:j ' - . ry Friday At tn, Korth Carolina , j gives Madam Trotsky's words sig-? Patricia EiggHiu, t.Iesdarties'Sa'm- j -Editof 1 i s second class mat r'15, 1934, at Post b i v-rtfom, North Caro :.r Act of March, 1879. :.C- sr. SUfiSCSIPTION RATES v -l2.C9 FER TEAR . ,' , Advertising Rates Furnished ,i JBy Bequest FRIDAY.'JULYJO, 1956. J -iback In Japan 'j The United; States has Buffered another setback, which could be temporary,,. In, its foreign policy. The Japanese have refused to elect a two-thirds majority of Conserva tive 'members to the upper house of the v Jajjapese Parliament, and therebyhev refused to clear the . way for Japanese rearmament. ;A ' It w' bii remembered that the peace, trcftiy and 'the constitution drawn ua' for Japan shortly after World War II", forbade Japenese rearmament. This provision in the constitution was designed to guard " againet H"feemgence of an ag gressive, militaristic Japan.. : Since the end of the War, how ever, it-hag become evident that . Japan is menaced by Communism and! United, States foreign policy has for years been designed to bring about gradual rearmament, so that this country could shift much of the burden of defending ' Japan to that country Itself. The .conservatives who favor re-' .armament, need a two-thirds vote ( in the uppet house to amend the constitution;, and provide for re- armament Thjs election earlier this month was fought out on this issue. ', The Socialists, who oppose re armament, won more than one third of the 127 seats at stake in the lower, house and, thereby, are in a position to block rearmament. This is a victory for the Commun ists and a setback for U. S. for eign policy. " While we do not attempt to mag nify it,, it is a. stgalficant.jrpweraal and one Which' Aa a grave. disap pointment to Washington. r.Iadam Trotsky An appeal :to the Russian peas ants, which (bight have more ef fect . than more expensive propa ganda efforts) 'has been made by Madam Leon Trotsky. Trotsky, it Will be remembered, was finally , hunted down and killed by Stalin ists, after hehroke with the dictator,-now repudiated, v.; The repudiation of Stalin now nifirairce and her plea to the- Rus sian peasants, is a major stroke in the effort to get them to throw Off dictatorial government 'Said Madam Trotsky, in a- radio appeal aimed to Russia by Radio Liberation; - " . . . No admissions I and promises ean save the decayed Stalinist Obligarchy -. . i The task !of overthrowing Stalinism is the task of the Russian worker and peasant . I send you my greet ing and fiery confidence in - your victory." s ' Madam Trotsky not only told Russians, in her radio appeal, that Stalin had murdered her husband, but she said .it was her husband , who had first argued for industria lisation, which was opposed by Stalin and only later adopted by the late dictator. The next few months, or perhaps the next year,, might -tell .the tale in showing how much unrest and resentment is ; simmering , in ' the heart of the average Russian, Radio- appeals like that of Madam Trotsky .are highly useful at this moment, just as Stalin is being re pudiated. . Such appeals add to the chances that - the Russian people. will eventually overthrow the ty rannical government they have liv ed under for so many years.- We believe this is the time for the State Department and for a,ll our propaganda agencies to redoa-j ble their efforts Jo bring' rutk, to . the Russian . people and. discredit i the Communist dictatorship,-which has suppressed them for so many years. . ' . . . ' f HONORED AT BOOK SHOWER mie Sutton, Biltie Barrington, Ear ly . Goodwin, Ben Thach, , John j Beers, "Francis Nixon and Archie: T. Lane, Jr. The high score prise went to Mrs. iyixon, low to Miss Towe and the floating prize went to Mrs. Dfvers. Iced drinks, nuts, mints, ice cream -and cookies were served after the guest of honor opened her, many Jovely gifts. It is' almost always when things are all blocked tip' and impossible that a happening comes. ' If yo are sure and ready, that is all yon need.. God is turning the world around all the time; " "V; ' Mrs. A, D. T. Whitney Mrs. L. B. Cobb, Jr., was a de lightful hostess r at "" rook shower Friday night at her home honor ing Miss ' Katherine Alice Nixon, whose marriage will take place Sunday. Those present besides the hohoree were Misses Helene Nixon, Becky Nixon, Susanne Towe, Sue P. White, Billie Carol Divers, Alice Jean Jackson, Mary Ann Harris,' I 'S n Yon'r Always Near fl IBLBf llUHC today, with more outdoor telephone booth than ever, even a "parachute jumper tan expect to come down' near a -telephone. This expansion it just one part of our program to i give you better telephone ; service. That's why your telephone it the kiggett. bargain In your family twdget. , THE NORFOLK ft (CAROLINA TELEPHONE ft TELEGRAPH .' COMPANY ' R City . Kdenton .Mantes TRY A WEEKLY CLASSIFIED Treat Your Car to tv I reatment! a Beau For a icleaa is a whistle- CAR WASH, tM "glislenia . POLISH thai prOKcti to SaubGomc in and et in today. Jo3&B:Ts$:n;co Station , ; Ray White, Prop. rr , - ' -r i J, Tu1c'Tfjy r-".-i':- i . tl j . 1 'i'VaVe playing charades, and Xl sfohn is acting cut how smoothly hts OK Used Car runs!" my) . Some OK Used Car buyers simply can't help v showing off! That's because an OK Used;Car keeji 1 tip an appearance and delivers perfomance-itoo.jt w Thoroughly inspected and reconditioned, ' they'rt14 w dealer-warranted in writing, Take advanjage' jh your Chevy dealer's volume trading M;a!tai savings and selection. ' LOOK FOR THt CX YXAOKMARKI ;f'"''" .' Z7 tzl csly by u Ci:vrc!;t tz&t E2rIIovGll:hVEb6';, C;- 32151 DEALER'S FRANCHISE 1 NO. Wit . . l. -. mTFor.D;ih(V l..:.v;i il lessc:) 1 WE PELONG TO A GREAT COMPANY Internet mmI Sunday Schoel Lessen For Jaly 32, 15. xlfemor Selection! "Wherefore'' seeing -we also are compassed about with so areat a cloud. of witnesses,! let us lay aside every weight, and' th sin which doth so easily beset' us, and let ua run with patience the! race that is set before us.? , . Hebrews 12:1 Lesson, Text: Hebrews 11:24-17, 86-48; 12:1-2 j 1S:L2. This is the last in a series of three lessons from the epistle: to the Hebrews, - the first of ' which taught that Jesus is the complete revelation of God, the Son of God. The second pointed out. that Christ is adequate as our Saviour. . ; The Eleventh chapter of Hebrews is considered by some biblical stu dents as the most marvelous chap terln all the Bible and is' called by some the Westminister Abbey of Faith. 'Someone has pointed out that ; the New Testament contains three surveys of Old Testament his tory; one, the history of the un belief of Israel, -set forth in the speech by James in the 7th chapter of the Acts; another, a briefer re view, given by Paul in a Mrmon delivered in the synagogue at An tioch (Acts 13:13-14) ; and now, this chapter written by an unknown author. fi-'yi.i''A': The chapter opens with a defini tion of faith. It is defined as the belief that our hopes will be rea lised and the personal conviction that there is a reality in the un seen world. To the writer of He brews, this meant two things: The full assurance ' that the Christian hope in the promises of God will be fulfilled, and the belief that the unseen, or spiritual world, is the supreme, reality. 'Faith is that which makes these hoped-for things real. Christians believe that the world was created by God. , Just how God created the .World, we do tot knoV-at ktpfa from od, thete is no adequate explanation of the1 wosld's origin. -;The existence of the World is .aeaMy, but, it il faith that causes is to believe that God coated it. this is the mean ing of Hebrews Lt:3-God is th source of everything. t j y ' Chapter elevea, of Hebrews hal been called the "roll call of faith and surely that if Just what it is. Beginning at the beginning with Cain and AbeJ-the author calls he ro after hero whose faith was out standing. Of course, the best ex. ample of personal faith in the Old Testament is that Of Abraham, re corded -in Genesis 12yl. , r Abraham's faith was illustrated in three ways: first, by his obedi ence to the call of God to journey to a strange place, giving up all 41.-4.1.1 . i- 1 J . we uunga ne nas Known, ana to place his whole reliance-on gome-' thing he had never seen. This is the kind of faith, which Jesus re- f erred to when he said that his fol,! lowers must be willing to give up" parents, homes, everything, if need oe, to follow him. The second' illustration of Abra-! ham's faith was his confidence that iioa would be true to his promise to give him heirs. ; God had promised Abraham that he would be the father of a great family, but. un to the time he and' his wife. Sarah became old, they had had no chil dren. Their faith in God's prom ise was rewarded, however, in the birth of lease, .even after were old. This leads tov the third illustra tion of Abraham's fafth : God ask ed him to sacrifice his beloved son, Isaac. Abraham, though not un derstanding God's command, was willing to obey, on faith. Once gain, he Was not disappointed. Faith, such as that of Abraham, is the refusal to believe that faith can ever be destroyed. - - i - The writer, in. his1 'toll call of faith, presented' a challenge and in spiration to the early Christians ana to Christians of all ages. Yet, he pointed out that, magnificent Si the achievements oft the past had been, they, in themselves, were not complete, for" the final promise the realisation of the ; messianic kingdom was not granted to them. The writer admits that their faith did not obtain the supreme reward the reward was only deferred un til it was posses for Christ to come. As Paul later declares, MI things are "gatnr i r p in Christ" The writrt Urjtt:t J(f , -J Ay'?- r" ' . ''f ytS - VS Y if ,- ' : : I V . .::'iii.:r.::3 HOLBcTIGHT ! 1 'Ever find yourself caught out In the middle of a storm. with your umbrella blowing itself : inside outr v " ' There you sre, itfnging like mad to ,tht frail bit of cloth and metal . . . and you realise that , if the wind gets on whit stronger your "protec tion" is going to blow right out of your hands.- ,, Fortunately, It doesn't hurt to get wet, so losing your ttmbteUa wouldn't be much 6f a tragedy. But when you're caught in one o the other types of Storms life deals out ... a storm ., that buffets at yoar inner sense of security , or your idea of right or wrong ... a storm that tries to undermine your marriage, or your, career . or a storm of sickness or strife . . . then it's a very different matter. How fortunate that in those more difficult moments, you don't have to rely upon some thing as flimsy, as an umbrella. How fortunate that you can turn to the Church and find in it - solace, protection, courage, and the faith to keep going. You will find that the Church Is a shSlter that will always frotact you. , - i IV 3 ti I i f, tf ts THE CHUECH FOB AU X ALL FOB THE CHUBCH Th Church tl , rMMl ioo- t an arm lor th building el wiinoui a ttroha Church, u.ithw uryrrw. ., inw i JOUf ' Mi O)0iit why nin una. .k. altcnS Mrvlee regularly and t fii . vnurn. . inf arc ehldr.n Mk. 3i Far (he m m community and hol.en. hty which nwd hie tabroi and Ca mel .upport. Plan eio eaTte- Sibta daily, 7 SuBdiy.....Fulni . hi Ti.. 1M j . . . . Tu4y....Luk. ThuridurMitthcir Frldav ... U.rh saturaur. t. lAiki r C-TF.OBD BAPTIST CHURCH ii (Ties u. xuatiox, ranwr . Sund iy School, 9:45 A. M. Merrfing Worship, 11:00 o'clock. Eveiimg Worship, 1 d'clock. oveniiigat 8 o'clock. ; . ' IOJTHLEKm" CTIURCII OF CUBIST ' I Joe BHckhouse, Pastor Sunday School 10:00 A. M. First Sunday' . - I U A. M , ; and 8 P. M. Phil H. Qiildley. Pastor - ' Church services second Sunday at 1 A. M., fourth Sunday at 8 V. U Ssnday School at 10:00 A. II. PERQUIMANS CHABGB r ' ' E. B. Meekins, Pastor . . . - - First Sunday: ' New' Hope Church, 11:00 A. H. Oak Grove Church, 7:00 P, M. Second Sunday: ' Winf all Church, 11:00 A. H. , ' Cedar Grove Church, 10 A. M. Woodland Church, 7:00 P. M. TMrd Sundayr Oak Grove Church, lI:0D A. If. New Hope Church, 7:00 P. M. y. ' s Fourth fhmdav: .' 'Cedar Grove Church, 11:00 A. M- 1 Woodland Church, 10 A. M. Winfall Church, 7:00 P. M. ' Fifth Sunday: Woodland Church, 11:00 A. M. 1 f S-M 11 i sc-u j iar I o-t i Prayer Meetim at Wihfall Churc! each Wednesday 7:00 P. IL ANDEBSON-S METPODIST ,f CHUXCH P. M. Porter, Ir-vir Church School, 10:0b .. M. second and fourth Sundays. , CoerriiU 1M. K A Sn sti'irtf. TfflS PAGE MADE POSSIBLE BY THE FOLLOWING B1RM& . Lynch. Funeral nome f U 1 .n( r- t'''.. t ' ''! PHONKS811 L HERTFORD, K. C r Hertford Banking Company WOODVILLE BAPTIST CBCRtX Charles Sinclair, Pastor ." Church Services on second and fourth Sundays at 11 A. M. ' First and Third Sundays at 7t4S E. M., ' . .Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. UP RIVER FRIENDS CHURCH , Orval Dillon, Pastor -Sunday ; School, 9:45 A. M. Church ; services, 11 A.- M- and P.M. Youth FeMowshto, 1 P. M. Prayer service, Wednesday, V they iMiltbn DaiLfc Son Fertilizer - farm produce l Day Phone 1486V Nieht Phonos 1011-4571 W. M. Morgan Furniture Co. Hem Farnishiags . . 0ot Point Apiliancss) Cannon Geansrs . ' ; PHONE 1511 . . . Dependable sWriee bethel baptist church 'Rev., Philip Quidley. Pastor; : fintaday School 10 A.M. ' ' .Morning -worship 11 A. If. EvenmgseiceP.M. , PINEY WOODS FRIENDS CHWRCH W. Virgil Pike. Pastor . Chnrch School 10 A. M. Mornine: worship 11 A. M. Young Peoole'a meeting 7 P 18. Reed Oil Company j E3SO PRODCCTI Winslow-Blanchard Motor Co.1 - , t ,i .-'J- YOUR FORD DEALER "isW :-i-i lf.iv5t'''''i:i;v-,:'V;,!'iV"' I Towe-Webb Motor Company, CHRYSLES-PLY1IOUTH . . . Sales Sorrifts M Robertson's Cleaners ' PHONE 5781 ESXTFORD, . TJ. J. C Blanchard & Co., Inc. ' "BLANCHARD'3' Sine 1833 Baker Oil Company, lindair Products Geodyiar Titaa Hi kltcrdlivetcc!ij; : -Sipply Company pEo:;i i:iiy . " tt !SItTFClM), N, C '. tXt JClN,rro ,'.t WHTTEVILLE GROVE BAPTIST - CHURCH . , J. Paul Hofomaa Pastor - Sunday School 10:08 A. IL, every suiway. ,,. - Church services first and third Sundays at 11:00 A. M. ' HERTFORD METHODIST .' y , CHURCH . , J. A. Auman, Pastor .. Church Scbool 9:45 A. M. - -Morning Worahip 11:00 o'clock Youth Fellowship, 6:45 P. M. Eventne worshin. 7:80 P. M. .. Mid-week Fellowship, Wednesday at 7:80 r. u. ; BAGLEY SWAMP PILGRIM Coy S. Saunders, Pastor 'Sunday School. 10:00 A. at. -Morninir Worshin 11 o'clock. ' Young People's meeting afc 6:30 P. M' J.'; ?.- - j Evening worship, 7:80 o'clock.,. imces Thursday at, Mid-week 7:80 P. M. - f HOLY TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. Paul E. Shulta, Pastor I Church School weekly at 8:41 A. M. ' Morning .Worship weekly at li:w a. M. ' ' Holy Communion, first Sunday at :su a. m., ana n:uo a. m. Fifth Sunday Services and Holy ways my announcea. BEREA CHURCH OF CHRIST Neat Puckett, Minister . ' Bible School Sunday 10 o'clock. ftllllY.)i fiamrfaAa Plivf An1 VUt-J Sunday mornings at 11 o'clock;! evening services, first' and thiri' Sundays at 7 o'clock. ?' " - Communion is served each Lor Day morning. , Hertford Dziliir A Lc;n . hra Y. rC . nnoma p : rc-"z3 cm . . . c3, it. c. ... CHAPPr L EAPTI-r Rov. Ral,... . t Sunday School e .j i. '; T day at 2 P. M.; r g s 1 3 - Sun"' r " -iA r-'orv T '. and 4 ii - f t 11 A. i... ,--' . "la o i'. ... J .1 i: