i Tuuay, December 'll, corn ' r"l ..vote, in referendum J? to put into effect "Soil k Base Acreages," as used this V of return to the acrejjraAl ..nt plah; in effect for some js previously. If -two-tJiirds jr re of ithe farmers-who Tote . tfa- r - base acreages. Uey .will fe J; if nV' (isjeoe-thiri favor; j-eage sUutrhenU, they5 will be In1 ii tne ;?orn. Dase ,a5gej pr-rf ram s approve tn oase acreage &miriereiaf vpnnjles will be i aulio)! Icreajfor each year the jro' ram aiieff4t There will be no sorn aereagB,lioiBifcai'he pjrjjNf support level win b4'etepifned jni .no, secretary. 01 .Agriculture eaon year' in accordance with genera! directives in the controlling legis lation. -For 1917,' the support level will be an average of 01.31 a bush el . Farmer will qualify for price " support , by staying within their 1 share of the ""national corn base acreage," and also taking part in . tbe Soil Bank program. , .' If the acreage allotment pro- , graB)-s approved an acreage al lotment for the .commercial cobq- ' ties will be determined each year , "in accordance with legislation pro- -jis(nu.:.fpi lpif, the Jotsal jacre-jj -'V ,-''V Vieterize YOUR HOME If'O Protect Water Unes..,! O' To Save Heat, f , )u' close m,youRr' FOUNDATION WITH CEMENTVBLOCKS .Inexpensive When You Use. Fourjucft Blocks :, : i f i 0r.:y.17cEsch tl'rris Piu.mlii.ig I'rice s-'!o i levels t be wn a i - cf'73 Pn - r cent of far- it'' acconL...e rith the sup- I ' atien. , ,r ' tiir - i ''-ppo'l'will be M Uthel. Farthers au qualify iiM- price support by comptyihf with their ; iitdividnaJ, ian4 corn allot ments, .'s.:".- ' .'".'. .' '' 'I . There are no plans to pfferprice support or 1957 "com production which - js not in compliance with acreage'., allotment or Soil Bank provision. Such non-compuasjee price support were available in 1956 becaasn M special conditions. ' Producer in commercial fCOnir- tteslwinnM elisible to take Part, in ttriXcreage Befermj, s4 Cpaseft vatic Reserve , programs df the aioil ,Pank 'Wnder either, the "corn base, aereS oj the ''acreage al Iotiwmt T6rtra'm. The Unit 'rate ifterminiBI payawsnts under i imr corn Acreage- oeacrve pnifm. in 1957 will be 80 cents per bushel. Paynfent;ratea tfer acre .will be. 90 cents . a : bushel times the normal yield, established by the ASC coun ty committee-.' ! ; ": ' - v.; The ;' December 11 referendum gives producers a chance to vote on an alternate . program with the larger base acreages", 51 million acres, and price support as neter-i mined each year as, compared with' the smaller "allotments", 37.3 mil lion acres,', and price supports in- the T5 to 90 per cent of parity, range. ; . A- 1 "' .v--rt ' Hetene ,W.. Nixon, Perquimans CoojiW ASC office ' manager, said that farmers wiii receive notice of: their individual -base acreages and allotments Wore the referendum. - Leiave Far. Christmas Given Army Enlistees , A Christmas; leave policy hjs been set jjp kythe Department of! the Army whereby anyone enlisting in the Array during tie period of December 16 to 81 can get tip to 15 days leave and be home .for Christmas and . New Year's This announcement was made by MSgt. Sherman D. Owen and Sfc Morris M. Williams, local Army recruit 'era. t Anyone enlisting ' - during ' the above period, may at their request be given -15 days leave and' they will not have to report to the re. eeption . center at Fort jtachsoni S, Cont4.Jatui8rJ 3, 1957,,. Thjs en-. aplesjtjiB enlistee t Spend, he.holi days'a home and get pai for the 15 dayS. r Interested - young meit at the L nton f ff ice on I ti-oiit Si A,. an-nnane Jul U.M mm. I i"i l'i i kvig Per" f 1 .j . i . 't i . . ' i . i mi' to Li nooA. i tne c GI VZ2.J . Veterans discharged since Sep tember 8, l5 n longer have ISO days after separation to apply for government insoiance according to the North Carolina Veterans Comt mission. . - Men separated from the armed services since September l?6f With jthifeptip4i of serrcr connected dissbjed veterans hae enly I BnJtil' Deefflmbe, ,31, 1B iaBDlv fob CIlinfeuiinrtB I i. ', ' This change. in applying for m- ernment insurance is due to legtf latlori passed br the last !ongrdis whjfchprohlbite essuanoe ef -awanee . after ' December 31, 116 excent to mcii who hive a disabili ty resulUng fronu service. . , ) , , AU veterans interested in apply ing for government insurance are urged to contacts J. L. Wiggins, Veterans Service Officer, Edenton, or the District Office of the North Carolina Veterans Commission in Elisabeth City. Couple Honored At Bridal Parties Mr.' and Mrs. Maynard M. Perry entertained at a o'dock dinner-on Sunday, November 11, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Burwell B. Winslow, (the former Mies Alvis Ferry. .The din ing table was centered with an ar rangement of white gladioli and pink roses. 'Covers' were laid for ten. ; - , .fef Mrs. Winslqw. was honored with a kitchen, shower en Tuesday night, November 13, given by Mrs. D.'H. Berryman, Mrs. McCoy Spivey and Mrs. Curtis Chappell at the hdme of Mrs. Berryman near Hobbsvijle. The ..heme was decorated through out with arrangements of raised fall fjowerst . The table was cover ed, with a cutwork cloth and cen tered with an ' arrangement of white mums and lighted candles, Punch was poured by Mrs. McCoy1 Spivey,'' Qthers assisting In servJ ing were Mrs. O. M. Blanehard, Mrs. le A. Phillips, Mrs. Ernest Boce ftnd Mrs. ftmes Ward. slo k befoi t n ji .Jaarjone v , J Dr. ahd Mrs.JJ S. Jl.bABM.wJfuifilvwiih &rr' - j rout ttri j m Uffalllflowm and IV7 ', from ?8' ster Z. i candles in suWer r4ndelbra. .V tJnhr'y U,rt CJ buffe table was decontoi wiii t ' 5 who were reeenHy pleTe4 ty arrangement f white mums, on ; -ie 13 naiional jjocial tororities white satin foundation and center- the Duke oampus. ed with a wedding candk to be I Miss Bonn pledged Zet Tau Al- burned on acb anniversary. Guests J b sorority. were invited to the basement pipy room to await supper,. Covers were laid, for 40, which included members of the wedding party andl out-of-town forests. ' .o wi... a ,0, " - -n I nger f . to e pre? . he w i ieto', t.; "ited 8 to be assured ol I. 1 iuli 7 ng ps 'y 'rs. XX- o Jur t ! i at iiks home AUXIUAET KrrrilC3 to ts GELD IN CANTON CSC Uk Mrs. Mam Pave-port, pres,Jent of the Anwrie8'J"in Anacil ry, has Reived a inv;atIon fronji the Edenton vnittt, members' are Snvite4 to attend . meeting Bt the MkjtoffiW Milaw Wrtaisnvbelof 4n veit party and out-of-town guests ;xt their hoifjjn Spnbnry foUojiring the peheav the, wedding. i. Ttii home wa eabtifujly decorated in pale pinkj;;TbUviflg. room mantle'. was eenM ''iiid,s aiwnwiTieBtr' of pink nt .ass entwined in two fin jV)ejp; C&JICC Legion hut December 4 at P; My in", honor Vrf the ipekHentit e V, .'..ir'i"i.jill'.I.-i'i.-i-4, -if none wwiSH nravins- The Irdl, Pnwr in r. .. . niiii wan, mn iipii i nnn a minitTAa Art maarinK r'r ''i- - - '' -"i - - -' Americah lgion was a tiny foantajn with iloafip? carnationi The dining Itooss tabk was sentorea wrtna pin satin cov ered ' heart entwined l with .'pink snapdragons r flanked by lighted pink tapers hi aaer. candelabra. The pale piijk tiered cake was mt by : Mrs. Convey . Petrjr and puch Was poured by Miss Johnnie White Others assisting in serving were Mrs. Hunter Morgsn, Mrs. BernAr4 Hofler and Mrs.: Sidney Hpfler, yMr: .and Mrs. Dillard Morgan Jackson 'entertained. with a buffet supper at fheir home Jn''Hertfor4, ,v. ' Mr. and Mra.ernar4 JKfier : tertained the members of. the tWin-slow-Perry wedding party-with .'a' wedding breakfast1 at their home near Hohbsvilte Strtftrday . mornings at ii:au o ciock. , f pit: nomefa decorated with arrangements,1: 'f mixed fall wwen anff lignted cai dies in sili;?earf4l4bA? .The" bride's table; 'was' Jtetered with a eutwork elotii and centered with an arrssgemeet of nink chryaafr wemwns n snnparagons iiaaxea; by lighted Pink candles in nil vef eandeiabra. Guests nuwaerW 35. Thn Nirthesstern Cancer; Clinic will be jield oii Friday afternoon, December. 7. in' fUicabetn" City with registration beginning Ml P. M. A chest .-ry wUl be. given anyone wishing it, along wiuftm isxamina- tion of the Tive' areas of the body where cancer ' J eajUyfouiyl and cured. There-' are1 no-r limita tions as- to. sex, 'racef physical'" or economic status,' at ' the center. However, women should be 35 f or WE GIVE CO.ONUL SAVTAMPS Hertford, M. C i sj rrro'ntment should write thp Ccer Center, Slirsbeth Cjty.'fr -priority. ,Examines are asked i bring . robe or housecoat t wt)i thew. , ; PMT3 The Beech Spring Club mat Tuesday, November 18 with Mrs. Joseph Layden witV J present and one vk,;l''Jl,h pK ident, Mrn; Vf-fj Tef't Um. The. meeting opened u.j! !L-i:sii-ftig "America The Eeautiful." The devotional was glvealUrs. John Kill reartg- tbe-'Faalm and "1 ... . j . i w i-i , i.i. teresting demonstration on Chrlst pias' decorations.', "The r' b Tras then invited into the kitchen where "Food and. Nutrition" Leader Mrs. Joseph Lsyden gave ft trj inter esting demonstration on "Eat A Good Breakfast." Mrs. A, IS. Lay den, recreation leader, conducted a contest with Mrs. C W. Reed win ning the prise. .Delicious refresh' ttients were served by the hostess. '. L.....L..'. ' To Attend XJP..' Gas Dimcnstration C, it. : ftrrell, Jr was one of the directors of the: North Carolina L.P. Gas ijAksociation 'attending, a iM Raleigh an Thursday, at ii, II p-races, ;' ; ; - FOR YOUIl f -S0YDEAflS-FOTS :: Place Your OieNowFPF;; j SEED CQRN For '$&y Spring DeUyerj! j j . J. F, .HpUowelJ;; $?Soht: if f PHONE 241 V ' " ' ' WINFALL.N.C. aaaaa4aaaeaaaa riculture conducted ' a (1 tion on-new jrr""X)ved met. del 7 and ' i-age of L. a: t f ' g additio-' ty: r ,tLi I .i. ess. ! miss aautiu t towh, wikfwskiMv $35 J5 .it- VVf Mi Divers & Son 1 . ' Hertford, N. C.C., '" '''-i -.;4':' . ; ' '''Zti.'-f,'- ., ') -.;.:, : '-vj-;v:,'': '"v-';v'v.:,.,;".i . --v; -.-j S'--'AJ.. auiet contented cat and i' RiriootH na hilla with "such eaee ihiv sihlik IpwpI laruUrono TZrrA : j, , ( ii . . . and it cat-quH in rpoAc Wo ' , ,r i call for action! - - .i ''V' corr ! ' i,. - ..s.:, !' "A-; i.jt St:-. 'vXj!s- Lv.j r-This new Chevrolet V8 puts up to 245 high-'- corrpression hflrepower'; under . yowl command ! - Biay Now: Aiid Save DURING OUR Old Range Round - Up Vf if fei5 RANOB . 1 s f . . Ink: I r V 1 rwr-y,-:' " Vifet.' 5 forto; cS2 if fef:.fjf t 4 f TokM totli th "OimW and tha Wp W CMking, kakias, Brpl J.--V 'Wmer" and "keep warra" aeulogs "f p burner allow up to 398 fad uvir' , AU tamers light aiKontUay; so watca - M Pin-point p3ot light is cooler; saves as.' "Cl 1 Bif, wxwiy, "" temperature oven , ipi better rendu. -.:. V'''"' ' ; Porcelain inside and oW; 1sy 'to keep dean. . ' Smokelcu nott-eut broPer.' ?l ' . t Model and iasto suit 1 testes; 3 budets. Cmsi in far ilarosiMtrv;!.. ,rS iT T CSV! t;r.Tiais&e::iQ you Kfafseholdtabbr WinVBirm-' to a dtesbflhanJyVS --BO-kitterMjuiet- ad aeam-sntooth 4hat you.-can ' ! W W8 wothest V8 yo ev- put a toe - S fyreyen feT htn it's Idlinff- , ' f nj'.?? iwd J e , n ; . -7 v , Turhogjjdethe first jod only triple-tbuauto-' : t ywwuisc uic iswawnwr, you raow matic onv (an extra-oot ootion). And Chew's . . . - , r . . .' . it s there, an rght! Its right-now rejonse keens v- own special sweet and solid way of going. v ' ' 270-h.p. V8 ol available at extra cot. Aha Ramfet (Mai faction ere nine wrth p to V kp. ' ?' r '' . O 1 '' T r "i' .lit? ' ( " - Y " - A ' iiir rtt ' I-! Y irv5r?'' f1 if : BW W K V W ajkmaI 1 TT TT- i I c V 1 4 . r 1

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