A Man Who Has Worked, Is WorMng and Will Continue To Work For ALL the People of Perquim ans Count v. 1953, 19.17 Chairman House Committee on Counties, Cities and Towns. 1955 Chairman House Committee on Public Welfare. Served on all im portant committees in the House. Carroll Holmes has well represented the people of Perifuimans Coun ty. His support of legislation for agriculture, Public Education, our Aged and Infirm, has meant in uch to our people. Let's Keep a Leader In the House of Representatives VOTE FOR FOR REPRESENTATIVE r, V ABLE . EXPERIENCED (THIS AD PAID FOR BY FRIENDS OF CARROLL R. HOLMES) ttTLrumr uJVXrtftAnnnfV'i nnri n n n n n n nri r r ' ftlWWWWVWWV"r''Mlf'i m m m m w IF YOU REALLY KNOW . . . Dr. BEVERLY LAKE YOU'LL VOTE FOR HIM ON MAY 28 TKis Is The Mkri North Carolina Needs As Her A V V'fev ' t ' I. BEVERLY LAKE BALANCED BUDGET NECESSARY- He Is "The Man Who Lets You Know Where HE Stands" ' AGRICULTURE BASIC TO ECONOMY Dr. Lake supports th work of our Federal. Stat and Local agricultural leaders. - "I shall seek the advice of farm organisations and the Department of Agriculture." "The problem of the small farmer Is the moat crucial Issue facing North Carolina agriculture and W must work to help the small farmer because he l the back bone of our economy." 1 Dr. Lake favors a balanced State budgets he is opposed ..tnnnr T to deficit State spending: and is strongly against raising COURT AND HIGHWAY qui icaay ouxuwiuwiiie ma9 ioi umuauiv uui ' xiu essential improvements. Dr. Lake proposes a "Policy of spending for current operating expenses no more than can be produced by fair tax laws not unduly burdensome". ; I -: -' ' r-i:'7:.;'' :. .- ' SCHOOL INTEGRATION OPPOSED Dr. Lake is opposed to the mixing of while and Negro children in the schools in North Carolina. . "The mixing of our two great races 'in the classroom - and then in the home is not inevitable and is not to be tolerated." CHANGES NEEDED ' Dr. Lake favors certain reforms in our court system directed toward a uniform, more efficient and lest costr ly system of justice for our people. "Dr. Lake favors election of all fudges. Recorders kai Justice of Peace, by the people and is against proposals which would eliminate this plan." "1 favor a highway commission of fourteen members, one appointed from each of th 14 engineering divisions." Political Adv Paid for by Perquimans Lake For Governor Committee jlMxjii I mam Yf UHl? O O O O 0 o MSI " . . . when he talks he challenges the attention of the House of Representatives, because he knows what he is talking about." THE HONORABLE SAM RAYBURN Speaker of the House of Representatives "... he has done such a great job for his district, his State and the Nation . . I have never known a finer man than Herbert Bonner in or out of Congress ... I say again it is not possible for a man to do a better job than Herbert Bonner has done ..." HONORABLE FRANK W. BOYKlN Congressman From Alabama , '' . f . "... His noble character is the great tower of his strength and the citadels of free dom are the idols of his great devotion..." HONORABLE HAROLD D. COOLEY , . ri; Congressman from Jorth Carolina ana - - ' x ,ii ,)., i . f Chain gressman irmnri rjf the Agrfbulture Cdmrtlitte if? "Herbert is loyal to his district. I do not know of any district represented with more loyalty and efficiency than the First District of North Carolina." HONORABLE SAM J. ERYTN, JR. U. S. Senator from North Carolina " . . . There is no greater, no finer, no better man. He has a heart of gold and sil ver, too. He is just one of the great men of this earth." THE LATE HONORABLE KERR SCOTT U. S. Senator from North Carolina ' s "Herbert is a quiet, nonassuming, genteel man of courage,: tie fights for what he I rniTiKS is rieriT. ana i a nran.ui. aeeu convicuon snfi Knows inuniaieiv me yvurn" ' ings orthe departments of Government, as well as the workings of Congress from a first hand knowledge ... HONORABLE HUGH Q. ALEXANDER Congressman from North Carolina " . . . the people of the First District verj wisely entrusted Herbert Bonner with the duties and responsibilities of the office of Congressman from that district., He has proven himself to be a man of the people and understands their prob lems large and small. His name is linked with many very fine pieces of legis lation ..." - , . . HONORABLE GRAHAM A. BARDEN j Congressman from North Carolina , " . . . He has instilled great confidence in his district by giving the best of service, to his constituency, and he has won the respect, admiration, and love of his col leagues in the Congress by his devotion to duty and his generalship . . . " 1 HONORABLE CARL T. DURHAM Congressman from North Carolina The People of the First Congressional Distriet Need No Finer Recommendations! RE-ELECT A Man Who Has Worked Diligently; And Faithfully FOR YOU! 4 Wotie Fori Herbert CBqMqk (PAID POtrflCAt ASVEXfe:U