Ami 4 ..i ci. I ried high school students getting a cooler .'.welcome - 4. school administrators .today tl four years ago, a, recent po: :b. The'. Nation's Schools m .azine shows. ; i.n( ' " 1e majority Jf of "the- high school superintendents' 'p4ricU pa ting in the, latest survey? ho w- eveft' still favor permitting 'mar rieqs teen-agers to. continue, 4Jieir . education. ' ' .h J ' Sbity-threo per centT'said Jhey would tolerate, , if 'not welcomk married, . students. Twenty-five per; cent were against the hus- band- and wife-, remainirtg ; in ?chool. . ' - - ' J' In an earlier poll, conducted in 1958, The : Nation's ' &Bools Ibund 'that '78 per 'cent tf-the ; superintendents would , have per mitted married couples to.'-con- tJnue' their education. Only. 15 i per cent ere opposed., ' Other questions asked uv the latest poll -and the superintend ents' -replies follows; ,r . 1, Should husband and wife be : all6wed to attend the same olass-es?,KYes,'- 53 per cent; nOj, 34 per' cent; ho opinion, 13 ;per - cent , - V -' Should married couples- be . granted a-1 leave1 of absence for personal adjustment or; honey-' moon?-: Yes. 21 per cent; no, "... 85 (per cent; no opinion.! i .per cem. ' - ?! .. v .'' 3t: Should pregnant wiveS" be , suspended : or expelled?',' J" Sus pended' temporarily? , Yes,.;' 62 ; per? centr no, 20 per s cent; r opinion, 18 per cent. Expelled? Yes-, 22 per cent; no, ' 66 -per cent'; no opinion, 12 per cent.- .- ; 4, Should married students be separated from suigle.i class- v mates?". At lunchtime?' Yes,' 14 per cent; no, 70 per cent;1 no opinion,-4 lfl per cent. In' extra ; cuiricularr activities? ; 1 Yesi' 39 per cent; no,.. 47 per cent;, no opinion, 14 per cent, "-ii'j? f ' Questionnaires; were sent 'to a 4 pe if cent proportional, sampling '-rot i-Hhe $ lft.OOd ;secondaryve4uca- - tor in tne united states. ; A 63 zperj cent' response was received. Creech 'Keswak -4MJL IKt ytl' eAHViZC The Rev. Oscar Creecijof the Chdwan ' . CoUege administrative staff i will ' retire from his" post as Ijdirectorf of development oh February 1. ' J lie February retirement' iwill be She second one for; the 75 yea'J-old, minister-educator, j The first came about "ten years- ago. when ae resigned as-pas to of. - the First Baptist Church j of iAhojskdflkafter nearly 28 ."years Creech's vinterest in . Cjiowani did, not begin with his employ- ' ment in 1961. In the early 30's he was a trustee of the' college. and has maintained an active concern for " its ' welfare" ver since;.' .... let 1946, his. concern waevl- dented In an especially" tangible wayj , .Chowan was closed then; ; World' War II had brought such a s gftvere . shortage of students thaij jfhe college' found it heces- saryto cease operation. 'Creech and.s The .Rev. Lonftie Safes er of Mu eesboro became the lead ers ' t n fnup which sellout to , ise $1-0,000 to re-open -the & Tty-were suCcessfult! r I another '$100.- t r year. .Thus it i opened. , its f i lalj or, i.h V Creech ;ha nc seen phenomenal gro ed 4 pos. gro has I the i leger. et 1 half Lip s " liflV not' 1'.- t Chowan, he has play sjor part in making Jit i. Etudent enrollment ii as to over 600. The college otne fully accredited by '1 tti Association ofJCol It3 annual 'operaling'bud i soared to well oyer a ' n dollars. ' Many new i been erected.' Tlie i j t'" and 1 influence ' all-time -high, .tern Nortn Caro - he JtatfT(iRd';lit Unflergrpunfi; . ' " ' ' ' Df h Ja'ita Caverns - 'fXtyi .nI' p. " :r"' ' ' , i Less than" to'' hour's tirlVe ' Returnmg; a week later, Dr. . ' from BeirUt,' Lebanon"; vhea " Bliss ? an ftis companion the; sparkling-blu'e' ' bay 'of ' clambered over'the boulder; , jouhiih, fs fpuhd 'one 6f 'the 1 -carrying a small boat, and went underground 'jirondprs of .the " dee'per. They passed a maze of , worldi ".E;'r"nmJtn- eerie-white stalag-i; i Sightsesrs and archeolpgical, j tes, but finally were- halted i , 'sleuth for . years , have ,,pe';n, at a depth of about 1,000 yards left breathless as they, paddle by, rapids. si ; - ' . small boats slowly into Mag- t - Since then many have taken harat' Jaita.,the Dog myer S up the challange of the Ja'ita - leaverns, aha behold the won- drous colors and exotte shapes of the -stalagmites and stalac v ties, 7 eroded-rock formations and growths of molds, f ' Still much less commercial .. ized than the famous "Blue A GrottoT of the Isle of Capri, Ja'ita has an unsulliecl gran- deur reminiscent -ot an- Ori ' ental temple. The black-waters of the' subterranean river, "on, which the curious enter, re cavern was found which is -m fleet tin shimmering elegance said tA.bldCTind;eye noro k :teiwo1loWUNtttiadA.ittf illuminated formations which irrthe higher cavern, but theV i.itransform the depths ot the few who have witnessed it i win ww a wunueiiaiiu. "A '. "Ja'it h;a teflf kpowit tf tha modern world only since 1835, 'rr fehen an areheoloeist bv the ' .... ' ' Th. . iPkAMnaM.'. Av-et Stumbled on the cavern while. Construction plans for the ' - exploring "the remalns-df 'an-' up"perrcaverr. ar'e-curfihtly be cient f life . and ' civilization log made, while ibprovement which pervade''" the - Lebanese ( are Constantly carried out on coast.' At the entrance he. diih; ( .covered a mass of bone.brecias - ' composed of bones and .teeth and chipped. flinlTha. com--.. , ponents had been gradually cemented together into a hard, .rock-like formation, a lasting ' reminder of the primieval be- ings jwho 'ttiW inhabited the' 4 cavern. -',"' ' 1 v.) "Vtrt': s : Dr. Thompson'if find was left, alone for nearly 40 years nn tilxevisited in 1873 by a party) consistms ot fresuaent Jianer. iius Dr Daniel Bliss, JouhdeC i of41.Americaa.Unu.ftrity of Beirut," Dr. K.-W. Brigstocke, 'opened to the public in Sep nd Messrs. W.J. Maxwell and Ctember, 1961. .. -, . H. Huxley, engineers engaged While the Ja'ita caverns are ,lri; constructing' ? the Beirut, j8 recent addition to the tour water works." 'r':i.' ' ; !, ist's list of 'must-see' places -" .' forging beyond the entrance in : Lebanon, their , attraction . on a-' raft .of i planks and. in - is. gaining a momentum far flated goat skins, the team . surpassing expectations. The ' penetrated .the Ja'ita 'cavern v. world-renowned temples - of to. a depth of some.3p0,yards. Baalbek are even feeling the ' before being halted by a huge s competition as the- dazzling ' boulder.. Even at this depth underground wonders of Ja'ita , the candte-lit caverfi guggeMed "gain a feputation'as one of the ' to the explorers the interior ; world's- outstanding sights of . f a cathedraL . -. A natural beauty. BaDtisrMeetmsf- ; c In Winstan-aleni , , More wait 2,000 ' Baptist min isters' 'arid laymen are "expected in attendance at the annual Con ference On Evangelism' to be held s, HT. f.' , . eSh4 , "i st: -z" r41 " u:i(!ers K7 caverns, and to date the quest of eye-filling' beauty and ad venture has carried explorers to' a distance of over 6,200 yards. Not only have the won ders been more fully recog nized', and photographically recorded through the , years, but also, in the vearly '50s, : topographical maps of the in-, " terior were- drawn. ; 4 1 In 1958 . a further, higher maintain mat it is lua ot sta- Iacts''ani stalagmites .of all shapes and' sizes, even more' attractive than -.the delightful ' Iam-ui ...Iiam. '. . '. ''' 1 the facilities of the original Ja'ita cavern. Thd' newly-found cavern -will be electrified, and here, paths, will be paved for, the sightseers to allow an ease of entry provided by . small, aluminum-sheathed boats on the black waters, below. " J KPlaTa are" also being dis-1 (cussed ' for the S purchase of j about 20,000 square yards of. land surrounding the Ja'ita caverns turned into (parK,y parking area, a, and shel-J ic,- '.'" ' !. i erhrwfll 'l ters lor the publi The ' ut.D'ei' divdrh1 st "Wake 'Forest College, Winston Salem, January 30-February 1, -,96K" ,Tie Conference is spcr, iorld'by the Division of Evan-' gelism of the Baptist State Con vention of North Carolina, Julian S. Hopkins, Director. , The purpose of the conference FULL FIGURE POnL.OADi? I, v rnff - : Limit: 2 :.f.m. v-.T.. ; AdJttionol ChitJren Hours 9 112-l:C?a 5:33 ' Will g(y? you A silcctH cf po$:s from ; Cturdy February 2nd, 3rd, '4th and personal evau veiksm the more than ' 3,300 churches in North (Carolina. Jnei, theme, for the conference will; be "Building Art - Evangelistic Phnrrh." Th nfnirrnm rails forli" mornlng, afternoon and evening sessions beginnmg with the af ternoon session on Monday( Jan uary 30,- and - concludmg with the morning session on Wednes day, February 1. 1 1 I4U16 progress can be -made bymerely attempting torprs what i evil; bur ea'iopeiie in developing' what; 'is good. . '."'1"' m J-rCalvin CoolidgC. ' ' ' CARD ,OF iTKANKS, ' "We lwanf to thank 6ur" many irieniK. ; neignbors j ana .lovea . .. .' . . . .'-', lili- '' i ..... -Ul .- ' ones"ior trte aonaxions xjij ?iooa, floWewi'flhd cards sent, and'all other acts bi kindness' during the illness and death of our brother, Hildrey , (Hick) Jordan.! May God bless each of you. v A? ' HIS SISTERS -" & BROTHERS. , CARD OF THANKS . I wish to thank all the friends who- sent "gifts and ': tor their visits and : prayers while I was in the Albemarle Hospital.'' They were greatly appreciated. , Bless. all of you. BILL - BOYCE, MINUTES OF. MEliTINCt 'it, BOARD OF EDUCATION - The Perquimans. County, Board of Educatibn met Monday, Jan uary '30,".196r m special session All members were present. Min utes of the last -meeting were read and approved. '" 5 ';- : 3: S. M. Whedbee, Attorney for the Board, was present to offer legal advice. 'v: The : committee - studying proL posed sites for Perquimans Union School, gave a report for information of the board mem bers. The committee was au thorized to explore possibilities of various sites and report, at next meeting of the board. The resignation of Miss Mil dred Reed was accepted and re corded in the minutes. Motion was 1 made, seconded and passed approving Mrs.-Julian' White as. teackef? ti -fill' ithe unexpired, term of Miss - Reed.- The Superintendent advised the board of receipt of a check in the amount of $998 from., the Federal Government ' as first payment of entitlement due un der Public Law 874 for Fed, erally Connected , Pupils,. TM Superintendent announced af. school planning workshop to be? in ivinston repruary i-, ivoi. . Thie request of a married stu dent, Rovena Harris Jacocks, to continue in school was approved. After a short explanation by the . Superintendent of " the se mester : type of ' school program for , : Perquimans ' County, and some : discussion of the program? it was decided . ' to eontinue the study until the March meeting. Classified Legals Al -it '' as ,,rli" , FOR SALE-ORGAN, IN GOOD condition. Write Edna ' Ryd ingsvard, 822 W. 52nd Street, Norfolk 8, Va. ,v ,feb3 SALESMEN . WANTED BE independent. : Sell Rawleigh ' Products. Good nearly locali ty open in . Perquimans Coun ty. Write today.'.... Rawleigh's, . Dept. NCB-720-5, ...RicTunond, Va. - Feb3,10,17,24 PLANTING- GUIDE CATALOG in color free on request. Of fered " by Virginia's largest ' growers of fnu) and nut trees, berry1 plants, grape vines, -flowering -'shrubs,'! evergreens, - shade and flowering trees, roses. Waynesboro Nurseries, Waynesboro, Va. 'feb 3,10.17,24 " ht' i yli 1 Plus 35 Ma.unt , . " . ' r:?v tnvy?4-i'ii.5 rtinrr-ilJ in v.- "f"1.. ,r,.. Each ;welmg-'gowrisr',party'dre9seSi Eap'istJ 't repair fu, ems,'' minor a a. Thei- terations.'1 ' Call or1 'see v Irfrs': - Lester T. Keel; Hertford, N. C. nFeb3,10,17,24 FOR RENT A FOUR ROOM apartment. Downstairs. Hot and cold water. v Private ent rance. See M. ' J. Gregory, Hertford, N. C. . feb 3 FOR RENT A FOUR ROOM apartment. Bath. Unfurnish ed. Hot and jcold, .water, ;cen-. 1 tralheat. See' W. M. Morgan 'at the furniture store1 in Hert ford. "" V- ;!::'' .' 1 4 ':; ' Jan 27Feb3,10,17 WANTED POSITION AS BABY sitter; available day or night. Call Mrs. Carolyn Rr Barker, phone Hertford 4081.. x Jan27,Feb3. .. FOR SALE ORGAN IN GOOD condition. Write Edna Ryd-ings-vard, 822 W 52 Street, Nor folk 8, Va. Jan27 WANTED AT ONCE RAW- leigh Dealer in Perquimans County. Write Rawleigh's, De partment NCA-720-3, Rich mond. Va. Jan6,13,20,27 HOME IMPROVEMENTS ALL KINDS Roofing - Siding Painting - Tile Work Brick Work - Garages Rooms Built - Cabinets Blown-in Insulation Bath Room Installed Storm Doors and Windows Aluminum Awnings Or Anything Else You Want Done to Your Home No Down Payment Phone 5704 CHARLES' HASKETT 104 E. Colonial Ave. Elizabeth City NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Admini strators of the estate of Mrs. Nancy B. Gregory, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Corolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Box 514. Elizabeth City. N. C. on or before the 14th day of January, 1962, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. AIL persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This 14th dav of January. 1961. P. L. GREGORY. SR.. : & MOODY HARRELL Administrators of Mrs. Nancy B. Gregory Jan20.27,Feb3.10,17,24 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION I Having qualified as Adminis trators of the estate of Miss Neppie M. Smith, deceased, late of '- Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the - undersigned at Route 2, Hertford, N. C, jn or before the 19th day of January, 1962. or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE . 1 ROUNDUP EVERY SUNDAY . - I . ' . - . ( jDovoUvvwv stock? 'Looking to buy1 stock? -Or just, interested in the vacillations of the stock market, Every Sunday get the full week's : activity and the yearly averages of the complete New York Stock Market in the Baltimore' Sunday America via the ultra-modern electronic tele typesettes. Don't miss the bet-ter-than-ever financial pages of THE BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN - on sale at your local newsdealer THE nooMioiiu is fri"Y-i '' :,.fi,.V;j-v,.?'t':, .First Methodist Church .. HERTFORD, nc 12:00 Noon - 6:00 P.rM. Make A Date Now ,To Be A Donor, persons , indebted to said estate will please make 'lrhmediate payi tent. ' -. this 19th day of Janwary, 1961,, i ,-. a. j. SMiin, on, ana ROY W. SMITH, 2 Administrators of Miss Neppie ;' M. Smith. " -. , Jan27Feb3,10,17.24Mar3 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified ' as Executor of the estate of Mrs. Sallie D Stallings, deceased, late of Per quimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them, to the undersigned at 723 Pennsy vania, Avenue, ' Hertford, N. C., on or before the 20th day of De cember, 1961, or this notice will be'lpleaded in bar of their re covery. "AH persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. : ' This 20th ! day of December, 1960. -, ' " ' - ' ! ARCHIE R. STALLINGS, Executor of Mrs. Sallie D. Stallings. ' Dec30,Jan6,13,20,27.Feb3 North Carolina. Perquimans County . NOTICE OF RE-SALE Perquimans County and the Town of Hertford . vs. Edward Harrell and wife, Annie Harrell, Lucy H. Miller and hus band. Corai Miller. Willis H. Harrell and wife. Hazel Harrell. and all other claimants and heirs at law, under and bv rea son of. Anderson Harrell, de ceased. Mildred H. Miller. Ad ministratrix. Mildred H. Miller, Guardian. Lucy H. Miller's chil dren. and Mildred H. Miller Guardian Willis H. Harrell. Under and by -virtue oi an North Carolina, and commonly order of the Superior Court of, known as the "Ford Farm." Perquimans County, made in the i TRACT NO. 2. Beginning at civil action as above entitled: fa point on- the South side of and under and by virtue of an Creekmoore Road on the line of order of resale upon an advance Melvin Colson lands: thence bid made, the undersigned com- South 8 degrees East 10.4 chains; mfesioner will on the 1 1th day .thence North 16 degrees West of February. 1961. at 11:30 along said line to the Creek o'clock A. M., .at the door ofjmoore Road; thence North 85 de the courthouse in Hertford. Per-prees j;;ast continuing along quimans County. N. C.. offer Southern edge of said road to for sale to the highest bidder the pomt of beginning, contain- ior casu uuun . 11 n Three Hundred Thirty Dollars ($330.00). a certain tract or par cel of land lying and being in the Town of Hertford. Hertford Township. Perquimans County. N. C. and more particularly de scribed as follows: Lying and being in Hertford Townsnip. rerquimans wuniy, S' S' bounKed L k01VT" Bounded on the north by Mar- km oireei. easi oy j-. (nnw PpnplnnA Bemhrvl. smith l 1 t uX o 7mi- - VCuwi. ' u; v y wuiiji utiuiu..ui . ionRine;W4iqn'oyruiii, west, oy the lot fdrmerlSr belonging to George 'Hinton. -" For ' further de scription and chain of title see deed book 16, page 343. Public Registry 'of Perquimans County, N.' C. , ' This the 24th day of January. 1961. - ; ' : ' CHAS. E. JOHNSON, ' Commissioner." Fep3,10 V . : - , " i NOTICE OF RESALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue of the authority con ferred upon the undersigned by order made by the Clerk of Su perior Court of Perquimans County, North Carolina, in the Special Proceeding entitled "Sal ly G. Deal and husband, Walter . . .... . , , ., ,. - , en n I . - " -.' . r month for 17 yean and 9 months. (This la exactly ten years longer than the official maturity period for Bonds, and means extra interest earnings.) At the end of that time, you can cash in a Bond every month for the next 17 years and 9 months, and each one of them wQl pay you $145. This works out to $1.93 for every $1.00 you put in Bonds and please note , the $75 figure is only an example. You Can put as little or as much as you iikt into thisr etirement plan. See the chart. SOME WANTAGES Y00 MIGHT - ' ' v ,? tv TUiyr lonirrt. vrTi : iiiiimnuvwi Yoa can save automatically with the Payroll 'Saving Plan. Tell your eom- s pany how much to mi aside from your-, , pay for, Bonds. This way yeu -won't forget to save and your savings will add p. automatically. (, . ,.,, . ' ' - ", --. r. ' ; ' (T-- ,'" i You mw' get i at1 m.-1' torfty This new rate, which went into . effect June 1, 1959, makes your Bond money urow faster. Series E Bonds now mature 14 months earlier than Xou save more than money with U.S. ssrraiigs Bom ssssstss . Mkteitv' rf. ..m.. 1 E. Deat Agnes G. fvey and hqs-' East ft. 23. .chains; .".thence. Souta v band;' Baymond jyey,v Aiidre G. " JbT li Curkink afld llusoak ess'W. fee i t Gurkftis. Hercules ' Bivrum'. wilrl. ower of Mary G. Byrum, Daphne G. Lane and husband, Amos Lane, Alpha G: Matthew and husband, W. E. Matthew. Jr., Vil ma G. Spi'vey and husband, Matt M. Spivey,, Jr., Abraham Lincoln Godfrey, Jr., and wife, Doris R. Godfrey, Jean G. Cartwright and husband, 1 Edward ' CartwrijRht, Emeral B. Proctor, minor, and husband, William Proctor by her next friend, William Proctor, L. H. Byrum, ; minor, Wayne By rum, minor, Kay Byrum, minor, Faye Byrum, minor, . by ' their nejxt friend and father,! Hercules Byrum, and Hercules Byrum, Executor of estate of Abraham Lincoln Godfrey, deceased . . . Ex Parte to the Court," the un dersigned Commissioner 'Will of fer for sale at public biddings, for cash, to the highest bidder at the Court ' House door in Per quimans County, North Carolina, at 12:00 o'clock noon on Satur day, February 4, 1961, the real, estate in New Hope Township, Perquimans County, North Caro lina, to wit TRACT WO 1 RoainninT at .. v. ",--.-- uv a point at the mtersection of the Body Road and the Woodville I Road and runs thence down the Body Road South 64 V degrees West 38 Vi chains; thence North 3 degrees West 6.95 chains; thence North 40 degrees West 26 chains to Granbury Lane; thence North 54 degrees East 51 chains to Woodville Road; thence South 19 degrees East 40.4 chains along said Woodville Road to the point or beginning, containing 161 acres,", more or less, as per plat in the division of the lands of S. M. Godfrey, Sr.. as shown on plat jit Plat Book 1, No. 346 in ! Perquimans County Registry, ng 45 acres, more or less, and ibeine designated as Lot No 5 in the division of the lands of S. M. Godfrey, Sr., as shown on plat in Plat Book 1, No. 346 in Perquimans County Registry, North Carolina, and commonly known as the "Jackson Lands." TRACT NO. 3. Beginning at a int on the Bod Road on the line of the Wilson lands; thence South 31v, degrees East 15 chains to the center of a ditch, r i1?" 01 iennem caieman lanas; tnence South 60 degrees West along center of said ditch to where same intersects a canal ditch, line of William Smith; thence Northwest along said canal ditch, its various courses to the Body Road; thence. North 66 degrees East 10 chains along said road to the point of begin ning, containing 15 acres, more or less, and being designated as Lots No. 1 and 2 in the division of the lands of S. M. Godfrey, Sr., as shown on iplat in Plat Book 1, No. 346, in Perquimans County Registry, North Carolina. TRACT NO. 4. Beginning at a point on the line of the Wilson lands, and running thence North 64 degrees West 21V4 chains; thence South 5 decrees East, fi chains; thence South 13 degrees I Guaranteed by Uncle Sam: Would you like to - be sure that eVery dollar you put aside for retirement will-t pay you $1.93 later , on? It can be done, -! and here's an ex-i ample: Buy a $100 Savings' Bond ffor $75) each ' before In just 7 years, 9 months. ., Bonds bought before June 1, 1959, earn more, too an extra H from then to maturity. ' . " You ran get your money, -with inter est, any time you want it. Bonds are a ready reserve that you can cash any time at any bank. But it pays to keep them. Your money is guaranteed by the U.S. Government. Bonds are an abso lutely riskless investment. The Govern ment promises you that the cash value of your Bond will not drop it can only grow. Your money can't be lost or stolen. The Treasury will replace your Bonds, free, if anything happens to them. You save more than money. You help save the peace with every Bond you .buy. Peace costs money--moncy for science, education, military strength. And the money you save helps keep our nation's economy strong. ! "Pick the amount you would like to receive- - 136.85 1472.50 $145.00 H290,00 J725JM YmsavtMck rawlliferW 11.75 37.50 75.00 ISO. 0q 375.00 yeirs, moiifht AtVtturity, 1 7 ywn, moKihs Irom 25.00 50.00 100.00 200.00 500.00 inw toti, ewk V bone' will be , , , , ,wi -. -f' ' ' Hold each bond for mother 10 yeiri . To collect aKn 1 I I I I nKMtli for 17 36.25 72.50 145.00 290.00 725.00 yean, t Months I I I I - - TtHm mm o ajfumpribn that 3-U m'c will bt I y tick JmmT ' "wUA fmm "'''"' punhutt dot . JSuy them where you work Dc?c:zzn , . ',..., 'f qf ' 3!fMt'l containing 16 Z3' acres more or less, and being designated as Lot.' No. 7 in the division of the lands of S. M. Godfrey,' Sr., as -shown i on plat in Plat Book 1, No. 346 in Perquimans County Registry; .- North Carolina. ,'' : : 't - ' J A deposit of ten per cent in" cash of the purchase price wiir ., be required of the successful? - i bidder or bidders at the sale. AIL. i bids will remain ' open for ten ' j days from date of sale for raised : J bids as reauired bv law. . Pur- chasers of DilHl6nds':.iiIt -.kave ; immediate possesion" upon ac ceptance of bidtand delivery of deed- . This sale is. made subject t. scribed in Tract No. 1.' Tbis'sje to the life estate ,of Carra Buza- i beth Godfrey in and to appOxt-' matelv ! three acres of land de-' i is further ' made subject to?' a , lease to lands described in Tracts: , i 1 and 2 from Sally G. iDeal and j husband, Walter E. DeaVet sals, i to Abraham Lincoln Godfrey, , j Jr., for the year 1961, which,! J lease will be transferred and as- J signed to and for the benefit of ', the successful bidder or bidders. PI.:. ..I. io moHo cnhic.t in all i i x ilia saic a iiiv mmj-vi- (lawful taxes and assessments 1 against said lands for the year 1961. The opening bid will begin at.,,'.,' $52,550.00. Dated and posted this 18th day ' of January. 1961. -4" HERCULES BYRUM, Commissioner. .. , Jan27,Feb3 TIRED KIDNEYS GOT YOU IIOWN? iive them s ....... 1- I:.. ...i.k .1.:. ..-..II h.luuuJ . , muin. n.-ip nil kiiim-ys f uric wt' ; that muv cauHp ecttinir ud BiKnts.'v- twunty piisftuKe, huriitiiK, liaekurhe, lejc,, -puins, Take -Burprlsini; Itl'KKTS '!": day treatment. If not oleaKed, your 50c bark at anv driic store. Today at S & M PHARMACY V Good Reading for the Whole Family News Facts Family Features Tht Christian Science Monitor One Norway St., Boston 15, Mew, Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check kr money order. 1 year $20 6 months 10 Q 3 months $5 Q Name ' Addreu """ TUT" tat will return ou put in acti month for 17-j-i years A'4" or bank -lyccWiS '"7."--'--'' -, " kititsi'iAia'i';.!- ( 'tl' t: i ! ..f .& t. '"i; i-tJ' '-, i -':' -i t '; 4.: ?!