nt ill 1 ill 1 (f Per-Co-Hi Spectator onr and Marshall Ctddyi Mom Athlttci Sally Baku and Raj ByROLLIS WILLIAMS AND BEAOOPSET Thi Malar hart oomplttd Wlnilow WtttiMti DaxUmlvtyl MMMttc4thirduauai1 Ttrry Jackson; FrlniM latlv. Thar art as folloviil Linda Window and Char lid Bst all around) JannyChambtril Brnj Baat Lockings Marti- ua Tommy .Low Moat Intabl Bns ana nm Bwsr linnet Carol Whtt and Shall? Bmanj Moat Popular) Hollla William and Lindsay Baccusj Baat Paraonalttyt Shlrlar an All elaaaaa hav alactad thalrl offlcara for the yaar.FraanmonJ Soonomora and Junior Claas oU fioara ara a follows: Frash-j man) Praaldant, Milton Long; Vie Prasldaot, Johnny Wabbj Saeratary Traaaurar, patrloU Moraa. Sophomoroi praldant, Larry Glbbj Vic president, Ricky Whit; Saeratary Traaaurar, pny Whit. Junlori Prasldant, Norman Youngj Vloa Praaldant, Donald Parry; So rtaryTrasurr, Cindy Wins low. Homacomlnj for PCHS will b Nov. 3. Th contestants for th annual Monogram Qyn contest nw, oau wataon, owtww Splvay, Anna cnamoars, ran Button, j ana cvua, uiau wb! Brand Wood, Sharon Bundy and Margia Banka. ' Tha nata ciuB Baa inuiBxaa and formally aeoapted it naw mmbra into tn ciud.jiuiikiwi was rrraay, vw. o, wau war maddurlnf usmbly,rrW UEiFilLL nEJlDY IjLX CONCRETE BLOCKS PIPE , . ROCKS SflHD V,- .!;) ' -.. ' v ' ' CALL USiPOR YOUR NEEDS! ViinFALL CZADY f'lX Phone 42&5S9? " . ? WinMt, NC. GILT SHILLIN "I I 100 BLENDED SCOTCH WHISKY day, Oct. 13. Th new members arai Douglas Haakatt,suanHar rail, Jana Evans, Don Morgan, Mik Bunch, Sharon Godfray, Sharman Taylor, WillardFalton, Donald Parry. Cindy Wtoslow, Hubart Watson, Brand Bweus, Linda Long, Shuy Bataman, Mark Thompson, Virginia Har. rail and Dianna Stalllnga. Tha chrladr conducted a Pen Rally Friday after th 6.1 PROOF FOR SALE! TtVO STORY FRAME HOUSE 508 DOBB STREET HERTFORD, N. C Recently Remodeled. Living Room, Din ing Room, Kitchen, Den, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Full Bath, dosed-in Back Porch, Large Front Porch, Central Heat. Located on Lot 147x138 across from Hertford Grammar School. ' MAY BE SEEN BY CALLING MARION SWINDELL 426-7311 Ml.T WIIIJJN " U TENTH $ 4.75 FIFTH IMPORTED a BOTTLIO IV AUSTIN, NICHOLS & CO., INC. NIW YORK-NIW YORK The Awning that Closes for HURRICANES, FaU doin MnttnctlM Uda III thm a Adiuitthl to rfMlMrf bmiu PntoctiM tnm tmtknm, twmdH. hrtlllOMitfwIiidMaj TOR 'AIRklNB I MIRUNI ml V NADOS, STORMS! J i it 111 "1 SUI( DEALERS NAME ADDRESS LARDING SUPPLY COMPANY Dial 426-5693 Hertford, N. C. y d PEOPLES If WHERE 1 1 PEOPLE I ciFFEDEr.:z I v.;-;.: We Welcomo Your Checking And Savingi Account And Feel It An Obligation To Assist You With Your Other Financial Needs. Especially When You Wish To Borrow. MEMSER: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ,'. , Which Insure Funds of ach depositor up to -. $15,003.00 D.raciuuiTCO.'.lPffliV ... in YOUR COMMUNITY GROWING and SZIYKG la K03nSASTIZ;? IICnTII CACOLCIA , OPEX 9m A.M. TO HiSO P.M. Tt'ESDAYS THHOI CJH HATt'RDAVS AND ON FKOAY EVENINGS FROM ItM TO 1:M FOR YOUK CONVENIENCE . . . i 1 CLOSED MONDAYS PEOPLES' -DAWK -6 TRUST COMPANY ' page 8 Tha Perquimans Weekly, Hertford, N. C, Hiursday, October 86, 1967 Beta Club Assembly program. In spit of the spirit that was raised, tha Indiana lost the ball game Friday night against WU llamaton. The JV'a lost their game Thursday alio. The students at PCHS deeply regret tha loss of their, dear friend, Mark Beers. He will be in the mind of many of us for many years to come. Aluminum Awnings Storm Windows and Doors Jalousies, l-top horlaontal atyle CarpOrtS, jigs. Sturdy aluml- "hIIammm ; wide assortment of UUliennCj, rator colors. Siding, Railing, Shutters, Entrance Vestibules; Also Roofing . . FREE ESTIMATES Coll JULIAN W. NIXON RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS Route 3, Hertford, N. C. PHONE 426-5887 or 426-7186 ATTENDS FUNERAL Mr. and Mrs. Murray Whit of Winston -Salem and Mr. and Mrs. V. R. White of Fayette vllle, were here last week for the funeral of Mark Wlnatow Beers. While here they visited . Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Wlnslow., and other relatives in the coun ty. - . FRI Q ID AIR B GM 3 WPtjpj HARRELL'S, INC. Next to Perquimans High School - Hertford, N. C. PHONE 426-5556 ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OP OFFICE IN HERTFORD AT 114 WEST MARKET STREET FOR THE PRACTICE OF OPTOMETRY Eyes Examined Tuesday and Friday 9 to 5 DR. A. F. DOVfiUM, JR. OPTOMETRIST PHONE 426-5261 HERTFORD, N. C. ill . 1 Barclay's Barclay's Bourbon 60 MONTHS OLD $955 $g25 45 QUART PINT tTMICttr IOUMON WHISKEY-SVMM 0L0-N PKOOf IARCLAY I COMMITtD, R0M(,IU. Why vou!d anyone lugthc tirry outdoors, pin it up cr.d hepo U9d dry,tc!5 it down end hisl I in,vhcn she could hro i I done nutomatically In cn electric dryer. Why don't you see your VEPCO-authorized Live Better Electrically dealer about a new flameless clothes dryer for your home? It's sure to make light Of your wash-and-dry days. Automatically. -r F. !.C. KITiTTCHD, N. C , 1 'f'--:-y I h f 1 )dJ VIRGINIA CUCTRIC AND POWER COMPANY 'Waltz thnwsti Waihdty" wWi an altetrta diyw, I J VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY