THH PERQUIMANS WETJCLY. HERTFCRfii, NORTH CAROLINA. TODAY, MARCH 14, MSB. HZ FwRQUIMANS WEEKLY ruTilisbed Every Friday At Hertford, North Carolina !A3t CAMPBKLL. -Editor Entered an second class mat r November 15, 1934, at Post Office at Hertford, North Cam inn under Act of March,; 1879 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $2.00 PER YEAR Advertising Rates Furnished By Request FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1958. public schools. V In the United note . include tne anniversary States, almost alone among the nations i of the earth, education is the birthright of every child. In the public schools they learn the : fundamental principles of democracy arid begin- to; under stand' how-to get along with their fellow" men. The result is ! seen . in the increased 'desires of individuals, ;which ... means .. that . .... . ; . , . . 1 II I w. by Eli .Whitney, ?n March 14; the birthday of -James Madison, fourth President of the United I States, ( who, was. born , ,at Fort Conway, Virginia , March ,,16,. 1751; the ' founding' of the U. S. Military Academy at West Point the act having been approved by through the years : the urge -to I Congress on March'16, 1802; St. make money in order to acquire what one' has learned to desire. , ' ''.! ' . - And Nov, Match , March, which brings us spring (at last) is upon us; Many peo ple are unaware that in early Colonial days- the year began in March. March is a month of many memories and anniversaries, for Americans. March 2nd is the anniversary of Texas Independ ence Day, March 3rd is the an Promotes Business Patrick's Day...; which falls on March 17: Grover . Cleveland's birthday anniversary, which , is I observed on March ., 18, .1837 (ini Caldwell, New Jersey); and Wil- j liam James Brian was born at Salem, Illinois, March 19, 1860. In addition, Patrick Henry made his famous speech in favor of the militia ? for Virginia on March 23, 1775. Maryland Day is observed on - March 25, and John Tyler, tenth president ofj the United States, , was born at. We address ourselves to the business men of , Perquimans County and the purpose of our remarks is to direct their atten-t t ion to education as the greatest promoter: of business that exists in the world today. We have been - conscious of , some business men, when they , pay their taxes, complaining of . the cost of; education.. Actually,! ' they are now, reaping the bene- ' fits of money expended in the past in. -this county and else-' where.- for the purpose of edu- j eating boy? and girls.,'. .. Ji.j We :.- have no figures available for . the present but, . if one re flects, we ;are satisfied he will be convinced that the greater the, ' average educational level in any . area, the greater the economic . activity. Ignorant people do not i have the desire to purchase any ,; thing more than the rudiment ary, necessities of life. Educat ed people, on' the other hand, with varied; interests, buy the products of modern industry. We call attention to this mat ter because business - men, in . their quest to lower expenses, ! should' not begrudge , the taxes - that they pay to support . our nivdrsary of ' the 'i birthday , of , Greenway, Lnanes uny. ipuniy, Alexander Graham s Bell, who j Virginia, on March 29, 1790, Few was Wn' in Erfinhurgh. Scot- months, then, surpass March in land, in 1842,' March 4th was for-i historical significance merly Inauguration Day for the presidents, of " the , United .States (until 1937J. . . Other March anniversaries of in'U. S. history. Easter sometimes falls in March, but this year neither Easter nor-good Friday come m this month. ' M r. Farmer: We Have Certified Seed Beans Fertilizer and Soda Seed Corn ' for . , IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Call Us Today For Your Needs! f - PHONE 2841 F. Hollowell & Soii WINFATX, 'N. C. Announcing 2 New Gasolines... No Price Penalty , i' , -' fer - ' ' ' , ' ,' jr,,gr The drummer is a young friend , jT , 1 - of Will Crayton, one of 25,000 , ' - . ' . ' - . ,.- Sinclair Dealers in 36 states. ,' Hri-s fell !H)i - WjM :'f':-v'' ... f':t- i. - . - ? GI3LAin QASME2SJ 10 PltD A DGTuGQ;Sl!:: j C'JV! Sunday School Lesson! i s J ,i: H , ' -'l'fl J EVANGELISM IN 'THE" "( r ' 5 'K)MS COMMUKrTY,,! ' , I i I W. International Sunday School . Lasaor for March I9Sp. Memory Selection: 'The har vest is plentiful, but the laborers I are few; pray therefore the Lord; V of the harvest to send out labor ers into his harvest." ' 1 I-hp-" the igicATie: CQfJtirJuts Lesson Text:- Mark 5:18-20; Luke' 10:1-2: Acts S:42; ' I Thesaalonians 1:6-10. The lesson for this week stress es the importance of evangelism and should lead adults to witness for Christ. - . In the lessons for the preceding two weeks we have noted that a united Christendom speaks ' with greater authority than do churoh es rent by divisions. We have i so seen that the church is busy in the world proclaiming the jus tice and the love of God;. , Chris tian unity and social participa tion are both instruments oi evangelism. How can we further evangelism in our own communi ty? ' - The first and obvious answer that comes to our minds is: By living a Christian " life . .::,by practicing what we preach. A church is always of greater sig nificance than its own size. Ken neth Pope once said that if a church adequately ministers to its own membership, both, its spirit and its program will inevitably influence those outside its formal life. 1 This outside influence springs both from its program of evangelism and from its other ac tivities that involve it in the com munity. 1 ' ' Let 'us, study ;the first of; the texts chosen, for : this.' lesson Mark 5:18-20'.'-. .-. the 'man who had been possessed with1 demons beerced him that he might e with him: , But he refused an4-,saidj to htnvuo nome io yuurvuwfUB, and teU them how much the Lord has ione for you, and how he hM hacf ffiercy on you.' And He went away and began to proclaim . and all men marveled." ' J Jesus always suited his method of teaching or healing to ,ine needs of the individual or group with whom, he was-dealing, andj usually admonished them to tell - Lno one of what had been done for,. them. In the incident quoted,1 however, he reversed this'pattern'; and, instead, dsked the healedi man to go home and tell his ' friends about his good fortune. . Jesus, in bther words, was point ing out the fact that those who witness for him do not necessari ly have to travel abroad, but cart find fertile ground for soreading the pospel right where thev live. As Christians, we should conT stantly" bear this in mind, and be guided by it in our daily contacts wnn anose in our own communi ty, churched or un-churched. A constant example of Christianity in our everyday life will inevi tably bring respect and admira tion from the man who does not WOftKS LIKE V FREE ENGINE JUNE-UP jihEsiifiMi mm tec TOP MILEAGE PER POULAK - tit en''' rrsi.n NEW HIGHER OCTANE... ANTI-STALL... ANTI-ICINQ...ANTI-RUCT Mn em. Htt SMcdlr Okianal belong to'any particular denomi nation, and, inevitably? the next 'step in his .train of .thought will be ; ; : "So-and-so seems to get la lot out of his church and its (activities t . ; Maybe it has some thing to offer me." The seed ha? . been planted, and from this point I onward it is simply a matter of little care and attention; to bring it to fruition. - In studying our second text for today, (Luke 10:1-2 and the fine ' from ' which our Memory Selec- j tion is made) we find Jesus send ing seventv men ahead' of him. . to spread the word of the gosnnL and to tell of. his rominsr.' This is the second step in eyaneelism on home ground; the territory is graduajly being ' wideped,, ajjd new "ground is being1 soueht for the sowing of the seeds of Cbsisr tianitv. . " f3t;i In T Thesalonian.4 1:6-10-we see thai Paul discovered a ralssioJai y f iinctoW fn trie Response rf thf Thessalpniart , , Christians to hi II they had "received the word in much afflicaion, with joy" (verse 6) had inspired others. Their "faith in God" (verse 81 had rous ed echoes in others, 1 Their turn ing to God from idols had made iJ , IwiMaAfuilnH ntl,a 1 1 Thus we see, again, as explained esrljpr in-- this lesson,, that Jivin" the iChristian life may; have its own evangelistic impact. The pood. news of the pnspcl I communies itlf, mr. hv. r 'l;Hd t" rf. ' ' ' r-i f.f- Rn i ,. i ,Ti ' t;i,' " , t 1 m it i? " ; 'f- t -. i 1 : a- Ls . - !;.' ' , ,; ) ' . i : K' v ' ,-U JJ Iff .. -Jn3, 1 . si. ' i ' ;' f Throughout the history -f. mankind . runs the account of a double quest ' : Man searching lot Cad ... our restless;); f. ; eagerness to understand and please ; our ' Creator has ' paralleled the centuriesvpf progress. , A'" God seeking man . ceaseiessiy, y- . tiently, His Love has lighted the ages, ever reaching toward our hearts, encorn? y passing our souls. ' . 1 , Yet no powerful lens ever devised will aid in this search. Our quest finds its con summation not ' beneath the lens of a microscope-t-but beneath the spire of - a ; Church! ''",'. i - what man does not recognize" his own i inaiimy .'i"T-""--, Of life? i , , i i ' There awaits you next Sunday ,in .trie, , Church of. your choice the peace. an4 as- Insurance that generations have squght the 'FAITH, which unites Man an,d-p94-j 'THCHUHCHFOH AU . . AU rOB THB CHURCH . Th Church Is th. gr.atest (ae .ih tor Ih. bu, dm9 o port th Ch,-i. a "JP- for h,. BTi"' children . hl .... - ni ror rtiA nL . Fa, ,Le0n'?un,,y an1 o"on. () ' 'rial tuonn,, DilTl! . . "-; v . church m.i "i ra to ... it, your MonHV.-1 13 W,d.Yd-.r . . i7.ii-' a i 7-8 i' 4- I. ' f '' ,r-. ..-.'! v V" .-.- a THIS PAGE MADE POSSIBLE BTTHE FOLLOWING FIRMS: Hi l Chappell Brothers GEISIliRAL CONTUACTOtS t . Phone Elizabeth City 6667 fertford Banking Companj " HERTFORD BAPTIST CHUR.CB James D. Mattox, Pastor Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. i Morning Worsp, 11:00 o'clock; ' Evening VVorship, 8 o'clock. (( J Mid-week Services,' Wednesday veninff at 8 o'clock., ' , r T i t 1 i ' '1' BETHLEHEM CHURCH OF : ' - ' CHRIST , lr ' Joe Bricfchonsa,' Pastor . . Sunday School 10:00 A. M. , - - , .First Sunday II A. M., and 8( P.M. BURGB33 BAPTIST CHURCH v A. J. McClellan. Pastor - Sunday School f each Sunday at 10:Q0 A. M. - r Morninjf Worship at 11 o'clock, 2nd and 4th Sunday mornings, ,:. PERQUIMANS CHARGE CHURCHES - M. w. Duttn. Pastot ' ' Cedar. GroVe Church: 1st Sun-i day 10 A. M.; 2nd' Sunday, 11 A U UrA Sumiav 7:90 P, M.' U Epworth Church: 1st Sunday, 11 A. M.', 2p,d Sunday, 7.3ft PM 3rd. Sunday, iu A, W-Ffn pun-i dav, 7:30 f.M.! - Oak rove crjurci:v 1st tjun--day, 7:30 M,;, 3rd .Sunday, 11 A. M.f 4th-undayT lA'M. ' NEW KOPE-WOODLAND"! W. fi. PickatL JPaslor . . Worship - services 1st and 3rt- sunaays n j. wwai jnw xiup? 7:30 P. M at Woodland.' ' f '. RRpnnd ind 4th Sundavs 11 A M., Woodland. 7:30 P; M.,iNew, Hope. Sunday Hcnooi eacn aun day at 10 A.M. l - ANPEPSOIVR MKTDODIST Church School. 10:0b n.- M. 5 Morninr Worrirl" 11:00 A 1 w"" v"""" " ' , .,Xf i .o ' 1 1 " - wonnvTtT'V rapttst chlrch : Lowe A. Gorman, rasior - Chureh Sen ices on aiwndani. fourth Sunday at 11 A. M. V- -' First and "Third JBundays mt lw Sunday.'Scbool at 9:45 A.'M,S L BP RIVER "FRlKNTtS CHURCH ,0ml Dillon, Pastor.' i n j -:.n-i.. -v a If i:. i ' Chnwh services, V ' A. M,t iT Y4th PeKowahiB. t P. M. ' Prayer service, Wednesday, I ' - '! ( ,"j'V .- Rst. Philip fJley. Pastor.-, ' - f ft V . .. f i A -.ksT .m- tT ifp 11 A, Milton Dail & Son; FERTILIZER FARM PRODUCE Day Phone 4466. Nirht Phones 2011-4571 - f 4 ' f- W. M. Morgan Furniture, Co. Hooie Furnishings ; , ; Hot Point Appliances I V 4 Messbat' FJXC 1 . r j, : f , i, v ' ' v ii J- 1 ' I Siorninir womlii Evening srrlre 8 P. M. , j V t ' 1 Cannon Cleaners PHONE V&li . . ..Depehdanle Servfea Winslow-BIanchard Motor Co. YOJR FORD DFALER . 1 4 Reed Oii Company C30 PRODUCTS To we-Webb Motor Cpany CHRYSLER 1?! .VMOUTH . .' . Sales & Servk Lynch funeral Home PHONE 2811 HERTFORD. N. C. J. C Blanchartf Sl CJcu tnc. ,-RLANCHARIS, Since 1832 r :"- - o;? Ccipry "'" Sinclair Product. Goodyear Tiri Ilertfo LiyesWU Cz Supply Company. PHONE 2.r0! HERTFOr.3, N, C ' -, , rai. i !. Pr-?. ' '! H ill in mmmmmm I . PINEY WOODS FRTCrTM' .Earl Hadd.-J, Pastor Orarcl School 10 AM. " Vunh wm)iIii 11 A II Toungf People'a meetiii 1 P K .,- mi 1 i in. i, WIHTEVILLE GROVE BAPT13 , - cruacn Rst. I Paul JRoloman, Pastor Sunday Bchoql 10:09 A. 1L, rrif i Sunday, f i ; , . Churer ertcea first tn tWK snnaays ni niw a, . HERTFORT) MWTHODIW CHURCH ' J. A. Aqmani Pastor . . Chqrch Sc.wol 9:45 A. M, 'j . Mornlnir Wonhin M;00 o'clock. Youth Fr.V.owj.hip. 6:41? P. M. Trnlnr Worshlni T:S0 P. M. Mid-week FflllowsMB. Wediaasday . ... v ir .i ,, , . v.. ., ..- . I ; BACT.SY SWAMP PHiORIM M. M. rlolms.Tator Sunday School, 10:0( A rt. Mnmlnir Vorshfn 11 o'clock. Yount People's meeting at 6.-S0 P.M. ... I Evening wornhm.. T;3n otiooh Mid-week Services Wednesday at 7:30 P. Jt , ' MOLY TrWTTY EPISCOPAL CKURCH R. Paul E. Ehults. Pastor - Church School weekly at 9:45 a. m. - Momma vorsnm weeitiy ii -nn A. M. Holy Communion first Sunday. at 11 A. M. ... Fifth Su"-v Service and Eo!y Days as a- "d.,", , Ear'. t,T - r ' Rihlef. ' ..'-': Church t-ir.n-11 n.-.t and Third Sunday rnorninjjs at' II o'clock, evening irvices,- ffrjlt 'snd thinf Sundays at f o'clock. Communion is served each Lord Day morning, chappell f'h. nrrr-T s- ' cr ' Ret; J. Paul , ., Pastor Sunday School ;- rfi, third Sunday at !" A. I.. Sandfly School f ' r" 0T"1 a" fmi h Sun- ' Worshin r fourth f i '-..Ja 1 s I" i,T -i ... i T