Ta2 PERQUIMAN3 WEEKLY. HERTFORD, NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY. JANUARY 10. 1S58. I 7 Local news I s o Chapal Hill , . ; Visiting Relatives l(,vvia Stall ingfe, left Sunday for Mrs. W. F. Ainsley, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Gregory, Mrs. lorn Farmer of Norfolk, Va and Mrs. I. N. Thomas of Asheville left this week to. visit H. R, Hunter and family at New Orleans, La. C h i " i JE.nl where he is attending liit Kiiislry Law Enforcement School this week. ;;( '' ! Sursxliy la" Plymouth i. Mt-s. I;;a Tucker and Miss. Vir ginia .TiR'kar spent Sunday with Mr. and Mvs.'. Julian Brinkley in In fbrvf-y -' V.'. J. tD:.vi is spending th.it wo !; wtlb Mis. Bttty Davis a,v 'c!':' n.:".itjVi-, at Conway this v'.'.k.- ' ' ; Cn-tv?Pii"s List Cl.iii.on (). Da,.-i, a student at ..TC.iii. t'ttrowtia- College in Grecn !fllfe iiiajf-'the Ssori f Mr. and Mrs. Willi i" Ohvci-. o'r, was among tll.e on tiif Dean's' f .1st last quar. Sunday Gue-ts . Jrtt:. and. Mrs.,' Woodrow White ani. :riu htrr and ' Mrs; Elwood L.i-l tf y.f 'Ik. Vj , visited Mrs h:''tcpblt Sunday. ', Hsiui-neri To CcTegs ';'vivli 'S -.'Lrabic'-Franecs -Keel re tu'.'v.! : Radford College at , tRsPjrd, Va., last week: She was f;iccopp,"sn'?cd there by -her parents, jMt:,tl.M?(: Lstrr Kctl; Visited Aunt ' Mr: and 'Mrs. L. C. Winslow visited Mrs. Mary J. Peele at Poteeasi Sunday. Returned Home Mrs. J. O. Felton returned home Sunday after spending several days at Atlanta, Ga. From Weldon Mrs. Bennett Stephenson Attend Luncheon Mrs. D. M. Jackson and Mrs. I. j A. Ward, members pf the Execu tive Committee of the WMS of the Hertford Baptist Church, at tended a luncheon Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Walter A. Ward t Corapeake. , a v Fractured Wrist Mrs. William Tucker suffered a fractured wrist one day this week from a fall at her home. Returned Home Mrs. J. C. Blanchard has re turned to her home after spend ing the Christmas holidays with Dr. and Mrs. Marcus E. Hobbs in Durham. Returned Home Mrs. Louis Naoliman has re turned to her home after spend ing several weeks with her daugh ter in Farmville, Va., and Mrs. . Rex Stephenson in Raleigh. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. nas( Stephenson and daughter, Kay, her home. Those playing were, hat and a. corsage of tymoklium ! Frances Newbyj and Miss Ruby Mesdames V. N. Darden, Nathan orchids. . -1 J White. The high score prize went Relfe. Charles Whedbee, J. O. Fel-I Miss Ethel . Sutton was , only ,to Mrs. Jessup. A sweet course ton, B. G. Koonce, W. G. "Wright, attendant for the bride. , She T. B. Sumner and Miss Kate I wore a wool jersey dress of Blanchard. The high score prize medium blue, matching acces went to Mrs. .Darden. A sweet Tories and a corsage of white course was served. returned to her home in Weldon after spending several days last week with her father, J. O. Fel ton. . ' who spent the week-end. . Fresi Koift'.'t- : ;:''tn:t- KTrs. -E. T. Bates and 'daiirihtrVFrencM of Norfolk, Va., , wre the holiday guests of Mrs. 'L.SuUon. : .Miits.' Jackie Doby of Raleigh sc-f Uo f'4-f.wl with Mrs. J JMuUorv 'v ','.'. , :', '-i.fi,. I,'.'. Morris was admitted to . the! A.fbewaHe ' Hospital last week : for :u);rvat :.,pnd x treatment. , Ji'7 W'-NiTd of Fayetteville ' SKiit wBnd' with Mr. and ..Mrs. .O-car Kf.whold. f-Jteitwned Honrs . M - i " ri Orart Newbold -il i.-ri's . .last veek .io r :vii. una Mrs. iven- From Washington I Mr. and Mrs. Travers True-' Wood and Mrs. A. J. Parrish of i Wash.nglon, D. C, were recent ?;uests of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Long, Sr. From Georgia Mr. and Mrs. Charles Griffin and children Marian and Ronnie of Tipton, Ga., spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Jackson. X Returned Home V. N. Darden spent Sunday in s Dm-h-im and wri. accompanied 'hsme by, h's wife, who had spent ' two: v.'C'ks rwith Mr. and Mrs. H , 11. Chi'istcnron in Charlotte and the v '. !: en wi'.h her brother- in-!;:'A- r.d'.'Sistw,, Mr. and Mrs. V. ?4cClr.'!'n:'"th in Durham. : ,"NVjiIag Daufjhier Ht'' Wnn'm"- Perry of . New :lTci''-v vi".itm hor' son-in-law .sndf. !:r.K;hi.CT,. Mr, and Mrs. Jul- 'irif 'Wiii'tt?. ""' ' .';"" Eu'ii'rav Guprts ' ,' J'ck'on and Miss ;Th1' f a ' -i; .".n r f Elizabeth ,:Clt'?yf;,rf- S'in(!:iy visiiors of Dr. cn i -"-;. I. A. Ward. , , . In Philadelphia r."'1 L. N. Hollowell lrft Ti)i:,rcfl'!' of this week to vis fV Mr: and Mrs. F. B. Stevenson BtiiJ family fur. a few days before ' TTollowell will he' admitted tr tbr) T'Mrmlo tlnivors'ty in Phil . adelphia for observation and a possiljle operation. . Fee Us For fMm Needs ' V ':' Xi'r.lvv Fumps V, nlcv ,1 1 eaters h Sinks rris P5umbing& Wk BRIDGE CLUB MEETS Miss Thelma Elliott entertained her bridge club Tuesday night at if Margaret Sutton Weds John Hill The marriage of' Miss Mar garet Ann Sutton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sutton of New Hope and John Larry Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hill of Hertford, was solem nized in a lovely ceremony at the bride's home at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, December 21. The Rev. Walker B. Perry heard ths wedding vows ex changed in a setting of mag nolia leaves, baskets of white flowers and candlelight. Mrs. G. H. Webb played the wedd:ng music and accompanied Mrs. Melvin Eure, who sang "Sweetest Story Ever Told" and as a benediction Prayer." carnations. - . . - ' - : Joseph Rodgerson of Hertford was beSt man. Mrs. N. ., C. Spivey, Sr., was mistress of the ceremony. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Sutton chose a green dress, har monizing accessories and a cor sage of ' carnations. Mrs. Hill wore a black suit and corsage of carnations. . The bride's parents enter tained at' a reception immedi ately following he ceremony. ' Mr. and Mrs. Hill are now making their home at Cherry Point, where he is stationed.' Out-of-town guests attending the wSdding included Mr. and Mrs.: William F. Hill of' Suf folk, Va., Arnold Chappell of Washington, D. C; Mr. and Mrs. Pete ' Spivty of was served. HOSTS AT LUNCHEON The Rev. and Mrs. - James A. Auman were hosts to the Metho dist 'Ministerial Fellowship of Chowan and . Perquimans Coun ties Tuesday at lunch. Making up the two-county fellowship recipes of local people were, dis tributed to members. ... . ' t The February meeting" will be at the home of Mrs. C. P. Mor ns. !, . CLUB MEETS The members of the Perquim ans BPW Club ..-were entertained Thursday evening by Miss Hulda ! committee report, flowers ir ; sick, gifts in appreciation cf , services ef non-rrJ embers. rWoiii mehdatiorl for a csndidate for the Jaycee Yoiing Man of the ' Year, decision to' haive !a Club Vomag .f ' of the Yr, and iother mattens, ' i , : At tie; end of a inost 'enjoyable i meeting, the1 hostess serve a'dJ- I licious ice-course, land the club t' adjournea. to meet again at the , . , , Street. Mrs. Alice Owens presid group are the Rev. and Mrs. Earl . T . . .t t 1 ed over the January business ses. mcnarason oi cueiuun, me nev. and Mrs. Frank Fortisque of Ty ner, the Rev., and Mrs. Bill Pic kett of Durants Neck,. the , Rev. and Mrs. Max Dulin of WinfalL the Rev. and Mrs. P. M. Porter (retired) pf Hertford, and the Au mans. Special guest at Tuesday's luncheon meeting .was 1 District Superintendent C. Freeman Heath of Elizabeth City.- AUXILIARY MEETS The American Legion Auxili ary of the William Paul Stall inss unit 126 met January 2, in Raleigh '. the home of Mrs. Charles Skin- and - Mr." and Mrs. Monds of Norfolk, Va. Clinton HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. H. C. Stokes wa hostess The Lord's to her bridge club Tuesday night . at her home on Front Street. The bride, given- in marriage , Those playing were Mesdames C. i tional security works for units, by her ' father, wore a , white. M. Williford, T. L. Jessup, Charles wool suit trimmed in mink, I E. Johnson. J. D. Coston. C R. .. - ... . . . ner with Mrs. uscar wewboia, co-hostess. Eighteen members were present. , The program ;. "was Natiorjal Security and Legislation. - How the legislative policy is formed was given by Ruth Powell. Na alligator shoes and bag, brown 1 Holmes, Miss Mary Sumner, Miss and civil defense was given by Anne Goodwin. The cook ' books of favorite V aAa aNa AC. M poo x With iWi CuM(t tt PukImm f J 5.00 tr AUr limit Om I Cwitniflr-Vit1 alltr Oftn H, I9EB COOO ONLY IN COLONIAL STOMS NMa1I.V.lpMltM.ii.Va,S.I(iH,y.,Vbt:iUIeA,V. Waina.fcM.Vs WAhiUmV. kai VklM Va. Vwoia.V , Akil, N. C. ItiirtMh Cur, N. C. HiMeda H. C vm J r , - , ORANGE CHIFFON CAKE. ' 394 II S- 11 NEW FRESHNESS OUR PRIDE . i V THRIFTY BREAD .JnW Ji 1. 1 I I NEW IMPROVED EORMUU-OU PMDE BROWN W SERVE . Bv' l r ,.,NTN, FPFNrM RPPAn OOf r x i s i i i i ill i ii i p i f -rrss s I 1 I oEBEitt Km?;ih yagc. COLONIAL ST0RES Wood at her home oQ Grubb i home of Mrs. Ddralf. Riddick on the thirid Thursday evening for the monthly covered-dish dinne sion, items on the agenda' being and program. ; .'.VVV't' J MACARONI I0i SALE! TRIANGLE LONG OR ELBOW '0 SALE) EBERWINE FRESH TASTING TURNIP GREENS 10 SALS TRIANGLE LONG OR THIN SPAGHETTI 104 SALE! DOLE TROPICAL PINEAPPLE JUICE 104 SALE) TRIANGLE EXTRA STRENGTH BLACK PEPPER 104 SALE! CS BRAND , EVAP. MILK. 104 SALE! SEABOARD ACRES FRESH , FROZEN SPINACH 104 SALE! FLOR1DAGOLD G'FRUIT JUICE..... S 'I . tor. PKO. 303 CAN OI. PKO. NO. 911 CAN -or. CAN TAIL CAN n-oz. PKO. A.OZ. CAN FRESH CUT, LEAN AND MEATY BACKBONE. u 49i Si'' -"''v.'o ' Hi'i; : ':! . I A '.'',"' "... '' . -..'. ! LOW PRICE! SMALL, LEAN FRESH 104 94 1 04 PICNICS 291 LOW PRICE! LEAN, MEATY FRESH SPARE RIBS lb 394 JJQiff LOW PRICEI SMALL, TASTY FRESH , 04 NECK BONES J 94 Cf LOW PRICEI WHOLE OR HALF $X FRESH HAMS 534 104 104 104 104 ' . .. v- 104 IKE; OUR PRIDE TROPICAL JELL' CRANBERRY SALAD w 334 IN LEMON BUTTER GORTON'S FROZEN V FILET OF SOLE. . .". 574 PICK-OF-THE-NEST GRADE "A" LARGE EGGS " 594 BUSH'S TASTY NAVY, GREAT NORTHERN, LARGE UMAS OR PINTO BEANS 1 04 : fes JUICYSWEET FLORIDA SAVE AT COLONIAL! JUICY TREE RIPENED o, FRESH PRODUCE DAILYI CRISP FRESH PRODUCE DAILT i , ' mm . 'i .'. !' l'''' . ' HUNTS TANOT, TASTY TOMATO r CATSUP fe& 294 VANtTY PAI ' -. ' ' "' TOILET TISSUE. 4 tous 394 35c KtAPT NfW MMACU MARGARINE.. . BE SURE TO GET YOUR FREE COPY OF NANCY CARTER'S NEW RECIPE FOLDER: FRfDAY-SATURDAY: ' Showi Friday 7-9 P. M. Show Stmt Saturday lt3p OF THE. - Ome&aN-Cailtiri.tm ieCORCE ',, MONTGOMERY "'""'III fHMCM OVERLAND TRAIL n6. 10 SUNDAY: Shows 2:15-4:15.9:15 MARUNE DIETRICH aiIo UUIeiMlu'uNITPMTISTS Sp.. MONDAY ANa TUESDAY: Shows 7-9 P. M. RITA HAYWORTH :" ' ROBERT MITCHUM LEMMON fi ( BjnHQ3' 1 H CNemaScoP6 TBCHMIOOLOII ; . A COLUMllA PfCTUM ''"'".? WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY: Shows 7-9 P. M. -i ; D O U B JL E FEATURE , ,y First Feature Second Feature ' : I ANNE GUYNNE JOHN AGAR tit in ' ' ' j 'Teenage "Brairi from Planet.' Monster" Arous" Visiting . . . Shopping e . Business . . . Vacation . . . iFm-" 5r. 11" ye:- i - - 1 1,-. Spending a Few Days In Norfolk? ' ' " 1.'' -. Your next trip to friendly Norfolk will be extra pleasant if you ask the Norfolk Hospitality Com mittee to arrange overnight reservations for you in advance. , ' You can shop at your leisure, spend the night and return home the next afternoon rented and relaxed! ; !:.;. Drop us a line tell us Vhen you're planning to come to Norfolk and the Aumber in your party. We'll be glad to arrange the type of motel or hotel reservations you desire and notification will be sent you by the hotel or motel involved.1' Write to: . Norfolk Hospitality Commlttot , t , f. O. Box 22 ' ' , Norfolk, VJrglnlq ' ' Or use this coupon: . ' - r i t , f Hi I Norfolk Hospitality Committee ' 1 P.O. Box 22 ;' - - V Norfolk, Virginia ' " Dear Sirs: Please make the following" reservations: " '' -: 1 '!.''.. ... A .. ', -.... ' 1 '- ' ,....:J. 'V J-:'- : . ' . y .- i!'.' i Hotel : Motel White. , Colore Number of roomt. Number of party in each room. ' '''-';;'';'-'''' . 4 a: "CASSEROLES OF DISTINCTIOf4" '( : f!i:?kiir.i? Supply Co. PHONE 5401 . 'Hertford. M. C. . Address- a- . ,pw-T-Tow''