f Home To Af 1 Mrs. G. t. re turned, to er Hne Ay- : den Saturday it for visiting I here with Mrs., T. L Nixon i land Mrs. Ansc White. , Weekend In Maryland ! , Mr. and lArs, H. C. Sulli- van were: ' the weekend . guests of Mr. and Mrs.' Sam ' : i O'Sullivan in Ellicott Md. ' Attends1 Seminar lj.,,)''(jV , Mrs. Frank Jessup- at-if- tended a . Beauty Setnin8ii this , . week i -j ; Winston-' - Salem. ' ' I 'Vh 'ili-iii'-: At Virginia B&c ft.'.' ' Mrs. W. L:Jessup and daughter, Sidney, and Mrs. Royce Vickers yisited Lou and Royce Vickfera' at Vir-i j ginia Beach one day this - - week. . ' From Winston-Salem . ; .:: Mr. and Mrs. Herman . Ward and family from ; Winston-Salem were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ward. Joe Ward re mained ior a visit. BPW CLUB. MEETS, : t till' : The Hertford Business and Professional Woman's Club entertained its new members and special guests a hamburger . cook-out Thursday night at 7 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Essie Burbage. ' Special guests were Miss , Carolyn White, recipient of the BPW Club Health Careers - Scholarship for 1967; her mother, Mrs. Ann White; Miss araldine Meads, recipient . of the BPW CommeitW Medal and her mother, Mrs. Le on a Meads. Also ervter-' tained ' were Mrs. Judy Heath, Mrs.' Phyllis Mans field, Mrs. Anna. Harmon, Mrs. Jean Humphlett, Mrs. Mary Dow ; Mofcgan, who have recently ' joined the club, and Mrs. Ruby Bate man, who asworked so., diligently with the Health Career? Club sinre it was stnre ; i Peiqu organized in High School ago. quiman3 - two year3 buys on My 1966 Ford Galaxie 500 4-door . 1966 Falcon Fordor iyb5 Ford ualaxie 500 Z-door Hardtpp 1965 Chevelle SS Convertible .Cgape.--1-"-.- 1965 Buick Le Sabre 4-door Haroi , " K '. 1965 Ford Galaxie 500 Tudor Htop (turquoise) 1965 Falcon Tudor Sedan : , , : 1964 Ford Tudor Hardton - ' 1964 Ford Fordor Sedan :'( 1963 Falcon 4-door Sedan 1962 Chevrolet 4-door Hardtop 1961 Falcon Fordor; 1961 Chevrolet BelAir Forda 1961 Chevrolet Station Wagon 1961 Chevrolet 4-door Hardtop 1959 Ford Fordor 1965 Ford F100 1964 Ford F100 V-8 1964 Dodfe Crew Cab 1961 Ford F600 Tractor 1958 Ford 1-ton Truck .THE 'Aicent PfclJJpns Miss Lou and Roy Vicl(c its have accepted positions ai" receptionists and jiight oierk at Gulf Stream Hp tjjl at Virginia. Beach. jeekend Guest . 'Don Moushegian from Aexandria, Va., was the weekend guest of Mr. and Vlrf.' Ernest 'Long 'and Miss tiii!;i!":,'' Attend Wedding! I Those attending the Eley- ftogers ueljding ' in Wil- ' liamston on Sunday from Hartford' Were Mrs. Qrace V :-Ctstorv; Mrs. Addie Kee-,, anjiMrs. .Eldon Wlnslow, Mrs.', Helen! Woodard, Miss ' Louise Chalk, C h a r 1 e s Woodard' Miss Thelma ' El-; liottj Mr. and Mrs. ''Tom Cox and daughter Cindy, ' Mr. and Mr$. ; Noah, 'Greg-: ory, Mr", and Mrs.,-. Jimmy Stallings, Mr. and . Mrs; Tom Harrell and : children,,! Mrs. I. A. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Swindell and family, Mr, and Mrs. W. F. 4insley, Mrs. Eugenia Beckr Mrs. Mark Gregory, ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winslow and Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Long and daughter Ellen.; VI i'mlnston Guests . v Dr. and Mrs. "Earl-Sikes8;: f r o m ' Wilmington are spending some time here with Mrs. T. J. Nixon, Jr., and Miss Helene Nixon." . Home For Weekend . Mi?s Ann White, student at E3st Carolina Collese, Greenville, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. White. , Wee'iend Guests Mr. and 'Mrs. George Clirk and family from Petersburg spent the week end here with Mrs. J. E. Morris. Sunday Gues s , Mrs. Julian Brinkley and daughter Betsy from P)y mouth visited Mrs.. Isa Tucker and Miss Virginia Tucker on Sunday. every one in stock. Check this - TRUGIiS - ... . , - : .' ' - PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JTJNfi 23. W1. WW Weekend Giicsfe uJ .!' :. Mri w4 Mrs. Peqn Britt from Hampton spent the weekend with, Mr. and Mrs. Fehtqn Britt. i Return Hqmt , . Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Cobb and children have returned home after vacationing at Expo 66, Canada and other places of interest. At Virginia Beseh ., , . I ; Mr. and , Mrs. Julian White , spent the weekend at Virginia . Beach with Miss Sue White. Attend School - iv -:u Bea.Skipsey, Hollis'WiK Hams,; 8ttsa,n : Harrejl, and- 'Doug v askettv, fio attend-; ,ingV,TouT'nftHsm ' School at. VUG,: hWl ?rHillH this'' week. " yheyStwre accom panied- by Ms Ray Has-'i kett. ..'-' ., - ilAiv y;,w;-' : -f'i ii Saturday' In .Portsmouth Mrs Bob ' Keaton and daughter Bobby, spent Sat urddy in Portsmouth with relatives, j Henderson Visitor r Miss '' 'Lib Ttfcker from Henderson vspent last week'' here with. her. grandpas ients, Mr. and Mrs. G. R; Tucker. ' ' s, Mrs.-; Billy Bqtts and children, from Boston are; spending -sometime with, Mrs. Frank Jesgup. ROOK CLUB MEETS Mrs. Berj Thach, Jr., en tertained her. Rook Club at ' her; home, on Tuesday night. Those playing were' Mrs. Bryant Woodell, Mrs. Betty 'Tilley, ' Mrs. L. C.; Elliott, Mrs. .Carl Sawyer, Mrs., John Ward, Mrs. Em mett -Landing, , Mrs. LJoyd Ray Mcrgan and the hos . tess. Mrs.' Elliott' won the high score prize. . A sweet, course was served.1. Defined Fad: .' .Something that gees in one era and out the other. , labor. .. list for values! 0 KWI- I!eitlcrd,M.;C'- 1 ; Minutes ijoar;1. oflEdilcation j'Tje f(qiimans (ntyT fcoapd Education m in regular session, on Monday! June 12, 1967 at 6:00 P. M.. in the Superintendent's of tice. " All members were present. ' ' The chairman called, the meeting to order., Minutes of the last meeting wove read and approved.' v- . The Board voted to' as sign each student in'1 the county tO' the school 'of his ' choice as 'recorded r on " the free choice forms on . f ilo in the Superyitendent's, of- , The school calendar for 1967-68.-. was approved by . the" Board. Teachers, will report for work, on August 28 and students will. -.report for' registration and assign ments on August 30. The Board. voted to pav the "teachers on the 25, n of 'each, month with the posfible exception of Do cember and May. Pupil insurance for WG7 68 :was discussed, but no action was taken. Under authority given in Senate . Bill 544 the Board rescinded its action of April 3. 1967 in electing CC. Walters for a two year term beginning July mmiL -tit IWMMni IV NIT TIMI SWIFTS PREMIUM j CHMWl i I nonfom.vv 1 vBr snuo. . I rso-woij. MMff 1MB IM ' mtta u M - IU , mua 'hm nMa mn MM MM MUM ... W&$t WHOLE or HALF NATUR-TENDER ARMOUR STAR EEF.BflASTI63 FOR BARBECUING LEAN A Ccnf Short Ribs . 39' FOR PICNICS PLUMP CAMPFIRE Armour Franks 2 99c USE IN SOUP OR STEW Plate Stew Beef . 19c SAVE 60c FRESH FROZEN Pink Shrimp . . . " 99 lit' .i 18 ySjjxKriSrri) EASY MONDAY SUDSING f AfXIOMIA TsA9 CREAf-1 PIES 29 MEDIUM j')' S FAt:cY"i:o.vic;.ovr CT. DEAtJS 'h.1 I 1, 1967 "and -ending June T30, laoa, Land .elected saldj' ( supafiniefiaent.iorv Jfrour 1 yeai!kerm beginning Wjf' 1, 1967, and ending June 30, 1971. " There being no further . business at this time, the meeting - was : adjourned by the chair. , ; . Dr. Allan B. Bonner, Chairman ' Z. C. Walters, Secretary, IN MEMORY OF ' RAY HARRIS Dear Ray! - ': -'v ' - God in His wisdom has taken you from us. We love and miss you . very much. So many have said such nice things about you it makes my heart , glad. God bless, them all. . If in your short life in seme small way .you have blessed or inspired some one, you have not lived in vain. It is "not how long we live, but how we live fmong our fellowmen. We have but one life in this world. Only one life; it will socn be past. Onlv what's done for Christ will last. Only one life, dear Saviour, we pray. Help us to live it only for Thee. . Mother. (Mis. LJllie Harris). iiobo'-wiNNER- Mr., tilo N, Sf- wis rf V.22 PsJham' St., CulpoFer. Va. -fere.vufl a tf.i.VOQ r cdck.Mn Mw. V. D,ft;iv 2128 ' Batrackj Rd C.litiulieniiitl, Va, .S 'Coioniil Sto;e, ' w . -' WINNERS EVERY WEEK! HAMS 53' MEATY ALL OUR PRIDE COFFEE "V IV TOILET TISSUE PAPER TOWELS VIENNA SAUSAGE Cucumbers Peppers Ed. C i .liir Var Is Waged J. i All tfiejj jn iS!)ajpiniit.- bemarle area have1 recently organized " committees, to : help eradicate hog ' cholera from the area, ' according to Jack Parker, Area Live stock ' Specialist. This ef fort tQ eradicate hog chol era is part .of national eradication, program... t is. estimated that income to farmers in . .the .United States tan be; increased 65 million dollars if the pro gram" is successful. . , , i ! it Parade Planned Continued, from Page .1 at. the' Wm. Paul ' Stallings, Legion- Hut. . . . . Commander Broughton. in : making the announcement, stated he hopes that all Perquimans folks will plan now to spend the day here on July 4 and enjoy the parade and stay safe by not planning a trip' on the busy highways that usual ly result from a holiday, irom which many never return. We need all our citizens, let's make it a pafe holiday and stay right here in Perquimans. The good old days are best forgotten. BUTT PORTION LB. CENTER SLICES BONELESS SHOULDER LUTER'S JAMESTOWN SLICED BACON TOc 2 ib $155 Pkfl-' Pk9- I SERVE ARMOUR STAR LUNCH MEATS lOtOONA SPICE tUNCH PICKIE OR OLIVE LOAF SALAMI LIVER CHEESE ... NL r VARIETIES MORTON'S ROLLS JwTSS SS:25c 2 c r.c.;r55'!TNT159' -SOU WEVI HUDSON FRINJIDi H'j IMY'S -YOUR' CHOICE :y.M' . Ht w iHlSilC &LHM UtiiMJ On Ho? Ghcler ree ; nas two major re sponsibilities: First, to en courage all .hog producers to vaccinate for hog chol Second, encourage early re portin gof all sick nogs to the local veterinarian, to the county . extension of fice, or" to state and fed eral veterinarians in the area. Early reporting is very important to aid . in controlling spread' of- the disease as well as insuring maximum indemnify. Federal indemnity is bas ed on one-half the differ ences between appraised value and net salvage val grade and $50.00 for reg ue, not to exceed $40.00 for istered swine. State indemnity is based on. -cine-third tiie difference between the appraised val ue, and the net salvage value, not to exceed $12.50 tor grade and $25.00 for registered animals. According to Parker, there has been no hog cholera reported in the 10-Coun(y Albemarle area in 1967. However, 31 cases have been reported in other nearby areas of the state. ' .VAX '? With Ml vj u.. WlIH THIS ONE . . Pkg. Will, f VAI Ak.. I ! US Am, v ( i WITH Vitf AH' 1 WI1K . WTIH 11 ii 162 a. OTc Roll Af I", 2 WITH l Y f BONELESS 'SWEEtYio.1 tAROlHlk i DLUEBERRIES pt. J(o)c , kl ,CA6' II :3 ''.11 PAGE THREE ... ,) CARD OF THANKS We Wishtulfetfiake this opportunity tojthahk every- One j'f tfr their prayers, jiards, gifts ajid focd, and also for the cars loaned -during the illness and death of our loved one, W. W, Owens. . : ;, May God bless each and everyone of you. ' ; , . .Wirii- AINU AM1L,X ' OF W. W. OWENS Screen Out '."PESTS';::- Keep Your Home Free From Summer Insects!. SEE US NOW FOR Storm Doors Screen Doors Screen Wire Shop HERTFORD First HARRIS Plumbinff & Bldg. Supply Co. TELEPHONE 426-5576 Hertford, N. C. COtDNllt SIfiSES PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SAT., JUNE 24, 1967. QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED. SO FREE'?1"?!1' thii toupon and tw pusch5E o ONE 1 II. PKG. GORTON'S FROZEN ft OHt (.UUt'UH tlUIIMUi ON ACH iMti UNIT jT ,1 CUOO IN COIDNIAL STCRF . flr I so m i : . GIVING GQiU.IOND 5!AMS"'. ' 1 IOO PRTP COLD BONO J COUPON AT, THE PURCHASE 7 LI. 6 OZ. PKG. KAY I EE FROZEN ifr Ot 1 tint CULwun kJiHIMIO OH iAti ALi 'JNIT 1 : i iu m i' C.1VINO GOLD IOND tTAMf 1 ; . ? 9KeaBB COLD BOND r m mm STAMPS one i oi. g. . mesir hohh f CMl OIH ll.UlM,fIMB) ON fCH SMll 1-NlT 25FREE c1tampsd im w jtt. nnu iru ru.u,j, vr ANY CATON KITCHIN FRISH JL? C S BRAND SALADS , jU CHit ONI COitrOH HOilMtO ON iACH iAHi UNIf LT1 -4 ttr -COOO IN COLONIAL STORf ;rY' 1 .GIVWC GOLD IQND .STAMPS ? , SO FREE60 I W'HjHi' WMMH Of . : H" w . i- oat 60 !t. fast acting JP- BVFFERIN TABLETS OM1 Qty COVtW RiMlMW ON AtH SALIS UNIT aim W )L Wit COO ,N COLONiA'. STORE -"An0l GlViNG GOLD IOND STAMPS j SO FR E E G ?tampsD THli COUPON AND THt PURCHASE OT . ONt 7 Ot CAN All FRAGRANCES HENUZlr A aid MnnnRANT OMt ota couroN uohwid on iach jaus UNtr " M, tW .G() .'i) lrHt'-"HiL jivjBL j- S G I . GIVING OL0 IONU jTAMPj . ; . J . SO FREE 'stamps" THt.SOUTON AND THl PUHCIIA5E OF i - ONf 7 OZ CAN tWUZIT 4 JC CDtlV UIAY' '., -iAir NIT ON( JJWPOW MMWH ONUf M 4AIO UWT TT a'. tap m. W OOOO IN CQlONIAl iTOUE 7lOJ ,i (SWING fiOLOiiOND SIAMFS I SO FREE. c 2Va mp THIS COUPON AND T PURCHASE OF f cnnAtf iicnucEtr abJT1 nul AT I-IU MII7IT XT f Sfwiik5oKicH wm unt car . 74 H 0-4 GIVING GOLD IOND STAMPS SO FRt2EcL"25D THIS COUPON AW the rutcn F OK T9 OZ, CAN MPlUt" f n CBDAV CTAPrtf CM COUrON UMUMD OH IACM MUf.UfT tMf COOD IM COLOWAl STOtf r.Uiur f.mn mi-jn (TAMPS il l IIIBII.III.MMM LI iooFRGEc?ID WITH THIS COUPON AND THt PURCHASE OP b ONI 4 5 Ol. CAN MKTS Ik MUM SPRAT Pf ODOR ANT -it OM COUPON tl Atar bM M. tHfl GOOOIHCOIONIA15TOF . y ,F CIVINS COU KINP MAMTS : I Ik !L.

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