PERQUIMANS WEEKLY. HERTFORD. NORTH CAHOLHf A. FRIDAY MARCH 28. 1958. i .1 PACE TK7.Z3 p , , P. E. teitendori representative- of lhe Social Security Ad , i '..IrEiion, b in Hertford the second Wednesday of each t ;ona at the Perquimani County Court Home. ,. it.Tiert disaster strikes, we 'likfe ) think that society is readjr, to ulp. When a man isLcrippJednby 'sease, we believe that sonteone 'ill see that his family has food tid clothing, and that the rent is aid. But when his. immediate As soon as they completed one project there always seenjed to be something, else to start planning on, , " J Suddenly all this was 'changed. Paul was brought home from ay-to-day needs are met, what work one "day after having col- , hen? Will there be anyone to dvise him how to protect his in vestment In social security for the t ake of future payments? Or will 3-e be like Paul Johnson? - .Paul is 32, married, and has .hree children. Until five years i go, he was strong and healthy never sick a day in his life. The Johnsons were paying on a new jranch-type house in the suburbs and Paul was earning high wag es as a foreman in a factory mak ing airplane parts. During his rpare time he made improve ments on the house, built a ga lapsfjd, at the factory. He hasn't been, able to . work since. . To meet expenses the Johnsons had to sell jiheir . house and automo bile. They moved. Into a small up stairs apartment in a house own ed byj Paul's; mother, and Paul's 1 mean payments of $98.50 a month ,the family in a material way, No one has ever said anything to Paul about the "disability freeze" provision in the social se curity law. Either his friends know nothing about it, or they are unwilling to seem to pry into his financial affairs. Paul should be told that he' should file an application for a social security disability freeze no later than June 30, 1958. . If the disability freeze is allowed, his rights will be protected as to disability bene- ms at age 50, old-age benefits, and benefits for his family in case of his death. . '"' , In Paul's case, making appli cation for a disability freeze no later than June 30. 1958 niav r.SBIATOn SAT.1 ORVIM V SAYS - Washington Officials have unemployed are 5.2 million, the oeen joitea into a realization that wife found .a; job in a neighbor hood store. Paul has never given up hope' of going back to work. He doesn't think of himSelf as dis abled, and is full of plans for fu ture activities. The fact that he collapses after slight exertion does not discourage him. A few friends visit him regularly and rage, fixed up the lawn, and help to keep up his spirits, as planted shrubbery and; flowers, well as doing what they can for WE have m STOCK PIONEER SEED CORN Wood Certified v 1 Lee and Ogden .. -V Soybeans r Kobe tespedeza r (For Yiiir: Soil Bank l-and) j , PLii.CE YOUR BORDER EARLY 1X - INSURE GOOD SEED AT ; , PLAMlNG TEVIE : 1t-f . Milton Pail 4 Son PHONE 4466 beginning at age 50; it may also mean that in case of his death, his wife and children would re ceive as much as $200 a month If he does not put his applica tion in by June 30, 1958, he will receive no disability benefits at age 50 and, since he had not worked 10 years under social se curity before his disability, he will draw no old-age benefits. In case of his death, the payment of his survivors would be either reduced or lost entirely. What should Paul do? He should telephone or write the so cial security office near him. That office is listed in the tele phone book under U. S. Govern ment, Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare. He can also get the address from his post office. Protection against disability was written into the social securi ty law as recently as 1954.. .The deadline Of June 30, 1958 is im portant to those1 who have been disabled more than one year. Piling application by that date will mean the worker's account may be frozen as of the time he became disabled, even if that was as much, as 16 years ago. If a disabled person believes he can meet the earnings requirement five years' work under social se curity in the ten year period be fore he became disabled, and a year and a half in the last three years of that time he should file his. application without further delay. ()!;. Because disabled persons have often lost ability to protect their own, : interests, 1 it is : particularly important' that relatives iand friends help them. Full informa tion as well as free booklets are available for 'the asking at1 any social 'security" office. Use Right Word There is a great difference be tween the right word and the word that is almost right. V For instance, you can call a woman a kitten, but not a cat; a mouse, but not a rat,. a chicken, but not a hen; a duck,- not a goose; a vision, but not a sight. DOES THE, JOB BEST! MR. FARMER:-JJquid Fertilizer will help you solve your pro duction problems, best . . for it will help to restore needed chemicals to your soil in the shortest possible time to give you better results in growing-your crops this season, . ItlsFastT.e Easy To Apply.., Economical .;..' For Custom Service or Information on Your Own Rig - f v:. . . .See Us Before You Buy! -or rr:dl wrogen For Pasture or Wheat the recession has reached a point where aggressive; action is re quired. .tA- - Points of View I am supporting the view that the acceleration of projects for which funds have already been au. thorized and appropriated is the sensible approach to . immediate positive action. Another view, supported by some Administra tion spokesmen, exalts a tax ut and less public works as the most desirable remedy. A good case can be made for some tax relief. I am concerned about what will happen to ' the unemployed. A tax cut for a person who has no job is purely an academic ques tion. ' ' . Where We Stand As a nation this is where we stand now, according to figures released by the Departments of Labor and Commerce. Presently JOItf fN SOCIAL SECURITY GAME SEND IN YOUR NUMBER Join in the fun and cash priz es of the Baltimore News-Post '& Sunday American Social Securi ty Game. Daily cash awards . . . nothing to guess ... nothing to figure out. $3,000 offered every week. You can send in your number on a post card and then watch for it to appear in daily winning lists. Every day look for your Social Security Number . in the BALTIMORE NEWS-POST BALTIMORE AMERICAN jobless being 6.7 per cent of the total labor force of our country, "compared with 5.8 per cent for January of this year. February figures project the number of un employed , beyond the highest peak of jobless in the 1954 reces sion and about the same as the economic dip in 1949 on a per centage basis. But the total num ber of jobless is reported to be at the highest mark in 16 years. Although we must take into con sideration that some blame can be put on the unusually bad weather during February, it is ary. Looking at the brighter side of the picture, there are now 61, 988,000 people employed, and I think that thoughtful and positive action on the part of our country can halt the down-turn. It is in this belief, that I voted for the ac celeration of authorized civil and military projects rather than pur suing a poligy of waiting to see what Will happen. In my judg ment it is far better to take pre ventative steps now rather than wait until our economy is flat on its back. Tragedy of the Jobless It is a tragedy when a person is honestly seeking employment and can find none. The lesson of the great depression of the early' thirties should be clearly remem bered by our country; the toll of a depression is so severe that it must not happen again. North Carolina Industry and labor in North Carolina deserve great credit for helping to continue our econo- The mail' 'I have 'had from' the people reflect a definite concern about unemplbyment but shows no signs of panic. This is to our credit because the attitude of a people means much in this effort to isolate the recession damage and restore the economy. Chaplain There will be1 'weep ing, wailing and gnashing of teeth among the "wicked who pass on to the next world. Sailor What about those who haven't any teeth? Chaplain Teeth will be pro vided. ' , , nevertheless greatly disturbing to hear that the jobless figure rose; my on a more normal plane than by nearly 700,000 during Febru-1 some other areas of our nation. On sale at your local newsdealer Mr.Farmer: We Have Certified Seed Beans Fertilizer and Soda - Seed Corn for IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Call Us Today For Your Needs! J. F. Hollowell & Son PHONE 2841 WIN FALL, N. C. I J Pcac,le i: l Cream . . .. ! SOFT PRINTED LAWN STRIPED Interspread with polka dots . . . bibs fold across chest edged with French val in-section. White or gandy collar. Pink or blue. Sizes 1-3 .. . $2.98Sizes 3-6x . . . $3.98 Sizes 7-14 ..... $4.98 We have other good selections of styles and colors. Also little girls' hats, slips, toppers, dusters, blouses, skirts and shoes. Jaytee Clothing Store 206 N. Poindexter Street Elizabeth City, N. C. Air Conditioning-temperatures made to order (or all-weathor comfort. Get a demonstration! Mi Wli! IS Lf EST PBIGED : : M -THE- 11-MKI1 HffiEE ' ii b -m. li. . i -M m iaaa : v n mis MwisiL) Mwii rOTriys mm i 11J1U n Tfi Be Air Sporf Sedan with Body By Fsier. vary window of every Chevrolet 1$ Solely Plata Glass, i it and you get more for your dollars besides! Compare 'em and see. In the models most people prefer, Chevy costs you IeSs than the other two low-priced cars; Yet Chevrolet's the' only thoroughly new car in its field! M-S. Vi.'.,' .yd a 'The closer you compare Chevrolet with the of the only Body by Fisher, in the low-price i other low-priced cars, the faster Chevy comes field. Sample Chevy's spirited performance. off as the biggest buy in its field. Big in size. ; Feci its solid, smooth big-car ride". Add Up all Extra big in value! r,t you get and weigh it against Chevrolet's low '' Look at Chevrolet's fresh new '58 look. This price and long-famous economy. You'll find one's all new lower, wider and a full nine that nothing else near the price offers more inches longer. Look at the fine craftsmanship for your money. See your Chevrolet dealer. ' 1IASED ON FACTORY UST PRICES FOR COMPARABLE SEDAN AND HARDTOP MODEIS. ' See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer You'll get the best buy on the best seller I I He vjall GUi evir 1 et -Com psiEnr ' ' MT.C fALKft'S FRANCFT'Vi! TO. 1675