1 I I k- A- .-, : c c ReJuined Home , 10 I. -.'oik, 1 Vs.. T..:y w"r' accom panied there W Mrs. Walter ;i2iey who wtli spend several. 1 weeks with relatives; 'i ' "j From Salisbury a.. J. fa-.uly .f. um.Siuu .fed iKti i I-,, ,. .ni, i iiiea r- ti ? 0)taiiw .10 r.,rooh.J Foieh. Ind., are-spending the au... .tr at 1., bu. utij' filter1 tndi. J sho v in jl , ,(1 NasHesd' ; .7 i ever' 4 weeks Wh'Mrs.' Kei- 1 j.' . - ' " r , - 1 At NaW Hd ' rf W ;S. Vk, Johnson eottaee at NBp HmH , ' ivir. auu mis. nu un 1 owe. ana ... . , . l w . M u j . family, and . to, Kay Wjnslow , and Mm Haywood Divprs ThursdaT A Nag.' Head ' Mrs. John'Martin and son 'oft " . an Mis. J. OFellon and' ' -"JT'f. ' T , " "J""ul"8 u.wec nd Mr.' and . Mrs. . Bobby. Kea-t- Mrs. Vman Darden. Mrt.Na. -at'-., ,: ,t Wednesday and Howard Felton and Mrs. Bertt .wC "" 11. v-.w' K Mrs William Ktnhfnm Vif Wpirion , have re- . . ' lucker. T'They were accompanied'' turned" home &fter spending -last ( nunre tuuuy jvus. utcr wiw. wcci wiui ivn. wiu mti. uumnj vtll Ralallvai wirj spend aeverai week. . From Raleigh JFeUon'at.Myrtle Beach, S. C. From California Mrs.-George Lattunore of Ral Mrs. Robert Turgeon and chil- leigh li Visiting her mother MH drenjfDanna ilnd Robbie of Ana ' R:' T.' White.'-" ' I' 1 HJin,-CaliA,'amved Tuesday and K h iS ' I"..' ' , 1 are Visitmg Mr, and Mrs. J. O. ' J! Fiom Winaton-Salam , , a , , f Mr's W. C. Archie o! Winston Iv'alem Is, visiting her mother, Mrs. ,G. f Newfay. ; , - I Felton. From Florida 'i 1 i Mr. and Mrs." ; Howard Vantis and children of Tampa, Fla.,' are 5 Mr. and Mrs; T. G. Howard visited relatives at Aulander and Windsor Sunday, , In Hospital . ' i . Mrs. J. : W. Zachary has been From Chariot! Mt;: and Mrs. R R. Christensen and family spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. V.. N. Darden. Mr. and Mrs. Darden and - their house .guests and Miss Clay Stokes left Sunday and are .spend ing this week at Nags Head.-W,' admitted to Hoots' Memorial Hos-' Hacant Gueal From NawBort Newt ' . ;. . Mr; and Mrs. Harbie ffixon of. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Edwards. Newport News, Va., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Her-. Weak-end At Carolina Beach pital -at jYadkinVille for ' observa tion, f j .- " AtCemp " V,' A ' Tommy. Maston and Jimmy Do- Mrs. Gibbs and Mrs. Hewitt,of Fentress, Va., and Mrs. Dan, Cates of, Hickory, Va., spent i one day last week with Mrs. J. L. Legett. I the guests of Mrs. Yantis' parents, zjer left Thursday . for J Camp. . ' Mr and Mrs. W. F. Edwards.' WaVa Awl Main . . ' : ; i ln -f"c9 '1 'Ab Williams 'spent the week end .'ut CaroLna Beach and was accompanied home by his wife and children who have been visit ing Mrs. Williams' parents. Saturday At Virt'.ila Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williford From Chapel HU1 and Miss Joanna Williford spent ( Dr. and Mrs. G.-R. Tucker, Jr.,-Saturday at Virginia Beach, va., and son George of Chapel Hill, j with Mrs. J. H. Bagley. epent several days this week with ! . Mr. and Mrs.: G. R. . Tucker and Saturday GuesU i bert Nixon. : : ' - , 1 ,-. From Wilson v Tv J. Nixon HI and daughter, Sally of Wilson spent .the week end with Mrs. T. J. Nixon, Jr., and Miss Helene Nixon. - Way a Awi Maine. Sunday Guests ! Mr. - and Mrs. George Scott, Mrs. Mervin Scott,, Mrs. W. H. Trueblood and Mrs. Dennie Wh te all t Elizabeth City visited Mrs. T. E. Raper Sunday., t Uliu im . . auu,. . wwmv i. r - - - .. ' , . . ton spent! the week-end at Nags. than. Relfe and Mrs,;. Vick Head: - ' '" ' ! sPent last Thursday at the WhecV Mr and Mrs. Robert Gustafson and children left last week ; to spend their vacation with Rela tives in Chicago, 111. ' t. ( , J T" ', t Improved , ' Mrs. Kelly White is somewhat improved and able to be out af- From New Bern" ' ' "'H' ' V '' N. E. Mohn of New Berfi spent1 Friday with Mr. ftnd Mrs.' E. C WQodard, s ' ,;,".. t ,, i At Jackson : , ' . .' Mrs. Emory White and children are spending thia Week jWrth MiJs. White's 'parents it Jacksofa.";: - ,. ' Returned Home. (s,;.,4f's' -:v'' . ? Miss' JBeckyt Gregory' and ,Miss Glennie" "Myers" hpve returned home after spending last week at Girls'. State in Greensboro.' ! .' From Raleigh .'"..," , - Mrs; Shelton; White and spn of Raleigh spent last ' Wednesday with : Mrs.' R. L.t Knowles ; and Mrs. R.T. White.' From New Jersey ' f : " Mr. and Mrs. Lon Perry of Tlif- bee 'cottage wit).' Mrs. Charles Whedbee and Mr, R; M. Fowler. Week-end Ai Laural , C. E. Pritchard and son, Clinton of a back ailment, S. Pritchard of Ehzabeth' City.l. x ' " "vnt the Week-end at Lant-pl. i ln nosP,,al MA ter a week at her home because ton, N. J., , spent last eek With several days at Nags Head. At St. Pauls (, Miss Gladys Felton left Tues day to .spend this week with friends at St. Pauls. . - . Commander and Mrs. J. L. Rawls and children of Jackson- From Edenton Mrs. Warren J. Twiddy and children of : Edenton spent last Mrs. Elmo Cannon is a patient Mrs. Minnie Perry at New Hope. From Virginia Beach ' : Mr, and Mrs. Bill Perry of Vir- at the Albemarle Hospital for.qb- ginia Beach, Va., spent the week servation and treatment. ( ', I end with J. P. Perry. , , ; : "'RICK S"'.; i, Laundry & Cleaners OF EDENTON are bFTkRWd jxj ybu BETTER, Til AN EVER. DRY CLEANh(0; . , With . thisafnazjng' sys tem you see, : you feel an0 you - smell the : diference; -; x All,-, work guaranteed' to yout satisfaction., All this, p1us(: aone yeai!, or1 until-', gleaned i again guaranteed i motji' proofing;;' ' COMPLETE LfiUJfDRY: SERVICE - 7ft.. fRIDA.Y AKD SATURDAY DOUELE FEATURE " Shows Friday 7-9 P. hi Show ioits Caxurday 1:30 Pi M. ' i. - "First Feature ' if,. . , , . PENNY EDWARDS :rrhePalton,Girls,., v SUNDAYt - v 1 - ,'"'' Shows 9:lS-4:lS-til5 P, M. Second Feature ' ! DOW 1AYL0R i 7y 6IANNA SEGALC . m IINiVfttM.Mttejuifttiat M - U KA r' 1 j MUAHtlMMII UN KAIZNAt MOSft t j MONDAY-TUESDAY: , DOUBLE' FEATURE t. First Feature ' '1) nl n " 4 . . V'f' w 1 - . ;fyoung andWil4w I 4 Second Feature - 3 "JTii venile Juhffle" j WEDHESDAY AND THURSDAYt ; Shows 79 P M. ; f- ..:n ct tut u a week with Mr. and Mrs f!: F. viiiCt x' uixu mis. 11. mh. - ----- ' of Corapeake' scent Saturday Pritchard. , , with Dr. and Mrs. I.' A. Ward and family. ; 11 .Storm Hit : HI , 5.' i Make your farm profits storm-proof n Get full insurance coverage for crops, live-' stock, buildings. Then, if a storm -hits your farm, it can't hit your pocketbook. Cost is low. ACT NOW! - , . Drinn's Insurance Agency PHONE 5601 HERTFORD 1 2 Sunday Guests 7 - , . Mr. and Mrs. Carson Winslow and children of Sunbury Visited Mr, and Mrs. Seymour Chappell Sunday. -." ' i . ' From Greenville . , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edwards oft Greenville spent the week-end with Mrs. H. A. Whitley and Mr. and Mrst Walter-Ed wards; Attended Reunion j Mr. and .Mrs. Walt'"' Edwardr. nd son, Mrs. H. A. Whitley and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edwards of Greenville attended the Edwards family reunion at Carrsville, Va At Nags Head Mrs. Louis Nachman and Mrs. Vick left Tuesday for Nags Head where . they are visiting Mrs, Charles Whedbee and Mrs. R. M. Fowler at the Whedbee cottage. At Fort Bragg .Paul Matthews left last week for Fort "Bragg for R.O.T.C, train ing. He will be there for six weeks. (From Hanover I Dr. and Mrs. Earl Sikes of Han over, N. H., are spending several weeks with Mrs, T. J. Nixon, Jr., and Miss Helene Nixon. ffflMJIAl STnMS WnMfrrA .1 M YOU TOO C AH BE AN EXPERT... iS) (h? (ttffa INTERIOR DECORATING 0 BE SIMPLE AS iitl U'.'J'-r.i( A'B-C (AUDUBON BIRD COLORS). YO.U CAN'T GO WRONG WHEN YOU CHOOSf YOUR COLORS FROM NATURE... l fi J BW. - ,U . . . ' ''Vf'.Ti' ' 'I i V ,1.) V. : t rP1 ' V MHRIUS1 NATUR -IINDEI U .S. CHOICE SOMAS'! CUT" 74 1 -t.l: I t55 SAVE! COLONIAL'S LOW M1CI I LfBBY ' 7 I SAVE! coloniaL's Low micii libby VIENNA. m A IP I s. Am n a IS J.tA tBfeBl S 'l BBa 1 ' . yM- a Ave! COLONIAL'S LOW PIICII LIBIT NoriNtR BfEff:;::4;' , j ANY WHERE . 1 1 v Tand jatmhe . ;; D :lOW "Rice of 77 , . f ' (EjI 'S'.- "Kt,f r.V"W MV-t iTiin tcMrtee ii c rurtire nrtME.iM :7.; . ' 7 s . SHOULDER; ROAST i - i i i. 5S? NATUR-TENDER U.S. CHOICE fULLY TRIMMED 't' SnUUL U C K ; D I CM i - lb. t, """"'- : 41 i.iAYnif TttJise ii c rumre rill iv TDiMMril ; CHUCK STEAK. . - - . 494 NATUR-TENDER BONELESS ' : "' j ' STEW BEEF. ,1: -. - . i: 594 XJWALTNEY'S 8 TO 12 LBS.' AVE. BAGGED f BRAND V CpLOnlALTORESl GORTON'S FRQZEN f BENCH FRIED . IIBBY'S "SLICED, OR HALVED LiUUllE-U - -can Gm3 , LIBBY'S tROPICAt CRUSHED" V i. " 'v ' 1 PIMEAPPLE; LIBBY'S FLAVORFUL r- , 'SPECIAL -U-OZ. SIZE f KCC authentic Audubon Prints to set your deco- , rating theme. Regular reai voue 3.00 each. SEE these beautiful full color Prints now on display . In our store, size 14" x 18", suitable" for framing -(one Prlnf FREE with a paint purchase of one gallon 5 i, or more)r ASK for 'your free copy of our beautiful Color Styling Folder, showing 20 suggested color plans 7 from nature's own colors. - , rl.7r- QS",'i.t''' EASY MODERN BEAUTIFUL DICORATINQ, u " . ' with .-: r; ; , ,y, , Athes Pure Pzlnt Prci'cts , . :: , - t - Manufactured By , - ,'!.' . 1 C. M. Athey Paint Co., Baltimore, Md. -. Distributed By v , $ , Iflcrtford Hardware &uppy C0Ipany v ,, . HERTFORD, J. C. SLICED BEETS. 235 SAVl:! Coloniorf Low. Price! RED TO THE RIND CONVERTED; i '-3 '7W 294 Jr. k",OUR PJIIDE FRESH'", CHOCOLATE: " f A LC' r 334. FLOUUDEfl FILLET. 2 ; 89 'X .V 0:JjAISE. IIBBY'S CORNED . BEEF HASH.. ','3 394 UBBVS TASTY fOTTED . ' ;s. ' ' 5 1 MEAT 2 S,254 UBBY'S PINEAPPLE JUICE 2 Si 314 GOtalLftBEL TEA BAbS i 10 off -;5 Qff -'- WISCONSIN. MILD ''SQUARE CUT'' VL? SL CHEDDAR CHESSES? ;'"UUL iiUUU-uLJU-y'.V.. 'kr w. . , n "0 .7T-,7 " - . cac at rninKilAii PAmY rmriVATED r -v . 4 iM lhI.C-f ir (he P-mK.i M 00 M ft issMt Om l CilMti - Ve4 t,r.s) 2ft ' COOO ONLY IN COIONUI STOKir A- ,f ' awij, v ,v'. "" . ' 1 lOHlil TOIII I Sk r 1 OU.OH , (Ol ' tu sovco tJiiM .,;. but a V ; ; - ' olvd Soniu Stmd! PkH 300 1 if l(ir. PUZ O '.'fl a. Coolwi to 200 airUil antrw tolvinf colwad portion . M onlw mnA Saaii. Umm.A. , - M 3461 I- f J 1 4 "' C SPECIAL A'.VniS: loo scip.. "SM.iiit.-' C1 V'1' ft ''' 4 POII(ll 5t to 30O-.MMU oiiiiMt-coirocny r. i rrr.Sitri "" fj- MVMM'Jt'JL'J --LAST CHANCl JO , i : SixBottle' 0ca-C6la lOVJPaiGpAUPuridsE QUART : -NQ- r? ' ' " ' ' ONLY." ' , 1 -A1 ' HUNT CLUB - a .' . .ti.f-. Db G ME AL r2 - ; 65 4 - . . - ' ' ja:3Jovn izmb I- ' t iwiil. S 4 rM ' .GRAND PRIZE WINNERS 'i $3,000.00., , - -.r?r r Fm PUZ-0 6.'," t " Mt. JOHN!. PRKINS MRS. EDITH1 C. JARUIS j 100 South Klne St. , , 2303 Colubla $. 1 -1 Hwnpton, Vo., , " , Richmond, Va. 1 ? " ' ' ' . ' p. : ' 1 .. ' : 'wr " ' iii- ! 0. . MATTHEWS, JR.,) t ri ' "' .' ' "f ,. u aOJRlhll. ' r l ' " 'i.. ;'' City, Marylomt. ' T '. MORTOK'S ' -t , ..FROZEN; " 5 ArriE TEACH CI ,rr t'v ' e1 P r y .. - , 7 -r,N I i. "SAMltY 4 , . , r ' i ' ? .ft 4.