. yei;.:ly;; ublished Eery Friday at Hertford, N..C, 27944, . Virginia WhJt Transeau KDITOB Csart Ham 8d.ure , HEBTFOBD, V. C. Entered at recpnd elsu nutter November 15, 1934. at Post OJflce t Hertford, North Caroline. 2TO44. .'t Advertising Rates Furnished ' s By Request SUBSCRIPTION RATES." ONE YEAR . -K.50 . (In Perqulmani County) ELSEWHERE WOO FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1967. Do Unto Others . Life moves so fast and we are faced with so many temptations to join the run-of-the-rniU . ways ' that we often fail to keep in mind the Golden Rule do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' i ' We are often tempted to join, in gossip (usually 1 speculative or half - true ' gossip), or to Judge oth ers, or to say unkind words" or criticize others.- How many who read this edi torial can spy -iheyhave not suxuneto . this . temptation ofte$2U ' If We seek flttgood in 1 others, and jtalkv about.it, I the results are dtten aston. I jishing. Faitk iwe good. sou) has brought about . near-mii aculus results j-and inspirational conduct and performance. For each! of us has good in us I and none amjong us is per fect, r , Jesus oncfe said; "Let 1 him among you who is 'without sin, jjcast the first etone. If we could re member this, every day of the week, evjery week, the world would J bfe,s-;far bet ter place in 3whid): to, live. i To meeitfre growing demand fora premium fuel, Sinclairdeveloped sel Fuel with a special Multi-Purpose additive. This new fuel offers "Cuts dqwHtimev;: "... - :ReducekftfJo!ev"".' ' Cleans arjfpeeps fuel systems clean. Provide? j$t and corrosion protection. lncrease5jlMot.lul.lllc.,' . . -DELIVER ttyRt POWER PER GALLON. ' e CALL Ui Fbtf PROMPT DELIVERY TO YOUR FARM . V-1 ' " ' i it... Discovef America Dest Dy car. Drive with care and buy Sinclair, 'X ' . Compliments i,fand Smiles " ! Two of the weapons used by smooth operators are compliments . and smiles. And it's quite obvious that in the commercial field compliments and smiles are an overworked commodity. The smooth talking salesman full of compliments :is obvious. But the sunshine friend who ' plies one wi'th com pliments and smiles is not so obvious. "' One can get an accurate picture of, h,js,,real fiends by Jheir actions !Mer the yearji We are ojti-fashion-ed enough to adtfuYe the fellbw withr,"a frown, who is not an animated . darl ing and who does not have a TV personality but is sincere. In other words, in to day's world, the smiling personality is a bit over done (especially on tele-, vjsion) and we believe the real values of frankness, honesty and genuine sin cerity are unappreciated. This Is The Life " , By Bv R. THOMAS Immanuel Baptist Church "NAKED" r ' Take your Bible, please, 4 1 and turn with me to Gen esis, chapter 2:25. When Adam and Eve had never sinnpd and theV Were both I naked ' in i the Garden of Eden, they weren't asham ed. Why? They had .nothing, to be ashamed of, either ; from God. or each other;1 Now read chapter three. After they had sinned, what happened? In verse 7 we see both of them saw their nakedness because their eyes were opened. They sewed fig leaves together and hid themselves from God. The Bible teaches that naked ness or improper exposure of the body is sin. In Genesis 9:20-27 Noah put a curse on his son , (Ham) for looking on his; naked ness. The wife belongs only to her husband and to "SUPPLIER OP. SINCLAIR PRODUCTS 'Godafid, the Htlsbartd the ' sa,me! Today Womeh should be, careful how they dress. There are topless bathing suits, low cut 'dresses re vealing part of the breast or skin, tight slacks and clinging sweaters and short shorts. ; Today women dress to attract the gaze and de sire of .men. Are we wearing the clothes that Christians should? ' Would we not look silly going out to win souls for Christ in , shorts , or women In low cut dresses? God clothed Adam and Eve. v The Bible says:' "Unto Adam also and to his wife ' did f the Lord God make coats of skins and clothed them." Genesis 3:21. Whiteston News ; Mr. and Mrs. Lofton Stalling of Kentucky spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs.. Ellis Stallings. Lofton and Ellis are broth ers. : Mrs; Pearl White is spending this week in Nor folk, Va., visiting her niece and family, Mrs. Eu gene Dillon. . " r . Mrs. Emma White Roun- Screen..Out PESTS Keep Tour Home Free From Summer. Insects! ' SEE itfs NOW FOR ; Storm Doors Screen Doors : Screen Wire Shop HERTFORD First HARRIS Plumbing & Bldg. . Supply Co. , TELEPHONE, 426-5576 Hertford, N. C. ',. WW i tree and (Rev. .iWirtfard-. Bwfton .took their, (yacBtKn Bble School class to the beach at Nags Head for the day ion- Monday. J. Luther 1 Winslow has1 been at home from the hospital for a week and bis hours for visits are the same as the visiting hours at the hospital. He is slowly improving. -. Alvim Winslow is mak-. ing progress. , , , : si Daily Rountree is not do-, ing so well.! ,.. . . if mi i The daily1 vacation Bible . School held the closing . session on ) Friday i night with good attendance! . The .Alice Chappell , Missionary Circle will meet .. Saturday , afternoon i at 3 o'clock , with Mrs. ; Sylvia Winslow. i Mrs... Sylvia Winslow spent several days at Fay? ttteville visiting her broth.-, er, Vivian White, an d wife. : . Mr. ' and " Mrs. ; Ronald Boyce are I having a new house built in the com munity. FATHER'S DAY AND SUNDAY GO SO WELL TOGETHER. (It's such a nice day to call long distance. In (act any Sunday la) Call anywhere in the con tinental U.S. all day Sun day and talk 3 minutes " station-to-station for $1.00 or less plus tax. i NORFOLK ft CAROLINA TEL. & TELG. COMPANY - r New Premium 0e-4' these advantages. f few These Religious Messages Are Made Possible By The Following Business Firms: Hertford Savings' & ' f , , . if Loan Association. , 0,wn dJwu Own( Home t ThroiMch Savings, and . nt ;. ,t it.. Loan" .... . J,F. Hollowell & Son, Inc. LIVESTOCK AND FARM PRODUCE ? Phone 426-5411 f WINFALL, N. C. Pitt Hardware ?-. Company Phone 426-5531 HERTFORD, N C. Winslow-Blanchard . J MotorCompany YOUR FORD DEALER 47 ,j. -f : j' W. Moraan i . Furniture Co. HOME FURNISHINGS PHILCO APPLIANCES Cannon Cleaners DEPENDABLE SERVICE Phone 7426-5491 C. Blanchard -,h i'j & Co., Inc. t -I "BLANCHARD'S" , SINCE 1832 Vf'ft y ;il ' T," 1 '''! 1 Blanchard' s , Barber Shop id W. Blanchard Proprletor i Keith's Grocery Phone 426-1767 (1 iJitnrroED, n c. 'MS v Station ALL- Owner jives Greasinj V , Accessories j "fcair 426-8879" : HERTFORD, N. C. Lane's Woodwork Shop "Custom Built Kitchen Cabinets'' Phone 426-7225 Route 3, Hertford, N. C. . (White Hat Road) fWlnfall Service Station GAS OIL . TIRES AND f REPAIRS FIRESTONE TIRES Thos. . Morgan, WlnfaJl . VaU lSO-B43 cPeoples Bank ' &' OTrust Company" Memler .FJ)J,q, HERTFORD, Hft: Byrum Furniture f. Company r. ' f ' Phone 426-5262 " HERTFORD, N, C. 1 liC i G Zd j .What jnarvelous buildingB haa man erected through the centuries. What lofty and inspiring " "structures has he created. ' ,. But how many of these glorious accomplish-, ments stand intact today? We can see famous ruins . the. world over mute reminders that what man . builds is not permanent. ; " ' Today our buildings contain great slabs of con crete holding hidden wire and steel that will not v break with stress. But can we be sure that today's . creations will be standing a hundred years or two hundred years from now? Of course not.' . Of what can we be certain? What does last? Certainly the gifts of God tower indestructibly' : today as they have for generations ... the thing of the spirit faith, hope and love. Our church? buildings may crumble or be destroyed, but the': fellowship of believers is perpetual throughout tha i ages. . Discover for yourself the great spiritual truths' ; Discover; for yourself through His Church, those things which endure forever. Sunday Monday Psalms 33:1-12 Psalms 9:5-10 Psalms ' Psalms Mark I Corinthian II Corinthians f Ephesianf J I Hebrews 13:1 Hertford Livestock & Supply Co. . Phone 426-5591 , HERTFORD, N. C. Swindell Funeral Home v AMBULANCE SERVICE 'f Telephone 426-7311 , ; . Hertford; n. c. -' . . j Towe Motor Cot H'i -r: - b. ' ': CHRYSLER . PLYMOUTH Sales and Service i ; Reed Oil Company ESSO PRODUCTS ' . ' HERTFORD, N. C. f Baker Oil Company SINCLAIR PRODUCTS GOODYEAR TIRES j . Albemarle Chemical Co. 5 Ti Phene 426-5585 HERTFORD. C. i Robertson's Cleaners & Laundry, Inc. QUALITY WORK ' COURTEOUS SERVICE Phone 426-5235 HERTFORD. N. C. llO'VLLZ7CJ d 77J till Tuesday . Wednesday Thursday - 13 ,13:1-13 5:1-10 Sunday School Lesson A GROWING International Sunday School Lesson fc Memory Selection:-v , was with them; and a. great number (tlieved,- ( ! and turned unto the Lords'Acts 11:21. . ' - Lesson Text:' Acts lW9f3d,''- h L " '. . ' ' In stadyihg.Jfod!aysI..l&it")fce - that the church at inifiiRuiAas'nitel ehttrchr) It was foresighte-drodica'ttd''andr 'oafmgr . j . We are also confronted, with the fact Jhai !out i r of pvil oftentimes comes ood.v " Jf ;V," '- , .f( r Stephen dedicated v puFveypr" of .' Gtyfii. Wordj ' "J to the unsaved-4died a- Asmtyr's ieathjpAhW .i i I work did hot end with 'lifeif-rath it,y as J "1 . ;.' enhanced and made the nidr elfectiye by,-1iis v ; untimely demise. For, outoit,lthei disrupjtionj that ; t . followed, many: believers 2Jj -Christ .wffe' 'scat tered abroad in foreign conlmunities,fnu1 out,. v. of 'this dispersion of Ghriftians came hebirth: of ! missionaries dedicated, merr vihyf foday answeo. the' 'call :ta 'the -far',jCaa( .-otttti.vaErtorn)! h'!c reaches of the earth-l-merfipny ist tlrtir belief f. - that they have; a messageof salvatioivcrf ll . t mankind. . i ' ' i ' Indeed, the church at Anjioch "was the"'iore runner of evangelism and missionary workas' ,5 it is entrenched in our civilization tEday It '', j : ' was indeed fortunate to: have, a '.'eoalitjon',: gov-'. '.. ernment, so to speak, in, the'persons of 4w out- ? if standine leaders -Barnabas and Sauk One! .dedi-;. : K v. cated 'man. can .work . wonders;, two eaWwork miracles. ' . j f . . if . .' v Barnabas "and Saul, rgirded in their .common faith, strengthened by vtheir unshakable; friend : ship and trust, the one in the other, , were a 1 telling team. SOj out of Stephen's, death, came the expansion' of the church, said the resulting expansion of leaders, f Fellowship was the key note of the early' Christian church, nd fellow k" v :ship' was the fbundation stone nyJon whioht prO "gress was made.', ' . Thus it was, when famine fall Upon-thcland ; of. Judca, the church at Ahtioch proved itself . . to be, not only a growing thing, but i sionate, as well. Christian iconcSrn for fare of otheqs - -was ably - de" Barnabas and Saul' v-went for-i the suffering people of Judea: ; i at Antioch was pot, merely g bers-it. was growing spiritual! From the modest An :och cc ' . learn several telling , mm i i clples. We cannot blind our ; fectiveness of dedicate leas! , , gether for a common t ir ' We cannot blind oi ' i instructed membership, nor U' i . sionary-minded churches r !"' ' , If we want our churtH t reaching (in accordance structions to His follow must be imbued with t j ward. othe ,y,,' er ' ire ffiHM, THE CHURCH FOR Alt . ; . . ': .. i. AU FOR THE CHURCH 'TKa Church It'Wia graateit . . faetor en aarth for th buRdlnj ,' of charactar and good cltlnrt ". Wj). lift a storahouta at ipirliv. vol- voluaa. WHhaut a Mronf Church, nallhar cWmocracf nor . : : cMIIxaflon can aurvlva. Thara . art four lound raon why j. avary paraon thouM attand it-'- vfcai ragularl and aupport tho Church. Thy arai (1) For hh ; ' own ioka. (2) For hi chlldran'a aaka. (3) For the aska of hh -community and notion. (4-Fer..: tha aaka of the Church Uielf,: . which neadt hit moral and mo- ' hrlaf support. " Plan to go to : church regutonYand read your IWe dally. ' tMm HiiilWiiirr h Try Trldoy Saturday U? 2:13-32 ",V M-I4. 11 CHURCH I. June 18 Jhe Loi '"The hand of the Lord ":tS-Ol- Si. -or t ""or t 'Wing 1 .as '" n" s t en for or . ! num ,e can "in- i I ..1 tJ-' 'Hie v-' of fact that mis- v, and be out i Christ's last in we (the church) - rs) tfvclance of spirit t- V- .! at 426-5544 HERTFORD 3 UZU