;1 I I.Ki' u.'Jf i lit Olfll r oilJia un-I-,.. J at Hertford, 1, - ,., i ,-r .Ul."tiia CtlUtt-lt, raa. id Gait Countle. e - .,-i2. 50 ...J '. ;,' . Jt I i FurnisheS - W Lcauest .. I..:AT. t)tC IS. I960. It's.litt to Think. Of im , ;M teaf .' i96b is- moving to "' ard . its i end, without so far t. .'veloping the third World War !r . the other ; misfortunes' that were predicted by r the pessi mists, ; V , j -'There has been no collapse of public morale ' and the younger generation,-. despite - the . com plaints bf their elders, seems to be developing . normally. ' These facts .should not be overlooked in .connection with news items which naturally play up the unusual without expressly rcc-j The Yuletide t season " is a ogmsiihg. the great number . of 1 friendly, lovous time ' of the men. and women who play thejyear, so let's keep it that way. game "of life according to soundiTo do this, North Carolina mo andfair rules. t ; .) torists must take extra safety i We are mit yet ready to wel-j measures to keep . themselves corne'ihVativenti of 1961 or to! from becoming the -victims of . . t ..'.. wt. u V.i -1. 1 J aXirt l . , . t L. rv,.-s vi uie extra tare jlanes tliis private flier pilots 'this year, ; the funeral wreath, are basically the same' type of will replace the hoti-.- i.'fain in aircraft' LinUberh flew across many North Carolina hoaius this the Atlantic in 1927, s Christmas. That's a in sty grim They are expensive to buy arid forecast to mtke, but the facts ; are expensive to maintain. Yet cannot be denied. , i the private, flier is tindoubtedIyt Tar Heel "drivers simply have' the. man of the future for the pution in the oast. air space above is so, Vast, that becemher traffic mishaps over one can hardly contemplate it hfe past en yearg have claimed While the farrow strips of con-NH victims. An average of .-rete that serve as. our. highways imore .i4han 100 jeople killed and on automobile tTvU re !grtw-h ing more Tind m'ois crowded each &mi poor Way to welcome in year.-'of; i ijr,;tvt!M j : iit& month of joy and good will There is room in, the air. for joward all men. ' . nillions ui plan;; aiid no one FatigU)j( the hurry-up complex, houldbe crowilttt. ' The high linking and inattention are the density,' and. dangerously thick j, whifcn can rob t xhe Joy air traffw . occurs - tjver certain whicK rlghtiy belongs to ev'ery aflrports. where; there is , more bne this festive season. . traffic than can be .easily- han-I. Th- ;n1 ;wart is that each died.. In other words when pH- hMiday is maiked by a wave of jl vAtp. fliwa ran Dark their Dimes '. . ik. i j 1 1 at Jiome. ftd relieve thi a-,fcauses.-Mhis Christmas, let's all gestion at. the airpo-tt, tne airilarjve carefuny; Lfcva deck the $jge will have amved for the ment by the autogiro firm, about, CouPage rightiy esteemed a low-cost private giro, is a sign the Ursl o( human qualitles be. that the air, age finally reach-; tause it-is. the jjUality whlqh ing me pnvaie cuizen i H"-,feuarantees all otherg- HUII. SUt UCI WUUJ wc Bit 111 age-that must provide a private j halls i not hew graves with holly. -Winston Churchill. flying plaftorm or saucer or . a private - giro - or helicopter,; or flying belt, or something of this kind, in the near future. , , . THE YULETIDE SEASON" v suseat that those who wish to plan their lives should get down to the business of making leso- some senseless 'traffic mishap.. Hundreds ' of . motorists each Christmas season die violently lutions. i We will say. however,; and needlessly on our highways. thai; individuals-can ereatlv im-. The : tragic hour-by-hour ac counting of fatalities from the press wire bureaus over the na tion tend to take, a way much-of i the joy of major holiday week ends, particularly for those who are working to prevent holiday accidents. ,l 1 ,. Decembef tradiffonabfc -, Js ' a deadly j.montb w:ith. heavy traf- fjci misused ''or 'misplaced 4i oil- proVe themselves by giving sferi oqs consideration to a "program" to be followed to attain desired goals, - . - There is a great tendency on the part of most people to live from day to day, without any conscious attempt to follow a pattern 4 based fundamentally on principle personally accepted j theory0ij5t nof t'alwiys . discerfciH ble in the turmoil of daily af fairs. It might be profitable for I all of us to check up on' our pretensions apd practices. "' . (,;;'v ;, '-! . , ; : TheiAir Age , ' The "company . announced a re cently that it would beein Tnin- ufacturing autogiro's in mass form soon and that by some time in 1962, or he following year,' a reasonably priced air vehicle of this kind! would be on the matket, -; . 1 ' . 'An atltogiro, as we understand it," is different from a-helicopter.: . For one thing, it is'vrry safe.' its'motfer, can cut oif and the 5 Vehicle ?, nevertheless glides ,toJ i . .b, ' y . .v . .... I tearyieen ironj nign 4it!iaeffia X&r" H d .J VS. lfhd4es not cfashK m&riihcAt Swli vuict uuierences. ' .' . But the-point of this editorial is to show that the air a?e has! RICKS Laundry & Cleaners OF, EDENTOJN Phone 2148 ARE OFFERING TO YOU BETTER, THAN EVER SANITONE DRY CLEANING 'With this amazing sys tem you see you feel and ou smell the difference. AH' work guaranteed to your satisfaction. , . :. r ;')C.' i ; . v' ; V' i; AH this, plus a on year, 3r until Cleaned again, guaranteed moth proofing. , COMPLETE LA UN DRY SERVICE I . WOTylCE! ; OUR SHOP WILL BE OPEN ON t SATimpAYS, QY Et)R THE t :''Une&tIfew jveeks;',;.; We are taking: orders for Drain Plows for January, February and March delivery Phone 6717 Saturdays 6083) WA KM Mi ii t Hertr been slow, jn arriving for the private flier; It is here All right, ' as far as the . commercial jetr liners are concerned. . They have brought all parts of the world together and what can be done today ; by the traveling execu tive, aboard the jets, is won derful. ' t . ' ' -But the average 'private flier is still using the same basic type equipment. 4 There have been' -f - ! - i-ui n -iTtravLi.rLf Tsjlcr Tli -fltre . EDENTON, N. C. . Thursday and Friday, Decrmber 15-16 boiIBT.K FEATrBE ' ,' " MoUy Bm in ' "6HARTROOSE CABOOSE" -and Kebb PUarc In . "WHY BABY WHY" BOTH IN COUB -lurdy. Peceimbwr 17 t V- DOUBLE FEATHER Busier Crabb in ' "GUNFIGHTERS OF ' ABILENE" and , ' : Dann Brav tft ! v ' . 03 TKS LOVE CF MUfE" ClanScpe (ad Cokif '.. i miii- T"' ' "iT.r 'mut, nd Monday, 1 jucber IS-19 Clark Cabl and Sopkia Lown in . '.- i- STARTED IN MAPLES" j and Wednesday, ?1 fa fin MO "1. 11 1' 1 ' fa) Cj2 fuJL J : ., . -, c Jlomownm tell as that Sinclair Heating f ' ' n: ; vesf8ort,slelt)dolIar.Thfirr . ' ?''V -iiVPrciI QuaLty at regular pricai. vyhftKiir'1: - f -- a Ir-reicat. that kc!r : teep your bursar ia tcp cperatiaj condliioau, pat servioe it dependalla, too..Yu can fc rj i CAL si jr - THE GREATEST SSIVANT': . International Sunday School Lesson for December 18, 1220. Memory i Selection: "Take my yoke, upon yoiv and learn from me i for I am. gentle and lowly lfil heartland you.' wilV fujd rest lor your souls.; Jii;!i : jii,.f. . u :. .i; . ' ,., ! . , 'i" M .M, I . . .,, ' l. '- , u k, .. - t .. . ,i lil-, "(I ..,,,..'..;!'. i ;ii.'-:V.;i..il' .a.U -fcli'-Trf .' 'A i;-., :;' i-)t tfri " j;V-'Vi "fit1, t -". 'J-.'V ,.--' A " , ',-''.', '.....-; ,i fcefbre' Clstfaiasi The Mtrganiparadfe pi tha yeaflV..,.:;. ' ; Everjf lflakher has been surnnidhed by r wyfir- ;' tisemehts ; i i elated by the music andxlecorationS 4 v ihsbired bir the jdy. of giving. Each has a estiriatibft, an Objective; W missioni And there's ; a kind bf desperSte dedication in it all: everyone aearcMnz for soihething someone else needs 1 1 feut hever cofafoae the Decerhbr parade With What every sid heeds is hot displayed in in-: 1 And Chrldtniaj debris nothing unless it means : AtL WE REALLY NEED . ... GOD HAS GIVEN t the Church o your choice; ddiekte year life arte t6 the Christ Child." , ? ;:;.. .' .Vf '-! C.l 1M, KrUUt Alt. imti SMMwf , VaC ... vv--' r;.-'.-y,':;r; Lesson Text: Isaiah 61;, t 'Matthew 117-30 ' AS we picle p Out Bibles' t- day, the 'purpose ' of , our stndy will be 4o show m what ways Jesus was i the . grea(est servant, arid why we stwuld foiipw his example. ; -T As we go through life not one among us is immune to the de sire to be important; it is as natural-as breathing, this yearning for a sense of significance. It therefore should surprise us lit tle when we come upon : evi dence of ,lt time and time again in - the New Testament On St least 'one occasion it-came to the surface among the disciples, and Our ; Lord dealt with it 'in no uncertain f lashioh. ; "Who-! oyer would be great among you,!;' 0 vant." (Mark 10:43).' " V;: Do you want to be Important? Then forget yourself in t kindly and wholesome; concern for the well-being 61 . others. . Do you want t- to rank in the kingdom of God? then i: lose ( yourself h forthwith for the good of, others. Since this seems to be a, revo lutionary requirement, contrary to nature,: Christ - 4r)jal dedication of Cbiistmas. incident that occurred during the Last Supper. KV'(' Y: ' ir'- When the disciples gathered for" supper with Jesus on , that fateful night, it seems as if everything that could go wrong had done so. Their Leader,, once the Idol of Uie crowds, was be ing denounced as a subversive, and charged with blasphemy and, treachery. And so the disciples that night were wrapped, in their own gloomy thoughts, '.'hosts' to the doubt and decisions, of the, best way of saving - themselves And as a natural consequence they neglected the . courtesies commonly practiced on,i such oc casions. , It was", the custom Jn those days for a servant $o re move the sandals of the guests and bathe their feet in ' cooL clear Water; ihls yas a welcome service, for most people traveled on foot, over hot and dusty roads. ' No doubt - the : disciples had often done this for one' an other, much In the fame way that we, today, help a friend remove his coat, when he- is a guest in our house. ' But on this occasion they, - each wrapped In his .own thoughts,' neglected, this! nicety; and ttp.WiW;.pegfti)i; in-i'af ispahef j'ugiy J i4i$i 'i'ijelfisa! tiioughits inffraught iWitlifepr' well -what was in their harts. During supper" he Quietly slip ped from his place, laid aside his outer garments, and' ; took up towel and basin."-1 He ' pro ceeded, silently1 and unostenta tiouslytto perform this. humble service first for one man, and then the other. The disciples, meantime, had stopped eating, . overcome With shame and' em barrassment. . Finally, our Lord cartte to Petef,, and seeing his Master kneeling at his feet, like any humble r servant, - the big fisherman could stand vit ho longer. Leaping to his feet, Pe ter protested, only to "be told by Jesus, in a gentle tone, ','If I do-not wash wou, you have no part in me." Theh Teter, in shame and remorse, sobbed, 'Lord, riot my feet only but also my hands ' apd n.y head!" And when He had finished with the last man, including Judas, who was to so basely betray him, Jesus stood and said to them: "I have given you an example . v . . Whoever would be great among you must be your servant . . For the Son of man also came hot to be served, but tc 'H indent a revolu tionary . requirement, . but w fia'v here an example vi- its truth ' that we cannot deify! This thitM is supported hot 6r.!y by tfjf, example of Jesus, who, tnrough " seii-iorgetting servic became the greatest amorsg men. but by, o"isewn personal ex periences. - ' Life, we discover, is a car! copy of our Lord's parable aL the grain of wheat. The grr ' which is left Ichtnd iii t granary, '.ouroi.es, con .'. sclf-suf; cio.. fjr it!'1, 1 eventually w..." 5s and c' -, i;rpose i" 1"s ' na ' ' ' f 4 A W. LL-'Iv 1' . th.i i i ;, i j c. . f " . . . i I si j V.Oi , 11. . kv mil V. r- , o c - t evening at 8 o'clock. . . , f . Joe L. ' - i - Sunday Sci.ool lo-.bJ A. i ... i First Suiidi-. " ' . ' li A. M and 8 P. tL " ttur.Gr ".3 H 4PTI3T U.I . . A. J. I-'cClollan. Fas' Sunct-jy benooi tacli t. at 10:00 A: M. .-1 . ? . Morning wprshin at .11 o' !u 2nd and 4th Sunday moral. PERQ'C'fa.n r-ZfS.Z'l -THr CHURCH fO ALL J .Y v Alt. FOR. THE CHURCH . The dutch i it ittileU llot M r . wilb fat if buildint ( thtiuht axl ' good ciliiMhip. )t ptotthniM of piiiliut .!. Wilhool ilntCJHlrch, Milker demoencjr ot civilbihi. u , mrrin. TUre ill (bt tnxl nw . why rniy ptnoa ihovld altoad Mrvtec VetoUilf uA nppori ini CJwtch. Ttpr ' M (I) tm hit M uk. (Z) Fat M . Mini U(3)F 4. . Li. ; -kowniaily mi Mlioa. (4) Fat t U : i i Qiareh ikclf, hKh uttit ik -, annt MhI iMleritl lupport. Pl la p ' ''l church itjulwly tad mi jroal Bibb -i-v.-.' ? '-;.':?;'?;; Day Boat, SoadaiP ' .1 Palo Moada Eeeleaiaatai Taeaday Fatloa -Weaaeasay EacfcaiaaiaJ Thumb Iiaiah ' Batardaj CtaptaT Tana at W I I - M-M I 101 , . 1-1 I t ' 14-H I II ' -T Iiaiafc rf. S 10-1S . I r i ;vf..-. Oiappell Brotherg v.;?---. -.v.,.,... '.;-,- ?:,;. r:'i :feENE2A CX)NTRACT)B3 .-. " '','- ?'-:"';': ''".;.-'y ?Jf;' CKy.'(Ca,. Peoples Bank & Trust Co. KEBTFORD, NORTH CAROLINA r,!. t7-:.:e-mber FJ3.LC. , ililisiii Da? & Son : V'ltitfeEa'i-1 farm' idMJCB :"v' Am i Cannon Qanirs pudxiVPe 'it;. I- W, t,L Morgan Furiiiture da " . j- -. j - i EMM Fandsbinr i', . Hot Paint ApplianeM i & S,. ;,l'?;;.''ir::3FEcrcTa vir.sbv-Bhnchard Ijctcr Co. Td(J2 FCSD DEALO ' Lynch TPuneral Iloiae KZZJTCTJ). ir. c. Towe-tVcbb Motor Ccnipar.y CJHYSLEa-PLTKOUtl . . . alea ft .rrte4 Ja C C Iy.Sr J Cy daa Xlad :rO-J ar.tr-.y fclnc'uir FtIjcU - Cyear Tlrta . Bv. Albert Got, ft. I i Cedar Orove Church: It day 10 A. . W-i 2nd Sund-y, U . M.1 3rd Sunday 7:30 P. M. Epworth Church: 1st ;.' 11 A. M.; 2nd Sunday, 7.13 I . , 3rd Sunday 10 A. M.; 4A t. day, 7:30 P. M. - 'Oak Grove Church: M day, 7:30, P.,M.;.-3fd Sun..ay, il A, 4th Sunday. 11 A. ? V - ; SEW HOPE '.,WOOCLAr3 - Dan E. Moadows, Palor New Hope: Church School, It ; M.; worship servicesj n , . .. l3t and 3rd Sundays; 7.-1 P. M., 2nd and 4th Sundays: ' Woodland: Church School, 1. A.' M.; worship, service. 2nd ar ' 1 4th Sunday, 11 a. m.; 1st a..-. 3rd Sunday. 7:30 p. M. '. ANDEBSOTTS, WETWJUSf -: .CHI.KCH ' v Chorch School,, 10:06 a. 15. It oming. Worshi", 11:00 A tl tecund and fourth Sundays; , '"' WOODVlLLfe B APTlUT ' i CHURCH . Wlllfam Si Brown,-Pastor . Sunday School, -9:45 A. II; Morning Worshfn. . 11 A. M., Training .tJnion. fl:30 P. M.; Even ing Service,; 7:30 P. M. UP RIVER FWTENPS CKUKC3 - Oral Dillon, Paster Sunday School, 9:45 A. W. Chure fArviees, 11 A. M. ad I . Yth Fellowship, 7 P H, ' Prayei . service, Wednedrl I P. .JL . ";'.',''"., . ' . ; BETHEL BAFTIST CHCT. , Bryan HoUoman, Pastor Sunduy School, 10:00 A, 11 Morning Worihi 11KJ0 A. 11 ! Evening Worship, fl:C0 P. 12,- FWEt woccs rrrs:? . . v crrixr-i- - ';', -Mark Hovjin, Pasta Churct Scnool 10 A. Si. v Morning monUlf li A. 11 . tormg People's saaetinK 7 P P. U:C9A.t,c WEirsvr " "ifs eat Cnuren i ti l-t at1 t Sq&aaya a . .. A. U. . , ''M'l .4-;';mi inn ''im i i' -v.. .y, , . J. , Au uk,1, Pa. r CS-.orof : ori :45 A. II. ; . Morning y.o ll;U0 o' Youth Fellows! j, 4.4J P. V Evening worJ: :30 P. VL .. BAGiV . .n'irLc:.-J A. E. .w mU Tah.oc Bun0y 'he ', 10:00 A. A Mdrnirip i'oj iipll o'cio, . Young Pt, ..j,s meeting at 6.:T P. M. 4 . ' , Evening worship, '7:00 o'c! . i " i 1 -.1 r ;1..h ' rto t'1 ' HOLY TRINITY EPKCC7J ' - , CHURCH " Err. E. F. Moseley. Kb-" " Holy Communion 8 ,-A. 3 Church School 9:45 A. M,; M ing Prayer 11 A. M.; Holy C tnunion on first Sunday at A M. V ' 1 ' 0 11. eesa r "c:! of or Char l--ley. Pas: r Bible- .100I each SunfW 10 o'clock;. Holy Comm each Sunday; -Worship s first and '...third Sunu.iy 1 inrrs at 11 o'clock; Evpuu ' Ship SerV pt . 7.C3 t Adu't Stu C -,es s 1 -Meetings 1-st a d third L evening at o'c'.jCi. 'v' CTIAFr'yLt!, TaILL EAT . .. .r--y .-3J ev -7 1 13:C3K. . f ! 'ttr