Visit In Red Springs " Mr. and Mrs. ; A. Me Googan spent Sunday and Monday in Red Springs, N. C, visiting relatives. . Guests of Mrs. Whita Mr. and Mrs. Tom White, Jr., tyiss Mary White and Curly fe White, all . of Dur ham, )Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. White III.' Of Cambridge, Mass.,i Harvard, University, Miss i pnie Snider kf Greehs boro (ere guests on Tuesday , and v bdnesday of Mrs. T. S. White I Sr., of Market Street The 1 lime hires' were- burn ing a 5 the old (Toms- home and ( h Wednesday morning Mrs. white . entertained at a huntsman's breakfast, serv ing e tl Perquimans County sausage, ham, etc., which was highly enjoyed. Among other guests enjoying the huntsman's breakfast was Howard Pit,, Jr., and Cam Harris of Charlotte. Holidays Here . Rai$rd Copeland, who teaches at Bayside High School, Virginia Beach, Va., and Miss Marcia Copeland, a student nurse at Tucker's Hospital, Richmond, Va., spent i the Christmas holi days; with their parents, Mr. and Nrs. Estes Copeland. Tuesday v At Ivor,. Va,. ... Mrsjj. J. E. . Lane- was the guest of Mr. and. Mrs. J, J. Raifoig of Jvor,.,. Va., .on Tuesday. Holidays Here Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Hur dle and children from Talla hassee, Pla., returned heme Sunday after spgndingu4he holidays withi'MrifaJidvMrs. Tom Cox and; jjfey audi' Mrs.' Fenton Hurdle. " ' Dinner Guests Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ed wards had as their dinner guests last Thursday, Mrs. J. M. Eason, Mr. and Mrs. Jim my Eason of Hampton, Va., Mrs. Jake White, Miss Peggy White and Miss Suzanne Towe of Richmond, Va. Home For Holidays Miss Nell Cox from Talla hassee, Fla., spent the holi days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cox. Holiday Guests Mrs. L; Bi Cobb, Sr., from Farmville,j Mvs. Gay Cobb Sutton pf Chaidotte and Mr. and Mrs. BilA Cameron from Lee 'Hall.' Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Cobb, Jr., during the holidays. Vidted Here Mrs. C. J. Atkinson from Suffolk, Va., and. Mrs. Eliza beth Hlnes from" Richmond, Va., spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Clin ton Eley: : From Greenville Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brinn from Greenville visited Mr. Brinn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brinn during the holi days. New Year's Here Major and Mrs. Richard Hoskins- and family of New port News, Va., spent the New Year weekend with Mr. and Mrs; -Cecil JVinslowv- Moved. To Princeton Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Woodard moved this Week to Princeton where Mr. Wood ard will be -"pharmacist at Woodarjl(Prug Store. Returned To College Rufus Riddick has return ed to Nt XX-Wesley an College at RockV Mount after spend ing the holidays .with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Riddick. Holidays Here Mr. and Mrs. Billy Wins low from Raleigh and Mr. and Mrs. John Broughton III and son from Winston-Salem visited Mr. and Mrs. John Broughton; Jr., and Mrs. Na than Relfe during the holi days. ":'. , SUPPERS Af4jr .- '.J"if.-TrT"i.' ,i''i ' "w -..' p,.. 4 f( . - Every Friday Night, Oct. thru May All You Can Eat for $1.00! GENEROUS TAKE-OUT PLATES 9 Herring, Slaw, Hush Puppies, French Fries . . . WE INVITE YOU TO EAT WITH US. DIQC'S DRIVE-IN From Greenville ,t Mr. and Mrs. Larkin Little from Greenville spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Barbee. Sunday Here J Mrs. Thomas Perry and family f r o m Wilmington spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,, Bob White. . ii , :i .i.i.i . . h i-' .From Fort Lee ' Dftiglas, Hurdle,, with, the armtd., forces, Camp Lee, spent iha.. holidays- with, his parepts,. Mr., and, Mrs. Fv nton 'Hurile.' Holidays Here ' . Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy ;Sulli an from Greenville visited Mr. i and .Mrs. H, C. Sulli van' during the holidays. Holidays In Richmond Miss Mary Sumner and Miss Ruby White spent the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Mary F. Carter in Richmond, Va..;; Weekend in Suffolk Thomas Greeory snent the weekend in Suffolk, Va with" Mr. and Mrs. Pete Perry. Sunday in Edenton Mr. and Mrs. Noah Greg ory and Paull Gregory were dinner guests Sunday of Mrs. .Robert Evans in Edenton. Christmas Day Here ' 1 JoJ? Boussuot stopped by for a short while' Christmas Day' to 'visit his grandmother Mrs.' C. B. Stallings enroute to Tampa, Fla. Christmas at Franklin Mrs. C. B. Stallings was a dinner' guest on Christmas Dbyj ft-Rev. ;a4,MrS',: Dallas 'StaflingS!--at, JranklirfJ Va!.? From Annapolis Mr. and Mrs. John Rou baugh from Annapolis, Md., visited Mr. and Mrs. Julian White and family during the holidays. From Chesapeake Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Carver and family and Mr. and Mrs. Sandy 'Divers and son from Chesapeake, Va... visited rel atives here 'during the holi days.,,' From Wilson v Mr. and. Mrs. T. J, ,NixOn II and son Tommy from Wil son visited Mts..T. J; Nixon' several days during the hohv days. ; - Mrs. W. Gv Newby is con fineci to ,.haiJ3iome because of sifeknfess. 'rri. - ., .' . From Portsmouth Sam Broughton from Ports mouth, Va., spent several days last week. with his sis-, ter, Mrs: Milton Dail, Sr. : From Charlottesville Mrs. Pasha D. Weaver from Charlottesville, Va., spent a part of the holidays' with Mrs. Milton Dail, Sr. From Hampton Mrs. J. E. Eason and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Eason from Hampton, Va., spent Thurs day with Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Edwards and other rela tives. . ... ."? .-".." - . 1 t " .' From Portsmouth - ' ' Commander ' and Mrs. Ed ward Griffin and family from Portsmouth, Va., spent sev eral days last week with Mrs.'' Jv E.' Newbold. : . From New Yerit.'i ' Mr. and MrsJ Andrew Toj ey :and family from New York spent tone ',day last week with Mrwand Mrs. Trim Wilson. In Florida Mrs. J. R. Futrell is spending some time in De Land. Fla., visiting friends. From Fayette ville Mr. and Mrs. William Mur phy Moore from Fayetteville spent Friday and Saturday with Mrs. Mary Moore and Mrs. Nettie L. Caravello. THE Holidays-Here ltWt--$Xl&JM?s,. .George LatT ximore ana lamuy irom a teigh: spent'' several -day's of the;'Christma4 holidays ' with Mrs George Latomore.. Sri l"t-- ii"j .: ;.(!! 1, : !c.;vi. i.'.l : j i Sunday at Dunn Mrs. Vera Broughton Bat ton and Mr. and Mrs. Julian Broughton and family spent Sunday with ' relatives at Dunn. Visited Relatives Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ri vet and children from New Orleans, La., have returned home after spending the Christmas holidays with -relatives ! in Hertford and Eden ton. 'Mrs, Rivet is the form-, er: Miss, Julia Broughton. , ' From Columbia.; Mrs Al Henley from Co lmbia, S. Ci' spent several days last week with Mrs. W. G. Newby and Miss Frances Newby. Returned Saturday Capt. and Mrs. W. H. Hard castle and daughter from Norfolk, Va., returned home Saturday after visiting Mrs. W. H. Hardcastle, Sr. From Newport News Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Nixon, Jr., and family from New port News, Va., spent one day during the holidays with Mrs. T. J. Nixon, Jr., and other relatives. Returned Home Mrs. J. E. Morris returned home Monday after spending several! days last week with Mr. and Mrs. George Clarke and family at Petersburg, Va. : Weekend With Relatives Mr; and Mrs. Esley Cher rix and family spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Burkhead at Parksley, Va. From, Jackson , ! i Mrsji Harry i Williford and son Richard from Jackson spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bagley. At Virginia Beach Mr. and Mrs. Edgar White and daughter Eva and Mrs. W. B. Huxter from Rich mond, Va., spent the Christ mas holidays with Comdr. and Mrs. Gordon Walker and family at Virginia Beach, Va. i- . Weekend Here , Mr, and Mrs. A. II. Ed wards' ;f rem Winston - Salem spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bill White. Sunday In Raleigh Mrs. E. C. Woodard, Mr. and Mrs. 'Carlyle Woodard and -Charlef Woodard --spent Sunday in' Raleigh with rela tiyes. ( FroA Raleigh , v 7K- " " Mr. and Mrs! Kenneth Jar vis, Kenneth, St., and Rus sell from Raleigh and Miss Kay White from Lynchburg, Va., ' visited Mrs. J;? 'R.'1 Jar vis several days last- week.. Saturday Here ' , Mr. and Mrs. Talmage Jordan from Roanoke, Va., and Mrs. Stewart Wilson and daughter Gail from Norfolk, Va., visited Mrs. E. A. By rum on Saturday. Announcing the opening of office in Hertford at 114 West Market Street for the practice of optometry, Eyes examined Tuesday and Fri day 9 to 5. ; . Dr. A. F. Downum, Jr. Optometrist - PHONE 426-5261 j .. . 7 HERTFORD. N. Tfccjsands 7ajto Loyt!::r Rc:nis,r HI It ' suFaiiEr.;:ES 4 vK. r CUPER "Hndnisof '.' ..;rtri V M'' f ""''":H-'0' Apply If you're planning to redecorate, let us help you select the color harmonies just right for your home. ttlMl fal&d Go. WINFALL - HERTFORD PHONE 426-5587 , PERQUIMANS V.'LI .ILY, LirC-D, NGr.TTI CAROLINA, Weekend, Wipi.RelaUye j-Mrs. fcank . Jessup'" Spent the weekend with relatives at' Farmville nd Kert.yi. i .., ; m.' i ..Um ; : . . .1 WeekeM At GreenvlU ' ' Mr: afid Mrs".- J. T. Biggers spent tlie weekend in Green ville as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Raynor. Holidays Here Mr. and Mrs. John Math ews frcivn. Middletown, Cel. and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mathews and daughter Anna from Windsor spent the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Mathews. ; From Middletown . '" .Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy. John son and family from Mid dletown, ,Del., spent this week with Mr. and 'Mrs, Vivian. Mathews. ... ', Operated Upon ' vt Mrs. Howard Williams un derwent a major operation at the Albemarle Hospital on Tuesday. Holidays Here Billy Nixon, a student at the Medical College of Vir ginia in Richmond, and. Mrs-i Nixon and two children spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Preston Nixon and Mr. and Mrs. Arvin Hudson. From Greenville Gene Nixon from East Ca-1 rolina College and his new bride visited Mr. and Mrs, Preston Nixon during the holidays. . Accepts New Position Mr. and Mrs. Corbin Do. zier, Jr., left last week for St. Charles, 111., where Mr: Rozier has accepted a posi tion. Whiteston News Rev. and Mrs. Winford Clifton and children have reteurned -home after ; spend ijing Christmas in iKentpcky with her parents. ' ', ' v Mr. and Mrs. G;ale Wins' low of Chapel Hill returned home on Sunday after spending a week with his mother after the death of his father, iDempsey Wins low. ; The other son, Dolan Winslow. is spending 1 this week and will soon return to his home in California. . 7 Henry Winslow of Yadkiji vi lie has been visiting rela tives , here for the past two weeks. ;'; . -, . ' Mr. and . Mrs. V.Wiorth Winslow of Norfolk ' Va;, spent a day last week with Mr. and Ma-st William Wins low. and fafnrjr. ; Mrr-and Mrs! "Sidney Wini low 0 Rural Hall vLsited relatives .here last week. -. Thomas rEindsey Riddick son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riddick, and James Oewitt -Winslow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Winslow, are on leave frcm service to spend a few weeks with theio par ents. ' ''(', ) . John Lassiter is a patient at Albemarle Hospital. Those sick at home are Mrs. Verna Winslow 1 and little Eric Boyce, son of Kay and Ronald Boyce, also Mrs. Lyndon White. Mrs. Arba Winslow has been quite ill ifor the past three weeks, but is much cf peopla - Out Ctat ' Drtofo . 30 m'motat improved. . , . ' ' Mrs. ' tiraham' ' Sehter -ana Marilee of Trappe, Md'.,'vi's- tted relatives; here Jast week; Mr. ahd Mrs. Lofton Stal ling of Kentucky visited his btothef'EluV StaMing's, ,'ahd wife, Reby, recently. - BRICGE CLUB HOSTESS Miss Mary1 Sumner ' was hostess to her : bridge,- club Tuesday night at her htime or Church Street. Those playing1 were Mesdames J. T. Biggers, C. M. Williford, T. L. Jessup, , J. D. ' Coston, G. W. Barbee, ,C. R. Holmes, Corbin Dozier and the hos tess. The high score prize went to Mrs. Biggers, ' Re freshments were served by the hostess. ' , CARD OF, THANKS . We- wish ,v' to- express our thanks to rail' our. friends, relatives and neighbors for the cards, flowers, food and visits during the illness and death of '-Oscar - Newbold. Your kindness shall always be remembered. . " s THE FAMILY OF .OSCAR NEWBOLD SALE! SMH ' SALE! . SALE! SALE! (woodland deiiss iPhone 426-5620 It is new IIF HALF OOR WISHES ' fl CAME Tf?UE. OUR Tr?0UBiS nnti 'h ' ffLyo(;lp poBgt-y double , );rv -PEOPLES ififeSi ') SAYS: Doily fnfcrcsf i , , , Cornpounded Quarterly Passbo6k4 Savings l No Lost Interest Days Member FDXC. , I ...JAY, JANUARY 6, 1.-7. CARD OF THANKS fV wfefci I to iahk all ' who Sent "cards'" and -visited' me during :my, illness. : ; Special thanks am extended to our pastor, jWinford Clifton, and my Sunday School! class. '- ".'MRS; ARBA WINSLOW. SECOND CHILD Mr. and lv-s. William Pehn Chappell of Route 3, Hertford, announce the birth of their second child, first son, ieffrey - Penn, on De cember 17, 1966, in Albe marle Hospital. Mrs. Chap- pell is the former Miss Net tie Leo Long. Seryices Held ..... For Mi Bunch , AHOSKIE Funeral Ser vices were i held ' Saturday afternoon at St, John's Bap tist Church for Ray Elwood Bunch, 42, Route 1, Auland er, who died Thursday in a Norfolk, Va., hospital from a self-inflicted bullet wound in the head. SHOP A LIKE STEAM estates have a way of evaporating. Your wish to provide an assured education for your children and secure income for your family . . this wish . suggests a Trust Fund. Let our , management and in vestment specialists protect your estate in trust at , . PEOPLES BANK & TRUST COMPANY: . NEW HIGHER EARNINGS ON SAVINGS Aceount insurance eeverage has been increased from $10,000 to $15,000 by FDIC. safer than ever to bank with Hours: TUESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY: , A. M. TO 12:30 P. ML OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 8:30 TO 7 P. M. CLOSED u Lzzi u Ljz Lza cr Rev. Harvey Rumfelt con ducted 1 the services and burial was in Highland Mem oriai Gardens. , , :Hertford CJounjty ' , Sheriff Robert , V. Parker ,said Mr. Bunch, a postal ; employe here, shot himself with a .22 calibre rifle while lying jn bed at his home Wednesday night. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Jane Jenkins , Bunch; his mother, Mrs. Rokie Har rell Bunch; three daughters, Patsy Jean, Cheryl Ann and Kimberty Ray Bunch, all of the home; one sister, Mrs. Doris B, Sumner of Norfolk, Va., and two brothers, Leon J. Bunch of the U. S. Navy, stationed in Norfolk, Va., - 111 iiuuuxn.. van ' f. '-; t ; f .'-??. and Petty ireesboro, 'No; man; can; 'be a patriot on an empty, stomach.'. r''--4.'W;.-C Braun," ';. 1 1 s .Every- Wcm mh'r-ty ,.; ,' - '" -;'. 'j '.v':,' Just about the time a fel low thinks. he can inake both ends .meet, someone comes along and moves one end or. the other.' ; snom Hertford, N. G the people at Peoples. 6 MONDAY . ne Shou" ' The school vi," r was putting questions H a class of boys." , He- noti . 'to a little jfelloto- tfjth.-1 l-'ack haii, "Do1 yod kno, ihe' Ten Commandmenls?" 1 assked. i "No, sir," said t; boy "What!'- You , don't ,'know the ;T em s , Commandments? What's ' your ntwne?" ."Moses," laid the W.'-V UIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHIIII jh , ''r'j f" f Hf n U tli , . 1$ ' MORE IHAN;- JT S A WORD HERE IS OUR PROFESSION To . training, i experience , knowledges , wejaddjf extra care. That's why i your doctor trusts us always. 'r 2 ' " . i ; VISIT OUR COSMETIC T DEPARTMENT, VISIT US FIRST 5 HARMON'S PHARMACY Phone 426-5527 HERTFORD, N. C. . p n . Posit A A 1 I- '!a ; : Hertford, K C. SNACK BA& AN5 twNO tZLJiXTZi

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