r i ' r J -.. -I . J lt i. I.-ny Bara cf.I -J in. n ' "-s. p-Vy Kave . ...... j J.ar filier J.Ir. ..and Mrs. Billy v and Mrs. Talmfcdge Stall, and grandson,', " Howard spent! last week visitir.j and Mrs. StalLngs sisters, and Mrs. N. A. Bacon and -i Mrs. Howard Garland at City," Va. ' ; , ".' ', s Homo - v -J rry , C. Overton returned e from. Norfolk General Hob 1 Saturday ; and is doing real IV" ANNUAL- Desert JFlower IZidi And Body ; Lotion , . . - . . v V--. Uzz. $4.00 Size (V Now $2X0 v Refi-. .$2.C0 SizQ ; PLUS TAX ' Fresh Whitman's ' Cm4y Cosmetics . ' 'fjaltmark Cards .. '-or flO occasions.' ' 3, MM ... ' . , i ' , XZeriTord JT. C r .'"--is had as her ? , L. anday, Mr. and I Lnn 101.135 and Hillary cl Ec' .".tan;" Mr. and Mrs. "Bay Forehand and San 3ra, Poll-' and Gail Rae Fore- i of I Ixabeth City and Mrs. v . ;r. lury. Those calling in the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Evans ' and Debra, Judy a.-.d Treddie Evans cl Elizabeth City and Mr. and Mrs. Will Cur tis. '"K". c - : , 1 1 c... : to-v cf V 'h i Sr., and vr 1 -ii&rlcK . "i I.:rs. t the ; . Crl.h, C. ". is a patient u. -te ..Tcnw.li Hospital '-,"" - Visiting Herf ' , ' . , - ( Mrs. Elton Harrison and .cl.ilr dren Brendq, and .Terry Jfrom Panama City. Panama, " re spending some time with Mr. and Mrs.v Dick 'Brewer. ! ! " Attend 'rastln hwr4 -r- ( Mr. and Mrs. ormait Dicken son and Mrs, Charlotte Umphlett of the Style Center in .Elizabeth C,ity and' John Q. White1 attend ed the September Fashion Show at ' the i fclerchandise Mart in Charlotte during lthe week-end. Return, Home t Mr. and Mrs Stanley Karas front Detroj,""-Mioh.r have return ed to their home:' following" a vfisit, withl'Mrs.v Karas- parents, Mr. 'and Mrs.' Billy White of (Hertford and other relatives in this vicinity. ' Sunday Visitors Those vwfeo visited Mr. and Mrs.- .'Harry Overton on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Over ton; Mr. .jutd Mrs. iEkner Over ton, Mr. and Mrs.,Leroy Skinner, Mr. .and .Mrs. .Raymond Layton of Eden ton; .Mr. and -Mrs. Dallas Keech s from Portsmouth, Va.; Howard Overton from Suffolk, Va.,.and Mr.: and Mrs. LeeRid dick. ''!, ' , Visiting .Parents . I Bobby 1 Oyerton is vlsitipg liis parents Ui, week .fom .Dover,. melawar i - j j -t. ;V . HecMil CuMis f " ' ;Mr. and "Mrs.' Soger Hunter of Wew -Orieans, La., -were re tent guests of his rother-in-law hd Sister,' Mr. .and Mrs. Mark Gregory .f K,' - ' C aisrvVlsUow , . ; 1Mr f and -Mrs,. -Julian, Rpberson and sons Paul and, Skeeter, Mrs. Johnnie Lane . .from Virginia Lacn and Mr. and Mrs. -Ben Parker, front, Gaston, N. C, spent Sunday 'with Mrs. ,Dora Jlober sn and'Mrs. C. O. White. On Vacation , 1 ' Mr. and Mrs: Grayson 'Jordan spent several days last week at t r f erett. 'S. l"-s. Jack I j t ' week-end with i,Ir. fasl h liaTis i " r Ceensr , ' , Veek-f- ' ' " ' , Mrs. .J. .D. C. ' l r. week-end wi.'i ksr Z '" : Mattocks in LtaysvJile. lLi. .' , c : " , Jcv -or he e I 2, STV- 3 S " 11 -a cf Sickns. From i;arlo!k " Miss Susan Nixon from I with her parents, Mr. juxi Sunday At Sunbury . , fc - Francis Nixon. - ; Mr. and Mrs. Grayson. Jordan j ."r; k , sDentSundaT at Sunbury where I From Eienton w they visited Mr. and Mrs.. Walter! . : Mr, and Mrs. S.;B Smith fi-nn Lasaiter. .Mr. Jordan's a brother I n of ' i, . ' . ing .4 It l ) LIos- 1 er-nt t' 1 with .Jr. and Krs. D. F. ,. -i, Jr. r .Miss Nell O'erton' from Eliz- Hospital .rent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Harry Overton. . . i ' " Lassiter is ;Mrs, Edenton visiteMrs. J. H. IT. c..d , ir and ,he fe-fgupdar la WasiJastoo J i Vfcr. nd l.:rs.'.T. P. Erinn ! brated his' 60th birthday jpn Sua- day'. V ' : ' t",''1'f : Attended Game -' : Mr. and Mrs." J. I Harris spent Saturday at.'. jChapel , HiU where they visited 1 their .son, Clark Harris' and attended the football game then spent Satur day night .and Sunday in Wifc son with relatives, ' Sunday In GreMvUle ' Mrs. H. A. Whitley, Mr. and Mrs. ' Walter Edwards '.and son Walter spent Sunday in Green- ville with Mr. and - Mrs. Jack Edwards. ' x Weekend Her y , . ' , Miss . Susan Broughton froni East Carolina College spent , the -Prom Mosfolk Sunday In V.'ssUagtoa .. J 'Dr. and llrs. T. P. Crjnn spent (Mr. Und 'Mrs. J. -'JI.' r--yithj6 week-end with I'x. and i-Irs, visited' relatives inWashir ' Overly , T-cker, -t Ch-?el .Hill on Sunday. .... , and attend! the Carina-State r 1 : : ', ffootball ame on Saturday.. t Miss Jo Davis Towe from V.vr folki Va., spent the -week-er.j With her parents,' Mr. and Krs. Martin Jowe, , v . I 1st Miss . Jinae Tho:.'.as Sutton, daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Dozier Sutton of Newport News .and In Hospital - - v ' ; granttoauffnttr nf f4rs. T. E. Bap- L. a Cobb, Sr., is a-iatient W;tnd .WUliam Kenneth Wills. Albemarle Hosoital -far t' 8011 01 Ur- nd n- William at the Albemarle Hospital observation. , From Wasnlnaion Carl Copeland fronv Washing ton,, D. C, is 'visitihg Mrs unanes wnedOee-and Mrs. . M. Fowler. In Vn m-m , yv '.fllr., a.,. . - J.-W;"Vardare jf ending this week in Winston Salem with Mr. and Mrs. Her man Ward and family. 1 week-end with her . parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. John Broughton, Jr. - From Greensbgvo Mrs. Jimmy ' Bryant from Greensboro spent . the week-end with her mother, ' 'Mrs. "Isa Tucker. - t bold on Sunday. -Improved Mrs. J.;K. Futrejl 'ts timpKwed after being confined to' her -home Jast .week becauae of icness. . Waek-end In Norfolk Mrs. E.' A.- Byrum ' spent Dill week-end in Norfolk, Va., where she visited Mr, and Mrs. Edward Byrum, .Mrs. Bernard Murden and her sister, Mrs, W., T. Jlallo well, who is .patient .at NoriQlk" General Hospital sufSering om a fractured hip. - nrums4 4-a ' .', ) ':. , 'MrCJ. 'Hj Jagley haV return ed to her borne here after spend ing the .summer at th- JBaglej cottage at Virginia Beach. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Sandy .Divers of Norfolk, Va., spent Sunday with Mr. and MnW. M. Divers.' From Newport News, . , ' Mr. and Mrs. Howard TKfilliams, Jr., .and family from ; News News,' Va., spent the .weeken ith Mr., and (Mrs. Howard-Williams. Sr. H" , ' , VtbtorHm .: ' :r ' ; Mrs. Robert ;Biair -from ' New port News, "Va.,'. spent. 'Friday with , her . mother,' Mrs. -W. W. hSwehlood. v ' ' ',. From Wilmington , " ,t ' Dr., and Mrs. Earl Sjkes from Wilmington are visiting fr,.,T. ji.jucon,r.,.jat Jtitrojn on Front Street' ; Kenneth Wills f Newport News, Va., were Quietly married Satur day At the ItioPiYjUage Baptist Church with .the ' two families p-iesent. FpNowing a , wedding trip the -eouple will -fee' at home in Portsmouth where, the1 bride groom is stationed with the Coast Guard. - - A Lock tfkdnrcrd (.ContlnuM mm Pag One) in :: !.om Ki'"or brave, C is, of .couite, t . . tnent and V - ' -k paper jn X ' it got into t. L dred or more . ;s ' The' -paper tir. V I mind, ".now intue -fa. 1 i at Raleigh, was offered for reg istration '. ; in the Perqujoa Court, House many yei.s t i the Chowan Court House a huiltv He feels ' certain, , bu is not sure, that the place, of reg istry , was then the ; same jOourt House as is at present-in Ilart ford,nf course, , before restorar tion. "Which '. to "the Whedbee mind, I anyhpw, ( disposes' '. of" .-, qne caim ' he believes Should., 5ot be a claim. As ,f ar as that goes the old KUcocanen-Durant .paper is to the State's hottest histori cal piece' of writing, f for,;.- Mr. Whedbee says that if students of history want . to really get busy at Raleigh they eia ind copy of ' the marriage . license of 4.e n i clot- c"the I V...te as hostess. : , ry Eo-, - cl "e . pres. -nt, 1. -e, pre.id.1. "J I h of Tr;m U. . Tie"lwas sungt-s the c.. eidng hymoL. . Uxsi. Joe White read the fifth ch""- of "r1 -i'-is, jip first 27 i .! s. pel a- l II Eure led in prayer. , The fmmiftes were ; real and roll qf 11; i by the assistant sec retary Mrs. J. U. Yeates. ' r , Offerings were -sent to three mission points ' in September by the Missionary Society. '. ( 'Mrs. Albert Eure gave a very Interesting report on , mission work being done in the Philip pines,, , , I ; . , . I Mrs. Freeman Umphlett taught a good lesson on "Exortatioii to a . Holy .Life," taken from Paul's an' .r to A t Mr. a - J V 1 r. place at 4 o'clock in the t-er-noon, Octol r 18, ii tl.c ' i Pentecostal olI i .x . re ing sent but 1 lends and relatives are invited to "tend. ' cxzo c r.::..:::3 I wish Jo thank ?each and everyone who' remembered - me with cards,' visits, flowers,' ' and prayers while I, was a pa-, tient In 9 . hospital recently and' Since my n home. ', ' -' t -. h I.Tae T.iddick ' ui - -lj-vajijmi-i-j- in ' letter to the Philippians. "Jesus. George 'Durant and Ann Mar- U aAII the World to Me" . was -r t.ZINI5;3F m. BRAG A BIT? TODAY fluimans County for 40 years he- fore It attempted to svresUe with problems .anywhere else. . And if that is pot sufficient he can ante date that iwith another Vyellow jacket" volume, worn, torn, mil dewed , and hardly decipherable, (will 'm ' jaw , uio - Mie iuo s. I Mr. Whedbee showed the two eld books ,on jjonday, not in a spirit of .eupercihty, but with jmuch pnde. He i has : the greet est" iSffectieft and -admiration Wot, the little town if Eden- toft, which he, by the way, some day expects to see . become ,a Wvl of Hertford for -charm and culture,. hut he is not- sure thjdt .Edentpn has, a right to the In -WasHittHi . ). Caps. - Tim--2l. Srinn from .Waihiniton. D. C snent the' weik-end with -his -mother, Mrs: ,34 ntory marker designating Tim Brum and was- accompanied l? muomu . nouae ,s uu lwme 4yv :Mrs. Brinn -Who -will visit them for a'WepV ' .: 0 IIEY,BOYS -n Mi: ' ' ; f'i' ff r ,. ,J LS lI'L-jJo a pa ill L "7 . ENTER OUR COMPETITION NOW! . s r 'n'nriKnn1 ' Official JSTFL- tftam warm-up jackets! " Tliiwesf ' ,'! I 1 FootbalIs 8 champion NFL pttctm, .passers ' " j it jJ .. and kickers of .19631 You anvta.jwn(a ip,to..ao ' V uu V" NFL game to compete (and take both Momand DadVI ' oldest in North Carolina.. . i In fact, Mr. Whedbee has seen t , -1 ? ;.r; ;r.Ia; c People Arc Reading ' ";; ::' Uraii pt jiny Time Jn tl;ev,'':i";: : -V V " TJhere Are llaiiy Reasons . v -4 ! , uojiE rPjcxunES nm local news YOUTJ3 ?,:kcing ?a THEAT IP ; youto ;noj a regular . iusadery r -I' 1 , rXhe bergiiimnib; Weeldy4? C rBSmiBE TiiDAY ' V' '? s. Ariywiiere Oytside of County-- - 42.50 psr year ! . If -f . 1 v attend ycra-.'it . " i- (: , ; annual CTkns-ja pbrqiieiAns couOTyjjnGU .gqHGoi' fMi r Reports, Elcclibji cf S'rcctors, Przso, 3::!ertaii;;;;2:it N. ' . ! i , rj j. . , 7 w XNr jl game to compete (ar " ' v' " - . ' - . IV-Lari-will go on a "Tour of Champions" (wi t t House, to Dearborn, Michigan, and to the 1964 NFI ! 'for the national PP&K championship! It's fun 1 It's (with both jparents) to .the White NFL Championship, game to compete rhamninnchinf ' Tt'c fun I Tt' fi-Mt Tf'u iu mnl.iilnAl I .only, xou compete witn.ooys your own age. jno- oeqy;mtac'''Nojtl5jna! to buy, '5.':v' Cuect ''Sp'ealier; IT rc!rrJb!eircr!;crtC..2c::::r t Entertainment: The Dh:c:c:nc3 Iccr.1 1 II cir 'ir.'i rcrn . , 'i 'i J.):',:'' V" ' . '-";- - ! . 4 - I 1 f r i - "1 1en you sign up you get a TP.X Instruction iotder written by Eart tr, Quarter- ) .back for the Green Bay Fackers! AND,. 1964 TPiX. fcaniy, guiia jO.Ue-ps,of ' the. NFL teams en TV this fall , .7?VES dtional 4?ri25sl . ; Tea must be accompanied by a r-rcnt cr;!?zLr"---ndb repstcr. (Registration clcccs Oct.lcr 1C). ' Crcrr:: fj ' to register by the ICth no rcjL:trt::r.3 cftcr Crt Competition Il fis tsIJ Cat. T7 c: j ri::n:-.n3 VrOixi At SiOVIcdte ; "TIT - i.1 ' s v ,'Of ... "4, "J t r' , ; -f ' 1 r ' -"1