,1 ii ' ' t t: ads ; continue,! duction and .ft. ..ization Con- cotton acreage in ference at Grec.ville. S. C I7:ij c.,..l " .u u.uu k Upchurch " found that the -amcally harvested, Southeastern " cotton state9 of "' lew :!Mnrt.h Hamlina Smith Pamlina i Georgia and -Alabama are fol lowing a trend set earlier by tne Delta states. ' .' w. ' i ; ' i-c-'a Uon comes from R. 'lurch, an associate pro of f;eid, crops at North a Elate College. , . : '. , '., - it-., itt';" - if ,.U.urch. ( pases hip predjctioni i ! a recent stevey 'made ot nical wec jcontrol and me oiical : harvesting trends r-in Ae of . tjief imp6iitant cotton oducing states.; 4t 'is the first empt t6 show belt-wide s:nds on (these , practices.; Re j Jits o hf4 survey- were r- orted to "the recent "Cotton Pro Ji for 1956;, teMJ thaa.(UJlpwf centjl or, ine .CQtion , acreage ( m . jne Delta sties' of Lwisiana,! 'Missis sippi, Arkansas and Tennessee was treated with pre-emergence hfer Mcidds. 1 ' By ; i I860,!! htWiieWer, s "The full benefit of win: 1 lube -savk:2 pre-emergence trealM ftrs, ments- cannot be realized unless mechanical harvesting is also adopted," Upchurch pointed out. " . . . It seems reasonable to predict that by 1963 or 1964 the Delta states . .. . will also be mechanically harvesting about 75 per cent of their cotton, acre age," he added. Upchurch believes the south' eastern states are running about; 65 , per, jcent iQf, ,the, .acreage fo 1 Louisiana was treated. And by 1963 ,or)J,964U(Deburcr jpredjcfe mm i i per vent oi we acreage in' the1 entire tirta wlllfbe 'treat' WINTER IS TV TIME! , For Top family Entertainment CHOOSE Westingliouse Television " Table pr Console Models You can be sure if you select Westing .tpuse Television ..it will provide. .pu with peVfect performance for years' Come in today and see our complete line. Prices are right and you can secure your Westinghouse TV with a small down payment Hertford llerdvsre & Supply, inc. PHONE 3461 HERTFORD. N. C. ARE YOU PLANNING TO BUILD OR REPAIR? " ' WeHave A Good Stock Of The Following' '! . Lumber and Mouldings of All Kinds u (PINE, CYPRESS, FIR) , White Pine Paneling and Shelving 1 Oak Flooring, Oak Shoe, Oak Saddle Fin Plywood, Luan Mahogany panels ' r 4 Armstrong Temlock Sheathing ! tf; Polyethylene Sheeting V Cabinet Hardware Wood Life and Penta Wood Preservative 30-Inch Bonded Shelving And Cabinet Tops Nails Of All Kinds Arab U-Do-It Termite Control , Many Other Items Phone 341 1 Hertford, or Come In To , ( . See Us For Free Estimates C D. White & Son Ewere lfeate!cl ,Wl1tl,. pre-emergene; herbicide ANorth (Caroling. this ugure increased to lo.ot cres,i 1959, -and 35,000 In 196 Upchurch predicts , that 52,000 acres' Will be ' treated 'in.' W6I,' i S Mechanical .harvesting is foj lowing closely the pattern - stit by pre-emergence weed control. In 1959, the- first year that es timates are available, 4 per cent of North Carolina's cotton acre age was mechanically harvested. In I960, the figure Jumped, to 12 per cent Upchurch expects 16 pur cent of North Carolina's cotton acreage . to be mechani cally harvested in 1961. About. 20 per cent of the Ala bama and South Carolina cotton crops-, were .."mechanically!" haN vestedh 9fl0.'j Georgia led the ! region,5 however,' V.-ith ' 3D- per cent mechanically harvested. Georgia is expected to stay ahead of her neighbors by reaching the 10 'per' can ftiark in 1961. ' -i In" reporting his study, Up church explained that his fig ures "are no more than the ed ucated guesses". ' of individuals in states' covered. But he ex pressed confidence that . the "guesses' 'are reliable enough to show basic trends. BURGESS CLUB MEETS , The Burgess Home ' Demon stration. Club held a business meeting Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. James Jordan. The meeting opened with the song "Onward, tEver Onward." Devotional, taken from the 121s Psalm and praei;by Mrs. Sid ney Copeland was presented b the hostess. ; uiiu I . Minutes were , reaa and the roliv called with40ft rpresent! One new "member, Mrs; Howard Ward, was welcomed into the club, , Yearbooks were filled but j and 'Miss Mcllweah gave a short Ul iCilll VI tut CUIltClllS. . j . , Hostesses for the year were chosen as follows: January, i V. .lion La.e; A; ill, . ;. J. B. Basniyht; May, Mrs. J. U. Perry; June, ,Mrs. Josiah Proc tor; July, ' Mrs. Joseph Ayscue; August, Recreation; - SepUiiiiler, Mrs. James Jordan; October, Mrs. J. B. Basnight; November, Mrs. Howard Ward; December, Christmas party.' ? Plans , for ; a turkey supper at the , February meeting .were made, same, to be hefd Febniary.at 8 &ur')years Ubehintf .'tle basic! IThSWeetMl'RcW trend i peng( set.. jby( the Delfto! Cjbllect Miy fosejph Ayscue m laoo, xor example, an es-W ; ixne nosiess servea nuisr minis timated 5,u00 acres of cottdrvf and 'tcookrfc;.--l . . TwTT. emergenqef ped wir'h"- Thone 3411 Hertford They're Here! NEW GERICAL - vitamin B complex Vitamins Free trial offer, 25 capsules with the purchase of a bottle of 100. NOW AT SandM , PHARMACY , ''Free Delivery". Special Notice Of Thanks TO THE FARMERS OF THIS COMMUNITY who hive been so kind as to allow us to serve them during the past farm season and have paid or properly arranged for their accounts, our thanks. This cooperation on your part is greatly appreciated es pecially in view of the very close margin of profit in, gasoline and oils. ; ; : :. Now we must stress another point which we hate to mention but the higher cost of operation, the close marginal profit and the ever existing interest rates require us to make the following statements which we must carry out: 1 , ' 1. Unless your accounts are paid or properly arranged . for, we will not be able to make further deliveries. 2. We ask you not to place your orders until you have handled your account to the satisfaction of those con cerned. . ; t.BI : l. 0 ' Ml !!! 1 . 3. On February 1st, we will exchange with .each other those names whose farm accounts are past due and have not been paid or satisfactorily arranged, in order .,. that the members of The Associated Oil Dealers may be ' protected; also to those dealers in nearby towns. . Hease remember that we are anxious to serve you and greatly value your friend ship and patronage, but we cannot operate and give you service without receiving pay for the products which we sell. ' - 4 URGES3, HEWS y . Mr. kncr,MM'fii'i.3 Line. sKi haVe Htuniei hojjil after ' a week's stay in Florida., While there they visited-her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, . Tom Collins at their home ' at Lake Wales. . ' ' . Mr. Bnd Mrs. Howard Mathews spent the week-end- in Suffolk with friends. They; called to see Mrs. Fred Mathews at the Norfolk peneral Hospital where she is aipatient. " - " ' Cecil Owens, who is now em- ployed' in Norfolk ' spent ' the week-end here with his family. Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Ray feass of Merry , Hill and Mr. and . Mrs. James Jordan of ' Winfall, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walton, Lane Sunday. ... Joe Ward Proctor of Newport News spent the week-end ,with his parents, ' Mr. ' and Mrs.' Jo siah Proctor. Garden Show Is Scheduled Feb. 24 - A colorful extravaganza' her alds in the spring on February 24-28 : when the Southeastern Flower and Garden Show ' fills the N. C. State Fair Arena With a profusion of growing beauty from full grown trees to violets, from colorful urban patios and apartment gardens to elite swimming pools and artistic sculpture gardens. ' The seasons have been rolled back by forcing plants into early bloom concen trating1 the 'yearly! pageant of flowers into one mass of living beauty. ' ' ' 1 1 ' ' , - Designed by the Raleigh firm of Godwin and Bell and plant ed by nurserymen throughout the state, the Variety of twenty five gardens 'range from "spec; taculars for people to exclaim over and dream about to inex pensive gardens and patios for homeowners to ' duplicate ' and enjoy V . . clumps of azaleas and camellias under a canopy of pine trees, a patio 'for outdoor barbecuing, exotic dwarfed trees in a Japanese setting, an old English rose garden, sand and driftwood in' a coastal .garden. The Southeastern Flower and Garden ; Show will ' provide a i powerful pre-spring stimulus to the amateur garden and do much to making a greener and cleaner North Carolina. LIBRARY NEWS New books in the Perquimans County Library this' week are: largely jrforWtlctjon. The list in- eludes,, i National jGeographic' Wild Animals of North America Journey Into Summer, by Teale) Days With Albert Schweitzer, by Franck; Conversion, by Stahley Jones; Dr. Tom Dooleys three books. ' '" . Four books are in. the library through the courtesy, . of the North Carolina' Health Council; They arer;. The Emotionally Dis. turbed Child; Rehabilitating the Physically . Disabled; The Aca demically Talented Child, and North Carolina's Older Popula- r See Us Foi .'jleave; '.fcompleie" i;c..f yjiXine,,,) xi.-r Paints All Types of . Paint Supplies also ;- ;v - l ,Jj i. f:.. - i. . ( iw ur iixj wumji ine nrst Koaia near oorn outside oi : ' Its native habitat, Australia; looks at the world from atop a . t$. Riser's Jteaxl,' in the San Diego zoo. ,, , y tion,' Opportunities and ' Chal- ice in front . of his home Satur lenges.. , " s ; . jday night and cut his ear so that One new novel, Epidemic, by doctor at Chowan . Hospital, in. Slaughter, one mystery, and scv- Edenton had to take nine stitches eral .. childrth's , bookS7 complete' in He returned home and is this week's list Wiiif all News W.! N.- i Matthews '' of ECC. Greenville, N. C, spent the week-end with his 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Matthews : i ' i Mrs.- E J. Roberson and chil dren of Norfolk, Va., spent this past week with her parents, Mr. ahd Mrs.- J. W. Lane. ' Mr. , Rob erson spent several days with the tanes. ' - , ' - f. Mr, and Mrs. Nelson J. Smith Visited' Mr.fand" Ws W; J. P. Earnhardt ; in- Edenton Monday evenihi. ;; i Mr.' and Mrs. W. H. Smith left for DeLand, Florida, Tuesday to spend several weeks. .. ' j Mr. and Mrs. D. M, Chalk and son of Moyock. visited his moth er; Mrs. Pearl Chalk, recently., 6 Mr. and Mrs. E. B. HolJowell spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Bailej Temple at.Newfand com munity. - : ' Horace Baker of - Wilson, JT. C, tpent the .week-end with his mother, Mrs. J. H. Baker. ; J. F.i Hollowell,,Sr.,' fell on the doing fine: SPECIAL EVENT . PLANNED FOR HEART- FUND 1 ' There will be a bridge - and rook party held at the Recrea tion Center in Hertford Tuesday night,, February 1 7. at 8 o'clock. Proceeds will go towards the Heart Fund. This will be the only special event during Febru- HERTFORD, K C ,:f , . - .7 " . " . 7.7-7--. S NOTICE! : STOCKHOLDEKS' MEETING . . ..The.annual meeting: of Stockholders of the 'Hertford Building' & Loan Associa- I tion, riertlord, JN. U, tor the election or directors and the transaction of such othr er business as may properly, come before ! said- meeting1 will be held Wednesday, I February 8, 1961, at the Perquimans 1 bounty Court House at 3 o clock P. M. A. W. HEFREN, ' President A-liUseH Cars & ri riibk - 1959 PORD2-door , 1958 CHRYSLER 4-door Hardtop; 1958 FORD 4-door , r . 1957 CHEVROLET 4-door " mi FORD2-door 1956 MERCURY Convertible ; 195S FORD Convertible Coups ;4195S FORD 4-door , ; ;;1C35 DODGE 4-door - 1;. .5 "'.T.CTT 4-der r 1C35 PLYI'OUin 4door lnv . P 1 ticn V . , . 'IIP ' MC51 QiJVROLSx Plj) ' o as is specials c:d to r ' S4 Ford-2-door ' 'SI riymou'J:, 2-. 'S3 ford, 2-doci ' ' 'SI Do je, 4 ' r T2 r..:.:; . , . :i c -', '52 C -:!:f ' ' ' - '52 I' ; i . -' - ' ... I 3 " ' 1 i-1 b ' i . t f " ' ' " t i c.a t ... .: j ' v..l be .i at door. T. P, Evinn is acting as chairman of sales tickets, so t in touch with her to'stcure a ticket. Special prizes will be awarded during the evening and a door prize will be given- away as well as other surprises. ' "Come one end all end let's have an evening of fun and . at the, f 'Tie time surporj . yqur Hiart - Fund,"- says .'the thairmarv pfsthe local Heart Fond 'Council)' is thp vu-i nf jiaf-rnw ioiils;) tWy fed it with all thfeir littlenesses, and make it the pre av ". of 2,.L ly i . North Cs to :.;'.:es base ' ' avis 3 for the j j - rele- i recently by the ..; Board of Health. ' "Accidents" as such is t' number 4 killer, beinj ex'-pedcf only by diseases of the krf. vascular leskn affect:. .- ' central nervous system, and i lignant neoplasms. ' '-'Motr "vehicle ' accklLn's i , cause iftir . an . averaje of 1,7 deaths annually, ; where- s 1,C accidents-are due to other "cat es.H More., thatu half (C01)( c motor.' venicie accidents occr jtext ot.baae tyrannies. v among those persons who ai ' ; J-. . j, .'-Balzac i from . 15 to ,44 years of age. WEEK-END SPECIALS I Shop at "BLA'NCHARD'S'' and SAVE Top quality S merchandise at reasonable prices1 ii our aim. . . Come, in today and see the many outstanding values being offer- ,ed. You'll be glad you did! . , . ' 4- Ladies New,' Spring Toppers and . Suits :are now arciving-r-These are 'of feted in the newest spring .jf tshades' and styles.t ,Come in now, adies, and ,make your acicvuuu caiijr. ft)., 1 h )'t- ft! ' 1 m Amazingly Priced from. --49.95 to $16.95 I Lddles Spring Patents in Flats and Dress U '.; ilHeelsr--. beautifully,, styled 'by , "Charm i : I;Step,NLX''-u;j'.-i'l.,.-$3.98' to'i'$5.;C5 I ; LSO OFFERING SOMESLICK SAVINGS' DM & SELECTED STOCK FOR SQARP SHOPPERS One Lot Men's Suits ..--11 Reduced 25 1 One Lot Men's Topcoats. . .Reduced 25 I - L"J One Lot Men's Caps, re&;$1.98' NOW 97c I One Lot Men's Socks, reg. 39c-55c value NOW 3 PAIR FOR $1.00 ; aHMMMHaHHMMViMiWMMMMMHHMaMHIHI W Men's - Boys' Sweaters Reduced 33-13 1 I Sniall lot Men's Belts, sizes 28 to 33, reg. i I $1.50 NOW 89c; reg. $1.00 NOYlCe Ia 3 Racks Boys' and Men's Jac!:cts " NOyv'REDuCEp to m rvnxcj WIN W BLANCHAHD-S PEANUT OOKTT vSEE OUH DISPLAY WINDOW FOR INSTRUCTIONS ; Jb i III 1 1 1 ii $Aop in Hertford First-Shop at fBlanckafd Always I WX3 "BLANCHARD'S- SINCE 1832 -I. , - - ' - - ' . 15 Towe - Webb Offers Belter 77 )rm j ' i r V. H'W ri'te:aii)VROLET 2:dopr ' . f ! M Y-,; tylinder; f adio and heater' Clean. ' " " " ' 1958 PLYMOUTH Suburban 4-dobr1 : r il957 PLYMOUTH Belvedere 2-dccr IITJ m. i' w V-S PowexFUtet radio and heater 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-docr V-8. 1957 FORD Fairlane 4-door , , V-8 Fordomatic; radio Bnd heater 1956 PLYMOUTH Club Sedan , t cylinders PowerFlilei Radio and Heater 1956 FORD2-door f . , ' . 1955 DeSOTO Fireflite ikz'zi 1. F.adio, heater, automatic lr- , 1955 DODGE Royal 4-d :r i.1 . f-8 PcryrFlilt Power & " t F' " r l ' . 1C35 CHRYSLER Xnl :r " r ic:5 fly::outii v-ay 1 1 4 lj.y-.f; 'h: -..1 1C "i C. - . GLITT "-"'tV' C ). 'ill-'', . '. I.,-' ;; . f - " r r n t ' v THE ASSOCIATED OIL DEALERS