FLIGHT CANCELE!TW stairway would lead any climber to an unhappy landinf CrwfordsvMe, Ind. It Wat the last ; Portion itandlna! of a faama tinder demolition. Board Of Education Adopts Code Of Policies To Guide J Operation Of County Schools t This: Week's Headlines! s Placing of a $200 million bond issue on the market ihi week paved the way for loristruction work .to start, on the long-planned bridge-tunnel! aarosa Chesa peake Bay near the present, fer ry route.! Construction f& ex : pected to take about threeyeara is expected trf WreasedL..T1!!" v"?.!.0"" b Tin umwi' mmniaiRn rna uminri inrffi. intJh ,T!d.llfS'MiW "I i.l:lic -J'UL : "uimans itoara or auoanon ior wuyuw "V" --1the A Russian . proposal fof aiUN disarmament- meeting1 taking the place of similar conference in- Geneva. met withj a chUly, recep tion in Washington. , The State Depaftment announced Premier Khrushchev can atte'nd'the UN conference if he desires but in dicated President 'Eisenhower would not be present - ( . i ii . .. ii f ; '' Reports from Cuba' stale Fidel - Castro may . atep down' as pre . miet 'due .to illness artd turn .the Cuban government , over i to - his brother "Raijl , Cstro. , The yojuiger Castro recently return ed! -frpra a visit to Russia where, according -to :U., "S. ' reports, "h sought increased aid for Cuba. - ; Presidential nominees John F. Kennedy and Richard tt. Nix on have conducted a series' of planning conferences , this past week. ; drawing i up, schedules . for, the political campaigns expected to get under wavv immediately.' In the ' past, campaigns have started about September J. However,'- Nixon's early , start k likely to result in Kennedy step? ping-up his plans, , . , Congress" will reconvene next week' to completei its work tem porarily halted by the .national v conventions. ' Sonje reports ay efforts, will be made to turn 'the session into political advantages to both parties' but this appears improbable since . most of the Congressmen will be anxious to adjjourn by . September 1, so each can , take part in active campaigns for re-election." ; - i iv -Li i v J. ' A fish fry is scheduled as one of the outstanding events for the Perquimans County Farm iFes f tival an August 9. The supper will be served from 8 to 7 P. M. on the high school baseball park.1 Ticket -must be pu.J .cj. ' ' advance and - can be obtained from Iloine (Demonstration Club menr." and civic blub mem bers., - ..- ... ' ' ' , l-ef 'i f I Itv. . 5 t fry will f've tlie peo- f'e c, n a 1 f r f t " f 1 f-e r 1 1. Members of the Perquimans Board of Education held their August meeting Monday night in the office of the superintend ent . of . schools, , considering a Varied agenda which included discussions on adoption of a code of policy for. operating county schools and thj special bond election' coming , up November The superintendent was, au thorized to secure cost prices for-installation of a light pole f on- Memorial Field, to replace one v.. bast ten vears.- These, were I cataloged according, tq depart tmenta and reaffirmed as policies I to be followed by the present I board. - 1 A new policy entitled Protec- ot. School Time for a Qual: ity Curriculum was also adopt ed during the meeting. 1 This policyiwill be enacted during the coming:. two to three -years for the purpose of . clarifying the program of study of . the school to 'encourage the best utilization of .time devoted to instruction.' '' Basically, this policy calls for. extra curricula activities . to be practiced oand "performed after regular class room hours, and is very similar to a policy recom mended by the State Board of Education. i',: t-v-; ' ' It was announced during' the meeting a vacancy stili-exists in the 8th grade tlass at Perquim ans High. School, Ind , the super intendent " "reported.' efforts are being made hov to. iill this po sition. . '. '7 , , The Board ' also v Voiced ap-. proval Of a-reactivation'' of the Better ' Schools Committee to lend assistance in the approach ing school bond election in ori enting' the public with tha pre posed school program. ' Mrsl Ann Bell NeW . Assistant Agent ; On recommendations - of the State Extension Service, Com missioners, for Perquimans CouA ty on ' Monday .employed Jr. Ann Bell as assistant home agent for this county, a position left vacant by the promotion of Miss Ila Gray , Mcllwean to : succeed Mrs. Paige Uhderwood. - , , Mrs.- Bell is a native of South Carolina, a graduate ' of Win throp College. , She has had pre vious employment with the N. C. Extension Service and - for the past two ' years . has been 'em ployed at the tost Colony. She and her husband,- who is em- -t .1 . it . r A i a - ' - " lA - .1 .. . . . . c:::tt2d rr.CM list - Omitted, in last week's Story concerr'-g the plans and activi ties frt 1" Er-nc--'ration C ' f f Far. i I c aval,! v" s f ' . booih"' to be s , t' Ucl a C .l:her C! ',. Z 1 ; instrumf-fs and " . d1 i !,h Hertford. Perquimans County, Ncith pBiapfcy GroupPiioIi ' I' 1 - . :, .i ' " 'I, . i Committees' from Perquimans and Chowan counties, set up for the purpose of securing expand ed telephone service' within the area, met here late last week with Marian " Shuffler, field manager of the Rural Electrifi cation Authority, and reviewed the progress of the;;, action toj oaie. , . : . . . , ,( Composing v.the ; Perquimans County committee are N. ' S. Fulford, Mrs. John - Hurdle, Charles E. White, Sry R. L. Spi vey, Mrs. John Newby Winslow, Jarvis Winslow," Emerson Asbell. R. M. Thompson and Charlie Overman, county agents in Per quimans and Chowan were pres ent for the meeting. Shuffler reported on a survey of J i 'telephone service . among those in Perquimans and Cho wan that1 do not have such ser vice. Better service for those who have telephones was also discussed. . The two county committee agreed to push every legal means to acquire an expanded service, and suggested meeting with of-1 ficials of the Norfolk Si Caro-'to lina Telephone & Telegraph Company on the problem. The committees agreed that it would be best for those desiring telephones to make a formal ap plication for the telephones. This was requested, in -letters sent 376 people of the two coun ties that have asked for phones through a survey conducted by Shuffler and the county com mittees, i ' 1 . Locd Girl Scats July was !Tirst? B1B,da Cele: ftwHeHford- : Girt . nllta Scouts, as theyv commemorated the completion of the first "year of their redrgahization which "oe cuned in July of 1959. The 12 girls of the . two patrols and their adult leaders began their observance with' the July 26th meeting when Mrs. J. E. Newby, one of the adult leaders, brought cupcakes with one candle each. The following day the group left foe a .two-day beach trip. For the beach trip they were guests in the cottages of Mr. and Mr. J. L. Harris and Mr. and Mrs, Z. A. Harris at Kitty Hawk. The! two, days were planned to include not only swimming and sun bathing, but : some touring. The ; ; group visited the new Wright Museum and the Wright Memorial. On Thursday : they went to Oregon Inlet to see the fishing boats and also included a Hde on the Inlet Ferry. Prior to, the Oregon Inlet trip part of the girls ventured to climb Jockey's' Ridge in the early morning hours. ' " The rest of Thursday morning liwas spent at Coquina Beach and picnic lunch was eaten there. One f the evening meals was a cook-out . on the beach, at the Harrjs cottages, where the girls were called upon to demonstrate their ability in fire-making and 1 dutdoor cooking.- The cook-out with camp firs and devotional before retiring. , , . - ; ' ' Those making the beach trip Were: From atrol I, Evelyn Tarkington, Carolyn Ann White, Mary Lee Newby, 'Mary Barbee, Lou Vickers and "Beth Auman. From Patrol II were Pam Perry, Jo Frances Perry Becky Lou Owen, Beth Harris, Nita Nixon and Pat Long. Others included in the party were Rose Auman, Mrs. J. A. Auman, Mrs. Marshall Owen, Mrs! X L. Harris and Mr.J and Mrs. G. W. Barbee. "Favorite comment on the jre turn home was: "Boy, if it is this much fun to be one year old as Scoiits, what will it be as we get still olderf ' ,". , ' , Oak Grove Church 1 1 to Holl Revivd The Oak Grove v Methodist Church announces, ' revival ser vices beginning" August' 7 and continuing thror 'l A;- t 1"5, each nij;ht at 8 ' " X r. e ucsr w-eaker : i ; j I . . J. Fant r.aele, - r tf I ; !--" t c : c Observe Birtlay At Term Tuesday A varied docket of 16 cases was disposed of -during Tues day's term of Perquimans ' Re corder's Court,' presided over by Judge Chas. E. Johnson. William Berger , submitted to a charge of speeding and paid a fine of $25. ..,, : . Costs of court were taxed against Carl Womble on a charge, of using improper reg istration, v ' ... .; Vernon Rose paid the costs of court . after submitting . to . a charge of improper passing.;' Joe Walker. Neero. Pleaded guilty to a : charee of reckless ! driving and paid a fine of $25 I and court costs, Harold Whaley pleaded guilty charges of usine imoroBer state license and having .no lia bility insurance. He was order ed to pay. a fine of $75 and costs, or serve 30 days in Jail. Loraine Hughes, Negro, .' paid the court costs after pleading J guilty to a charge of larceny. James Yearout .was taxed with the court costs on a charge ofvirivihg on the wrong side of a highway. , Joseph Elliott pleadeid guilty to chages of reckless driving, ex ceeding a safe speed and driv ing on the left side of the street. I He was ordered to pay a fine of $50 and cosi -; ' ;5 Robert Keys, . - Negro, charged with driving without a license and failing to - observe a ; stop ugnt,, pieaaea guilty ana ne waa-. ordered to paya fine of $35 aha I costs or serve a 30-day sen tence. ' ': ' "A fine of . $2 and costs were levied against Dora Mercer, who pleaded guilty to being drunk. George Welch, Negro, entered a . plea of guilty to charges of larceny. He was given a 60-day'' sentence, suspended upon pay ment of a fine of $50 and costs. . James Lowe, ' Jr., , Negro, was sentenced to the roads for 60 days after he pleaded guilty to a charge- of. driving without a li cense. A bond posted for Henry Gordon, Negro, was ordered for feited when he failed to appear in court to answer to charges of reckless driving and driving on the wrong side of a highway. Thomas and Pearline Riddkk, , Negroes, were released ' from custody after" the court had reprimanded the Negro woman for frivolous prosecution of her husband on charges of assault Driver's Trag Course Ccndud Forty-eight Perquimans Coun ty school . students have com pleted a course ' in driver's training education as sponsored by the. If. 'C. Department of Ppblic Instruction, it was an nounced this-week by J. T. Big gers, school superintendent. The program, started on June 6 under ; the direction of Ike Perry at . Perquimans High School and W. R. Privott at Perquimans Union School, and closed on July 29. Twenty-four students at''' each School were enroUed' in the courss. Upon, completion of the classf r each student was presented whh a certificate-' 'certifying "'comple tion of the,cours$ as prescribed by the atate agency. Approximately $3,800 was al located to Perauimana County during this fiscal year to finance this ing from the $1.00 fee charged eacn, moiorisr purenBsmg ve- - Red CroM ha8 announced hide license. t .'it Js . expanding the blood pro- omer iraimng m type, Mr. Biggers said. wiU be opened again next June. t:r.7:i ANNOUNCEWEirr andt .-J4ns,,,Lawre,nreHl of 1 t'Vabeth" City" t' " ef a (fiu Men '.'1 '.V'Vtt Carolina, Friday, Aujust 5, 1960. , : - - K v r-.y v :r'- ' ''l i s , ,y, 'mmwmmm SPRAY ONE FOR ME Raising a miniature tidal wave, Skip Gilkarson skims along the ski lanes of Cypress Gardens, Fla Union; School Patrons Open Drive For $10,000 To Install Iights For Athletic Field County4 HClub North Carolina State 4-H Club Week July 25-30 was attended by many Perquimans County 4-H Club delegates. -Over 1,300 boys and- girls - represented North Carolina's 4-H Clubs at the meeting - which , was held at State College in Raleigh. Classes were taught by out standing people in record keep ing,', family relations, vocations and the local 4-H Club meetings. Special classes in recreation were attended by; Beth Hurdle, Fred- die and FrancisVomoj- Raye Stanton attended a song leadership class led by Miss Bob bie Pritchard, , Demonstrations were present ed by "district winners in the state contests. , . : ' ' . Janice , Raye . Stanton repre sented the; county and district n the dress revue held on Wed nesday evening," ; Carolyn Faye ; Rogerson . and Vernon Winslow were selected In the blue riltlxm group in the state.. bealth pageant. Tbey.were chosen because of. their out standing records in health im provement, . Carroll McDonnell, one of the most outstanding 4-H'ers ". in North Carolina, was tapped into the Honor Club on Tuesday night.: This is the highest hon or that can come to a 4-H Club member. Carroll was also a page, at the night meetings throughout the week. - The judging team judged on Monday morning and made a good showing in the, contest. Members of the team were Ed Nixon; Tommy Harrell, : Vernon Winslow, Gene' Nixon. V, ' -Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Rogerson, Jr., represented ' the 4-H adult leaders. They attended a spe cial luncheon and class for adult leaders. Other delegates v were Ann Benton and Rachel Spivey.v Richard iBryant, assistant agri cultural agent, and Ha Grey Mc Ilwean home economics agent, accompanied the group to Ra leigh. . -- - - - Blood Committee Appeals To Doctors : The, Blood Committee of the Perquimans Red Cross Chapter, headed by Tannage - Rose, Jr., today -reminded county r citizens the Red Cross bloodmobile will visit Hertford on Monday, Aug ust 22, and, the committee urges' all residents to support this pro gram by turning put as ; blood donors. . The quota for this visit Wiill'be' 100 nints- of. blood. ; r The unit headquarters will be set i up at the First Methodist from 12 noon until 6 p M D"vin -iu-tl-, fa- , t.,J J Virgin Islands. A new research laboratory is also . to be, opened in Los Angeles late this fall. - : Eir.l.I ANNOUNCrMSNT ' Tri to Mr.' and Mrs. Cecil ? a divhter,, July -an -v . .I;-w? ,t, Delegates Home Negro citizens of Perquimans County announce the launching of a $10,000 drjve, fpr the pur pose of installing field lights, bleachers and a fence for the present athletic field at Uie Per quimans County Union School. A . group lof citizens have or ganized a county-wide campaign in an effort to' raise this monev. jivciy eiuuu in rerquimans 7 - , 1 . . County will he approached be ginning Monday, August 1, and asked for one dollar. All soli citors will be identified by a printed yellow badge and are in structed to give receipts for all money received. George James, Jr., of Hertford is chairman, of .this project, as sisted by James Turner of New Hope and Roy Riddick of win. fe as C0.ehailTOaa Area chair. JaniCe.mpn r ua follrkMra M-e Clt'r- aldme Wiggins, .'. Winall; W. C. Strowd, Hertford; Mrs. Armecia Moore, Wopdville; James Turner, New Hope; Mrs. Lillie JVI. Jor dan, Oak Hill; William Skinner, Willow Branch; Willie Mallory, Leigh's Temple; ' L. D. Turner. Chapanoke; Odell Hurdle, Rid dick Grove and Nicanor; Miss Doris Frierson, Winslow Grove: James Newby, Belvidere; Mrs. Otis Newby," Bethel; Mrs. Earn estine Felton1, Chinquapin, and William Harrell, Burgess. In announcing, this fund drive the committee said: ' "A Contribution of one dollar each from the masses of the peo ple of Perquimans County will make this project a reality. "Because of the increasing re sponsibilities and regulations to come, tne student must spend his time in the classroom if he is expected, to meet the chal lenge of to'day's world and be come a contributing citizen, men tally, physically ' and morally. "Making this, project, a reality will provide year-round recrea tional opportunities ; . for both youth and adults. "The Negro citizens of Per quimans County are challenging this county-wide project because it is felt that all citizens realize the strong ties that bind their present good relationship and the necessity of having the op portunity to : promote and in crease a stronger relationship." CH Baptist Church Planning Revival Revival ; services- will begin at the. Center Hill Baptist Church on Sunday, August 7, and continue through August 14, it was announced by 'the "pastor, the Rev. Henry V. Napier. The guest preacher for. ,Jthis revival will be the Rev, L. C. Chand ler of Lumberton, former pastor at Center HilL - . . Special ' music ,. will be pre sented prior to each service which will be held ach evening beginning at 8 o'clock -and the public is invited ti attend the services. Mt. Sinai Church Plans Revival Revival services will begin Sunday evening, August 7, at 8 o'clock at Mf " Sinai Baptist Church with th pastor, .the Rev. James ( Laytoiy bringing '. the messages. . Special music is planned, . Services will ; continue I mgmiy, enaing aitne ii ociocK.cate and a leader In the field worahtp hour on Boaiay-roornof Chri!tl. THaW TAuc-tim ikll Aurst irhT" . School Building Bond Resolution Adopted By Board Miss Jean Edwards I Becomes Bride Of BmlAnt Gordon B. Fearing I he Wedding of Miss Carol iicau uuwarus a n n nrnnn r... EJ I . y . n,.arlf . . , aaucation nas designated as es- Biadford Fearing was solemn.z- semjal for Uon of ed Sunday jn the Hertford Bap- nine monlhg ' within per. tist Church . ' ouimans County. The bride is the daughter of ,, , . Mr. and Mrs. Acv Houston Ed-1 The ,esolu,K,n as adopted Mon- wards and the bridegroom Ls the day 8lves notice of 0,9 intsn" son of Mrs. David Whitehursf ,!uns "tJthe board o queit Fearing of Elizabeth City and ,he. bond elect,on and another the late Mr. Fearint; no,,ce 18 hcreby Sven that a The ceremony was' performed PUbllC hearing on the mattcr wU1 by the Rev. Norman B. Hanishe inducted by the Board at and -murfc was presented by,11 lmec,m on Tuesday, Sep Mrs. Charles Johnson, organist, teml,l,,' b- and Mrs. R. S. Monds, soloist. Another matter concerning The bride, given in marriage' improvement of county property by her father, wore a sown ofwas Plated before the commis taffeta and ehantillv lace. Her aioners wlien Harry Barkley, veil of French illusion was at tached to a tiara or" seed pearls and she carried a cascade bou quet of gardening and stepha notis. Mrs. Paul Matt Mathews oi Hampton, Va sister of the bride, was matron of honor. Her ballerina length gown was of fern green silk organza and , ... . .v v. vcio .mi. . luiri , j carnatiolis, and wore a crown of fern gieen adorned with seed pearls and a circular veil. The other attendants were Mrs. Harry Duft of New York City, Miss Polly Stroud of Kin ston. Miss Letitia Blount of Elizabeth City and Miss. Jean- champagne dresses and match - '.ng crowns and carried cas cades of violet carnations. The bridegroonrt's uncle, Dan B. Fearini of Elizabeth C.itv I was best man. Lucicn Morri sette of Elizabeth City, Carlton Gilliam of Windsor, cousins of the bridegroom,.- Macon Nixon f Elizabeth City and Julian A. White of Norfolk, Va., were ushers. A reception was given by the iride's parents following the marriage in the social hall of the church. Mrs. Fearing, a former Caro lina candidate tor Miss Uni verse, attended Meredith Cnl ege and : lived in New York fittr loaf VflQr "Mr Vnn.inr, ,.ma graduated from Campbell C?JJnZ2Z lege in 1959 where he was pres dent of the student body. He is now a student at the Univer- sity of North Carolina. The couple will make their home Chapel Hili. at Attending Camp Members of the Perquimans' County FFA Youths FFA Chapter are enjoying them-i 90, died Wednesday aftenoon at selves this week at the FFA1 3:00 at his home on Route 1, Camp at White Lake, N. C. All. following an illness of about the boys will take part in the' four months. A native and life following sports: Softball, ping' long resident of Perquimans oong. shuffle board, checkers, County, he was a retired farm- horseshoes, water ball, volley ball, basketball, track and swim- ming events. All sports are played according to rules. A stunt night. official' concludes the program for the week. Boys will arrive in Hertford Saturday, August 6, around 2:30 P. V.. Boys attending camp are: Wade Morgan Wayne Winslow, Billy Riddick, - Larry Winslow, Larry Stallings, Billy Winslow, Floyd Mathews,' Reed Mathews, Philip Lane, Tommy Swayne, Jerry Whed&ee Pete Ward, Jimmy-Kir by and Walter Banks. Accompanying the boysi are Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Tunnell and family. rr. Cecil Robbins To Preach Sunday- Guest preacher at the Hert ford Methodist Church next Sunday, August T, will be Dr. Cecil. Robbins, president of Louisburg College) ' who will be substituting tor the Rev. James A. Auman now qn a world tour.1 Dr. Robbing is a former edi tor1 of (the Nv C. Christian Advo la' w c, Cnnlaranoe. . 6 Cents Per Copy. Commissioners for Perquimans County, meeting here last Mon- Jdn ln. rular t1 adpted ?tis resolution to start the machin ery in motion for holding a spe-' cial bond election on November 8, lor the purpose of securing authority for the issuance of ; $265,000 in school bonds for three projects which the Board of n . . . . State Inspector of Correctional Institutions, advised the Board the Perquimans County jail is in need of major repairs or re placement. Barkley pointed out the present condition of the jail fails to meet state requirements' and he requested a meeting with the County Commissioners at a later date to discuss these im provements. Due to the Labor Day holiday falling at Monday, September S, the Board voted to hold its September meeting on Tuesday, September in its regular meeting place. By action , of the Board, Mi'4. Blanche E.JKanoy was reap pointed as collector of delin-; quent personal property taxes ! f!la Pe one V I Rv motion dulv adnnted. th (Board authorized the sale , ot the New Hope Community" "House" property to the Durants Neck ,Ruritan Club for the sum of S1II0. The sale Ls conditional upon the, provision the property shall revert to Perquimans Coun ty in the event the club ceases to exist. j W. Jarvis Ward, chairman of 1 the Board of Elections, appeared before -the Commissioners and discussed the possibility of hold- . .ing a re-registration of voters I prior, to the general election in i.November. Due to previous plans for holding the special bond election in connection with the general election it was ajgread ne the new registration until the next prim ary election in 1962. I The Board also authorized the cleaning up of the county ceme tery land, located on U. S. 17 north of Hertford. Benjamin J. Thach Died Wednesday Benjamin James thach. age er and a member of the Bethel Baptist Church. . He was the son of the .late James and Mar- tha Mansfield Thach and hus- Friday,band of Mrs. Essie Lane Thach. Survivors 'besides his wife are two ..: daughters, Mrs. Louise Howell of Edenton, Route 3, and Mrs. Martha Howell of Camden County, N. C; two sons, James B. Thach of Route 2, Hertford and Harry Thach of Route 1; 13 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. " -i The body was removed to the Swindell Funeral Home pending ' completion , of funeral arrangements. - Retail Sales' In , County Qimbing i Retail sales in Perquimans County are showing some im provement, according to a re port released . by , . the North -Carolina : MerChanta Association ' thi mst week. : I 4 - J -: Sales tax collecyons in Per ouimans -County - "amounted to -$7,248 during; thq month of Maj -. as compared! to J ? IZ during the precede-? r-r,! ,h cf ApiiK Total sale, t ,r. ing May ! . , 197 ' as t duriiif