TriE PERQUIVAKS X.ZZZhY. EEHTFCr.D. I.C3TH CAOLCTA, TT." i lz .v.wr.Y 14. 1 Trf- Moy4 Into Now How . Clyde McCallum. S. P. Jessup, J. hostesses to, the . covered dish Mr. and Mrs. Thurmari Harrell H. Newbold,-J. R. Futrell and the supper and program ai me ior- xommy ana xiuuuji,' jiuavcaa. xuc iiijn was1 Ft"c mer s nome, rieruuru nuuic WiJsoa. Keire-h-'rphri nrv 70 nt 7 o'clock. , j- - Return Horn ' .... t uuu suns, awimiiij. , ! moved into their new home this, went to Mrs week from Center Hill to Hert ford Route I, next to the Pailen Lane farm. . 3 Daughiex Mrs. J., H. Newbold left this week to visit Mrs. Edward .Grif fin' and family at Long Island, N. Y and Mr; and Mrs. t Philip Brown at Lexington, Va. merits were served. VALENTINE PARTY mi TTTW1F' T 4- ...ill kaamaaii a 1 iect. 1 xne viw rosv m ounou t s Whitp jr.. returnea to nis ... viw rinh -. c ' ValCllilllc pcutjr afc , - ' ' home in,, Durham Tuesday after gay -night, February 15, spending several days with jstartmg at 0 o'clock. The pub mother, Mrs..T. S, White... lie is invited to attend. ' BPW CLUB HDLDS ' BUSINESS MEETING , Continued from Page 1 Sunday In Dunn Mrs. Vera B. Batton and Julian in Returned Horn j ..Mrs. Vera B. Batton and Jul Mr. 'and Mrs. Charles Harrell iBi"oughton spent last Sunday returned home Wednesday after ; Dunn wfth reiatives. mo spvprnl davs in Wash-! - : v , . ington, Di C, where Mr. Harrell ! From Norfoi)t attended several business meet mgs. , Returned Horn ' ;.MrsZack Robertson returned home Saturday from the Chowan Hospital and is getting along nice- Week-end Her ', Miw Dill Denton from Virginia 7 Beach, Va., spent the Week-end J . with Mr- and Mrs. J. a. iiagiey at Hotel Hertford. t Returned from Hospital C r. a fitenhens returned to his home Friday from the Albemarle Hospital where he spent several weeks. " Week-end Here Craton Stephens and son Rich ' ard of Garner spent the week-end with C. G. ' Stephens and Mrs. Tom Skipsey. - Mr. and Mrs. Willis Reynolds and children of Ndrfolk, Va., spent .Saturday , with relatives here. ' ' . . . ' Sunday In Washington , T' .- j if.. A n 'Dnnnoe anrl .' family spent Sunday in Washing ton with relatives. Sunday fn Norfolk -. . v Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Chesson and T.uther Grev Chesson spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Chappell in Norfolk, Va. Vicitino RftlatiTM Mrs. Garland Beddard and sons are spending this week with rela tives in Ayden and Mr. Beddard is spending this week in Raleigh. Accepts PoaUion Carlton Davenport has accept ed a position with the Corps of Armv Eneineers at Wilmington N. -C.. and with his wife and ' nstitw luill mnvf tit arifinilteton- iHfm , V 7 Week-end Guestf ' ' f Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ryan of Leesburg, Va., spent the week end with the Rev. and Mrs. Paul Shultz. In Obici Hospital Seth Long, Jr., has been trans ferred ,from the 'Albemarle Hos pital to the Obici Hospital in Suf folk, Va., for treatment. Visiting Here Mrs. Richard Hoskins and chil dren from Fort Bragg are spend ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Winslow. ; . , . 1 Week-end With Relatives Mrs. Marion Swindell and chil dren, Sharon and Larry, spent the week-end with relatives at Roa noke, Va.. ' In Indiana . Mrs. Maude Godwin and,Mrs. William Landing and daughter, T.vnn lfft, Wednesday of this week to visit Mrs, Godwin's 'son- in-IaW and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Riley at Hammon, Indiana. At Morehead City Friday, the Rev. John Prior ana the Rev. P. E. , Shultz join the other clergy of the diocese of East Carolina for a "Quiet Day" at Morehead City in preparation for the. Lenten season wnicn Degms with Ash Wednesday of next week. .. : " Attending Medical Meeting t , Dr.' and Mrs. C. A. Davenport have returned home after spend ing . several days in ' Durham where they attended a Medical Meeting. ' .. From Smithfield Mr. and Mrs. Jim Butler and son of Smithfield, Va., spent Fri day with Mr. : and Mrs. George Fields. . From Nashvill Dr. Marcus J, Birrell, chairman of the Inter-board Commission on Christian "Vocations,. Tashyille, Tenn., spent Tuesday night with the Rev. and Mrs. James A. Au mat ; ,On Wednesday J he j was speaker at' the Elizabeth City Dis trict Institute oh Christian' Voca tions. r . j , ' :y 1 Visiting Friends and Relatives - Mrs. T. S. Whitei Sr.. and Mrs. W. H. Pitt, (Sr., Jeft Wednesday to visit Mr.- and Mrs. Zack Toms White in Boston, Mass. iOn their return trip they will visit Dr. and Mrs. J. A; C. Wadsworth in New York City and Mrs. Nathan Toms and Dr. and Mrs. William S. Sloan in . Petersburg. Va. Mrs; White will remain for several days in Petersburg and Mrs. Pitt will re turn home. i PROGRAM SPEAKER ; Miss Thelma Elliott, local schopl principal will be guest speaker at the Methodist Youth Fellow ship, First Methodist . Church, Hertford, Sunday at 6:30 P. M. The theme is "Spotlight on Schools.", SERVICES CONTINUED r The Episcopal Church of .Hert ford- continues its mission witn the Rev. John Prior of Windsor, 1 rector of St.. Thomas Church, as special leader for the meetings. Special singing opens the service at 8:00 P. M..1 Thursday, teDru ary 13, will be the closing ser vice. Come and bring your friends. The Vestry and rector extend all a warm welcome. t ' ROOK CLUB MEETS . ' m; Rnbv White entertained fher Rook Club Friday night at hoi Vtrvme ' On Church Street. Thn! blaving were Mesdames Julian White, J. E. Morris, G. R Tucker, W. J. Davis, C. .T. Skin r, n P Reed. Sr.. Carlton Can J. H. Towe. The high score prize went to Mrs. White and floating prize was awarded Mrs. Morris. A sweet course was "served. 1 ' ' :. HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB . .T T "Biseers was hos tess to her. bridge club Tuesday night at her home on Marnei Sheet. Those playing were Mesoames C. M.' Williford, T. U Jessup, C. 1 R. Holmes, Corbin Dozier, J. D. COston, Miss Mary Sumner. Miss Ruby White and the . hostess. ' The high score n Mrs. Coston. A sweet course was served. 'ENTERTAINS BRIDGE .CLUB ,., rharlos Whedbee enter- tained her bridge club Tuesday . night at her home on Church, Street. c ' Those present were 1 N. Darden.: J. O. v Felton, : Alice Baum, B. G. Kooncew W. G, Wright, T. B. Sumner ;and Miss .Thelma El liott. , The high scor prize went to Mrs. Wright. A sweet, course was served by the hostess. Miss Elliott, . Program , Chair man, . announced ' her 'programs for the year as" follows;- r ? "i February Public Affairs Com mittee. . 1 lt I . ' March International 1 Rela tions Committee. April Health and Safety Com j imittee, when an extensive safety program will be conduqted itv all the Perquimans County schools. May Birthday Party, Club. Woman of the Year honored and officers .' installed ; when t special guests-will be invited...- ujv June1'- State Convention: in lAsheville." - -' Mrs. Haskett gave a detailed rerxrt on 4 the Red . Cross or-. ganizational meeting-, when she represented the BPW Club. - , The members remembered Mrs.- the (Chowan Hospital, with flow-, ers and a card to Mrs. Emily T. I Harrell, whose. husband has been! ill. ' Mrs. Sallie McN. Lane and 1 Mrs. Mary Dale S. Lane "will be At the conclusion of the meet ing the hostess served fruit cake, delicacies and coffee. -' ;-j More. Troublesome ' "Every doe has its day," . a novelist reminds us. This- does RYCU9 SHIRTS THE WAY YOU LIKE THEM! "DRY CLEASIXG AT ; ITS "FINEST J Complete Laundry and .. : Dry Cleaning Service RICKS Laundry & Cleaners ' - ' ' ' PHONE 2148 Edenton, N. C. not tro-ble is r. fo r. h i the fact that cats insist on hav ing nights, i ; r We work hand .. hand with yof doctor to ' guird your good health ''imm ,Jli" " ' !-'ti?-'i'-.v ' A U U K WW.- tor " knows "best'. . ., ' anl. w al- " ; -ways ,H11 ifthia -pre, CflT ctipions yfj , correctly. ' ! A , r m A. SandM Pharmacy "ON THE. CORNER" . -' than lo 3 -' :'r'. ' insure! against' loss va: , . BE SURE YOU'RE SECURE : .-i ' . ":( i -, : ft'; y. ''' v x '.'?,' ;;!; f - Jkt.'',V1 Protet your farm property " and profits with adequal -ni surance coverage. ' It (Mi you little.. . . and n-.ay sava A jron a lot! ' " ' '. , . ' ' ' " i 'r For all type oj Jarm Av - ''insurance Coverage ' see us!'. ? ' ' BilBSrS IIJSUCCt HGECCY PHOxE 5601 -:- '; ' ' HERTFORD TRY A WEEKLY CLASSIFIED AD Mm 3 . &J . 'J I, mill 1... 11 i mi 1 111 inn 1 urrT"""""1 ' wLnnMii'ii..'di.ww t ' . 1 4? WSnsk : hannsn everv week at tJoionial Stores, but this week, we're going to vacuum that red carpet . . . brush up the welcome mat . . , polish the smile , eVen more. We're filling our shelves with' extra inviting bargains too. f. so do come in. There's a super special welcome wailing for you! v , ' ..jr-.w? - iff 1 - ' BRIDGE CLUB MEETS Mrs. C. R. Holmes was hostess to her bridge club Thursday night at her home. Those play ing were Mesdames C. A. Daven port, H. A. Whitley, Trim Wilson, In Portsmouth " j ' J , Mr. and Mrs. John Beers and son. Mark, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. El- I liott and daughter, Carlo, and Nick Tsitso were in Portsmouth, Sunday In Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Harreu. or Va( Sunday where they , toured Edenton, accompanied by Mr. and I p. s. Lake Champlain and Mrs. T. Ci. Howara, spent winaay Forrestal and later were dinner in Mnrfnllr Vn viQitini Mr and . . . , j in Norfolk, Va., visiting Mr iMrs,. D. J. Jernigan Saturday Guest .: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dean of Tarboro and Mrs. Kelly of Fort ' Worth. Texas, spent Saturday ' with Mr. and Mrs. T. G. How ard. '. r-. n if ..w m Have r a heart to -heart LC.3 CISTANC PKC::t TALK this Valentine's Day Your call is so appreciated, v It shows how much you really care. And best of all, it let you lay exactly what you want at the time you ' want to say it.- ' Se for yourself; thia . . Valntitie' day. Service it bo economical ... especially ' if vou chII after 6 p.m. or on '.no Sunday before. " rr.lFOLK & CAROLINA . JOXE A TrLEGRAPB t . s : t3- guests of Lt. Tom Beers,, aboard I tVio TTRS rhnmnlain Don't Forget , to 'vftit our ' Store dut: -ing'our sab.Aritf'Ireg- ' ister for a set of silver. Sale Ends Feb. 28 W.M. Divers & Son JEWELERS Hertford. N. C. UIIdEI GOOD ONtV IM COtOHIAt STORti; ,v . noR j w- ..-- . . .... :J 1 .J: ..- . .1. bfe 'U. V . 4 II V 1 ' C.1AD2 E 2 'r-3r I i COLONIAL -STORES f I J ; : '1 - LOW, LOW PRICE! ACCENT YOUR MEALS WITH k: a Vj SAVE AT COLONIALI REDGATE TENDER FRIDAY -SATURDAY S3 'inn '1' .-, ' BARSH : I 1' tniH - TMmj UHtltD OVERLAND TRAIL NO. IS , . ON OUR STAGE "Grocery Night" 1 1 FRIDAY NIGHT-4:00 P. M. Free 5.00 Groceries from CanhonVGrocery SUNDAY ONLYt Frtruary 18 Show:15-4slS-S:00 , Ray Mill and and Anthony Quinn "THE RIVER'S EDGE" ' MONDAY AND. TUESDAY DOUBLE FEATURE First Feature llltl 6ENTHMAR!C Second Feature i r. MnM Virginia FIELD fisuniat KENNEDY - US BROWN WEDNESDAY AKD TI5URJK5AY: Shows 7-9 P.4 Thei'IyiKsMcrter r "RODAN",.InTc HEINZ CATSUP-- corn At imv ppicpi paVkfd in rich syrup ' " REDGATE SLBC APPL SAVE AT COLONIAL! REDGATE CUT ' r GREEN' BEANS -1 PRICES EFFECTIVE t THRU SAT. NIGHTt 1 FEB. 12 IN LOCAL l 1 pNLY WE RE- j blKVt "Klvail-ll- IU ' ItKKtT niiiMtmci! 11 U-OI. tonii. .AN 1- 1 "A".iitJ INCPICTED 0S5SSC0-AN3 DE!AVj"3 PEAClllS-' NO. 'V VAN -1 .yUALhUUUii:: SPECIAL LOW PRICE! BYRD'S TANGY b" 301 CAN )4 n 11 o UPTON'S SOUP MIXES i's f r 1 GREEN PEA SOUP. J 2 294 ONION SOUP, ' ; 2 .354 CHICKEN-NOODLE.; ' -414 EEEF-VEGETABLE..I.1.--,1:.V2" 354 OUR PRiDE - CHOCOLATE oi COCOANUTCAKE ! 1 ) 1 ' KRAFT MIRACLE 6 STICKS TO LB. r-. - MARGARINE... 1 39c r I r . 1 1 . 1 . p t , , V, a.- m - - ' "' ' " " v ' ' " v - k i. , . h ' lj " . 3 , 4 - ... Fcr:::yNb:.t...Vc'- 11 IT

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