? n II SPACELlAKEfl Tor those1 who ned more tpoct fof cooking, wving, iforing , . . this compact 24-inch 6-E Spacemaker give yoO full scole cooking performance complete1 - with Automatic Oven-Miritita-Timer and 2600 watt Cofrod frriit . . '. r - ' .h h -V t . Your old rang bring x traded mutt b lit operaiing condition. SPACQLlAUER'- CALL NOW! "36" Own this new G-E 36-inch: range.' G-B Puitibbtton Speed-Cooking.- - -Enclosed all Calrod Bake and Broil - units' with no open cbls (as with' j' all G-E ranges) t . . plus famous G-E dependability. " . ' . t - SEE CHARLIE UMPIlLEtf FOR DETAILS op special trip orrmi :' Intenmtlemtl SuwJ'-y f '' , teolt for July if 1. Mlrrier Selections ContcadJoT the faith which was once .tered utdi m safriw." , - ade s. I 1 .1 ' " ' . ' l" --. f Leeson l'3f t 1 1 I reter i:19-25 Jad 4;l-25. ' Before placing new jSroduet on the' market, U Wise nisnuficturer submits that product to all kinds Of tests,' Before a few .automo bile' Model is ut en tfale, it ia sub Jeeted to tests en a proving grdund. It is driven under all sort of; cir cirmstanees1 whkh th sftrtomdblle is ihe carr-over rough roads, iA rain, in mud, ophfll drwi hill: and dt all speeds, from very slow to the fast est speed possible. ; i 1 Any new aatomobile, if it fa cny good ai all, ean withstand ordinary usage if properly given and taken care pf. That is fd be expected. However the real test comes When it his to meet and overcome unus ual chrcgntstaikes. . How ft tier- forms under such conditions defi nitely determines its' Quality whether" inferio or supefior. . . life. . It i easy to be a Christian when the going is easy, .when ev eryone about as is interested, as we are, and when it suit oar con venience to do the things required of us. But the real test of our Christianity our love foT and faith in Jesus Chrmt conies when trials come, when we are ridiculed by ouf associates for standing by our prin ciples,' and when it requires feal fortitude to be faithful. , . . . Peter, in Writing to the Jews, who had been scattered all.ver Asia Minor because of the versecu- tion of the believers in Falestine, and also to -some Gentile bHcver" who.Werf no being persecuted be came they were Christians; urged them not to be surprised if they had to suffer hardships.' e)C9us himself .had predicted that they would suffer so. (Matt.! 6;llr2; JqhH .1.33), ? , ,r ; r.- '. 'Peter reminded 4h e m - that, through their suffering, th'ey would be better able to understand and appreciate the sufferings which Christ had undergone for them, and thus be "partakers of Christ's suf fering." , , ,- - Because they were suffering sim ply because they were Christians and not because they were evil doers, Peter urged tnem to remem ber that they had nothing to be ashamed of, but rather that they should rejoice. All down through the ages, Christians have been per secuted not because; they had done wrong, but ; simply because they bore the name of Christ and were not ashamed or afraid to acknowl edge the fact Today; all ever the World, Chris tians are suffering Actual persecu tion, some of it too horrible to men tion, simply because of theirfaith in Jeus Christ. ; "fhese persecu tions are figurative "fiery furnae- wmcfe are proving tne reality of their Christian experiences. While we, here in America; are not being called on to suffer perse eution for our faitl. we. as indi vidual Christians, are always sub jected to tests which arevour'own iiery xurnaces, . irying : oui me metal to find out Whether it be gold or dross.' - We should not complain about these tests. Every trial 1b a Judg ment. Temptation tests an indivld ual.. Sorrow, sickness and suffer ing are crises in life which test men and women, the reaction of an individual to these tests in life either builds or destroys character. The teste may either be tftrned in-J- to victory, or - defeat, depending upon hoW the individual meets them. , , : - , j , 1 ., u ' How should the testsi and petse 'euiiortS, i life be met?' Petei 'to; i the1 Christian should " meet ' thcin with x humility, remembering . his littleness and his sinfulness, a V. i also reminds the Christian that I can cast , his burdea on Christ, i hecares lor us! He guards his.c! dren ai a loving shepherd caret f hig sheep. The Chistian should s' so meet the trials of lile csthnly an J patiently, remen.berkif the exr pie of-Chri t, "oi was calm i patient i. t ' i?, , , ' Christ- I watchfC, 1 ..j L.J ... IrifcT the House : of God fhey have cprrie1, for spirifual sfreAglh and edfriforf. .The i$f of sofrdW 6t freed1 which bfdugfrt therfi hef itfoi irftportarft. ft isimpoitant that the -dpeVrefttfe' of a lifetime have taught therft that G6d,?s their refuse arid their strehgth, ' "-'.U'":X' The beauty of faith phrrtes Hftfif fdCW, arid from fins devout worship fhey will o.Ttt& ffinnor . in ortiflt ' E ' ' :J-'f :) -t':.'1rl,v'.:'-:'-':":" : But faitri is not the thtikiifi fMfmw- age. Ffom childhood fcr ftte gtave, rnaji may fttH hop and comfort and pfat -i God. Fot f aifl? hamshei fear,' ovefedmes difficultie awdirhv parts new lifr-'' '.'-Jy'''-r-f: frr these troubled days, men need religion rh6f than eVer before1. In the prrfserlce vi vast fiowers Jfiithe'f f 6 unknown we mejr" f eel, ?rs rated and helpless, rtuman problems lie heavy opofi ouf spirifs. But God is a Rock of .Refuge an4 Pillar o4 Stenbtli to those whe vfust IK'm. v.omc m lire xiuusc ui me i.uiu. . t Alt FOR THE' CHtJttdH I r .fi faAOnV dl . oraclr and Booa ciiiionrfim a ior.hou.t oi piriiual volut. Without a tlrong CnurcS. h.ith.r moerqey: nor eiv.lotiow 4 ' ivi Th,' tow sund . it. .... , r ir mej nw ' Jfhit dommuniiy and nation. (4) Tdr ih iako l th. hi....! I ... 'V church nteuWH aj .j.. r " SwAlay..., Weanetd'v Jnd-u llMthtW"' Satrdy. Philippian: tort- dihflrttf VeKii, fuiim . . 4, f.tt Mtthw - J 5 J? Matthtw . MLJ .- 4-l tifls page MAde Possible PHONE J811 HERTFORD, N. CL J-1 . y -; - " : - - " "' - ' "Hertford i i Chappell Brothers ; GENE R AI CO NT R ACT 0 R S ' ; ; & VPhoneEiiiabethiCity 6667 V ; ' the S3utWrn Cjfottoift OttCd. MiUon Dail ii Son FERTILIZER FAR tKOVVCt ' Day Phone 1466. Nieht PhoC iftll-S71 v patecrt Cleaners ' j PHONE Mi; . tfependaste dre: W. Rt Morgan Furniture Co. ' . . Boat Fartnshingi . . . Hot Feint Appliance Reed Oil C6inpan " ZZZd TZCVVCT3 Vinstow-BlancharWotcr Ca! "s ' , ' TOUR FORD DEALER - - 4 RobeH--irsCr;ar.cr3' PION2 57S t ' ci.r.Trc-D, N. c J rr.. TfrJLt 1tf rAMt CHaTSLtR-PtTMOUTH . . . Salfi fi Sertic- Biker Gil Ccnlpany ; Sinclair Products ' Goodyter Tiree J. C. Elunctrd s! Co., Inc.. LaKceiard'S" ::. O, N.C Co. nir.TrRD baptist enzzcz Jams O; Matto, Pastof t Func' -y -'ool, :45 A. M. Homing Worship, 11:00 o'clock:. Evening Worship, 8 o'clock. Mid-week Services, WedneS. evening at 8 o'clock. ; ' ''-V: .i. -O .. 1-1 ' -,'"'::::'! ESTHLEHEM CHURCH OF i , f , CHRIST v joe Brickhouse, Pastor - v I Sunday School 10:00" A. M. ' " tfifst Sunday ' It A. M. and 8 P. M. -j'v.ta.M . iv a i-f' V;'..:i....:;-.v BURGESS BAPTIST CHURCH Phil H. Qoidley, Pastor Church eervices second Sunday a-r 11 A. M.j fourth Sunday at,8 P. M ,. Swiday School at 10:09 A. IS. ' : PERQUIMANS CHARGE ? . . CHURCHES , . ; - !i : fil R. Meekins, Pastor .' - First Sunday: : i New Hope Church, 11:00 A. M. - Oak Grove Church, 70 P. M. Second Sunday: ' . 1 i Wfnfall Church, 11:00 A. rf. ' Cftrlai Grover Church. 10 A. M. , - Woodlahd Churchy 7:00 P. M. ' Third Siindrfyy ' ' " , Oak Grove Churcht.ll:00 A, M.. . New Hope Church, ?:00 P. ,M. x , ' : Fourth Sunday: ' CoAa-r flmva C.hnTf. 17:00. A. M. Woodland Church, 10 A. M. WinfaU Church, 7:00 P. M. y Fifthr Sunday r . -. Woodland Church, 11:00 A. Mj Prayer Meeting each Wednesday at WinfaU Church, 7-00 P. 1L .,:;,,.-, .- ANDERSON'S METPODIST , CHURCH ' i . P. M.' Porter, D.ir Morning Worship. 11:00 A. M., secona and rourtn aunaays.- WOODVILLE BAPTIST CHtRCt Charles- Sinetair, Pastor "j Church Services on swnd and fourth Sundays at 11 A. M. , First and Third Sundays a 7:46 Sundav Scheol st 9:4tr Al M. - , UP RIVER FRIENDS CHURCH n 1 r:ii- p.-tn Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. Church services, 11; A. M. and t P. M." Youth FeUowship, 7 P. Mj ' Prayer aeryice,. Wednesday, . 8 'V ;...V, tErttt VAtii& c&rt&a Rev. PhiliD Quhfley. Pastor Sunday School 10 A- M. Morning; worship 11 A, M. . P1NEY WOODS FRIEND i CHWRCH ' H. Virgil Pike, Paste Church School 10 A, M. ( Morning worship 11 A. Iff. ' Young Peoule'a meetkjf 7 P M. ,:t rr:y 'a-ia' i"t.-,, v-"'. WHTTEVILLB GROVE" BAPTIST ... CHURCH -I J. Paul Holomaa Paster - Sunday School 10:00 A. U every Sunday. x . , Church services first and thlri Sundays at 11:00 A. M. - HERTFORD METHODIST V CHURCH I. S. Richmond, Paste 9 mrch School 9:45 A. M. oming Worship 11:00 o'clock Youth fVioWshipi :48 P. M. ' t. i t.: n.on If Mid-wRRk FfillnwRhin. Wednesday at t:oi Jfv, . ' f i..rrc"D BAGLEY SWAMP PTLOSftl ' Coy S. Sanndert, pastor Stinday School 10:00 A.' at. Morning. Worship 11 o'clock. Youna People's Aieetinc at c: P..M. - Rvenino; worshin. 7:30 o'clock. ' I 'id-week Services Thursday at 7:80 P. M. , . , , HOtt TRINITY episcopal cnurcn Rev. Paul E. Shuiti, Pastor Church School weekly at 9:C A. M. . 1 . . Morning worship weekly at 11:00 A. M. s - Holy Communion, first Sunday at $:30 A. M., and 11:00 A. II.- Fifth Sunday Services and L Days as announced. ttlREA CIIU.".CII OF CnniCT ' ; - Neal Pucketf, Minister ' iJible School Sunday 10 o'clock C.lurch Services Fiit anJ 1 Sv.;!Jay mornings at -11 "oV eL.Jng services, first and t! SwlJayr at1 7 o'clock. Communion is served each Lc i -DL morning, ,-. ' ' CHAPPn i. , . . U ' Rev. Ral, " C'-nday Su ;.t2P. r ; ! v r a.', j eji TT, 1 avoiJi. -which 1 t-a,' ,io:j t, fjr t