SU1MMS WE i lob -Ci;! ' The bodies of the two' men who drowned in the Per- quimans River ' wheta . their boat capsized near Camp , Perry , were ifocovcred Mon day morning. The victims were identified by the sheriff's department as Robert C. Lucas, 30, of .tantonsburg, and Edward L. Uunting,; 26, Route 3, Wil- uTamston. ,. The two .men apparently drowned hfe 'Sunday; after- ' noon, J fcWiMy water Srand air - had been conducted C since Eugene BojMe. and Mu riei tyton''0f, Hertford dis covered thewivwturried out board and wwies 'of cloth ing floating iftVthe Hver. ; ; The outboitlid's propeller ' was fouled iri a" fishing net, . Boyce' said.' Police specula t- ::. cd that he boat' overturned as the '.two attempted . to ' clear it. ? Boyce and Laytort " were returning-' troth a fish ing trip. V when they , found the boat rand marked the spot with a buoy. ,A, Coast Guard ijt .from Elizabeth City patrolled the area throughout the flight ' looking for- survivors. It was joined early Monday by a ,: Coast Guard helicopter. Sev eral other boats, manned by state and local police : and volunteers joined the search. (Dragging operations were started ; when; it became ap- i parent that 'the toen could i ' not have survived a night in ; the cold water. '.'.. Lucas' body was recovered by Boyce and Layton. Bunt ing's was located by an Edenton- Rescue Squad boat. ; The two men ' launched ' their boat at about 9 A. M. I Sunday at Pick's , (Drive oh ; U. S. H just north of the Hertford Causeway.- ; Unite from the N. C. Wfld- HtWaa awe Perquimans Sheriffs jDejliartment f tt I so aided in the i search. - ; Proitiotes llell Promotion . of tf.-.; ftichard Futrell, Jr., vice president of North CarofJitja, -.jYational Bank, to Tarboifo city, execu tive was aiuwuncei lotfay W Clarence' : M.; AJlrxi, -senior vice president of 4fciu&l Futrell succeeds iiwuis W. 'Perry as' the head of. NCNB offices in Tarboro. .perry has been promoted to man ager of NCNB's' hew Bank Amerjcard center in Greens boro, V : ' A native of Hertford, 'Fut rell is a graduate of , the ilfclversityof North Carolina tChapel Hill. He is also a graduate o? the School of Banking' of the ;South at Louisiana k State tfaiversity. He Joined NCNB in 60 af ter earlier experience in banking and business. V Active in community' life, Futrell is a past president of VVTarboro Jaycees and. sf the ,f ffarboro Merchants. '. Associa tion v and' Chamber xa Com- hiferce, He s is ; f owner co- chairman of the EdeecoTibe ji County March of Ownes and J i has served five tarsu , as iivawi.i iiats Veen retary and director of the Torboro Rotary Cli'b. .Futrell is active 'in North Carolina Bankers Associa tion, having been areaichair man and having served on the NCBA executice nmit teav ioiHe is married to the for mer Billie B. Bateman . of Tarboro, The Futrells, , who live at 109 South Fairview Avenue,- have a daughter, Mary Elliott. 4 Revival Senice 315' Revival , services", will be a held . January SI -fc February ' f 5 at the Hertford Assembly of God at 7:30 o'clock each i might. i f . ) . Guests' arc the EddIpv SLs i -ters Of, who )wilL be speaking, sioginjg and t playing chimes, vhra harp, i" accordion and other inatru i merits. ' ' i - t J ,1 Their travels hwe fexclud- ed many places ia .Aouth America, Europe-niand if the Xlnsted StatcaiLJ i.Vc : The jhost..'a'.'lw,i' iRev: ' Thomas' A1-' 1 V. tf"Jsu,e Loso L5ug5 Long Docket In District Court Following are the cases tried in Perquimans Coun ty District Court January 25 with Judge William Privott presiding: George James Sepel, speed ing, 70 miles in 60-mile zone, $5.00 line and costs of court. Alex Griffin, over width, costs of court. Mason Nixon, Jr., assault, motion for judgment of non suit allowed. Ruby Warren Jones, as sault, 30 days suspended up on the payment of $10 fine and costs of court and not be convicted1 for an assault UDon Irene Nixon for li months. Laszio Gnbacs, improper passing, $10 fine and costs of court. William Andrew Bowles, failed to comply with inspec tion law, $10 fine and costs of court. Willie Octavis Mallory, failing to see' before starting that such movement could be made in safety, 30 days sus pended upon payment of $25 fine and costs of court. Robert Leort Gibbs, im proper passing, $10 fine and costs of court Albert Edward Cox, speed ing 70 miles in 60-mile zone, $5.00 fine and costs of court. Joseph McLean, Jr., im proper brakes, costs of court. Paul J. Churchill, speed ing 70 miles in 60-mile zone, $5.00 fine and costs of court. Harriet L. Nesbitt, speed ing 75 miles in 60-mile zone, $15 fine and costs of court. Philip Merryman, improp er passing $l0fio and-cuts of court. Elsie Harris, drunk on the streets of Hertford, 30 days suspended upon payment of $10 fine and costs of court. Irene Nixon, assault Ruby Jones, 30 days suspended up on payment of $10 fine and costs of court and not bo convicted . of assault upon Ruby Jones for 12 months. Pauline Gaymoni failed to stop at duly erected stop sign, 60 ,tlays suspended upon payments of $25 fine and costs ofifcOurt and not oper ate a motor vehicle until he has , a vvalid operator's license.;'5- . Russell Gilliam, standing oh the main traveled portion of highway for the purpose Of soliciting a rider from a motor vehicle, 30 days sus pended ; upon v payment , of costs' of court ' and ; not , be convicted of hitch - hiking laws' fdr six months. Elisha Ernest Lamb, with out a valid operator's li cense, 60 days suspended Up on condition that he pay a tine of $25 and the costs of court and not operate a mo tor vehicle' in North Caro lina until a license is ob tained. v -;'. County Students On Honor Lists One out of seven East Carolina College students last fall quarter made high enough grades to earn places on the official honor lists. That 15 per cent of the students-a. total of 1,347 K o t official ' commendation from the college this week as three honors ' lists were announced. ; v. The,. honorees include 1,095 North, Carolinians i.and 252 students from outside the state. Noni.residents repre sent 20. states, the District of Columbia and .Nicaragua. ' .. . Most elite among the hon or students are the 1 13 who made alf. JA's, highest . grade the cdllecte' cives. r Next 'are the ,274.. who Jmafli'.JtheJ Dean's List by earning, ,a solid B-plus average with rio grade below C. The third list the Honor Roll includes the 960 under graduates, who onade a B average with no grade below C. ,v:'::'.V-,: '-'-:',;5-: ' Perquimans County, Belvi dere, , Percy , . L. , Winslow, Route 1 (Honor Roll); Hert ford, Betsy, C. B. Little All A's); John Perry , Monds )(Deah" Lfsti:'"RiginaW ; F. Baker, :Route ,ii Michael" N. 'WIndlow,',Rt)ute 2 (Honor Roll' Wlnfair,"' Janice" Jlayt Stwitult'tAalAV,"' ' ' v,.,' History, Beauty Abound Here The following is a tour of Perquimans County that you can take sitting in your fa v--tofite easy chair at home and we'll just bet you can learn some things about your own home county that you didn't know. Better still, ne,xt time you go out for a ride tour your county and visit these points of historical interest. Perquimans County is rich in history and one of the most picturesque places that we know of. There isn't a river anywhere any prettier than ours. There's lots here to see and be seen by vacationers from other states. We urge you to join the Perquimans Historical Society and help promote and preserve the points of historical interest that we are blessed with. The following is the tqur and was contributed to His by the Perquimans Chamber of Commerce. Tour begins at Hertford Grammar School on Dobb Street. Follow Cobb Street from business district and continue across railroad track in order to reach school. "Leave school via Dobb Strreet. On right, opposite Metho. dist Church, note residence with two story columns and porches. One of fine homes built in early Hertford and called Mullen House for family of that name. Note Blanchard's store on right, adjoining Court House Continued on. Page Six How Well Are You Informed? now wen informed are you about the place names of Perquimans County? Our Indian and English heritage is definitely reflected in our place names. Perquimans, an Indian word, means "The Land of Beautiful Women," Other Indian words denoting place names in our 'county are Yeopim, Chapanoke, Balla- hacx and Chinquapin. Many of the streets of Hertford are naimed for the streets of London, England Market Street, Covcnt Oar den, Hyde Park, Grubb Street and Punch Alley, Hertford itself was named for the Marquis of Hertford, England, a n d presumably King Street was named for a king of England. Perhaps Belvidcre and Land's End are also of English origin. Family names in our coun ty, which are predominately English, have given places their names: Durants Neck, Harvey Point, Whiteston, Phelps Point, Chappetl Hill, Blount Point, Nixon's (Blan chard's) Bridge, ' Nixon's Point, Hurdletown, Sutton's Creek, Hasketttown, Vosses (Bright's) Creek, B a g 1 e y Swamp, Keaton's Corner and Nixon's Point. if The Perquimans (Cpujjty Historical SocJctyHwould welcome Information' as to how these places in our county got their names: White Hat, Vinegar Valley, Goos e Hollow, New . Hope, Craney Island, Crow Point, Nags Head Chapel, " Spring City, Poor Hill Road, Bear (Bare) Garden t tfnd Frog Hall.'-;'': . : T! , Please send 9ny HT7fi tion' you have about these place names to "the secretary of the Perquimans County Historical Society, Mrs. Ray T tnond Winslow, Edenton Hertford Highway, Hertford, pr( Carolina." - v.Vj PTA Will Meet February 9th vThe Hertford Grammar School ' PTA will meet on Thursday night. February 0, in the Grammar School. Sub ject "for the program .will be rxoaay scnoois anq, - neu tral Aid." , --i-v". ' C. C. Walters, superintend. ; eht :l oft ' Pcriumaha , County Schools;:' wtyli lthcf (ifwajker. Mrs., tJharlcs Harrell, the president urges a mefiibers "f el t4f Ml A .. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, $440,070 Fbr Yciitli In Albemarle Area John T. Biggers, director of the Neighborhood Youth Corps for the Albemarle area, has received final ap proval for a $440,070 project from the U. S. Secretary a! Labor, W. Willard Wirtz. The new project is for the year 1967 and it began on January 3, 1967. The project is sponsored by the Economic Improve ment Council, Inc., and will provide training opportuni ties for 250 in-school stu dents and 500 students dur ing the three summer 'months. The director and his staff of six people are located in office space provided free by the Town of Edenton. Any o n e desiring information concerning the project call the office, Edenton phone No. 482-4578, or write to John T. Biggers, P. O. Box 468, Eden- ton, N. C, or contact him at his home in Hertford. The objective of the Neighborhood Youth Corps is to help young people by giv ing them jobs, paying thorn wages, helping them to stay in school or return to school, providing them with experi ence and service' that will help them hold regular jobs and at the same time per forming .services for public agencies. Following is lifted the number tof students and amount paid to students by counties ,for the project com. pleted December 31, 1966: Camden: Summed en- rs Bond Quota In 1966 the U. S. Savings Bonds Program experienced a most successful,, year in North Carolina, with the at tainment of over 105 per cent of the State's, annual quota of $52,900,000. For 3 out of the last 4 years North Ca rolina has achieved this dis tinction. Series E and H Savings Bonds sales for the year amounted to $55,655,235, an increase-of 7 per cent over 1965. Series E Bond 'sales uionc amounted to $53,682,235, an increase of better than 7 per cent over the previous year's record. Series H Bond sales were down nearly 6 per cent. Sales for the year in Per quimans County totaled $49, 700, which is 85.1 per cent of the County's 1966 quota of $58,410, according to R. M. Riddick, Perquimans County Volunteer Chairman. In announcing the annual sales figures. W. H. Andrews. State Volunteer Chairman, said, '"We are proud of the performance , of the Savings Bonds Program In North Ca rolina during, 1966 in.: that, while the competition of the savings . dollar was very keen, 68 counties showed an increase in Bond sales over 1965. Included were 44 coun ties which made their quotas for the year. For the fine support the program has re ceived throughout the State, we are grateful. 50,000 Benefit By Medicare The first six months of Medicare ended in North Ca rolina on December 31 with . hospitals administering care to.morlthan 50.000 eligible $itikfehsm the state. .. According to officials-f rem the two Blue Cross Plans act ing as Administrate Inter mediary in, NontW,Ciio1in'ar nearly a -minion was 'pio, . hospitals .fer 31,00X1 1 inttitTeri claims for an average of $280 per claim, u In addition to in patient admissions, hospitals administered care to some 4, 000 out-patients and submit ted claims totaling $12,000 for an average of $3 per claim. ' A total of over $10 mil lion has been paid; to the state's - hospitals for serving to date $1,700,000 of which has been in advance pay ments pending receipt of payment for, services , render ed to benefiotarjes, :Vi(f -.rt , t T h e,s,erc , ifiguresv.iiMrqnect clavns paid pnjy mttpi tajs and do hoA (include -thosei twitUiued uu ' County Nea Approved Corps1 Use roljees,, 18; in-school en roljees, 18; salaries paid stu dents,' $14,637. Chowan: Summer enrollees, 65;: in-school cnrollees, 30; salaries paid students, $33, 000. Currituck: Summer cn rollees, 25; in-school cn rollees, 18; salaries paid stu dents, $18,280. l?are: Summer enrollecs, 14f in-school cnrollees, 15; salaries paid students, $11, 152. Gate: Summer cnrollees, 51; in-school enrollecs. 25; salaries paid students, $29, 891; Hyde: Summer enrollecs, 65; i in-school cnrollees, 25; salaries paid students, $30, 000. Pasquotank: Summer cn rollees, 171; in-school en rolls, 34; salaries paid stu dents, $54,800. Perquimans: Summer cn rollees, 94; in-sehool cn rollees, 23; salaries paid stu dents, $45,264. Tyrrell: Summer cnrollees, 39; tin-school enrollecs, 25; salaries paid students, $24,-929.- Washington: Summer cn rollees, 97; in-school en rollecs, 30; salaries paid studdnts, $47,957. Totals: Summer enrollecs, 639; in-schobl iicnrollees, 250; salaries paid students, $309, 910. OC the 25Q in-school cn rollees 100 are white and 150 are Negro; 139 are boys and 111 are girls. In Auto Wreck Seven people were injured when a car ran into a ditch near Hertford early Sunday morning. Trooper D. G. Mc Intyre reported. Walter Lee Green, Route 3, Hertford, driving along State Road. 1100, near Symons Creek, coming into Elizabeth City, lost control of his car and the vehicle ran into a ditch on the left side of the road. Also injured were six oth ers, all from Hertford: Jesse Bark ley, 18; Mack Bank. 32; Barbara Simpson, 20; Curly Jackson, 23; Vida Green, 27, all of Route 3. and Robert Jackson of Route 2. All suffered cuts and ab rasions around the face and head. Mclntyre said. The vehicle, a 1955 Ford, was totally demolished. William II. Bell, 1815 Southern Avenue, was charg ed early Sunday with hit and run and operating on the wrong side of the road. Ernest Wilson While of Route 2, Hertford, was driv ing along Parsonage Street extended headed for town around 11 P. M. Saturday when his car was struck by Bell,, leaving town, Trooper Mclntyre arrested Bell around 5 A M. Sun day. White's car suffered $150 damage. Neither driver was injured. Gospel Sing At Baptist Church The monthly Gospel . Sine of First Baptist Church will he held Sunday night, Feb ruary 12 at 7:30 o'clock. -Participating groups will be The Golden C's of Eliz abeth City, .The 4 Stars of Ahoskie, The Chowan Male Chorus y and '. several guest soloists. The public is invited Burgess Group Hold Meeting VThe . Burgess Extension Homomakers Association held its first meeting for 1967 at the home of Mrs. Sidney Copcland. . Mrs. T. T. Harrell, presi dent, called the meeting to order and ,i announced plans ifor the year. ; Miss Sherri Taylor, assistant home agent, cave , a demonstration on "Children and Money." mi9. riUV, IVWd TVW. OH- nounced that the club' had nnllfxitd, 1 19 far th PBrimv Seveulfliured drive: and i thanked Mrs. J.-' B.I cording ; artists of Richmond, tBashtehtxind Mra. EdwardJVa.'1 " " i Waters for their Help in jcar 'vvttasiujf' their assigned -areaii. Friday, 'February 3, 1967, 13C3 Present At Corn Clinic A crowd estimated at 1,300 persons jammed the gym, 'at the College of the Albemarle in Elizabeth City to attend the Eastern Belt Corn Clinic on Wednesday. Forrest Mills, chairman for the clinic, was extremely pleased with the turn out and the program of new ideas and methods in corn production. "It was one of the most successful meetings ever held in this area of North Carolina and Vir ginia," Mills said. The clinic opened with a concert by the Elizabeth City High School Band. Eliza beth City Mayor Eiwnitt In gram welcomed the clinic to his city and a drawing for the early bird door prize of a color television set was held. Walt Bueschor of Al-lis-Chalmers served as mas ter of ceremonies for the program winch started at 9:30 A. M. with a keynote address by S. L, Lowery. Pasquotank County exten sion chairman. James T. Thomas of Allis - Chalmers spoke on "Modern Power and Production Methods" and was followed by Paul Bliz zard of Mobil Chemical Com pany whose topic was "Ade quate Fertilization for Top Yields and Profits." "A Five Point Corn Profit Program for the South" was the title of a most interest ing presentation byDr.Eavid Alvey of DeKalb Agricul tural Association. "Less Loss, More Profit at Harvest Time" was discussed by Wil liam Simer of Allis-Chal-mers. Following a barbequc lunch. Charles Foster of But ler Manufacturing Company, outlined the latest on "Grain .Drying and Storage on-the-farm." With the need for higher corn yields in the fu ture, Dr. Gene Younts of the American Potash Institute discussed "Potassium a Vi tal Factor in Top Corn Pro duction." J. V. Baird, exten sion agronomist, at North ... . . .,,n,m,-; Lime Helps Get High Corn Yields." A highlight of the clinic was a talk by Clyde Hifjlit. a farmer from Mgwcaqua, III., who has successfully pro duced high - yielding corn with narrow rows. He re lated many of his experi ences in his program tor higher corn yields. He later joined the other speakers for a panel discus sion during which they dis cussed questions which orig- natcd from the audience. Walt Bucscher was-'the 'mod erator. Major hosts for the clinic were Al I is-Cha liners rami Equipment, Mobil V-C Fer tilizer, DeKalb Seed Corn, Butler Grain Bins and Dry ers, American Potash Insti tute, James River Limestone and their local dealers. Ends Training At Ft. Bliss Pfivnte Joseph L. Light foot, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carson P. Lightfoot, Star Route, Winfall, completed eight weeks of training in air defense artillery at the Army Air Defense School, Ft. Bliss, Tex., January 21. He was trained in firing and maintaining air defense missiles. Istruction included tacticse of air defense weap ons systems, function of nu clear warheads, electronics and missile repair. Present air defense missiles include the Nike and Hawk systems. Hawk missiles are on station in Vietnam. Youth Day At Baptist Church The youth of First Baptist Church took on as their pro ject during Youth Week January 29-February 5 an effort to win , souls to the churches of this area. This is to be done ..through or by use - of community census cards. To climax the activities for Youth Week will be honored with a guest speaker for the annual Youth Day Service Sunday, February 5, at 11:00 A. M. Guest speaker for the occasion will be Rev. Ted- die Huff am of Richmond, Va. Rev. Huffam is a very talented young- man; he is Mi......v met, .- w j formerly a member of the 4 Stari of Virginia.' eosDel Ve The ' public'- is invited to 'Abaj't'in this bueual bexvice. Over 1,000 Children Trea Y.e. At Clinic On Long Awarded Silver Beaver Seven Tidewater Council Adult Scouters were honor ed last Tuesday night at the annual Council Scout cr Rec ognition dinner held at the Norfolk Municipal, Arena. The award of the Silver Beaver climaxed a colorful program addressed by J. Hestwi Heald, ' former scout master of Astronaut Gordon Cooper The Silver Beaver award is Ihe highest in the province of the local Council and is limited to one per year for every 75 packs, troops and Explorer units and fraction thereof in the Council's ter ritory. The law Selections Com mittee was headed by Phil lip T. Smith, one of the Council's vice presidents. The choices in alphabetical order included: Howard Mason Cannon of 4102 Dynax Street, Chesa peake; John Conrad Har buck of 8012 Kirby Haigh Circle, Norfolk; William Samuel Long of 106 Railroad Street, Hertford, N. C-; Her bert Archie Marshall of 2617 Woodland Avenue, Norfolk; Donald Harvey Sandie of 6 Locust Lane, Portsmouth; James Thomas Schermer horn of 190 Blades Street. Norfolk and Jacques Simon Zaneveld of 1334 Upper Bradon Place, Norfolk. ' The conferring of the awards was a complete sur prise to the recipients whose wives were taken in on the secret in advance and hon ored -with thHi- husbiirtds by the presentation of an or chid. In the neighborhood of 1,200 Scouters and Den Mothers and their spouses attended the dinner, which was presided over by Capt. Nelson P. Watkins. USN (ret.) and also addre-ised by RADM W. K. Romoser. USN (ret.), president of the Tide water Council. Representatives of the po litical subdivisions, the vari ous armed services and the Council's supporting United Funds, together with their wives, were honored , guests at the meeting. Farmers Will Meet Feb. 7th The second of a series of production meetings for Per quimans County farmers will be held on Tuesday. Februr ary 7 at the Agricultural Building in Hertford at 2:00 P. M. Dr. A, D. Stuart and Dr. Jack Baird will be here to discuss corn production and the fertilization program. "We realize that there are many farmers that are grow ing corn very efficiently but still there are some practices that could be used that would increase the income from corn production," says R. M. Thompson, coulny ex tension chairman. "We also know that for maximum returns, the opti mum level of fertilizer must be maintained for corn, soy beans and peanuts 'or for that matter, any crop that is being produced. For this reason, we believe it will be to your advantage to attend this . production meeting and hear the discussion led by Dr. Baird and Dr. Stuart." further states Mr. Thompson. Heln Offered To Taxpayers Taxpayers in the Hertford and Elizabeth City areas are reminded that the U. S. In ternal Revenue office pro vides full-time taxpayer as sistance on Fridays, 8:30 A." M. lo 12 noon, and 1 P. M. to;4:45, P.. M. . C Internal Revenucemployes are on duty- in the Roehelle Bp.ild,ing a,t, ?0 Wjst Ehring hVus -:. Street '-dur,mgljjU'thase hpuri'.' ,,'... J Taxpayers desiring ;.onfoiv 'tnation should call telephone uumber 235-2b93t 10 Cents Per, Copy Measles Sunday r CO More than 1,000 Chowan and Perquimans County chil dren received doses of measles vaccine via a jet in jector gun Sunday during an End Measles campaign. "We arc most plesed with the turnout," said Dr. Isa Grant, district health officer. "The cries were from fear of the shot, not from the gim. Most of the children were delighted to have felt no real .sensation from the gun." Between 310-325 children ayes one to six. received the vaccine in Edenton. "Our target population was 500, though just an estimation," ,Dr. Grant said. In Hertford, 700 doses were delivered, with the goal around 1.200. The ages ranged from one to 12 there. Dr. David Wright and Dr. T. P. Brinn delivered the shots in Perquimans and 'Dr. Wright and .Dr. James Slade in Chowan County. Two technicians cane from Raleigh for the vaccin ations, Henry Woodard and Ray Beckler. Two electric and two hand jet guns were used. The guns were sent from the Communicable Dis ease Center in Atlanta. Mrs. Jean Lassiter, nurs ing consultant for the north cast region on behalf of the State Health Department, di rected both projects. Volunteers included repre sentatives from the Hospital Auxiliary in Edenton and the Association of Business and Professional Women in Per quimans County. The programs were spon sored by the medical socie ties of the two counties. No decision has yet been snade concerning ihe possible spon sorship of similar programs in other counties, Dr. Grant - said. -' .' -' '-- 'V Volunteer workers from Edenton were: Mrs. Warren Twiddy, Mrs. J, Edwin Bufi- lap, Mrs. John J. Lavezzo, Mrs. James Darnell, Mrs. Thomas Ward and Mrs. Thomas Shepard. The volunteers from Hert ford were: Mrs. Goorgp Fields, Mrs. L. B. Cobb, Mrs. Charles Harrell, Mrs. Shel don Bateman, Mrs. Bryant Woodell, Mrs. Archie T. Lane, Jr., and Mrs. Jake Jackson. Message Given By Dimes Drive "Our March" of Dunes message this year is a simple one: 'Please.' "Please answer it early and please make your re sponse generous." Henry C, Sullivan appealed today as he announced the traditional March of Dimes mailing to homes throughout Perquim ans County. ' The need for funds is urg ent, he said, if continued pro gress is to be made in re ducing the figure of 250,000 babies born each year in th" United States with birth de fects. "Already, March of Dimes supported scientists have de vised ways of detecting and controlling several condi tions which can cause per manent mental disability and they are now working in the field of Genman measles and otner diseases known to be responsible for defective children." While these preventive ef forts are being pushed, de clared Mr. Sullivan, the March of Dimes is support ing a vast program of care and treatment designed- to make useful livirg possible for victims of',bto-thv,'def-.'; fects. It is being' conducted at 77 treatment, .-.centers i in -American communities rom I coast to" coast where trained experts 'provide comprehen sive care, conduct clinical re search to develop better methods of treatment and help teach metnbers of the medical and allied profes sions. V ' : "We know our March ;of ODimcs message ifor support in the fight against birth de fects will ; arrive promptly because we're cooperating with the Post Office JJepart mervt by using ,2ip -codes-on 1 every , . envelope, declared Ir. SuEUvan,' ."and your con tribution), will .zipiback to s' w winy A WW - l .- ' '' ., j