' CS FOUrf'" J PERQfJIMANSl Published Every Friday at ' Hertford, N. C. 27944 ' . in i . n, 't ' I'll Virginia White Transeau EDITOR Court House) 'Square '. MEETFOBD, K T. " Entered as seeing class matter November 15, 193fl, (it Post Offh'e at Hertford, Norljj Carolina. 27944, Advertising Rates Furnished ' By Rejdiiest. - SUBSCRIPTlbft RATES: ONJ3 YEAR .4- Mta Porqulmdnd! County) , . ' ELSEWHERE .T- WOO i. FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1067 A Crippler ',' Over : 13,00p000 f'Amrri , can men, worrftm and child J: fen, young dnd old, rich V and poor, 'suffer ifrom ar- thritis today. (Many i'f ; them are screvely cnpplcd. ! Most of themj face m- creased disability unless they act now. ; All that is necessary is to Bake thajt nrst step a. iflir, 3 um Notice Of Candidacy I HEREBY ANNOUNCE MY CVN't'J DAt'Y for a scat. On the Hertford Towu Buid. in the election coming up Tuesday, May 1 ml. YOUR LVTERESI" IS M1XK: if elated I will serve the people of the Town of Hertford to the very best o interest to all. WHEN YOU VOTE, vote for CHARLIE UMPHLETTj 1 sincerely want to offer my ser vices in- the Ijest interest possible. Charlie Umphlelt 0fB liS TeslirovTsinclalrDino Gasoline j ' - i Mill' ' - ' start almost instantly even at 25" WM y below zero. Deliver quick warmups, ; vlmPX l&ihs s 1 " 00, Sinclair Dino and Dino fJ5! f uPreme Gasolines contain Nickel Hi : " ' I that cuts engine Wear, saves re-1 .i ft - A J s - pairs, gives more miles per dollar.1: I ' cVu Put Dino Power in your engine today I -x' 'MPipwU - at our sign of the Sinclair Dinosaur. ' k0Mi feV V ' , Dior America best by . ' v x Americin Express Diners' Club Carte Blanche ! ' W t fSmif C honored at Sinclair StaUona, f JkUs4rt "ZZZ;" V C P yi(tfllll(l Wf f&ywl Mlulul)WJIWH.TO)lWIWli.UI UW.WI.UJIIJ t" t-t'i"" 1 J V ii iii ii amimimmimimilliimmiti' j ; Drive with care and buy Sinclair l :: . Sinclair 1 V l.l '.-Sl'ia iHWIi "4 up.Ufted, physician. -''Whyr ildc. jeop)je. ;deiay', when delay means excruci ating pain and, in many cases, certain crippling? Does pain itself promote npathy? Do the come-and-go symptoms, so typical of the dreadful disease, lull its victims into a false feeling that "it won't hap pen to me?" .- Jhe answer lies in many, jpiiiceSJ Tfri nianyl patieilts and' even a few" doctors,'7 fwl nothing can be done. Others fall vicllm.jto. ,the. thousands of ''quacks : who prey on arthritios Ho .-the tune of $300,000,000 u year; the a mou n t s spfjnV-j.on . woithless "cures" and un less medications.! StiH oth era don't know where to go,., how to get help, whom to ask. The answers to these questions', and many 'others are contained in a thuii red booklet, now entering its second million printing, titled "Today's Facts About Arthritis," published by the Arthritis Foundation,, the sole voluntary health agency Keeking the cause and tine for arthritis. It is available, five .of charge, 'through the North .Caro lnia Chapter of the Arlhri- I Ti i . . . . - ... . . i (Lfi-Jfoundauon, .Drawer All, II j.l I I j "SUPPLIER OP. SINCLAIR PRODUCT" 'Chapel Hill, N. C. 27514. ' In ' its foreword it 'states: "No case is' hopeless. Some thing can be done for ar thritis now. Moreover, re search for the cause and cure of arthritis is moving forward rapidly. New therapies and many prom ising new drugs are emerg ing. Yesterday's discour agement .can be,;,replaced by today's -optimism." ; '-Arthritiqs; n)usl 1 Jearn: : Apathy, ii their' greatest enemy action their great- 'st Ully'-,;- Departments : Is Honored The Woman's .Society of Christian Service of , Firsf Methodist: .Church, Hert ford, honored members - of its Adult Home Depart- Custom Built Homes REPAIRS - REMODELING IHTCHEN CABINETS ADDITIONS For Any Job Small Or Large O FREE ESTIMATES O Call or See ' '' ' t . I " '!'. Perquimans Construction Co. Phone 426-5211 Hertford, N. C. Erie Haste, Jr. and B. A. Talley Call Us For Your Electrical Work ill . . - 1 a - -i H I H THE fERQOTMANS""WflEKlTr"IIMnTORnr'KpBTII 70tWA;TTlI)'A'T7TMME"41p MS?." "- ' tnent at a luncheon on Frl 'I 1 . . 1 17- day, 'April 14; in the Fel lowship Hall of the church. No ' program wr; plenned, but those attending shared early experiences as mem bers of the church, and en joyed a period of fellow ship. Mrs. Durwood Reed, Superintendent of ' the Home Department, along with '.Mrs.' ""Jessie Harris, president , of the ,WSCS, Those attending were -.- L. Stevens, Mrs. A. C. ShanhohhousSe, v Miss Kate ; Blanchard,1 ' : Mrs. , Maude Blanchard. Misk Ethel Nix on, Mrs. Nathan Relfe, Mrs. Fannie i,Wight; Mrs. T. J. Nixon, Jr.,'; tjlrs. R- M Fowler,' Mt'sA Thad Chap--pell, Mrs. R. Ansc White, Mrs, R. M.i Riddick and Rev., and Mrs. R. L. Bame. v These Religious Messages Are Made Possible By The Following Business Firms: Hertford Skviiig's ,8t1 Loan YAsith "Own Hour Oh 'liwne' ThrouihjSav'iiigk atfd , Loan'',. 1 "... M if- OII, inii LIVESTOCK - ANW FARM PRODUCE Phone 426-5411 - WINFALL, N. C. Pilt Hardware Company Phone 436-5531 HERTFORD, N. C. ' ' : .'.'.", i,.,-. '. v . .; .'V . ' Winslow-Blarichard Motor Company YOUR FORD DEALER ( - ; ; : ''"';n f ' IK. M. Morgan Furniture Co. ; HOME FURNISHINGS PHILCO APPLIANCES Cannon Cleaners DEPENDABLE SERVICE Phone 426-5491 V. C. Blanchard & Co.i Inc. "ISLANCIIARD'S" SINCE1 1833 :' '; i: . T I'. : lilahchard's v Barber Shop Gerald W. Blanchard ' ''Proprietor KdtlCs Grocery Phone 126-7767 HERTFORD, N. (!. One Stop Service Station BILL- COX, Owner Tires Greasing Accessories . J Call 426-8870 HERTFORD, N. C. Lahe8 Woodwork j;Shop "Custom Built Kitchen Cabinets" Phone 426-7235 Route 3. Hertford, N. C. (White Hat Koad) Winfall Service Station OAS OIL - TIRES AND REPAIRS FIRESTONE TIRES Thos. S. Monran. Winfall CaU 426-8843 Peoples Bank & r i :.';?-: "-"'-;.t- ' Trust Company . Member F.DXC. HERTFORD, N. C. Byrum Furniture Company Phone 426-5262 HERTFORD, N. C. i . ; I i .v ' :!j.tr'fr' VmS is often, I nffrct : Pft B rJlaJte CEius-di Soma 77. V4 ' i . , Today Carol and I u jv; '"rrif. i-WMiimiajMMMMijMiMMMBMiaswsiswwewiSMSwaatwetei'iiii sr 'wirf'iii"iiitinvt-rttTi paclced it away. I must admit to a feeling pfj sadness,; lor th'e moment made all of the wedding preparations suddenly become real Carol is being married in less than " a month, yet it seems only yesterday John and I brought her home from the hospital. Hansel and Gretel were last, and I smiled as I packed them. For they remind me of Carol and her young man. They seem such dreamy young innocents, but are rdajly quite practical. Already they've solved many of the prob lems John and I never thought of until after our mar riage. Yes, their path is well marked through the forest of matrimony. To be sure, they may have troubled times, but they share a deep and abiding love for God that promises strength and comfort beyond their own resources. With God and His church at the center of their lives, they cannot fail. v Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Leviticus Deuteronomy ' Psalms Psalms Galations I Peter Revelation 26:3-13 8:1-10 5:7-12 19:7-14 5:16-26 3:1-12 7:13-17 5iZ 52? t 222 t 32? Hertford Livestock & Supply Co. Phone 426-5591 HERTFORD, N. C. Swindell Funeral Home AMBULANCE SERVICE Telephone 426-7311 HERTFORD, N. C. Towe Motor Co. CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH ".''Sales and Service Heed Oil Company ESSO PRODUCTS HERTFORD, N. C. Baker Oil Company SINCLAIR PRODUCTS GOODYEAR TIRES Albemarle Chemical Co. Phone 426-5585 HERTFORD, N. C. Robertson' CUarieti. fyqjtndry, Inc. . QUALITY WORK COURTEOUS SERVICE "'Phone 426-5235 . hrT;0RI, N. C. O fQ 7TT7tfh -hr ' Si 7 dusted her doll collection t gjg t Si2 t gj? t StP Sunday School Lesson THE POWER OF FAITH International Sunday School Lesson For April 23 Memory Selection: "Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, "believing, , ye shall receive." Mat thew 21-22 , , ' ..Lesson Text: Acts 3. Today we continue pur studies in the Book - of Acts. . ; ...This unit will show 'the. chuiyh at Jerusalem actively playing its; part in the doctrines of Christianity r those of worship, proclamation, education' and ministry. Durinfl our studies we ! will be aware of the oppositionto the teachings T)f the church but we will ee Christfanity grow .in acceptance since the suppression of truth, is .always futile. And unity-as demonstrated by 'Christian . leaders-rralwivs ,Iendf 'weight to an -ar'gUmeiit. i" ;-.i'w Our verses deal speciiically-wW'ith the heal ing of the lame beggarman at. the gates of the temple; this miracle being performed by Peter, in John's presence, in the name of Jesus Christ. NOTE . . . IN THE NAME OF JES'JS CHRIST. For Peter did not in any way attempt to take credit for himself out of this miracle. , Rather, . he used it as a demonstration of the power of Christ after death. In giving the man the use of his legs, Peter bestowed upon him a gift that was more valu able than gold or silver. . i " Faith can work wonders, whether it is the faith of the giver as in Peter's case or the faith of the receiver. Certainly, when Peter and John looked at the crippled beggar, they saw a (man in desperate need. That Christ : would respond to that need was an unassailable fact in their minds. And certainly the beggar must have been motivated in his response to their commands by the interest they were tak ing in him. We always respond to a sign of caring, and the more desperate our needs, the , more spontaneous our response. Thus; was the : power of ifaith proclaimed to all and sundry who saw a hitherto crippled man rise up and walk and run and leap. And . Peter was not slow in taking advantage of this opportunity to testify to the power of faith In the living Christ. As we hav nointed out be- ,fore,tw.vClaimedQqfediro hw" J m the' perpetuation' of : thismiYflcle;' hfr " WiAuick to point out that his healing ptwer -wdv3ock, given. ' - . J ' r . j ;.. . I And that God was not.al.one for theJgwjs, or Gentiles He , ,was a . unrvesal 'pod, I, knging', . ' ) to all peoples, all creeds',, all races. . .ri Js V . ... We-cannot live without aitlkVof sqjnftikindl. or another. .- The student;., hast faith ;"in his . teacher. The imanufacturivhfl .fjith. irj iw pro. A .' . duct. . The Child has faith., jn his parents, and -tMjarentsjn the child.'" Vaith is a basic ne- in p- 4M ft A M i . s 4 in t A U&Yi and THE CmMON FbR AL ALL FOR THB CHURCH: factor on eartn for the builaV T . jng of character and soootV cilizenahip. It ia a atorehouM ' of apiritual valuta. Without atrong church, neithee . democracy nor civilization can aurvivo. There are four Bound reaaona why every peraon ahould attend aervicea . regularly and eupport the Church. They are: (1) For hi own eake. (2) For hia chd dren'a Met Mff the aalco' of his commuhity and nation. (4) For theakaf the Church itself, which needs his moral and material support. Plan to (0 tftihurch regulrly od read your Bible daily.' CopyrioIUlSKilta' AdvertiIny Service, Im, SeTMblirj.Vfc t StP t gfa t gig t gj2j i 5 But, where faith alas, subject to i CLrist, His SolTis'ever JJisU TbfH'M fr J i !(( flK ..:. ; mtB'i !' .-.is;.! -1 '" ! .duo);.. .-.Inp f).i .( '1 ,rl b:b ! vxnsi. j ir r.-J. ) Tli'l ''(! ' B lt!ti .U-T" .4 't'ivJn. ? -if' p"rV i .'i..-jSA( lib On- ti.t) HERTFORD Vbdllll I m'r'--;:.J "-''-' . . -:.,...''-::;,";'.:' ' ' : i , I