J ' f i' i & 11 iutf j- . nrrwr unci .: i. lobby . .qf. ojWk, ,.a., , Wi v- pend, the wen end witn fcr. t. tnd MrS.; V. N. Tardea. ; : " uoutiitk. ' V. Y.hi: -j f.!r, -i IIs. Fercy Eyrum and i i ;t I,:RjayJtw- ctuIUren of Norfolk spent e '.":-!, J-mes Sunday with Mrs. T. A. Byrum. ue wi.hi hcr -I0m Durham . i I ' ,ug ten days: . Mr. and Mr W. L. MfClanl- unue, ner. r0ch,?J,A,: Lvys?WH A3 I . , oup met wi. . J.- , .s. Jan.vs A. At i 1 i 1. i y for lunch. . I our, i "r .i'3 of . the group, whic t eludes KdihoUIst miniate i i 1 ip ir wives from these two r were present. :. (.-... t tl.a I -'J i'. ; hee Ki-iory" v. i .- t: ' : , j i, ,'. v it' l t) a s' , i. ' : by Mrs. urty L, ihici c f , 'i r ..' ' C.. s were exc!.. ,1 by tha Rocky Mount in rmoty cf I.Irs. ; C ) ; X mc.'.L. i, ti;o the t rs, !.!' . V.inslow II '..on.- ' " line! YViII.e Aiailey and Ma, Carroll Viper new.-; fco.ks in the h- chik., k; include The ous books 5c i . 1 ' Mrs; E. L, . Paynej - t ,:f: home- last- week v. nig Dr.. Louise Payne .hdilottcsvUle, VS.' J ' ... ' ' ' .'' "-.:., if . .Iil " ' : ' ' . . . " - ; . . ,' i -si. buuon. Itutenberg was op ated'upon Jast . Thursday f or fractured hip bo: "" following 'fall in her home on Wednes-t y. Sh is at the Norfolk Gen ii I Hospital, m' Norfolk - ., ; T'rs. Grayson Inman and fam y ''of Norfolk spent Saturday id(Sunday with Mrs. Tom Skip- yy a. . , 'f-. . t V ' , . t rjllm if 'Durham spent the week-end with Mr. and, Mrs. V. n. uarden. i i Rturad Kn i ' . 1 ' . , Mrs. V. C. Lane has rcturneid to heK!home--8Jter-'beitfgi'al pa tient at th6 howt) Hospital. Wk-nd Xi tttwspoti Nwa Returned Kome -. . : Mrs. Tommy Miller relilrncil - Ti,e , Chapel ' Kill In haw hmA .Cunrlnv - fvnm t'r r'Vi.i...u ii.Ifl 4t.ni rx W . " " ' V --.. - - - VIIU1V1I Will UUlll WIVa W. :.; - . -' " . v. . - - - - , AlKaw.nrla Hnonitnl arH it H. . dmJ,. .' ., ' , !'m. wprf nrfKPnt, Mrs 'Ti T. WU.lftTlS.' ' KCfi'eshmcntS COfltat-. DI"ary this ' W; tins along nicely. V ; ''ccrobcr 18, at 8 o'clock at t Jerome of Elizabeth City, ; wife in8 Chrkt.i.as cookies, ' punch, j Chess Player by Frances Par-4ion.v holvby r-,. ' -r ' ' church. The public is wviM cf the district superintenJend, sandwiches and salt J nuts were,, T : - --.:y-y;" . i . j - j i . .... ! , i vnrinun i ii;nniir n-'o crran nnn . From New Tork, , lS , Wolter Miller of , New York spltii fHhWa'JIwt6MrItiad1J1i.Jj. Returned Home t to attend;. H 'ajiury, ; jlJ ;.nPr-- ' t ' 1;; ; Bridpe- party FrH-yi fe. H: Erid je3 yeiab' ' Tutday! .',';i1'..-f),,tU..Ljl ..' i , ..fiht at her home on Ci.uuh' WiVtf'h.vkAmii ihHh! Mrs. C. Q. -White returned ra Sue. 'born Wednesday, Vl iCKJth .JKo" S weei Street. -Those pldyir,g'We'reM-; V "" ;"'Ti .i dames J1.- CNormaiv J. S. Vick,' - i nents carrying out the ChruU rt,..ivn,iJi.1--b rr. wiuii.Jl T I t-h'suv BSIDqS PARTY,. :'1 r : Mrs vRoyce .'Vuckers i ,cntertain-: Kc:r:!T5:S: -s clu3 home, &alWt vilta, fenx''-.?.f1n f ,l l chiwrw;N?pifMo5fjcL4it,-:l - if- -f mond Nand Alexandria .,ll,.Ci'A- frii Saturday Here : , . , v, Alfred Williams :of 'Durham visited friends in Hertford Sat- Mrs. Claude Brinn and daugh- ,irAa nnrnto . ii,.fniir -.v.: ters, Claudia and Bess spent where hfi vigited . hia motheCi the. week-end witht Mi-, and Mrs. Mrs. simon RUtenbcrg, a patienl J L. Liberty at Newport News, t the Norfolk General Hospital f , S.nents T.'fr? lU.Vh! r"T Charles'Whedbee,- a.'G. Koonce ' Un.Au St j 5 "VS T- ',B" fetitnn Nathan Relft, lM,lit33TJJ1I .k ama VlJS I' I??' Miss'-KaW Blanch and liis Mr. and Mrs. Bobby MathevA Vhite, . Charles krry, Henry BiMmiv, m i it:n . m, I irL-i h 4 hi w-. ...... ...v. i.w ikvit -U tk Vn' u r , t t I Pri went;'to Mis Blahchard. bii-tK of a veaughter. Bobb. Lowell, J. L. Harris . and Miss 4... . ' j - Lyriri, 'born 'December 8. ?rarices Newby. 'The High score In Hospital Mrs. T. G. Howard was ..prize went to Mrs. Newby and t m (, B?STFSS TO BRIDGE CLV3 socond high was awarded Mrs., LdOTary IlOIiaay , . 1 Mrs., S. P. Jessup was hostess Murray and the floatinj prize Schedule GlVeH - 1 I to her bridge club Thursday1 went to Mrs. Wljite. " Refresh-j .: - - I night at her home on Front ments pt - Christmas cookies," Tho Pfrauiman: rmmtv t i. I StreeU.- Those, playing were. dainty sandwiches and salted brary will be closed on Decem-d- Mesdames frank Jessup, W. H. 'nuts were served, with punch. Der 23 through December 26 for . , hP Alh(.mirrliro,nitaI last " H"!?9.M.f Relumed Hem Mr. ana jvirs. Jdmes yvimaim . ,, jmK ri1 Pitt rhorloa P,i. tv; w,i. have retwned to thetf h(me in H Ual Tarboro on Monday son,: J. tt Newbold, C. A. Dav-! ENTERTAINED GA'i ; r ! m " observation and dreatment., ,enport and W. H. HardcasteL . Miss Lou Wuvi. .y..b. v 1 w i i.j r.w... j the Christmas holidays. - The bookmobile will go on all of its .1 ; " ..' F&AY'cSATv 'tXt.lf FRiSAT iCS & . '1 iir,-,-r v. ,.:the STOOGES ickers entertained recular routes excent the Chati- The high . score prize went to the OA's of the Hertford Bap- anoke route on December 21. Mrs. 'Wilson.. Refreshments were tist Church last Thursdav nieht In addition Mi Mi9'aui'l'nwtiriiff N.Mrt-- w 'iiimilnAAs n Ut home 'af a.Christma.par- for memorial books to be-placed ' 1 cmjirenf- Mri; Lioya uoie ana .7? 4 f It 577 I " 77V-T Mb. Moody. MaV ff ..' IV.JQ ,V ' Fy''- . . ' . r-v- t 1 r j i -ek fOlr observation nd treat- 1'. i. 7 'li. .j '.:.u ennoren anat 1 -nt .s'i.;";1 r-'.c"i ;"5.-kr'thew.. pent, the week-end .In ' T; Ot-a K mthef' MrS r W- 2acffery;, Richmond, Va. Mr. Reed nd S .-Cambridae1.. ' Z V ' : ! TZt H tkne jine8 their fatnity on ' ; Miss l?uth gihroederoT Canv'Rurn,In,fc isjtturdaf and ail returned home .dire. ML Is soendine the win-'- Mrs- J- w- Za?he7, has""-,Vuhday.;t , " ' ' ' ' :TBP;''L0;p:0E;.' SUNDAY-MONDAYj SHOWS SUNDAY 2-4-9 P. It SHOWS MONDAY 7-8 P. M. NATALIE WOOD "ah ti:; n::z ycu::i r:.::::: Admission: .Adults 50c Children I "2 r, . .f . , . ,; ' tlirnrwi 1 u " " ' . ... r wim-ner protner-in-iaw ana ; " rr ,L , . , " " " . st.V, Qrvand Mrs, C. A, Daven- n8 SOBe tim with relatives at ' ; ort. , vf: ? ,l ? Booneville.- . " . 'rffJP Mrs. Johnny ' Howell ' ot Nor- f 'I ' -'. "f. '7 "tlTT" fol& Va.'is "spending thfs'weefe .'ek-nd Hw'. ""-i-. . . ' Fractured Aim HJ VJm, Mrs. Rosa H.Powelt Mr. Mr, and Mrs: Paul Hatch, 'JrM Mrs. William Tucker fell . at Howell spent the week-end and . u.. V 1 Tlfl Tf f n Ti 1 'fYfi'ilil' 1 lYinr Wi.ryrrriiy (iffnann jiiir -irit juut. rn"nryTin-a-rM-arni i ii i.iWirjtrLnrijirn. ; 7. ,. nnn m.nn ndl children of Wilson spent the her home on Tuesday antf Suf veek-end with Mr. and ' Mrs. fered a fractured anh. yaul Hatch. rim Washington Carl Cppeland of Washington, In- Florid . . Miss Mattie Butler is -visiting her brother-in-law and sister, T: C is visitim? Mrs. Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lewis, at Whedbec. " , Orlando, Florida. returned to his home on Sun. day:' " ' Wok-end In Norfolk Mr. nd Mrs. Jar vis Ward, and family spent the week-end in Norfolk, Va., with Mr. and Mrs. y, i Bill Seymour.' SHOP AND SAVE v- ' I' i One Group ; Ljs' lists .'-pricdj i :!cminins:3c!!.Viatcr;'; i: I ?c:ls 2dSLits,r.:,.7i! :ViW j i i i Ifrnrr Rrr.ccr.? rrv :, lA nff I i ion.t miss seeing inese specials At ; ;r Wcotlland Dress SKoppe 1 Phone 2831- ' 4; Hertford I. W. M. Divers A Sor JEWELERS : Week-ond Here . tfCothdir. W. H.' Hardcastle, Jr., OSplniJfield, Var., spent the tyeek-end., with Kisj mother, Mrs. W. H. Hardcastle. ' ...; i, J i 5T1; M V ' . I-'". i GOOD IN COtONIAl STOW ' ' TfT t3 j.if ' f B J '' I Civino ooid aoNo siamcs QokJ WHk MA wnwi and Mm wKh J 'TiaSKELtTICiinS ; - C5' ton row HOUDr Dinim eiAMoNo ' IACE WALtrJTS ' 5 i . v. i- 55 fc SeeiOuf Complete ... lane QL. i. Gif twarti-'. V? . Jewelry . ,', ';. por that , christmas gift If ARMOUR Ok ELLSWORTH , 18 TO 24 LBS. AVG. d. in;, i. utr I BUTTERBALL tUH BIAMONO IN SHfUI al.-o.5:ds . . . SAVt AT COtONIAl WAMONO ' BADY WALF.'UTS . ; . mi nocmot win Nuri and OANov-tn mu riirmrc rit.i.i.niji . im. . . . .ti CHRISTMAS STOOnNCI OANDT . 4 ' r.iXED i;uTs;. ; u 55 I CHOCK KKlOKMAt BANDIT I L t ' L' V ' E3AZIL r:UTSv . . A 55 DitlCIOUl KANTIW COCHTAIl - .55' 4? J 7 SALTED HAPTS C SWIFT'S PREMIUM I kad to um-uotiin tmiito M t J 11 i 1 J fD UUNJm IH0 I 1 i J if .J1 hi FECAII IIAIV$, I . . 6 a '': !,! . wm Whi fcwt tW yui famtly . yau H want bwt m OHimiM Tmtoy m fc to. . bniol. Wirhovt taMpHen, w tim Hm b mtMM of iim ami lh SnMt orroy o luriwyt to bo hod ' ttHwr1 TOPS in quolHy. hi ddHion, CokiniBl'a turUyt or U yng bMoi-braaiM bramn bk. ' j . ... For i.wndwtul Cfcrhtmas moI thafyaur faaiHy will tom ii lni yttt Thlmiii Mn ina ' A, ': filtniol .' wHw you uKuoyt gl Mw bwi or s . .' ' ' & Sft, NOMIST bt Rl$WOTHCtAI"A-4-lUl.AV.0UN0 ' . , f(OWT M lNOXIl OA0l"A"4-MUI.AV6.y0UN0 ffl ' , . " ' Krj-'diJlKffiY- ... v. u.49' WHT'I PHMiUM BUTTESSAUS -47 AINHAkDTUSDA INSP.CMOC MA"4-U1 AVO. WT. '' twirrt mnvuM BUTTERBAUS . 11 'I' I 1 1 1 n n ii q e a sir d ;sn n, e i: U.i 1';"'! Currituck, North Carolina - To Be .-V SOLD AT AUCTION in old Post Office Buildinsr in Hertford r ic vill be-on c!:3play daily from;;"; . 10 A. Li., to a4 FHtl'SiSrGi fdrda : December 10 until day of sale. T:'ri,T r,nc'3 :t;:ig aucttion sals 3AD2 "A" DUCICU::CS . . . . 'n.43' DflS D I ' Irm fiNtn tTfiprt 0 M 9 CLACK IVAUIJTS COMHITI VOIM HOIIBAT MIAl WIVt Ami OKMARD ' ' . ' CRA:::ir..7Yi$A,;cE 35f modi mmo jiiiiid - " ! . t y : ' mou 0 CUT SOUIHIM SWEET. FOTAICIS Ha. 1 PfKUFrOUIHOllSArMIAlSWnH KDOATI k . , Jj LIMIT ONE OF EITHER SHORTEnVngw"V. . vvnn int PURCHASE OF, $ OR WORE V . - ' ' s, ,r . BfUOtOlfUSDAiNSr.CtADE-A" . " , ' ' ' : f t I ! 4 tVISAL LEGS -ad.am C;r y V SWIfTI thmium t it uc. nwf mcomjio r COOKED HAMS V iwm t mimium f it u. nwi MCOMrf r rnnucn Diru.rc AONItltt CHUB eutuvt l t-: a rr J COOKED SMITHFIELD HAMS' T ''A j SMITHrlELD HAMS . , ' 7? ) f f . ' .1 OV , , )) CANNEDflAMff: - OTTES"'"'' CCIDCCriDsto? 3 I littlii!tintthepaclnseitMlt.ti . , - I .. ; veal sun V I I CANADIAN " r paa. 1 '" t liS. - , ' I W. S ? f ' " i t I I If 4 ,l t t UL-- VEll. 1 V U , . , a to mux-mtstinr i"!Ar&D tot m o ftiMti fit cinuu!iur f . " TINini DNKIOUl NIIT( WHOtI ,iv GOOD tU COtONIAl STOKE . GIVING COCO iOrJO STAMPS i i " Void Attar Otc 17. 196 . " tUTSrS JAMESTOWN MAND . FANCY UKGi 31-42 COUNT c ? , swr-T "jicy ncnz cc:.:j . . . 2 - can I a l " U" l"" AT" yj lM. r ' t, ;rfW TO IWM HOIIIAVMU :e 3 :v v IT"Al Ml InSTINO TlfKKfVt z. r ta n. 1 'r to- C..J-...1, T. !T or . A.v.:n:cAn : II OI. fk. Ut ' 'Writ i-iti c:- J'J f"- k A. ., K"!'.11 I r iMli!i' 6 tt. ftkgi. i. r.-';t I .Iw 1 - FA;n .a a . .a; 1 1 ... i : . . i:: j 1 c