. "....-.r";itnr; p - ir ii t , ' Oimre ' Orodna un lit i9. Second at HcstlorH. -12.00 yr ,. t rei-qulma.ni '.ttia; and dates Counties. f WI., ,..4..1.l.30 ; Advertis'-T Pates Furnished' . strong mili ia itself can alien i li y' i tary jower. Th nu.ke , Kennedy's ' responsibility the most awesome ever confront ing an American President. .' 1 And second, as it always is in the U. S. game of politics and government, Kennedy faces the s task of keeping the right politi cal forces in tne country behind him go that his administration will be able to get a vote of confidence from the people- in November,' 1964. r -j ""' ;" - ;,The two..-' jobs: t are -different. One is the job of" a statesman and the o(ther is. a Job of the politician. . And there - are thosei Who argue that to be a statesman one must, first; be' a good1 poli tician. And , some1'' sayj that 'a statesman . is not . necessarily , a politicians So takaiyour choice, v Mr. Kennedy,' however, as the leader of the Democratic party, almost necessarily must be part politician,": For he heads 4 party composed of extreme elements on both ' sides of ;, the political spectrum. , To reconcile differ ences and push through a pro gram without, permanently split ting his party is a delicate un dertaking. And he ' knows : this well because he is an ex-member of the U. S. Senate;? where these differences were . ' clearly," con trasted. . '. ' , ;'. ( . ' ''j, . '.,',' '. v '''.. .A forecast, must, include, , the. probability that the first months of ; 1961 'Wl bring; . ; about - the most " harmonious; .''days of the new party .and new, administra tion. As the division lines hard- n tn-l 'giossj-i,;;, ,i .t : The Slump. M . ;While no editor can -claim to . bei anY economic prophet, nor would;, any intelligent one at- . tempt to do so, . it' would seem that there, are. some encourag ing signs' ori the economic hori zon pertaining to the 1960-61 slump? ' .' " ;.f-- Vrr. s-r-'i ,-.;-. ',. It is now - generally ' admitted that., we- are .experiencing the , fourth recession-in twelve years. , Since t last. spring- the economy has taken; a steady.- slide down ward, dhough not a heavy one.' The -economic experts' differ Ml' what.' 1961 wilt brine. . How ever, in the laRt . fPw wpif anil en and as. the President must months a greatur number of eco nomists h&ve forecast an upturn in the, Ulv'S-- .economy. ; later, in thf yaj j iS;K : ' There k'are - several ' factors which ant-, student of history and any good newspaper man will recall which could- give jus tification for optimism. In the first place, the last , slump, that in 31958, came after the period of heavy business ex pansion, when spending for busi ness expansion and new plants was sharply curtailed. ' The eco . nomic rise in the last few years has not been as rapid as .that prior to 1958. and spending'' ha.-s been trimmed to a lesser degree, Secondly, ' inventories - and stocks jrvere. trimmed . more sharply -in' 4 'sharper slump in 1958 than ha3 been the case in the 1960-61 dip. Busmess in ventories do not seem to be so low texferythat they can be cut sharply at " this - time. In fact, . inventories have been reduced steadily and, in many cases, they will not be reduced further. . Thirdly, it will be recalled in the 195& recession defense spend ing was being curtailed and this contributed.; -to ;he slump. The opposite "is true today. . Defense spending is almost certain to ln crease in the Kennedy adminis tration.; For these reasons, then, there seems ; to be- some justifi cation for . the belief that the slump will come to an end - and in, upturn occur in 1961. ,V; ':.'.-' i Kennedy's iesf The new President, John F. Kennedy, will face many tests in his years at 1600 Pennsylva-i nia Avenue. To be realistic one must , break 1 the two major spheres of activity down : into their proper parts. t. First, Kennedy will face the test of running the most power ful democracy in the world at a is "filed with'. make decisions,, he will gradually disenchant people. . His .critical task as a politician Is to avoid alienating so many by 1964 thai he will pot be ' re-elected. "; This may prove to be as hard as run-, ning the' 'world's greatest de mocracy, 'i Sdf-Ein;!oyK!,JD Required To Ki O Tax fistern nore. .The taxxeturri Internal Revenue Service and the self-employed obtain social security credit when- a part of the tax return is sent by Inter nal Revenue to social, security.' The self-employed person is giv-j en credit 'for four quarters un der social security for each year! for which a tax return is filed' if the net profit is $400"; or more. By filmg - tax returns "self- employed' persons are R jvidirig for social 'security benefits ' When they reach retirement age, 65 for men, 62 for ' women, and 'for disability benefits if they', be come . disabled before reaching retirement : age. - They also, (Pro vide for survive benefits for therr : widows : and children in case oi deatn. , ? s - . - v'.--v-,i.i;l,,,.,.r, ;-:;"),m:, fj. ChurcKTo Show Film Friday Night An unusual documentary type film will be shown Fjiday night at 7:45 o'clock at the Assembly of God Church, located' at 715 W. Grubb Street, Hertford.- . The film is titled "Teenage Drug Addiction.". This 25 min ute full color picture was film ed in a section . of Brooklyn known as "Juvenile Jungle" and portrays actual; teenage. drug ad 'dicts as ' they, gd about prepar ing, selling and using .drugs, ; . Produced by a youth .organi zation called "Teenage Evange lism" .this film brings to the au dience actual "scenes of teenage noys ; making ; marijana piga- rettes. These are dramatic scenes of young men "drilling" needles into, their-: arms for a "Mainline fix of heroine. The local showing is free to the public. Teenagers are urged to see this film especially. The Rev. Albert Eller extends a wel come to local residents. 'IT:' T7 ' ' CHRIST SATISFIES LIFE'S ... HUNGER ' International Sunday School ' ' Lesson For February 5 A I I ,t 111 .. I 1 1 II 4 K ' V 'V i . -1 v 1 Mempry Selection; "J am the bread of -life; he who cornea, to me shall pot hunger, and lie who believes in - me - shall - never thirst' '-John f:3S. . ' when Rich gifts wax poor givers prove unkind. Shakespeare. The period January 1 to April 15, 196k is tax return filing time. The Norfolk .Social Security dis-TM,wMM"" trict ' office Wishes ' to , remind the sel-eiiriployed that filing" of i 1960 tax return is required if the net profit, from any . trade or business or- combination of businesses is $400 or more, re gardless of whether any -income tax is due, . mis true no mat ter hpw old or young .you,; are, and even , if you are receiving social security benefits: K f- If the net profit is over $400, tne . only self-employed persons exempt from filing a return for social security purposes are med ical doctors. Ministers are' also exempt if ' they have not signed a waiver certificate electing' cov erage -under the Social Security Law. The only group that, may fH&.Teturrfs- if, the-net; profit iess, rhan. $400, -are, farmers; with w . .. ..... Ci:ccr.f crt? " Vnwla wtlnv or drlnklnt maty W a . ioarce of mild, bat hnnoylng bladder ' - irritations making jtm feel reiUeM, Jenae, mmi uncomforUblo. And if net. en nirhta, with tiestrinc backache) ueadeche or muscular aches and pains' : doe to overexertion, strain or emotional upset, are adding to your misery dot's wait try Doan a Pills. , , , , Doan's Pills art S Way for apeedjr " leJief. 1 They have a aoothint -effect ' -n bladdw IrntaUons. S A fast pain 'elievinc action on anint -backache, heajdacnes; muscular.' aehee... and paina . I A wonderfully mild diuretic action thru the kidneys, tending to increase the' " .output of the IS miles of kidney tubes. So, set the same happy, relief millions have enjoyed for over u yean. 'Mew, large economy - sise saves money. .Get poan'e lki-tcdayl r .t WMQ1sa)eeAysjMsassavji,wsa "1 ' nnri.nn J1 Tsyior Theatre EDENTON, N. C. Thursday and Friday, February 2-3 ' Diane Baker and , ' Lea Phillips in "TESS OF THE STORM COUNTRY" : ClnemsHcope and Color Saturday, February j DOlBtB FKATITRB John Hudson in v "VALLEY OF THE ' REDWOODS" I "THE KETTLES ON OLD J MacDONALD'S FARM" ' wday, Monday and Tuesday, Ildruary 5-B-7 , Taan Hayward, Jamas Mason . .- and Julia Nrirmai in THE MARRIAGE- ' ' , GO-ROUND" . ClaeaiaHcaiM aid Coler ! Co in,!. Fabruary l-S-ltV. J ','V' r7- Y, ' . 11 . " . -:i.r-::r- I'JA t it, rMewSinc!air Heatins Oil is . Premium Quality atsuflr Pricef , i- '-i 'V ' t . . t . m. vr'' ' ,j ' '' v j " : . ' " ''"'" , ' . llome-ownera'tell'ua tiat Smclajr.Iatini; 03; ! pves more comfort, mdre heat per dollar. That' : because it's l?rWum,t5a6lIty 4t regijlar price-'' ' . It contains an exdushra ingrtZl30ttb&t helptr "$keep your burner in top operating condition., Our service is dependable, toovxbu can be lui'; 1iimb nrnmtnor? ' - - , :;:...;',: CALL I I Lesson. Text: John ' v !v ' Our lesson today is written to help adults realize that the sal" vation provided in Jesus Christ can meet the deepest needs and hungers both of individuals and society, alike. - ' The story we are reading in the Bible today is a recounting bf another of John's signs. It is hot told for its. miraculous ele ment, but. for its sign value what it means about Jesus. John, here- represents " Jesus as One who brings us Inner peace, even 'amid storm. Jesus comes to us lovingly in our darkest hours, amid the pain and confusion of human woe, and all is peace and flight. Among the many fundamental truths suggested in this recount ling are the blessings of simple, daily food; ot Jesus' concern iof (the hungry; the joy of eating to gether in Jesus' fellowship; the unlimited generosity of God; and the power of God to do so much with so little. - Therefore, undeniably, Jesus is the Bread of life, the One who satisfies our many and varied human hungers, ,and the One who nourishes our inner lives. "I am the Bread of Life," Jesus said. "He. who comes to me shall not hunger." John 6:35). 'ime .was when, all of, the many wonders . ana advantages of this modern age we live in (and which we take so much for granted these days, somewhat thoughtlessly) were unknown. - ) mi - .. j .at luui came a aim awareness ui the ' potentialities ' of man har- Inessing the mysterious powers of the Universe; -and the slow but steady evolution of man's knowl edge to the" point we have reached today. . And Yet with all the benefits i of this immeasur able evolution at our fingertips, are we happier as we go through Uife? I : Have we a sense of se curity? All too often our answer to this question must be "No." This is true because although modern science, gives us not only more new approaches lto joy, it also gives us new opportunities to bring i about, disaster. Truly, if the message?, about lhe Wine of Life, the Water ot Life, and the Bread of : Lite wer4 needed 411(those centwies; c, they -are needed' today a" thousandfold. As we traverse our mortal span, we are beset by hungers; we hunger for food, from 'the cradle to the grave. ,cNo food no life. We hunger for love; we hunger for recognition. 1 . ' . John does not analyze v our hungers. , He , gathers .them all together into one all-absorbing need. The need for Christ, ; If one utterly absorbs the Spirit' of the' crucified Christ. his hungers are satisfied,, and he is nourished into eternal life. So John brings to us the. words of Jesus: "I ,am the . living bread which came down from heaven, and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world in 'my flesh." .. - In Chapter 6, verse, 63, John says: "It is the spirit that gives life." The; true believer , must accept the life of sacrificial love, keep company in spirit' with the crucified Lord, and live, himself, as nearly as is possible, the kind of life Jesus lived. " If he does this,, an inexhaust ible spiritual life . is his for the asking, Inner hungers yanjsh, life bojornes am outgoing service that is untainted by? the thought lot self. FW becomes a joyful relaxation from. duties done in gratitude to God. , The urge to belong, - which is inherent in eterjt- Orft fi of Jtsf is csjanneJed irjto- ft Mtis4 Wr, ftT'PP with T36(T i other dealcted"serv-i aAll this"?JbHlifnaY maMe very clear in these verses. There is no way of mistaking John's ap pealthat if wft believe,, .we may have life, in Christ's, name Dare we turn a aeai ear ; 'I- 1 inns"; V t ; , i . lv. V o , , I .jinj at 8,0'eloti 9- iHLlXFM C , -jt-. -- . t s-.kAa,a4 , Jo4 f rtelukOUsa J ' Sunday School A. v 't First Sunday' ii A M . arui It XL" 1 a. T BRIDGE TO v , GOD'S r- " . bridge,, what ' a miracle ( Tons of stee!J hangin? in air . . . spanningr 'miles of 'water . '. ; eupportingcaij unending line of cari like, bo . many ants. t - t ' , " " ' ' r ' And what a boon to man I The bridge saves untold hours and opens uj newvistaa, of life. , , The. bridge of prayer, what, a. miracle! Span ning Heaven and, Eartfi ." . . carrying, the needs. t and hopes of believing hearts. What a bpon to. man! The bridge of prayer opens, up new paths, of creative living and vistas into' the. nsalm of -Heaven. - ' In Church you can discover prayerthe- bridge which leads to God's world. . '"" '0-';- ,,iAv " s "4' : :;'. :'i '. r.-A i Ofr'aW 1MI trimr Ah.-lmltt, Umtotf. V ; vr - -., 1.'-.. t.J ' ' '"' f 1 I' . r; .lAth'eri ,i,ni, mORflrl' . in,TI CatAihe'iNHrtlffciisfet)' " e.flk fat fc.Ua.W'iMufti as " ' d(i;rslii is .tkifthatt eft" , MMJaalrMrCVjirA; aVisVayilin ;ist at awauinsieaa) . snvne't Than sie vm ssaacf .i B , vvhy nry peraas V"" s stnieat until) racks) aa sate. Kl ret as ; cailJws . '4eea. (J) Far' eat eaVe f to . ceaa4aaH aasj Mas, (4 Fet As aa)': T Ilia CjUca aasif, aia aweji '. . . , aastsl saaialtrUlsseeerk." Ph at a ' le asdi'taUilr.'u4 twl Jest Bibfc ail? . ;r ' J7 I . ' Daft Sett '' " AspW; Tata SiiaJsf '; taM -Uit- Uewtay iiwisnl , 10 11-11 . TiMSar - haUas iS. '', - 1'" sj4sr II CerialtisM .1 . - ll-U IW3' OaaaaaT-' I Mi M, - i J 'V, niiS PAGE MADE POSSIBLE CY THE FOWC Chappell Brothers CENERAL CONTRACnBS PImmm Elisabeth City 66CT - : 1 HEBtFOKD.ter, chzUTXX . Us tJKsrtssiPTisTcer At K Jl r.".n. Pas" ' Sunday'' scnool ' each1' t.ul J St 1Q:00 A. M, ' - Morning' worship, at 11 o'clock. Slut- and 4th. Sunday, naornuvrv i , o ' ' V. , , ' . '.' t' t la. . - sns. T. ...' ...i . aawT sauaiu wsw, sis tsv.w. - : Cedar Grove Church; Jst.SuTi" day 10 A M.; 2nd Sunday. 1JL. A. M.; Snt Sunday 7:3Q P. Mj - Epworth Church: 1st Si'i'' 11 A. M.; 2nd Sunday; 7.30 P; M.f 3rd Sunday, IQ'A.' M.; 4th S; day, 7-30 P M, " " A Oak Grove Church: 1st. Sun day, p, W.'3?d Sunday,, 1JL A, M.: 4th 'Sunday.. 11 A.'M- - 1 ' REW H6fi - WQODLAnd '' ' Dan E.TBadow, Pailorr' - New Hope: Chlirch School, 10 A.' M.; worship, acrvices, 11 . M., 1st and. 3rd "Sundays; 7;5J P: M., 2nd and 4th Sundays. Woodland: Church School;: 10 A: M.; worship service 2nd and 4th Sunday, II A. M.; 1st and 3rd Sunday, 7:30 P, M. v v ANDEISSOTS METUOBIST CHLKCH - - Church School, 10:0fc j. M. ' Morning Worship. 11:00 'A- aeeond nd -foarth sSundaya. . o , , WOODVILLE 'BAPTIST , .,CHUHCH William S. Brown, Pastor . Sunday' School. ; 9:45 A.J M.J Morning ' Wbrship.' 11 A.' M.t' Training Union, 6:30 P. M,J Even', ing Service, 7J0 P. M. , ,! -UP RITEB FTTJENDS CHCRCiT" ; OrTalDi.l9n.Paat4jr '.c Snnday'Bchocd, 9:45 A. M. ? ' ' "ChtrreS aerrleea, It A; It mt'a p K ' ' , Yoata FHflwhfn.'7 P M. j Pryf Service, Wedneedi ,1, '. T1- ' i hi im i " ' . ' BETHEL BAPTIST CH0ECX BryW HoComan. PasW y " -Morhing Worshii 11:00 A. ty j Mtori,DaP &Spn r ' '-t .'. . " '. v- ': . c , . ' 1 " V. ; ; . -,',(..-,. FERTILISER FARM PlWCZCpSt '', y Phone UM, Xitht Phaaaa SMlSSr, , , fntm ?!.A4ass4aejsiiS '...': :iSliii( tlx W. M. lVJorgan Furniture Go. Bass FoniiflHinga . . . Hot Paint AppUaneea t Winslcw-Blanchard Motor Co. TOiTR FORD DEALE3 ! ' 4 ' ' '' PKcrscn Towe-Webb Motor Ccmp GISTSLER-PLTMOUTH . . . Salia ft rviea ' i ah J. C Bknr:rd Tj , I-s. 1 ELANCHAj:SJ" ea . ,t": ' ' . '',' ' 7 ; ft '?.' '" 't ivlv Mvavtviu uit Vs.... s Sv, f rcjra r;i , , ' . cz:r xi c. 4 a phtet wor! mrrr7 Mark ld'i laator , , - Chuiea Senoot 10 A. tL , t ' .Horning wprsfcijt UA.H. . , totjns; PeoDla'a anautptg 7 it.rj , WHITKVILLE r'aOVB EATatTT Sunday School ltW J A, tL, Sirnday. " ' ' 1 - Caitteh atrfieea f!r-l aivf tlJ ,Saadayaatil:CO.A.U., , - - rnsr'i K-Hool 9: A. I f. -liorninv Vorl.'? 1WJ o't-:. Youth Feaows p, 4M P. L' Swung wprship, 7;SD P, ,,r BAGLCt SWAMP ftlC" ' , , A, E. Barefoot Pastor s , Pilnday SrTooL 10:00 A. A ' liominff Vorhirll o'eiocx. -- YoUng-People's ; meeting at 6:15 : 'Evfeningworship, 7:00 o'clock. -f" N- - 'i '' aa ' ' j ' 3 "I ' i ' MOLT TEBrrrT Ensccr- - ., c:":r.CH. , ,Pb. E. P. l-oSalayrF-r t ', i Holy - Communion ' 8 A. . I : Church School 9:45 A. M.: i ing Prayer J A.-M.; K munion on .first : SunJ eessa CHur.c:t t - CharW Prt.: 'Bible School - ea. 10 o'clock; 'f! Holy .i each' Sunday; Worsi, first - and j third- Sim ings at 11 o'clock: 1 ship ? Service at 7 AduU Study-" Cla Meetings first on i ; evening at T-o'c. - - , Suny acnooi - 10:0 IL and .-th -VC sV v' (ThMt eommanis art 1 c" i-.ii,avsi 1- .V autiraaa ' cf " Li r--ly f --i r r is ty i"f. f Alan Ladd and JJLU .- s . - Miliar ip ft Hftsr f'- a - es4t-sfib.. - .a r J0 hr V4T 3t, tuk. 1 i j' ii

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